
  • Honesty Part II: Integrity and Honesty Without [Episode 44]
    1 h y 3 m
  • Honesty, Part I: Self-Deception + Dishonesty Within [Episode 43]
    Jun 24 2024
    On this week's episode, George and I dive into the topic of honesty — one of the 10 pillars of the Superhuman Framework — specifically self-deception and dishonesty that manifests from within. We explore how self-deception can wreak havoc in our lives and the different ways it can manifest, such as negative self-talk and an inflated ego. We also emphasize the importance of self-awareness and the need to be honest with ourselves in order to learn and grow.🌶️ Spice up your inbox: Subscribe to the Beyond Your Default newsletterThe conversation unpacks with unflinching candor the themes of self-deception and honesty. I talk about the experience of finding inspiration for writing and realizing the role of confusion in enabling self-deception. And George went there by discussing his struggle with weight and the lies he told himself.We both talk about the importance of self-reflection and being honest with ourselves. Practicing radical honesty with oneself can boost personal integrity, enhance emotional resilience, and improve decision-making. It promotes a sense of calm and stability, leading to overall well-being and a happier, more fulfilling life.By being honest with ourselves, we align our actions with our true values and beliefs, leading to a greater sense of self-respect. It also helps us confront uncomfortable truths and reduce internal conflicts. Practicing radical honesty allows us to make sustainable positive changes in our lives and live in alignment with our true selves.Topics We Coverhonesty, self-deception, self-awareness, negative self-talk, inflated ego, personal growth, self-deception, honesty, self-reflection, confusion, weight, lies, radical honesty, personal integrity, emotional resilience, decision-making, well-being, self-respect, uncomfortable truths, internal conflicts, positive changes, alignmentTakeaways + HighlightsSelf-deception can manifest in negative self-talk and an inflated ego, both of which can hinder personal growth.Being self-aware allows us to learn from our mistakes and avoid falling into the trap of self-deception.Honesty with ourselves is crucial for personal growth and maintaining a balanced perspective.Self-deception can lead to a distorted self-perception and prevent us from recognizing our weaknesses.It's important to avoid extremes of self-deception and strive for a more balanced and honest view of ourselves. Self-deception can manifest in negative self-talk, stories we tell ourselves, and beliefs that shape our thoughts and actions.Confusion can be a result of setting conditions that enable it and waiting for answers instead of seeking them.Self-reflection and regular time set aside for introspection are crucial for gaining a clear and honest understanding of oneself.Fear can lead to self-sabotage and staying small in life, but confronting fears and choosing clarity over comfort can lead to growth.Being honest with oneself and others is essential for building healthy relationships and addressing issues.Identifying and challenging the lies we tell ourselves can help break free from self-deception and live authentically. Practicing radical honesty boosts personal integrity and self-respect.Being honest with oneself enhances emotional resilience and reduces internal conflicts.Radical honesty improves decision-making and promotes a sense of calm and stability. It allows for sustainable positive changes and living in alignment with one's true self.Quotes About Honesty + Self-Deception"Self-deception is nature; hypocrisy is art." - Mason Cooley"We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality." - Seneca"The easiest person to deceive is one's own self." - Edward Bulwer-Lytton"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." - Richard Feynman"Self-deception is a pessimistic definition of optimism." - Theodor Reik"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting." - Buddha"Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others." - Fyodor Dostoevsky"We are not deceiving anyone, but we are often deceiving ourselves." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe"Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true." - Demosthenes"The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself." - Thales"Self-awareness doesn’t stop you from making mistakes, it allows you to learn from them." - Peter ShepherdRelated BYD EpisodesRedefining Hustle in a Culture That Celebrates Destructive Levels of Busy-nessGenuine Positivity vs. Toxic Positivity and the Movement to Criminalize EmotionsAdopting an Owner's Mentality in Your Own LifeFact vs. Fiction: What Is a Growth Mindset, Really?Victim vs. Victor Mentality: Knowing + Living the DifferenceHow to Set Healthy Expectations that Cultivate Growth, Confidence, + Self-TrustThe Power of Language: Choosing Your Words to Shape Your Destiny
    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • Laying Your Beyond Your Default Foundation with the Superhuman Framework [Episode 42]
    1 h y 9 m
  • The Allure of Hyena Energy and Weaponized Humor [Episode 41]
    Jun 13 2024

    This week is a very different kind of episode. We've tried to record it three times, but fourth time's a charm. But apparently, this was a topic that required a little waiting.

