
  • CMC$ on Going Viral, Gucci Mane's Influence, and Almost Quitting Music!
    Sep 3 2024

    On episode 154 with inter­na­tion­al DJ and pro­duc­er CMC$ (Yael Nahar) dur­ing the @lakesideliveca event in Keno­ra, Ontario. CMC$ shares his incred­i­ble jour­ney from near­ly quit­ting the music indus­try to achiev­ing viral suc­cess with hits like ​“Wake Up Call.” He dis­cuss­es how his time at the Her­man Brood Acad­e­mie, along­side Mar­tin Gar­rix, shaped his career and how Guc­ci Mane’s influ­ence played a sur­pris­ing role in his music. We also dive into the cre­ative process behind his sig­na­ture future bass and trap sound, the chal­lenges he faced, and what keeps him inspired. Whether you’re an aspir­ing artist or just a fan of great music, this episode offers deep insights into the life and mind of CMC$.

    Tune in for an inspir­ing con­ver­sa­tion that reveals the highs and lows of a career in the music indus­try and what it takes to stay at the top.

    #MusicIn­dus­try #Future­Bass #Trap­Mu­sic #DJLife #CMC$ #204Rise #Keno­raOn­tario #Lakeside­Live #Elec­tron­ic­Mu­sic #Pod­castIn­ter­view #edm #edm­fes­ti­val

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Following the Music: Life of Kai on Passion and Letting Go of Control
    Aug 27 2024

    On Episode 154 of the 204Rise Pod­cast, we’re joined by Life of Kai, made up of the tal­ent­ed mem­bers, drum­mer Kyle Abreu and guitarist/​vocal­ist Jack­son Mar­tin! This local Win­nipeg band has been mak­ing waves across the city’s music scene, and they’re no strangers to our pod­cast. Return­ing for anoth­er fan­tas­tic con­ver­sa­tion, Kyle and Jack­son take us through their musi­cal jour­ney — from their ear­ly days play­ing local venues to their evolv­ing sound and the chal­lenges and tri­umphs they’ve expe­ri­enced along the way.

    This time, we caught up with them at the @LakesideLiveCA event in Keno­ra, Ontario, where they were per­form­ing. We get into what it takes to stay moti­vat­ed and cre­ative as an inde­pen­dent band, how the Win­nipeg music scene has shaped their careers, and what fans can expect next from Life of Kai. Whether you’re an aspir­ing musi­cian or a fan of great music, this episode is packed with valu­able lessons and inspiration.

    Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at Life of Kai’s musi­cal world, and dis­cov­er how these artists con­tin­ue to push the bound­aries of their craft.

    #204RisePodcast #Life­OfKai #Lakeside­Live #Win­nipeg­Mu­sic­Scene #Local­Band #Musi­cian­Life #Drum­mer #Gui­tarist #Pod­castEpisode #MusicIn­dus­tryIn­sights #Inde­pen­den­tArtists #Keno­ra­Mu­sic­Scene #Sup­port­Lo­cal­Tal­ent #Episode154 #Cre­ativ­i­ty­In­Mu­sic #Rock­Mu­sic #IndieBand

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    30 m
  • House Parties to Big Shows: Making Memorable Moments & Spreading Love with Always Dale | EP 152
    Aug 20 2024

    In this episode of 204rise, we dive into the jour­ney of a brand that start­ed from small house par­ties and grew into a pow­er­house of tick­et­ed events and unfor­get­table expe­ri­ences. We begin by explor­ing the heart behind spread­ing love and build­ing brands, then go back­stage at Lake­side Live, where we learn about the evo­lu­tion of Dale Events from its ear­ly days to the big leagues. From crazy inflat­a­bles at Groove Gar­den to the heart­break of failed events, we dis­cuss the lessons learned, the impor­tance of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and the dynam­ics with­in the team. Dis­cov­er how they pri­or­i­tize col­lab­o­ra­tion, build safer spaces, and keep the pas­sion alive through cre­ativ­i­ty and mem­o­rable moments.

    This episode is packed with insights on how to build brands with­in events, work with good peo­ple, and main­tain a long-term mind­set while pur­su­ing cre­ative pas­sions. Tune in and get inspired by the ener­gy, resilience, and love that dri­ves this incred­i­ble journey.

