
  • 20. How Coaching Helps You Handle Anything
    Jul 16 2024

    If it weren't for the coaching, we wouldn't be where we are today, and the conversation we're bringing you today is an amazing illustration of the power of coaching. After surgery early this year, Kelle has been undergoing treatment for cancer. This would bring up mind drama for most people, but not for Kelle.

    Today, we're pulling back the curtain on some behind-the-scenes here at Kelle & Nina Coaching, so tune in this week to discover how to ask yourself the difficult questions during challenging circumstances. We discuss how to think about adversity as an invitation, and we dive deep into how we can create safety and empowerment, even when we're dealing with something serious.

    For full transcript and show notes, please visit: https://www.ambitious-ish.com/20

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 19. High Achievers… Stop People Pleasing!
    Jul 9 2024

    What holds high-achievers like you back from taking risks, putting yourself out there, and getting what you really want? You don't want to be seen as too much or bragging, so you keep your amazingness tucked out of view, in an effort to please others. Well, this is people pleasing, and it's holding you back way more than you might think.

    Tune in this week to discover everything you need to know about people pleasing, how it holds you back, and most importantly, how to break free. We discuss the root cause of your people pleasing, why people pleasing feels good in the moment but how it stops you from showing up authentically and getting what you want from your life. You'll also learn how to stop people pleasing and get your own needs met.

    For full transcript and show notes, please visit: https://www.ambitious-ish.com/19

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • 18. When Rest Feels Stressful: 5 Ways to Reduce Pressure to Do It All
    Jul 2 2024

    We have full lives because we want them to be full. But when we voluntarily put pressure on ourselves to do it all, especially when we should be resting, we get to a point where even resting feels stressful. So, as a high-functioning human, how do you feel better and reduce the pressure you feel to do it all?

    This week, discover why rest feels so stressful, and five things you can do about it right now. We discuss how pressuring ourselves to do and be everything for everyone on autopilot keeps us stuck with a sense of fear and scarcity, and you'll learn how to break out of the thought patterns that stop you from experiencing calm, ease, fun, and satisfaction in the life you've worked so hard to create.

    For full transcript and show notes, please visit: https://www.ambitious-ish.com/18

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 17. A New Way To Think about Productivity
    Jun 25 2024

    If the term ‘productivity’ brings to mind systems, workflows, and various planners that you have to navigate, and it all feels too overwhelming, you’re not alone. However, if you’re on the other end of the spectrum where you wonder how you can be even more productive than you already are, you’re not alone either. But increased productivity actually isn’t about being more organized or efficient. The secret? It’s all in your mindset.

    Join us this week to learn about the mindset of increased productivity and why systems and time-management practices can only get you so far. We show you how big emotions like anxiety, overwhelm, and anger reduce your productivity, two ways you can begin increasing your productivity, and the importance of learning when you don’t need to be productive.

    For full transcript and show notes, please visit: https://www.ambitious-ish.com/17

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • 16. The Problem With Perfectionism
    Jun 18 2024

    You might not consider yourself a perfectionist. But the truth is, there are some common misunderstandings around what perfectionism is and where it comes from, and if you buy into these, it stops you from seeing how perfectionism is really holding you back. It's time for you to go deeper, to uncover how your perfectionism is holding you back, and to start doing something about it.

    Tune in this week to discover what perfectionism is, and how to stop it from having a negative influence on your life and how you feel. We discuss where your perfectionist tendencies come from, and how these tendencies are stopping you from finding peace in your life, and we share three common myths around perfectionism to help you bust misunderstandings around it.

    For full transcript and show notes, please visit: https://www.ambitious-ish.com/16

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 15. How All-Or-Nothing Thinking Is Holding You Back
    Jun 11 2024

    Are you someone who is all in or all out? Are you on the wagon or off it? You’re winning or losing, and your life is awesome or terrible? Do you feel like you have to be a good mom OR good at the job? This silent saboteur is called all-or-nothing thinking, and it is holding you back in your journey to feeling at ease and calm in your life. So what can you do about it?

    We show you how to bring awareness to your all-or-nothing thinking, so you can stop letting it hold you back and start to transform the way you approach your goals one step at a time. Find out why you engage in all-or-nothing thinking, and learn a cool practice to help you make better decisions, feel more connected to others, and work through challenges in your life, family, and work.

    For full transcript and show notes, please visit: https://www.ambitious-ish.com/15

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • 14. Blame: The Hidden Obstacle Holding You Back
    Jun 4 2024

    Today, we're discussing a hidden obstacle that might be holding you back in ways you can't even imagine: blame. Blaming someone or something is often our default during challenging situations, and it can seem justifiable in the moment. But jumping straight to blame feels terrible, and it doesn't get us anywhere. So, what can we do about it?

    Tune in this week to discover why we quickly go to blame someone or something during a challenging moment. You'll learn why blame feels good in the moment, why blaming (even blaming yourself) never solves your problem, and we share a more empowering alternative to blame that you can lean on next time it feels like everything is going wrong and there's nothing you can do about it.

    For full transcript and show notes, please visit: https://www.ambitious-ish.com/14

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • 13. How to Quieten Your Inner Critic and Show Yourself Compassion
    May 28 2024

    Why are high-achievers often unhappy? As high-achievers, we learn to believe from a young age that beating ourselves up with self-critical thoughts is the best way to power through challenges and improve as humans. Self-sabotage, self-doubt, and self-criticism are all the voice of our inner mean girl, and she can be brutal.

    Discover how your inner critic developed, and why you believe the unsupportive things she says. We discuss how your inner critic leads to self-doubt, self-sabotage, and eventually burnout, and you'll learn concrete strategies to meet yourself with a little compassion, kindness, and support in times of difficulty instead.

    For full transcript and show notes, please visit: https://www.ambitious-ish.com/13

    Más Menos
    22 m