    In this episode, George and I explore the role of humor in our lives and how it can be used to hide old resentments or mask uncomfortable discussions. We reflect on their own dreams and goals and the importance of taking them seriously, as well as the impact of our goals on our lives and the lives of those around them.

    The conversation explores the role of humor as a shield and its impact on personal growth and relationships. We discuss how humor can be a diversion, providing emotional relief and social bonding. We also delve into the power of humor to change perspectives, diffuse tension, and challenge authority.

    🌶️ Spice up your inbox: Subscribe to the Beyond Your Default newsletter

    Our chat also took an unexpectedly deep turn, as I shared my personal experience of using humor to seek validation and connection, while George reflected on how humor has been both a shield and a sword for him.

    However, humor can also aid in achieving goals by providing emotional relief, reducing stress, enhancing focus and productivity, and strengthening social bonds. Maintaining a balanced use of humor can create an atmosphere conducive to achieving goals and living a life beyond our default.

    Topics We Cover

    highlights, lowlights, weight loss, goals, humor, dreams, animal spirit cards, humor, shield, diversion, emotional relief, social bonding, perspective change, deflection, empowerment, vulnerability, connection, humor, shield, weapon, distraction, avoidance, procrastination, strain relationships, harm credibility, emotional relief, stress reduction, focus, productivity, social bonds, positive mindset, resilience, team dynamics, enjoyable work environment, morale, motivation, balanced use

    Takeaways + Highlights

    • Taking goals seriously can lead to personal growth and positive change in one's life.
    • Humor can be used as a shield to hide old resentments or uncomfortable discussions.
    • Reflecting on dreams and goals can help uncover unfulfilled desires and lead to a more purposeful life.
    • Journaling about the prompts from the animal spirit cards can provide valuable insights and self-reflection. Humor can serve as a shield, providing emotional relief and social bonding.
    • It can be a diversionary tactic, deflecting attention from deeper emotions or issues.
    • Humor has the power to change perspectives and reframe negative situations.
    • It can diffuse tension and prevent confrontations, making difficult conversations more manageable.
    • Humor can challenge authority and highlight social issues.
    • Vulnerability and genuine connection are essential for true understanding and personal growth. Using humor as a shield or weapon can distract us from our goals and undermine our focus.
    • Humor can provide emotional relief and reduce stress, enhancing our productivity and resilience.
    • Appropriate humor can strengthen social bonds and improve team dynamics.
    • Maintaining a balanced use of humor can create a positive and productive work environment.
    • Humor can be a valuable tool in achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m
  • George Had a Plan ... Until He Didn't [Episode 40]
    May 20 2024

    "We should do an episode about rest, but it would be three minutes long. It would be more of a cry for help, actually. 'Please help us. We don't know how to do it.'" — Liz Moorehead (That's me!)

    This week is a different kind of episode. George was hospitalized for almost a week last week unexpectedly due to an inflammation issue with his heart. He's home, healthy, happy, and on the road to recovery with a renewed outlook how he wants to approach life.

    But we knew that, this week, we needed to throw out our planned outline for a candid conversation about what he went through, and how many of the topics we've been discussing on Beyond Your Default fortuitously came barreling to the forefront of his experience while he was in the hospital.

    🌶️ Spice up your inbox: Subscribe to the Beyond Your Default newsletter

    Our conversation, of course, immediately drilled into the topic of rest and how important it is. George went on to share the lessons he learned around self-care — a topic he was previously resistant to — and relinquishing control.

    He also discussed the importance of creating space in his life for the things he enjoys and taking control of his own healthcare. George also explored the previously held beliefs he had that were challenged during his hospital stay, such as feeling like he had no space and relying too heavily on medication.

