
  • Generosity + Boundaries + Avoiding Conflict with Corrine Boudreau
    Jul 18 2024

    Ever found yourself in a difficult situation with someone as you realize that you each had wildly different expectations of each other that just don't match up? Like...

    • Finding out the hard way that not only are you not on the same page, but you're not even in the same book.
    • Realizing that you assumed they saw things the same way you did, but it's become very clear that they don't.
    • Discovering that you each had assumptions about how things would go, but you never actually talked it about directly or clearly, and now it's a hot mess.

    With 20 years of legal experience, helping people to avoid conflict and respond to conflict, Corrine Boudreau some fascinating thoughts on how to set boundaries, ask for what you need, and stand up for your self, in your business and your personal life.

    Listen in to hear about:

    * how to be really generous- and still take care of your own well being
    * strategies to help you set better boundaries- without feeling bad, mean or guilty
    * how unspoken assumptions are often the culprit behind a whole lot of conflict
    * how to set clear expectations that keep your relationships healthy and honest

    Corrine is a master of providing super generous business services without over-extending herself, and she has some incredible resources for Canadian business owners who work in the online space.

    Listen in to gain insightful strategies on setting boundaries that allow for both generosity and self-preservation, helping you to have better conversations, better relationships and build a better business, without compromising your wellbeing or putting yourself at risk.

    Connect with Corrine Boudreaux here:

    Have a topic or question you'd love to hear about?
    Message me and let me know.

    email april@lovelossproject.com
    Instagram @with.love.april

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    Please note:
    This show is not a replacement for therapy, assessment, treatment or diagnosis. This show is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. See your physician, counsellor or local crisis support centre if needed

    All identifying details about the people and the stories shared here are removed to protect confidentiality.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Less Frustration + More Flow + How One Tiny Upgrade Can Change Your Vibe
    Jun 24 2024

    In this episode, I share a piece of advice my sister gave me about how to treat myself better, raise my standards and improve my quality of life one with one tiny upgrade.

    Have you ever considered how small upgrades in your daily environment can drastically boost your mood and momentum? Today we're talking about how to make one tiny change that will reduce the frustration and increase the flow of your daily life.

    By replacing worn-out items, like that broken toaster or creaky cupboard door, you can significantly reduce daily frustrations and enhance your well-being. Join me as we explore how these seemingly minor changes can create a ripple effect, improving not just your day-to-day life but also your mental clarity and productivity.

    I'll guide you through identifying one simple change you can make right now to reduce these micro frustrations and reclaim your mental bandwidth. Don't miss out on this discussion, and be sure to share this episode with a friend who could benefit from a little more ease and flow in their life.

    Have a topic or question you'd love to hear about?
    Message me and let me know.

    email april@lovelossproject.com
    Instagram @with.love.april

    Sign up to get tips & tools sent to your inbox.


    Please note:
    This show is not a replacement for therapy, assessment, treatment or diagnosis. This show is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. See your physician, counsellor or local crisis support centre if needed

    All identifying details about the people and the stories shared here are removed to protect confidentiality.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • When They've Done You Wrong (& They're Not Sorry): Meeting Defensiveness with Clarity & Power
    Jun 20 2024

    What do you do when someone refuses to acknowledge their wrongdoing?

    Often times, we can find ourselves trying to explain and justify why you're hurt or how they've harmed you, hoping that if you can just get them to understand and acknowledge what they did to you, that you'll be able to move on.

    However, when someone refuses to see your point of view, and won't take responsibility for their actions, regardless of how much evidence, facts or information you give them, you need to stop and realize that you are in a futile game of tug of war.

    Trying to do repair and reconciliation with someone who is full of denial and defensiveness, can be incredibly frustrating, hurtful and exhausting.

    So in today's episode of Is it Me or is it Them? I'm sharing five questions you need to ask yourself to get out of gridlock.

    This episode is going to help you:

    * take back some power
    * protect your own wellbeing
    * stop wasting energy by trying to explain and justify yourself
    * start finding more clarity and peace in the midst of a really crappy situation.
    * find a faster route to peace.

    Have a topic or question you'd love to hear about?
    Message me and let me know.

    email april@lovelossproject.com
    Instagram @with.love.april

    Sign up to get tips & tools sent to your inbox.


    Please note:
    This show is not a replacement for therapy, assessment, treatment or diagnosis. This show is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. See your physician, counsellor or local crisis support centre if needed

    All identifying details about the people and the stories shared here are removed to protect confidentiality.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Body Insecurities + Self-Loathing + How to Stop Chasing Perfect and Start Living More Now.
    May 29 2024

    Ever felt like you need to change your body before you can feel free to enjoy your life?

    Like you go to the beach but hide under a towel?

    Or you get invited to a pool party but all you feel is dread?

    Today we’re talking about the thinking traps that stop us from feeling more confident and free in our bodies and how we hold ourselves back from having fun and living fully.

    I’m sharing some personal experiences and powerful insights from my work as a therapist and breaking down how societal pressures lead to self-loathing and inhibit us from fully participating in life's beautiful moments.

    We need to stop chasing perfection and start living more fully right now, instead of waiting for the elusive magical moment when we suddenly feel good enough.

