
  • Navigating Soul Orbits and Mediumship: Aphantasia Experiments' Intriguing Discoveries
    May 29 2024

    Welcome to the Aphantasia Experiments podcast, where host Robin explores the depths of spirituality, intuition, and personal connections. In this episode, Robin shares a captivating array of experiments, meditations, and personal experiences. From her fascination with the concept of 'Soul Orbits', where individuals seem drawn to each other, to her insightful reflections on the impact of positive energy, each segment offers a thought-provoking exploration. Robin also delves into water experiments, mediumship, and her experience attending a psychic medium event with her family. Join us as we navigate the realms of intuition, interconnectedness, and personal growth, offering intriguing anecdotes and uplifting insights along the way.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Heartfelt Ramblings: Navigating Spiritual Conversations and Meaningful Signs in Everyday Life
    Apr 29 2024

    In this episode of Aphantasia Experiments, join host Robin as she shares her personal experiences with signs and communication from the afterlife. While navigating stop-and-go traffic, Robin delves into her encounters with the inspirational teachings of Wayne Dyer, exploring his wisdom and its resonance with her own experiences in podcasting. She reflects on the profound impact of individual consciousness and the dangers of blindly following societal norms, drawing attention to the importance of tapping into one's own unique thoughts and intuition.

    Throughout the episode, Robin opens up about her interactions with her late father-in-law, discussing the powerful signs and messages she has received from him after his passing. She delves into the ways in which she channels and communicates with him, highlighting the significance of developing a continued relationship with departed loved ones. Furthermore, she offers insight into the book "Signs" by Laura Lynn Jackson, recommending it as a transformative resource for individuals navigating the complexities of grief and seeking to establish ongoing connections with loved ones who have passed on.

    Amidst her personal reflections, Robin briefly touches on the concept of energy healing and its diverse manifestations, emphasizing the ways in which various forms of healing can positively impact individuals. As she concludes the episode, Robin extends an invitation to listeners to share their own experiences and reflections, fostering a sense of community and shared understanding.

    Listeners are encouraged to join Robin on this thought-provoking journey of exploration and introspection, delving into the realm of signs, communication, and the continuous presence of departed loved ones in our lives.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • A Solar Eclipse Day: Drawing Love and Hate, Surreal Experiences, and Emotional Revelations
    Apr 15 2024

    Join host Robin as she shares her extraordinary experiences during a total eclipse in the latest episode of Aphantasia Experiments. From drawing emotional pictures to witnessing the eclipse's awe-inspiring effects, listeners will be taken on a journey of spiritual and emotional reflection. Robin also delves into her fascination with energy healing, her Reiki experiences, and her intriguing comparison between Reiki and intuitive heart healing. Tune in to explore her perspectives on the afterlife frequency, animal consciousness, and the power of intention in energy healing. This captivating episode is a blend of personal storytelling, insightful discussions, and thought-provoking musings on the profound impact of the eclipse and the realm of energy healing.

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Intuition Unveiled: A Journey Beyond the Senses
    Apr 3 2024

    In this episode of "Aphantasia Experiments," our host Robin invites listeners into a world where the boundaries between the physical and the spiritual dissolve, revealing the profound connections that exist beyond our senses. Robin shares their transformative experiences with distant Reiki, a practice that sends healing energy across the cosmos, touching lives and souls with its gentle power. Through personal stories of intuitive revelations and the remarkable outcomes of these distant sessions, we explore the wild frontier of psychic abilities and the healing arts.

    Taking a leap into a role that intertwines with the cycles of life and death, Robin discusses their new endeavor in delivering the remains of departed souls. This unique journey brings to light the importance of empathy and listening, opening up conversations about the essence of our connections and the stories that shape our lives. It's a testament to the beauty that emerges when we truly listen, not only to each other but also to the whispers of our higher selves.

    The episode delves into the intricate relationship between intuition and anxiety, shedding light on the often misunderstood aspects of being highly sensitive and possessing psychic abilities. Robin offers insight into how embracing our intuition can lead to a clearer understanding of ourselves and the world around us, easing the anxieties that shadow our psychic gifts.

    For those navigating the world with aphantasia, Robin brings a message of hope and innovation. Sharing their vision for making Reiki accessible to all, regardless of one's ability to visualize, Robin is developing a unique approach to teaching Reiki. This episode is an invitation to anyone drawn to explore their psychic abilities, understand the depth of empathy, and recognize sensitivity as a profound strength.

    Join Robin on "Aphantasia Experiments" for "Intuition Unveiled: A Journey Beyond the Senses," where we step into the realm of healing, empathy, and the extraordinary experiences that await when we listen deeply to our higher selves and the universe around us.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Aphantasia Odyssey: Navigating Dreams, Consciousness, Alzheimer's, and Embracing Grief and Death
    Mar 18 2024

    Dive into the uncharted territories of consciousness, spirituality, and the human experience with Robin, your guide on the "Aphantasia Experiments" podcast. From the moving landscapes of travel to the enigmatic realms of lucid dreaming and the mysteries of the mind, Robin invites listeners on a thought-provoking journey. Whether it's exploring the wonders of consciousness beyond the brain, delving into the supernatural through encounters with mind-readers and hypnotists, or seeking understanding in the complexities of aphantasia and neurodiversity, every episode is an experiment in seeing the world through a different lens.