    ⚡ Go Deeper: How to embrace an owner's mentality in your own life

    But he focused on more than just his health and personal aspects of this journey. We also talked about the impact his hospitalization had on his role as a business owner of Sidekick Strategies, and the trust he had in his team to handle things in his absence.

    We also discussed the lessons he hopes our listeners can learn proactively from his experience without having to go through it themselves. While these types of life events can be crystallizing in terms of helping us pivot our mindsets and beliefs in healthy ways, think about how much more you could achieve if you didn't wait for life to stop you in your tracks to see how you need to alter your path.

    Topics We Cover

    rest, self-care, hospitalization, relinquishing control, trust, business, self-care, health, hospital, inflammation, space, medication, active participant, non-negotiables, reflection

    Takeaways + Highlights

    • Taking time for rest and self-care is essential for avoiding burnout
    • It's important to listen to your body and seek medical help when needed
    • Relinquishing control and trusting your team can lead to a sense of peace and allow for personal and professional growth Create space in your life for the things you enjoy and prioritize your own well-being.
    • Be an active participant in your own healthcare and make self-care and healthcare non-negotiables.
    • Reflect on previously held beliefs and be open to challenging and changing them.
    • Ask yourself important questions about your health and well-being before a crisis occurs.
    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Smashing the Reset Button on How You Think + Talk About Time [Episode 39]
    May 6 2024
    “Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.”― Nathaniel HawthorneThis week, we’re talking about one of the most precious resources we have at our disposal (if not the most precious resource) in our Beyond Your Default journeys, and that is time.If we were forced to define our relationship with time on Facebook, it would 100% be “it’s complicated.” Too often, we feel at a deficit with time, desperately wanting more of it, and never seeming to have enough of it. In fact, six in 10 Americans say they already don’t have enough time in a day to get everything done.🌶️ Spice up your inbox: Subscribe to the Beyond Your Default newsletterOn the other extreme, then there are those seasons of waiting for what we want to happen most, and then all we seem to have is time. Excruciating stretches of time where we wait for life to begin. Time also comes under greater scrutiny when you start looking at your life purposefully and saying, “I need to make changes to grow the way I need to.”Think about the previous topics we’ve discussed where this couldn’t be more apparent:Rethinking the time we have at our disposal for a powerful and purposeful morning routine that will help us start our days in the best way possible.Why seasons of waiting can kill you, where you curse how much time you have at your disposal if you don’t learn how to re-prioritize the small things in life.Being present in this moment in time.Or heck, going back to the very beginning of this podcast, understanding the power of timing and how it can impact your life.⚡ Go Deeper: How to embrace an owner's mentality in your own lifeAll of these conversations force us to put time back under a microscope. And yes, the conversation around time is a complex one. So in this first episode about time, we’re going to lay the foundation for completely rethinking how we define, think about, and talk about it. Because when you make changes internally around those three areas, you’ll be surprised by what becomes possible.As William Penn once said, “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”I think it’s time we change that.In this conversation, George and I discuss the complexities of our respective relationships with time, the feeling of not having enough time, and the excruciating stretches of waiting. We emphasize the need to redefine how we think about and use time, and the impact it has on our past, present, and future. ⚡ Go Deeper: Victim vs. Victor Mentality: Knowing + Living the DifferenceGeorge and I also talk about the importance of mindfulness and energy management in maximizing our time, as well as the idea of living our lives as a story that we write along the way. We also examine the different ways we can define and think about time, and how our relationship with time can shape our well-being.We end our conversation by delving into the power of language and how the words we use to talk about time can influence our perception and behavior. Finally, George provides practical ways to rethink our relationship with time and make positive changes in our lives.Topics We Covertime, relationship with time, gratitude journal, Fast and Furious, waiting, mindfulness, energy management, time, narrative, control, mindset, language, perception, well-being, priorities, reflection, goals, time wastersTakeaways + HighlightsTime is a precious resource that impacts all aspects of our lives.Our relationship with time can be complicated, with feelings of not having enough time and long stretches of waiting.Redefining how we think about and use time can lead to a more fulfilling life.Mindfulness and energy management are key to making the most of our time.Being aware of the seasons of life and architecting our own story can give purpose to our time. We are the authors of our own lives and have the power to shape our narrative.The way we define and think about time can impact our relationship with it.The language we use to talk about time can shape our perception and behavior.Prioritizing and focusing on essential tasks can help us make the most of our time.Reflecting on how we use our time and setting clear goals can lead to personal and professional growth.Identifying and minimizing time wasters can free up time for more meaningful activities.
