
  • No More Chasing Leads: What Happens When Perfect Fit Customers Come to YOU
    Feb 23 2024

    Here’s the amazing thing about ads:


    They never stop working.

    Ads don’t need days off. Ads don’t need to sleep. Ads don’t take sick days. They’re always there, working in the background, allowing you to capture leads no matter where you’re at in life.


    Sick and need to close the laptop? Ads keep on going.


    Family emergency? Your ads have you covered while your focus and energy need to be with those you love.


    Have a hundred other things to do for your business? Ads take one big task right off your plate.


    Ads are the most powerful tool you have to grow your business. They continue to pull in qualified leads that are already excited to work with you no matter what’s happening in real life…and trust us, that’s incredibly valuable.


    In fact, because ads don’t have to rely on your personal capacity, they can actually multiply your revenue far more than you could on your own. 


    Not sure how that works? No problem. We’re going to explain it for you right here.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Are Facebook Ads getting too expensive?
    Feb 23 2024

    One of the things we’ve been hearing more and more frequently over the past few years is that Facebook ads are getting too expensive.


    If this rings true for you, hopefully you can take a little tough love today, because here’s the harsh truth:


    Yeah, your cost per click is probably too high…because your messaging sucks.


    There. We said it.


    Look, once upon a time, you COULD get away with subpar messaging and creative work on your Facebook ads, and people would still click. But that’s simply not the case anymore.


    Don’t panic, and don’t get discouraged—this is a fully fixable problem. Here’s how to make your Facebook ads shine once again…

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Get Magnetized: Why You Want to REPEL with Lead Magnets
    Feb 23 2024

    Here’s the thing about magnets:


    Depending on their charge, they can either attract…or repel.


    Most people think about “lead magnets” as a way to attract the right clients, and that’s important—you definitely want them to successfully call in your perfect fit people. 


    But there’s a second half of the equation that most people miss: designing your lead magnet to REPEL the wrong clients.


    Most people have a “the more, the merrier” mindset when it comes to lead magnets, but trust us…that can quickly backfire, especially when you’re working with ads.


    In fact, if you don’t design your lead magnets to repel the wrong people just as strongly as they attract the right ones…it’s going to cost you in the long run.


    But why is that…and how can you make sure your lead magnets are repelling the way they’re supposed to? Let’s go over it together!

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Messaging is the New Targeting: How to Reach the Right People
    Feb 23 2024

    In the last episode, we chatted about how to REPEL the wrong clients. In this episode, we’re going to go over how to ATTRACT the right ones.


    Look, we know we talk about messaging, um…a LOT. But that’s because it truly is the bread and butter of creating effective ads—and if you don’t know how to do it well, your ads are probably going to flop. Badly.


    “Targeting” is how the algorithm gets your ads in front of the right people. However, targeting hasn’t been as effective as it used to be thanks to shifts in the way Facebook accesses data. So what can you do to find the right audience now?


    Messaging, messaging, messaging.


    Get your messaging right, and the rest will fall into place. But before you work on that, we’re going to tell you the best practices for ad messaging…and the pitfalls you want to avoid.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Trading Ad Roulette for ROI: How to Play the Ad Game RIGHT
    Feb 23 2024

    If there’s one thing you don’t want to play fast and loose with as a business owner, it’s your ROI.


    But too many business owners are doing exactly that, because when it comes to their ads and the return they’re seeing…they’re playing a game of what we like to call “Ad Roulette.”


    Here’s how Ad Roulette works:


    When I ask someone how their ad is performing, they usually tell me about their lead numbers. But what they actually need to be looking at is the amount they’ve spent on those ads—and how much profit they’ve gained in comparison.


    We all know roulette is one of the riskier games to play, and Ad Roulette is no different. Because if you put your eye on the wrong ball (for example, your lead numbers), you’re going to miss the fact that your ads aren’t making you any profit at all.


    One thing we never gamble with is the amount we spend on our ads versus how much we make from them. So do yourself a favor—quit the game of Ad Roulette, and let us help you get your focus back on the right ball: your ROI.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • What Does It Mean to “Optimize a Funnel,” Anyway?
    Feb 23 2024

    If you’ve dabbled in sales and ads at all, you’ve probably heard the phrase “optimize a funnel.”


    People tell us all the time that we need to be optimizing our funnels…so much that at this point, it’s kind of just a jumble of words. 


    What does it even mean to optimize a funnel? What do we actually have to do?


    Lots of people just try to guesswork their way through it…but thankfully, you found us, so you don’t have to! 


    We’re going to go over exactly what it means to optimize a funnel: why it’s important, what you actually have to do, and the mistakes you want to avoid.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • High or Low: How to Adjust Your Ads for High Ticket and Low Ticket Offers
    Feb 23 2024

    Not all offers are created equal…and neither are their ads!


    Marketing high-ticket offers and marketing low-ticket offers actually looks quite different…so why would we use the same formula when making ads for them?


    High-ticket ads are going to be targeting a far different audience than low-ticket ads. Even if some of the qualities of your ideal client or customer stay the same, the messaging shouldn’t.


    So how do we shape our ads according to our offers without one or the other becoming ineffective? 


    Good news: it’s actually a lot easier than you’d think. Here’s how you change up your messaging for low-ticket and high-ticket offers…

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • These women scaled to 7 figures with ads
    Feb 23 2024

    All of this information is great and all…but if you still don’t believe that ads can work for you, then what’s the point?


    Today, we’re going to be sharing a few stories that prove just how transformative ads can be when utilized properly. These stories are from some of our favorite clients: people just like you, with businesses just like yours, that saw incredible growth just by implementing new ad strategies.


    If they could do this—if WE could do this—then so can you. And we want to help you make it happen.


    So if you’re not convinced yet…take a few minutes. Listen to these stories. Then try and tell us that it’s just not possible for you—we dare you!

    Más Menos
    10 m