    00:00:00 — Wel­come Always Dale
    00:00:55 — Back­stage at Lake­side Live
    00:01:45 — The Evo­lu­tion of Dale Events
    00:02:44 — From a Small Boat to a Yacht
    00:03:36 — Delays in get­ting Covid test
    00:04:31 — Grow­ing the Event from House Par­ties to Tick­et­ed Events
    00:05:30 — Build­ing a Full Expe­ri­ence
    00:06:25 — Cra­zi­est Inflat­a­bles at Groove Gar­den
    00:07:15 — Past Failed Events and Exper­i­ments
    00:08:05 — The Heart­break of a Failed Event
    00:09:05 — Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Hon­esty in High Pres­sure Sit­u­a­tions
    00:09:57 — Roles and dynam­ics with­in the team
    00:10:48 — Cre­at­ing Safer Spaces and Build­ing a Sup­port­ive Team
    00:11:38 — The Pow­er of Col­lab­o­ra­tion and Pas­sion
    00:12:29 — Ener­getic Trans­fer and Man­ag­ing Expec­ta­tions
    00:13:19 — Cre­at­ing Mem­o­rable Moments and Spread­ing Love
    00:14:11 — The Joy of Cre­ative Out­let
    00:15:06 — Build­ing Brands With­in Events
    00:16:00 — Pri­or­i­tiz­ing work­ing with good peo­ple
    00:16:53 — Long-term mind­set and pur­su­ing cre­ative pas­sions
    00:17:42 — Subscribe

    ‣ https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise

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    30 m
  • Clark Copland on Risk, Passion, and Creating Music at Lakeside Live | Ep. 151
    Aug 15 2024

    In this episode of 204 Rise, we sit down with artist Clark Cop­land, who takes us on a jour­ney of cre­ativ­i­ty, pas­sion, and trans­for­ma­tion. From his ear­ly days as a DJ to his evo­lu­tion into a full-fledged artist, Clark shares the highs and lows of pur­su­ing a career in music. We dive into his live sound check at Lake­side Live, the expe­ri­ence of per­form­ing new and unre­leased songs, and the rit­u­als that keep him ground­ed before hit­ting the stage.

    Clark opens up about his love for cre­at­ing con­tent, the thrill of tak­ing risks, and the impor­tance of going with the flow while push­ing one­self fur­ther. Whether he’s reflect­ing on his jour­ney or dis­cussing the sig­nif­i­cance of pas­sion in the music indus­try, this episode offers valu­able insights for aspir­ing artists. Join us for a deep dive into the life of Clark Cop­land and his road trip to Lake­side Live, where the atmos­phere, com­mu­ni­ty, and love for music come togeth­er in a mem­o­rable experience.


    00:00:00 — Going with the Flow and Push­ing Your­self Further

    00:00:51 — Get­ting ready for the live show

    00:01:30 — Test­ing Out New Mixes

    00:02:17 — A Musi­cal Journey

    00:03:03 — Fol­low­ing Your Passion

    00:03:48 — The Awe­some Atmos­phere of the Town

    00:04:31 — The Fruits of Your Labor

    00:05:07 — Pre-Stage Routine

    00:05:49 — Juic­ing Green Booth Adventure

    00:06:29 — Fol­low­ing My Dream and Chas­ing Opportunities

    00:07:16 — Extreme Highs and Lows

    00:07:58 — Keep Going and Push Your­self Further

    00:08:38 — Intro­duc­tion and Music

    🔗 Con­nect with 204 Rise 🔗

    ‣ https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise

    📧 Any busi­ness inquires, please email 📧

    ‣ 204Rise@​gmail.​com

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    30 m
  • Embracing the Winnipeg Food Culture with Prairie Spoon | Tonia Bueti | Ep. 150
    Aug 6 2024

    Episode 150 of the 204Rise Pod­cast, with Anto­nia Bueti, the face behind @prairiespoon on Insta­gram and Tik­Tok. As a renowned food review­er in Win­nipeg, Anto­nia brings her pas­sion for great eats to every post, offer­ing hon­est reviews and show­cas­ing the best local restau­rants. Whether she’s uncov­er­ing hid­den gems or high­light­ing pop­u­lar spots, her love for food is palpable.

