
  • Sophie Lee (Electric Peach) - kicked out of ballet, firing your clients, battling addiction.
    Jul 17 2024

    Sophie Lee, founder of Electric Peach, shares her journey of becoming a radical entrepreneur and the importance of questioning the status quo. She discusses her rebellious nature from a young age and how it has evolved into a more considered approach to making a social and environmental impact through her work.

    Sophie also opens up about her personal struggles with addiction and how it has shaped her empathy and passion for de-stigmatising conversations around mental health and addiction.

    She shares the story of firing her clients and the transformative effect it had on her business.

    Overall, Sophie emphasises the need to be true to oneself and stand up for what is right. As the founder of Electric Peach, she shares her journey of rebranding her business and the work she's proud of, including a research project for the UN on the climate crisis.

    She discusses the importance of changing the narrative around the climate crisis to inspire action and the need for personalised communication. Sophie also shares her thoughts on being a B Corp and the challenges of upholding holistic impact.

    She offers advice on supporting colleagues struggling with addiction and emphasises the importance of creating a safe and non-judgmental environment.

    Key takeaways:

    • Questioning the status quo and challenging the way things have always been done is essential for creating positive change.
    • Personal struggles and experiences can shape empathy and a passion for making a difference in areas like mental health and addiction.
    • Firing clients who are not aligned with your values and goals can lead to transformative opportunities and growth.
    • Being true to oneself and standing up for what is right is a radical act that can have a significant impact. Changing the narrative around the climate crisis is crucial to inspire action.
    • Personalised communication that speaks to individuals' needs and lives is more effective than a blame-focused approach.
    • Being a B Corp is about prioritising social and sustainable impact, but there are challenges in upholding holistic impact.
    • Creating a safe and non-judgmental environment is key to supporting colleagues struggling with addiction.
    • Allowing ourselves and others to shine fully as we are and embracing diversity is a radical change for the world.

    Sophie on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophieturton/

    Visit: https://electricpeach.co.uk/

    Rob on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-warren/

    Want to appear? Email podcast@standingongiants.com

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Andy Shovel (THIS) - nailing vegan sausages, shocking marketing stunts, getting arrested by special branch
    Jul 3 2024

    Andy Shovel, co-founder of a plant-based sensation, THIS, discusses his journey to entrepreneurship and his radical approach to animal advocacy.

    He shares how his early life experiences and relationship with his parents shaped his independent thinking and led him to become a serial entrepreneur.

    Andy also highlights his privilege and how important it is for more entrepreneurs and business owners to acknowledge the advantages they've had in founding a business.

    He delves into his awakening to animal cruelty and the development of plant-based products that taste like meat. Lastly, he discusses the company's irreverent and controversial marketing strategies.

    Andy discusses his approach to using humour in marketing to lower defences and promote plant-based products. He shares examples of controversial campaigns and the challenges of balancing the interests of meat eaters and vegans.

    Andy also introduces his new venture, A Bit Weird, an animal advocacy charity that aims to tackle the cruelest aspects of animal treatment. He emphasises the importance of reframing how people see animals and addresses the need for stricter regulations in pet ownership.


    • Independence and a different worldview from his parents shaped Andy's radical thinking.
    • Entrepreneurship often requires a certain level of privilege and advantages.
    • Andy's awakening to animal cruelty led him to start a plant-based business.
    • Creating plant-based products that taste like meat requires extensive research and development.
    • The company's marketing strategies aim to shock and entertain while promoting plant-based food. Using humour can help lower defences and make people more open to considering new ideas.
    • Balancing the interests of meat eaters and vegans can be challenging due to their opposing worldviews.
    • Controversial campaigns can generate backlash, but they can also lead to a net reduction in animal suffering.
    • Animal advocacy should focus on challenging speciesism and reframing how people see animals.

    Andy on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andy-shovel-92533414/

    Visit: this.co

    Rob on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-warren/

    Want to appear? Email podcast@standingongiants.com

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Hannah Keartland (Keartland & Co) - Are Finance Directors the secret to sustainability?
    Jun 19 2024

    Hannah Keartland, an outsourced Chief Impact Officer, discusses the importance of flexibility and adaptation in achieving impact goals. Hannah also highlights the role of inclusive culture in driving sustainability and innovation.

    She shares her journey from the finance sector to impact-focused work and the importance of financial sustainability in the charity sector. Hannah provides insights into the financial argument for creating social and environmental impact and the role of finance directors in driving change. She concludes by discussing her work as an outsourced Chief Impact Officer, helping businesses navigate their responsible business journey.

    The conversation explores the importance of understanding the full impact of leadership decisions and taking responsibility for reducing negative impacts and increasing positive impacts. It highlights the need for leaders in politics and business to consider the ripple effects of their actions. The lack of responsibility in business leadership is also discussed, with examples of companies not following through on sustainability policies. The conversation concludes with advice on getting started with radical ideas, emphasising the importance of research, connecting with others, and staying true to one's vision.