    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Turning Vulnerability from Feared Weakness to Transformative Superpower [Episode 38]
    May 1 2024
    “There is a difference between vulnerability and telling people everything about yourself. Vulnerability is a feeling. Telling everyone about yourself is just facts and details.” — Simon SinekI'll be honest, I was not ready for this episode. So, let's skip the preamble and dig right into our conversation, which is all about the critical importance of learning how to be vulnerable. But what the heck is vulnerability?We define vulnerability as the courage to face potential emotional exposure, risks, and uncertainty, while still moving forward. 🌶️ Spice up your inbox: Subscribe to the Beyond Your Default newsletterIn this episode, George and I discuss the importance of vulnerability in your Beyond Your Default journey, and how it can lead to personal and professional growth. We share their own experiences with vulnerability and how it has impacted our lives, for better and for worse. Although being vulnerable can be scary—or even rejected as an option due to external pressures—vulnerability is not a sign of weakness, but rather a superpower that allows for genuine connections and authentic living. That's why a large part of this episode is dedicated to debunking hey common misconceptions about vulnerability and highlight its strength and power.⚡ Go Deeper: How to embrace an owner's mentality in your own lifeWe examine why people struggle with being vulnerable, particularly men and women, and the societal expectations and conditioning that contribute to this struggle. We also provide practical tips for shifting mindset around vulnerability, such as self-reflection, normalizing conversations about complex feelings, practicing small acts of honesty, reframing vulnerability as a strength, and practicing empathy. Finally, we talk about the benefits of vulnerability, including enhanced self-awareness, increased resilience, personal healing, and growth in self-esteem. We also emphasize the importance of starting small and choosing the right people to share with, and the transformative impact vulnerability can have on personal growth and relationships.Topics We Covervulnerability, personal growth, professional growth, courage, emotional exposure, risks, uncertainty, genuine connections, authentic living, vulnerability, misconceptions, strength, struggle, societal expectations, conditioning, mindset shift, self-reflection, emotional conversations, small acts of honesty, reframing, self-esteem, empathy, benefitsTakeaways + HighlightsVulnerability is a superpower that allows for personal and professional growth.Embracing vulnerability means being open to both the good and the bad that can come from genuine connections and facing new challenges.Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen, no matter the stakes.Failure is not a reflection of worth, but a stepping stone to greater knowledge and growth.Vulnerability requires the courage to face potential emotional exposure, risks, and uncertainty.Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness, but a powerful tool for creating trust, authenticity, and personal success. Vulnerability is often misunderstood and seen as a weakness, but it is actually a strength that requires courage and authenticity.Common misconceptions about vulnerability include that it is weakness, oversharing, seeking sympathy, or playing the victim.Vulnerability is important for personal and professional growth, deepening connections, and fostering authenticity.People struggle with vulnerability due to fear of rejection or judgment, fear of losing control, past trauma or negative experiences, and societal expectations and conditioning.Shifting mindset around vulnerability involves self-reflection, normalizing conversations about feelings, practicing small acts of honesty, reframing vulnerability as a strength, and practicing empathy.The benefits of vulnerability include enhanced self-awareness, increased resilience, personal healing, growth in self-esteem, deepened emotional bonds, trust-building, improved communication, and mutual support.Quotes About Vulnerability“The intention and outcome of vulnerability is trust, intimacy and connection. The outcome of oversharing is distrust, disconnection - and usually a little judgment.” ― Brené Brown“What happens when people open their hearts?""They get better.”― Haruki Murakami“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection. Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves. Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.” ― Brené ...