    In this episode, Anto­nia takes us through her jour­ney from her Ital­ian her­itage to becom­ing a beloved fig­ure in Win­nipeg’s food scene. We chat about how she choos­es the restau­rants she fea­tures, her favorite types of cui­sine, and what makes a din­ing expe­ri­ence mem­o­rable. Anto­nia also shares valu­able tips on sup­port­ing local busi­ness­es and what it’s like to cre­ate con­tent as a food influencer.

    If you’re a food­ie or just love dis­cov­er­ing new din­ing spots, you won’t want to miss this con­ver­sa­tion. Anto­ni­a’s insights are sure to inspire your next culi­nary adventure!

    00:00:00 — The Best Restau­rants in Win­nipeg
    00:02:46 — Child­hood Trau­ma and Food
    00:05:32 — Embrac­ing Cul­tur­al Diver­si­ty
    00:08:32 — Explor­ing Dif­fer­ent Types of Food
    00:11:27 — Bal­anc­ing a Full-time Job and Con­tent Cre­ation
    00:14:26 — Bal­anc­ing Work and Pas­sion
    00:17:33 — Bal­anc­ing Fit­ness, Work, and Con­tent Cre­ation
    00:20:34 — Pri­or­i­tiz­ing Col­lab­o­ra­tions with Restau­rants in Win­nipeg
    00:23:26 — Food Rec­om­men­da­tions and Restau­rant Expe­ri­ences
    00:26:21 — Shar­ing Per­son­al Restau­rant Expe­ri­ences
    00:29:14 — Favorite Restau­rants in Win­nipeg
    00:32:10 — Ital­ian Piz­za and Trav­el­ing for Food
    00:35:23 — Bal­anc­ing the Neg­a­tive Side of Social Media
    00:38:20 — Con­tent Cre­ation Strate­gies
    00:41:12 — Turn­ing Every­day Expe­ri­ences into Con­tent
    00:43:59 — A Unique Din­ing Expe­ri­ence
    00:46:54 — Crav­ing for a Smash Burg­er in Win­nipeg
    00:50:01 — The Best Donut Fla­vors
    00:53:13 — Mak­ing the Switch in Career Paths
    00:56:22 — Start­ing Con­tent Cre­ation
    00:59:19 — Over­com­ing the Fear of What Oth­ers Think

    Watch the full episode on YouTube, Spo­ti­fy, or your favorite pod­cast plat­form. Don’t for­get to like, sub­scribe, and leave a comment!


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    30 m
  • Life of a Private Jeweller: Custom Pieces, Being Bear Maced and Overcoming Addiction | KPS Jewellers Ep 149
    Jul 23 2024

    Kiran Shuk­le, the mas­ter­mind behind KPS Jew­ellers. Join us as we dive into Kiran’s fas­ci­nat­ing life as a cus­tom jew­eller in Win­nipeg. Dis­cov­er how he oper­ates with­in the lux­u­ry indus­try, cre­at­ing exquis­ite 1‑of‑1 pieces for a diverse clien­tele that ranges from afflu­ent elder­ly women and rap stars to first-time Rolex buyers.

    But Kiran’s jour­ney was­n’t always filled with gold and dia­monds. Before reach­ing his cur­rent suc­cess, he faced sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenges, includ­ing over­com­ing doubt from those around him, bat­tling an alco­hol addic­tion, being bear maced and almost robbed. Through sheer tenac­i­ty and per­sis­tence, Kiran trans­formed his life, build­ing his busi­ness into a respect­ed name in the industry.

    Lis­ten as Kiran shares his inspi­ra­tional sto­ry of resilience, growth, and the pur­suit of dreams. From his high-rise office over­look­ing Win­nipeg, he con­tin­ues to craft beau­ti­ful jew­el­ry and inspire oth­ers with his journey.

    Tune in to Episode 149 for an insight­ful and moti­vat­ing con­ver­sa­tion with Kiran Shuk­le of KPS Jewellers.