    • Flexibility and adaptation are crucial in goal setting and achieving long-term success.
    • Inclusive culture and diverse teams are essential for driving sustainability and innovation.
    • Financial sustainability is crucial for organisations to make a lasting impact.
    • Finance directors play a vital role in creating sustainable businesses and driving change.
    • Governance and leadership are key drivers of systemic change for sustainability.

    Hannah on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahkeartland/

    Visit: https://www.keartland.co/

    Rob on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-warren/

    Want to appear? Email podcast@standingongiants.com

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Celia Gaze (The Wellbeing Farm) - how bow tie wearing llamas saved a business from bankruptcy
    Jun 5 2024

    Celia Gaze, founder of The Wellbeing Farm, shares her journey of creating a unique and sustainable hospitality venue. She discusses the challenges of the hospitality industry, her background in the NHS, and the impact of stress and burnout. Celia explains how she transformed a rundown farm into The Wellbeing Farm and the importance of the B Corp movement in the industry. The Wellbeing Farm offers weddings, corporate events, and parties, with a focus on sustainability and community engagement. Celia discusses the importance of sustainability in the hospitality industry and the need for businesses to be more ethical and meaningful. She emphasises the need for improved working conditions for hospitality workers and highlights the Burnt Chef Project, which aims to address the challenges faced by workers in the industry. Celia also shares her journey to becoming a B Corp and the positive impact it has had on her business. She discusses the implementation of sustainable practices, such as waste management and sourcing local products. Celia advocates for the Better Business Act and calls for businesses to prioritize the well-being of staff, the community, and the planet. She encourages individuals with radical ideas to start small, seek advice, and test their ideas before fully committing.


    • The hospitality industry is facing challenges in terms of worker shortages and the need for reform.
    • Stress and burnout are prevalent in the industry, and it is important to prioritise well-being and work-life balance.
    • Creating a sustainable and unique hospitality venue requires resilience, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.
    • The B Corp movement provides a framework for businesses to prioritise sustainability, community engagement, and ethical practices. Sustainability in the hospitality industry encompasses the well-being of people, finances, and the community.
    • Improving working conditions in hospitality is crucial, and businesses should prioritise the well-being of their staff.
    • Becoming a B Corp can have a positive impact on a business and its sustainability efforts.
    • Implementing sustainable practices, such as waste management and sourcing local products, can contribute to a more ethical and meaningful business.
    • The Better Business Act is an important step towards transforming society and encouraging businesses to prioritise the well-being of staff, the community, and the planet.
    • Individuals with radical ideas should start small, seek advice, and test their ideas before fully committing.

    Celia on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/celiagaze/

    Visit: https://thewellbeingfarm.co.uk/

    Rob on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-warren/

    Want to appear? Email podcast@standingongiants.com

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • James Ghaffari (B Lab UK) - From Shareholders to Stakeholders: The B Corp Revolution
    May 22 2024

    In this conversation, James, the Director of Growth and Product at B Lab UK, discusses the B Corp movement and its impact on businesses. He explains that B Corps are companies committed to using business as a force for good, prioritising social and environmental performance alongside profits. James shares his personal journey towards becoming more radical and the importance of engaging with others to drive change. He highlights the need for businesses to consider the impact on all stakeholders, not just shareholders, and describes the shift from a shareholder value-led lens to a stakeholder value-led lens.

    James also discusses the growth of B Lab and the increasing number of B Corps worldwide. The conversation explores the B Corp movement and its focus on governance and stakeholder engagement. Tony's Chocolonely is highlighted as an example of a company innovating with its governance model. The discussion also delves into the evolution of B Corp standards and the challenges in implementing new standards. The importance of aligning personal values with business goals is emphasised, and the concept of the veil of ignorance is introduced as a way to design a more just society. The conversation concludes with advice for those starting a radical idea, encouraging them to bake their values into their business from the start.

    We discuss:

    • How B Corps are companies committed to using business as a force for good, prioritising social and environmental performance alongside profits.
    • Engaging with others and compromising are essential for driving meaningful change.
    • Businesses need to consider the impact on all stakeholders, not just shareholders, to create long-term prosperity.
    • The B Corp movement is growing rapidly, with an increasing number of businesses worldwide becoming B Corps.

    James on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-ghaffari-7b526b55/

    Visit: https://bcorporation.uk/

    Rob on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-warren/

    Want to appear? Email podcast@standingongiants.com

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Matt Semmelhack (Boox) - the impact of 200 billion packages a year
    May 8 2024

    Matt Semmelhack, founder of Boox, is on a mission to reinvent our relationship with cardboard shipping boxes. Boox is a reusable box and shipping system designed to make reuse fun and cool. The conversation explores Matt's background, the urgency around climate change, and the need for systemic change in waste and packaging. They discuss the challenges of reducing waste in the e-commerce industry, the concept of reduce, reuse, recycle, and the importance of making reuse easy and affordable. Matt shares insights into the circular economy and the chicken-and-egg problem of building the infrastructure for reusable products. He highlights the importance of reducing waste and the environmental impact of single-use packaging. Matt also emphasises the need for convenience and ease of use in order to encourage consumer participation in reuse. He shares the growth of Boox and the validation they have received from both large companies and small businesses.