    Join Robin as she navigates the winding roads of life, literally podcasting from her car, transforming routine drives into adventures of introspection and discovery. With stories of magical happenings in Vegas, to deeply personal revelations about Alzheimer's, dementia, and the spiritual dimensions of dying, "Aphantasia Experiments" is more than a podcast; it's a journey into the heart of what it means to be human.

    This podcast not only challenges perceptions but offers a comforting hand to those wrestling with life's biggest questions. It's for the curious, the seekers, and anyone who's ever felt that the world is more mysterious and interconnected than it seems. So, buckle up for a ride through the landscapes of the mind, the spiritual, and the endlessly fascinating stories that weave through Robin's life and the lives of those she encounters.

    Whether you're seeking to understand your own mind better, curious about the edges of human consciousness, or looking for companionship on your own spiritual journey, "Aphantasia Experiments" promises to enlighten, entertain, and inspire. Remember, in the vastness of our experiences, you're never alone.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • The Power of Purpose: Stories of Manifestation, Meditation, and Meaning
    Feb 6 2024

    Welcome to "Aphantasia Experiments," where we delve into the intricacies of the mind, the mysteries of the universe, and the power of storytelling. Join Robin, your host, as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual exploration, and the pursuit of living in alignment with one's purpose. In this episode, Robin shares insights from her life since her last podcast in December, highlighting her new job in Compassionate Care, which she manifested and feels deeply connected to.

    Dive into discussions on meaningful connections, the impact of storytelling on processing life's events, and the significance of specificity in manifestation. Robin also delves into the fascinating world of meditation and its ability to connect us to a universal consciousness, shedding light on the transformative power of mindfulness.

    Throughout the episode, Robin's personal anecdotes, from manifesting AirPods to experiencing the visual phenomenon with an eye patch, provide a relatable and engaging narrative. She invites listeners to explore their own stories, consider the role of meditation in their lives, and reflect on the importance of acknowledging every person's contribution to our collective experience.

    Whether you're intrigued by the science behind meditation, seeking guidance on living with purpose, or simply looking for a heartfelt conversation, "Aphantasia Experiments" offers a unique blend of personal reflection, spiritual insight, and practical advice. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the depths of the human mind and the boundless possibilities of the universe.

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Spiritual Growth and Personal Insights: A 2024 Forecast with Aphantasia Experiments
    Dec 22 2023

    Welcome to "Aphantasia Experiments," the enthralling podcast where the mysteries of the mind unfold, and the quest for self-discovery reaches new heights. In this captivating episode, our insightful host, Robin, ventures into the enigmatic world of New Year's predictions. As the clock ticks towards a new beginning, Robin offers her unique and profound insights into what the upcoming year holds. She delves deep into the art of manifesting desires, unraveling the profound significance of dreams, and the intriguing essence of déjà vu experiences.

    Throughout the episode, Robin opens up about her personal journey, sharing intimate details of her path towards compassionate work and her ongoing exploration of spiritual phenomena. Listeners are invited to a world where tarot cards reveal hidden truths, and prophetic dreams provide glimpses into the future. Robin's experiences and insights offer a rare and enlightening perspective on understanding the universe's subtle messages.

    As we dive into these mesmerizing topics, Robin guides us through her spiritual odyssey, offering listeners an exclusive look into her practices and beliefs. This episode promises not just a discussion but an experiential journey into the realms of spirituality, intuition, and self-realization.

    So, get comfortable, open your mind, and prepare to be transported into a world of mystical exploration and profound self-discovery. Join us on this extraordinary adventure with "Aphantasia Experiments: New Year's Predictions," where the mystical meets the mind, and the journey of self-awareness begins anew.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • The Cosmic Symphony of Life: Tales of Aphantasia, Intuition, and Everyday Magic
    Dec 12 2023

    In this heartwarming episode of "Aphantasia Experiments," join our host Robin as she embarks on a whimsical journey through the everyday magic of life. Titled "The Cosmic Symphony of Life: Tales of Aphantasia, Intuition, and Everyday Magic," this episode is a beautiful mosaic of anecdotes, reflections, and musings that intertwine the mystical with the mundane. From the amusing loss of her favorite headphones to the profound insights on life as an intuitive, Robin weaves tales that resonate with anyone seeking deeper connections in their daily lives.

    Discover the universe's subtle nudges in Robin's story about finding a deceased loved one's name on a box, revealing how the universe communicates in mysterious ways. Delve into the chaotic yet charming dynamics of her family life, offering listeners a glimpse into the world of a nurturing, conversationalist mother of four.

    This episode is not just about aphantasia but a celebration of life's small wonders and the beauty of spiritual growth. Robin candidly shares her career transitions, her explorations into Reiki, and her deep dives into psychic intuition, inviting listeners to reflect on their own life paths. Engage with her thoughts on the power of storytelling and the importance of sharing experiences, and find solace in her humorous, yet profound, perspectives on life's unpredictable journey.

    "The Cosmic Symphony of Life" is more than a podcast episode; it's an invitation to see the world through a lens of wonder, to embrace change like a crab seeking a new shell, and to find joy in the little synchronicities that the universe presents. Join Robin in this episode that is sure to leave you pondering, laughing, and maybe even seeing the world a little differently.

    Más Menos
    52 m