    New episodes Every Tues­day https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Winnipeg Goldeyes Pitcher; Joey Matulovich on MLB Draft, Baseball Journey and Game Days Mindset
    Jul 16 2024

    Episode 148: From T‑Ball to the Big Leagues: The Jour­ney of Joey Matulovich

    In this excit­ing episode of the 204rise Pod­cast, we sit down with Joey Mat­ulovich, the star pitch­er for the Win­nipeg Gold­eyes. Joey takes us on a cap­ti­vat­ing jour­ney through his base­ball career, start­ing from his ear­ly days play­ing T‑ball. He shares the influ­en­tial moments and key coach­ing that shaped his devel­op­ment as a pitch­er in high school, lead­ing to his recruit­ment by the Uni­ver­si­ty of California.

    Joey opens up about the thrilling expe­ri­ence of the 2018 MLB Draft, where he was select­ed by the Mil­wau­kee Brew­ers. He pro­vides an insider’s per­spec­tive on what it’s like to be draft­ed and the chal­lenges and tri­umphs that followed.

    Final­ly, Joey dis­cuss­es his deci­sion to join the Win­nipeg Gold­eyes and the excit­ing start of his career with the team. Whether you’re a die-hard base­ball fan or just love a good under­dog sto­ry, this episode is packed with inspi­ra­tion and behind-the-scenes insights from one of the sport’s ris­ing stars.

    Tune in to Episode 148 of the 204rise Pod­cast for an engag­ing con­ver­sa­tion that cov­ers the highs and lows of Joey Mat­ulovich’s remark­able base­ball journey!

    00:00:00 — Appre­ci­at­ing the Moment
    00:02:37 — Play­ing in Front of Thou­sands of Peo­ple
    00:05:24 — Sports and Grow­ing up in Cal­i­for­nia
    00:08:26 — Lessons from Base­ball Leg­ends
    00:11:25 — Turn­ing It Around
    00:14:22 — Tran­si­tion­ing to Col­lege Base­ball at Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia
    00:17:25 — Choos­ing between Schools
    00:20:15 — Pur­su­ing Base­ball and Accom­plish­ing Child­hood Dreams
    00:23:06 — The Art of Pitch Selec­tion
    00:25:51 — The Men­tal Game of Pitch­ing
    00:28:40 — The Impor­tance of Breath Con­trol
    00:31:29 — Junior Year Strug­gles
    00:34:18 — A Mis­er­able Bus Trip and Build­ing Char­ac­ter
    00:37:29 — Scor­pi­on Encoun­ters and Video Games
    00:40:20 — The Busi­ness Side of Base­ball
    00:43:22 — Row­dy Fans at Ore­gon State
    00:46:14 — Trash Talk and Respect in Base­ball
    00:49:11 — Play­ing in Win­nipeg
    00:52:16 — Yamamo­to’s $350 Mil­lion Con­tract
    00:55:13 — The Thrill of Base­ball
    00:58:03 — Express­ing Gratitude

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • We did a Podcast in an Arena |Ep. 147
    Jul 9 2024

    Wel­come to a spe­cial edi­tion of the 204Rise Podcast!

    This episode is packed with high­lights, show­cas­ing the incred­i­ble expe­ri­ences and achieve­ments of our team.

    Relive our unfor­get­table inter­view with the Win­nipeg Sea Bears at the icon­ic Cana­da Life Centre.

    Fol­low Robin as he takes on the provin­cial marathon, push­ing his lim­its and shar­ing his expe­ri­ences from train­ing to the fin­ish line. It’s a sto­ry of deter­mi­na­tion, grit, and per­son­al triumph.

    Cel­e­brate with Arshdeep as he grad­u­ates as an engi­neer. Hear about his aca­d­e­m­ic jour­ney, the chal­lenges he over­came, and the pride of achiev­ing his goals.

    This episode is a tes­ta­ment to the hard work, ded­i­ca­tion, and pas­sion that dri­ves the 204Rise team. It’s a heart­felt recap that not only high­lights our accom­plish­ments but also inspires our lis­ten­ers to pur­sue their dreams with unwa­ver­ing determination.

    Don’t for­get to like, com­ment, and sub­scribe for more inspir­ing content.

    New episodes Every Tues­day https://​link​tr​.ee/​2​0​4Rise

    #204RisePodcast #Spe­cial­Re­cap #Win­nipegSeaBears #Marathon­Jour­ney #Engi­neer #Grad­u­a­tion #Pod­castHigh­lights #Inspi­ra­tion #BehindTheScenes #Pod­castLife

    Más Menos
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