    We discuss:

    • Boox is a reusable box and shipping system designed to make reuse fun and cool.
    • The e-commerce industry generates a staggering number of packages each year, with cardboard boxes being the most commonly used.
    • The current approach to waste and packaging focuses too much on recycling and not enough on reducing and reusing.
    • The challenge is to get consumers to participate in the reuse process and make it easy and affordable.
    • Building the infrastructure for reusable products is a chicken-and-egg problem that requires collaboration between companies and consumers. Reusable packaging systems can help reduce waste and the environmental impact of single-use packaging.
    • Convenience and ease of use are crucial in encouraging consumer participation in reuse.
    • Validation from both large companies and small businesses is important for the growth and success of sustainable initiatives.
    • Adopting secondhand clothing is a simple and impactful change that anyone can make to reduce waste.

    Matt on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattsemmelhack/

    Visit: boox.eco

    Rob on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-warren/

    Want to appear? Email podcast@standingongiants.com

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Daniele Fiandaca (Token Man) - how to engage men in conversations about inclusivity
    Apr 24 2024

    In this episode, we are joined by Daniele Fiandaca, founder of Token Man, an initiative aimed at creating more inclusive workplaces by engaging men in the conversation. Daniele shares insights from his own life experiences that shaped his approach to work and diversity, including his educational background and early family influences.

    Daniele opens up about the formative experiences of his childhood and education, discussing how these shaped his perspectives on work and personal drive. He reflects on the impact of his parents, particularly his father's immigrant background and his mother's artistic influence, which blended a unique mix of creativity and fiscal pragmatism in his approach to life and business.

    Throughout the episode, Daniele discusses the importance of redefining workplace norms and inclusivity. He shares the challenges and triumphs of launching Utopia, a culture change business, and how the shift to virtual engagements during the lockdown spurred innovative ways to maintain connection and effectiveness. Daniele also touches on his earlier work with Token Man and the personal and professional shifts required to foster true inclusivity in work environments.

    Key highlights include:

    • Daniele's journey from accounting to award-winning creativity in advertising.
    • The role of mentorship and leadership in fostering inclusive environments.
    • Practical insights on how businesses can effectively engage men in diversity and inclusion efforts.
    • Understanding the importance of inclusion in the workplace and the critical role men play in diversity efforts.
    • The power of vulnerability and personal stories in leadership.
    • Innovative approaches to maintaining engagement and effectiveness in virtual settings.
    • The need for systemic change in corporate cultures to embrace true diversity.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Fiona Ras-Jones (Mission Works) - how to profitably solve our biggest social and environmental problems
    Apr 10 2024

    Fiona Ras-Jones, founder of Mission Works, supports businesses with a purpose and those who want one to deliver impact through profitably solving a social or environmental challenge. In this conversation, Fiona shares her journey from being awakened to social and environmental challenges in her early life, to taking action through exploring different paths. She discusses the challenges of scaling social enterprises and the need for support and infrastructure. Fiona also highlights the importance of purpose-driven businesses and the birth of Mission Works.

    In this conversation, Fiona Ras-Jones discusses the B Corp movement and the importance of going beyond B Corp certification. She explains that B Corp is more than just a box-ticking exercise and highlights its comprehensive approach to social and environmental impact. Fiona also introduces Mission Works and the concept of mission-led businesses, which aim to profitably solve social or environmental challenges. She emphasises the need to define and measure the problem a business is trying to solve and offers advice on getting started with a radical idea.

    Key Takeaways

    • Mission Works supports businesses with a purpose to deliver impact through profitably solving a social or environmental challenge.
    • There is a need for support and infrastructure to help social enterprises scale.
    • Purpose-driven businesses have the potential to make a significant impact.
    • Fiona's journey highlights the importance of being awakened to social and environmental challenges and taking action to create positive change.
    • B Corp is a comprehensive certification that goes beyond social and environmental impact and includes governance, worker treatment, community engagement, and customer relations.
    • B Corp should be seen as a starting point for businesses, not the end goal. There is much more beyond B Corp in terms of deep impact and continuous improvement.
    • Mission-led businesses have a clearly defined and measurable problem they aim to solve, and they align their business model and strategy to achieve impact and profitability.
    • When exploring a problem to solve, businesses should consider their unique abilities, industry expertise, customer needs, and social and environmental challenges within their industry.
    • Mission-led businesses can achieve both purpose and profit, and there is an imperative to grow in order to create a larger positive impact.
    • It is important to focus on product-market fit and start with a minimum viable product that solves a problem, and then iterate and add more ethical, social, and environmental benefits over time.

    Fiona on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fiona-ras-jones/

    Rob on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-warren/

    Want to appear? podcast@standingongiants.com

    Más Menos
    32 m