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    1 h y 14 m
  • Work In Progress: George + Liz Reflect on Boundaries, Self-Care, + Mindsets [Episode 37]
    Apr 15 2024
    "You can be a human who gets on a mic and lies and says, 'I have done all the things and my life is absolutely amazing.' Or you can be the honest human and share the mistakes you've learned from, and hopefully people learn from your mistakes as well." — George B. ThomasIf you’ve listened to this show for any length of time, you’ve likely heard us reinforce that George and I are not having these conversations with you from a place of feeling as if we’ve seen it all, learned it all, and conquered it all. Quite the contrary! Do we consider ourselves your guides, here to help you along, as you make your way through your own Beyond Your Default journey? Certainly, but we are guides who are making the same journey, as well – faults, failures, lessons learned, and all.(And if this is your first episode with us, now you know!)🌶️ Spice up your inbox: Subscribe to the Beyond Your Default newsletterThat’s why, periodically, we take an episode to check in with each other. We ask each other questions about the specific topics we’ve covered on this podcast with you all, and speak honestly about our wins, our struggles, and the surprises we’ve encountered.The last time we checked in with each other was right before Thanksgiving — that's almost six months ago, if you can believe it. Where were we at mentally and emotionally back then? Let's take a look ... For George, his big focus was continuing to cultivate the close and purposeful circles of friends, family members, and others as a means to stay grounded. He also talked about that while you were excited about the future and what it could hold, you were also looking at it with a little dose of fear.To quote George:“I want to be careful not to lose myself in this process. And so I'm always kind of like, am I doing too much? Am I doing too little? And again, that anxiety and the need for deep breaths and meditation shows up and I'm like, all right, dude, man, just quit freaking overthinking it and just like, let it be organic, but is organic enough? Then the cycle starts all over again.”⚡ Go Deeper: What does it really mean to possess a healthy growth mindset?Personally, I discussed how I was struggling to be more open and trusting with people, but I was getting better at it. I also talked about how self-forgiveness was my primary focus after a challenging year where I made a lot of changes in my life (moving, a divorce, and so on), I made a lot of mistakes, and I was also learning to get to know this new version of me who wanted more and better, in the right ways.To give you a snapshot of where my head was at, at the time, here’s what I shared:“I think one of the things that has been the most illuminating is realizing that sometimes I was holding myself accountable for things that I did not need to hold myself accountable for. That I was making myself responsible for the feelings of other people and not understanding that I am not responsible for everything. Because that’s how I was trained to think growing up. I’ve learned that self-forgiveness is hard, but you also have to make sure that you are looking at your life clearly.”⚡ Go Deeper: How to embrace an owner's mentality in your own lifeSince then, we’ve done a lot of life stuff and grown quite a bit. We’ve also talked about a ton of new topics since then, including imposter syndrome, being present, finding happiness when all feels lost, seasons of life, our relationship with failure, setting healthy boundaries, toxic morning routine myths, making the choice to embody a victor mentality, anger, growth mindsets, and more. So, before we move into our next batch of conversations, we're taking this week to pull back the curtain on our own personal Beyond Your Default journeys. During this episode, I ask George questions about how things have been going since our check-in last November, and he does the same for me. Our hope is that by sharing what this type of committed self-work looks like behind the scenes — the good, the bad, and the downright ugly — that we can make it easier for you to remain motivated and inspired in your journey.Topics We CoverPersonal growth, vulnerability, self-awareness, mistakes, self-forgiveness, trust, focus, patience, unrealistic expectations, seasons of life, self-care, supportive relationships, change, seasons of life, decision-making, self-perception, self-care, morning routine, boundaries, rest, stability, surprise, anniversary celebration, personal growth, self-care, disconnecting, victim mentality, victor mentality, self-awareness, selfishness, growth mindset, morning routine, and health.Takeaways + HighlightsVulnerability and learning from mistakes are essential for personal growth.Self-forgiveness and trusting others can be challenging but necessary for progress.Focusing on the right things and consistently doing good leads to positive outcomes.Practicing patience and letting go of unrealistic expectations improves ...
    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m