    By examining the fear of judgment and the elusive quest for physical perfection, I highlight the deep emotional and relational costs of these beliefs. Let's shift our focus together, moving from self-criticism to self-acceptance and paving the way for true freedom and joy.

    This episode is a celebration of the present. Don’t wait for a flatter tummy or a bigger butt to start living fully. Embrace who you are right now and appreciate the amazing things your body can do today. I'll share inspiring stories and practical tips to help you seize the moment and move through your day with confidence. Your future self will thank you for recognizing your worth today. As I head off to enjoy a breathtaking hike along the cliffs of Lagos, Portugal, I invite you to appreciate your own journey and leave a review if this message resonates with you. Let's spread this empowering mindset far and wide!

    Have a topic or question you'd love to hear about?
    Message me and let me know.

    email april@lovelossproject.com
    Instagram @with.love.april

    Sign up to get tips & tools sent to your inbox.


    Please note:
    This show is not a replacement for therapy, assessment, treatment or diagnosis. This show is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. See your physician, counsellor or local crisis support centre if needed

    All identifying details about the people and the stories shared here are removed to protect confidentiality.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Creating a Life Without Regret: True Desires vs. Social Expectations & Social Media Comparisons.
    May 21 2024

    Ever find yourself at a crossroads, paralyzed by what your future might hold if you choose one path over another? Or worried that one day you'll look back on your life with regret and mourn your missed opportunities?

    Today we are unravelling the complex web of life's decisions and the daunting fear of regret that often lurks behind our choices. We're diving deep into the struggle to distinguish genuine desires from the hefty weight of societal expectations, social media comparisons and endless possibility.

    For those of you seeking clarity, authenticity and satisfaction in your choices, this episode is a coaching call to help you figure out what is right for you and how to tell the difference between a true desire and a distraction.

    So press play and listen in—because this episode is not just a conversation, it’s a map toward living a life brimming with contentment and free of regret.

    Have a topic or question you'd love to hear about?
    Message me and let me know.

    email april@lovelossproject.com
    Instagram @with.love.april

    Sign up to get tips & tools sent to your inbox.


    Please note:
    This show is not a replacement for therapy, assessment, treatment or diagnosis. This show is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. See your physician, counsellor or local crisis support centre if needed

    All identifying details about the people and the stories shared here are removed to protect confidentiality.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Less People Pleasing, More Integrity
    Apr 17 2024

    Have you ever found yourself hesitantly mumbling 'yes' when every fiber of your being was screaming 'no'? Welcome to the club. I'm April Boyd, and in our latest episode, we navigate the tricky waters of upholding our own boundaries without compromising the commitments and relationships we cherish. I'm sharing how to distinguish between when you're saying yes because people pleasing and when it's truly the right thing to do, even if it's something you don't really want to do. This episode is not just about preserving our sanity, but about living with integrity.

    Have a topic or question you'd love to hear about?
    Message me and let me know.

    email april@lovelossproject.com
    Instagram @with.love.april

    Sign up to get tips & tools sent to your inbox.


    Please note:
    This show is not a replacement for therapy, assessment, treatment or diagnosis. This show is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. See your physician, counsellor or local crisis support centre if needed

    All identifying details about the people and the stories shared here are removed to protect confidentiality.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • the energy of control + when fear & anxiety are in control of your calendar
    Apr 9 2024

    Today, we pull back the layer of an over-scheduled life to see what is really going on with that part of us that can't slow down, can't relax and has somehow managed to turn even "self-care" into something to excel at.

    Listen in to hear about:

    * why you turn even the things that are enjoyable into a chore
    * what it looks like when you are in the energy of anxiety and control
    * how to create a life that doesn't just look good, but actually feels good
    * finding a better balance between obligation and flow

    Have a topic or question you'd love to hear about?
    Message me and let me know.

    email april@lovelossproject.com
    Instagram @with.love.april

    Sign up to get tips & tools sent to your inbox.


    Please note:
    This show is not a replacement for therapy, assessment, treatment or diagnosis. This show is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. See your physician, counsellor or local crisis support centre if needed

    All identifying details about the people and the stories shared here are removed to protect confidentiality.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Is it Imposter Syndrome or Fear?
    Mar 27 2024

    Why are so many women downplaying their brilliance, their skills and procrastinating on their big dreams?

    Imposter syndrome is a word that gets thrown around a lot in the personal development world and while there are times when I'm speaking to to someone who is truly doubting and disconnecting from their capabilities, often what I see is a women who knowns deep down that she's really great at what she does- but is hiding anyway.

    So in today's episode we're unpacking fear of claiming our talents, gifts and desires so we can be more of who we really are and feel more free to go after the things we really want.

    • the difference between imposter syndrome and just plain old fear
    • how to train your brain to feel more confident & capable
    • why you need to celebrate your successes
    • how to get more free to be yourself and go after your dreams

    Have a topic or question you'd love to hear about?
    Message me and let me know.

    email april@lovelossproject.com
    Instagram @with.love.april

    Sign up to get tips & tools sent to your inbox.


    Please note:
    This show is not a replacement for therapy, assessment, treatment or diagnosis. This show is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. See your physician, counsellor or local crisis support centre if needed

    All identifying details about the people and the stories shared here are removed to protect confidentiality.

    Más Menos
    28 m