
  • Marcus Sheridan of ’They Ask, You Answer’ Joins Jim Klauck on Bring On Success
    Jul 21 2023
    Marcus Sheridan from Impact, a digital marketing agency helping small businesses gain exposure and credibility through strategic content marketing, joins Jim Klauck on this episode of Bring On Success. Marcus wrote the book They Ask You Answer : They Ask You Answer. This book has changed the lives of many business owners. On this episode, Marcus tells his story of how he and his partners almost lost their swimming pool business due the recession back in 2008. In this episode you will learn how adding content through, blogs, audio, and video will not only bring your company credibility but will also help to rank on search engines such as Google. To contact Marcus you can email him- marcus@marcussheridan.com or schedule and appointment - https://www.impactplus.com/services/schedule-now Enjoy! Podcast Episode Transcription: Welcome to the bring on success program everybody I am Jim Klauck I have a great guest today he's an author he's a speaker he's an entrepreneur he's a business owner and last but not least besides a fisherman he is a husband and father Marcus Sheridan welcome to the program it's real to be here Jim we're gonna have a good day we are going to have a great day a fantastic day I'm living the dream I know you are we had a chance to connect a few weeks ago in Orlando and it was a pleasure meeting you there yeah yeah great time in Orlando and you know it's that time of year getting around and speaking to a lot of different audiences and you know my favorites are the blue collar ones I've done a bunch of those uh so far this year so it's great it's great to see some of the movements out there too it's crazy just last week I was with um um a group of blue collar folks and they said so let's talk about Ai and I was like I never thought in 2023 I was going to be talking about AI with blue collar but it's what's up that's what's happening man so a lot of things happen in this world right now actually when you spoke at the soft wash a palooza conference somebody had brought up chat GPT yeah and I'm like oh all right Marcus catch the ball and run with it and you did great I mean because that's the big thing now I mean everyone's trying this thing out right and you know I've heard that maybe Google's going to have to really catch up I've even heard rumors are going to go out of business but they probably won't well they've been working on something uh for a while and they've they actually have a system uh it's it's in some beta and they've got some testers out there already I mean you know what what happened though is is Google's trying to be a little bit more conservative in terms of launch Chat GPT comes out first to Market really with something aggressive like like well chat GPT and and then suddenly you know there's more boardroom meetings happening at Google over the last 60 days than there have been over the last like five years right but that's but that's what we see in the history of businesses again and again and again oftentimes we don't move until we're forced to move by our competition and the great ones and not that Google isn't great as a business I mean whatever you want to say about them I mean they their their results speak for themselves right in terms of the impact they've had on on the world and on our lives and you know their verb for Pete's sake right but thing about it is that if you can be proactive as a business and not wait for your competitors to do this that whatever the thing might be you know I was I was uh just and I know we're jumping ahead here but I was had this uh a couple uh roofers come to me a roofing 2:40 conference the other day and they said Marcus we heard you like three years ago and we put a pricing calculator on our website which they were one of the first in the entire Roofing industry to put a pricing calculator on their website uh 2:51 and most people listen to this right now would say there's no way a roofer could put a pricing calculator on the website and of course they did it and they're 2:56 killing it because of it now what happens though is they do it and then two others do it and then four others do it and then it becomes the norm in the space and it gets to the point where if you don't have one well you're not in the game just like there's a lot of people that resisted even a website right in 2000 and of course today you you you would never think about a business without a website and we're getting that way with a lot of these other elements of let's call it the the 3:23 buyer's Journey like calculators for example yeah you know what's interesting is you brought up something right now 3:29 that I talk about all the time if you go back and I started my business check a 3:35 pro back into 2005. back in 05 there were home service companies that were just getting a website and if you go 3:41 back prior to that everyone had to get a fax machine at some point they had to get an email they had to get a ...
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    45 m
  • Michael Gerber - The E-Myth
    Jul 19 2023

    Jim Klauck's guest on this episode of Bring On Success is Michael Gerber.

    On this episode, Jim interviews Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame. The main takeaway is to "Work On Your Business And Not In Your Business".

    Michael E. Gerber is a true legend of entrepreneurship. Inc. Magazine called him "the World's #1 Small Business Guru." He started over 40-plus years ago addressing a significant need in the small business market: businesses owned primarily by people with technical skills but few business skills, and no place to go to get meaningful help.

    Original Air Date: January 8, 2009

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  • Kevin Knebl Discusses ’The Law Of Success’ With Jim Klauck
    May 27 2023

    Kevin Knebl is an International Speaker, Author, Trainer and Joie de Vivre Coach whose clients include small, medium and Fortune 500 companies. He's an in-demand, leading authority on Social Selling, Relationship Marketing, LinkedIn and Twitter with a healthy dose of Personal Development and Humor blended in for good measure for conferences, conventions, company trainings, and many other events. Kevin is the coauthor of The Social Media Sales Revolution: The New Rules for Finding Customers, Building Relationships, and Closing More Sales Through Online Networking (McGraw-Hill). Kevin is also a contributing author of Learn Marketing with Social Media in Seven Days (Wiley).

    Reach out to Kevin - Kevin Knebl.

    Enjoy the show!

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    52 m
  • Tom Decker, Author of ”When Can You Do It?” A Process For In-Home Sales
    May 17 2023

    Tom Decker, author of "When Can You Do It?", a sales process for home service professionals joins Jim Klauck on this episode of Bring On Success.

    Tom wrote the book - When Can You Dot It: When Can You Do It?. Get It On Amazon Here!

    By following Tom's "When Can You Do It?" Sales Process you will learn and understand how to WOW your customers, how to make them see that you are offering is superior to anything your competition may have. You will se you ticket average, your closing rate, your commissions, and your bottom line increase exponentially. Being the best in-home salesperson in your company is within your grasp. You just need the right process. When Can You Do It? is that process.

    To contact Tom Decker you can email him- tom@theatticdepot.com

    Enjoy the show!

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    34 m
  • Learn How Celebrity Branding Can Set Your Service Apart From Your Competition - Guest, Zack Viscomi
    May 10 2023

    Zack Viscomi from The Celebrity Branding® Agency, a multi-media, Marketing, PR, and Branding Agency that is dedicated to Celebrity Branding® entrepreneurs and professionals as experts in their fields of business marketing, joins Jim Klauck on this episode of Bring On Success.

    In this episode you will learn how positioning yourself as an expert in your field sets you apart from your competitors. In today's world, your prospects and customers have many choices of providers. They are also educating themselves more and more online by listening to podcasts and watching videos.

    To learn more about how to be an expert in your space contact Zack!

    You can email him- zack@celebritybrandingagency.com

    or to learn more about how Zack can help you become an expert - https://celebritybrandingagency.com

    Enjoy the program!

    Jim Klauck's Contact: jim@theradiopitchman.com



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    40 m
  • Jody Underhill From Rapid Hire Pro Discusses Unique Ways To Recruit Better Talent
    Mar 29 2023
    My guest on today's Bring On Success podcast is Jody Underhill from Rapid Hire Pro. Rapid Hire has decades of experience in the digital marketing world. They use technology to change the future of the recruiting world. Rapid Hire has combined technology and social media with state-of-the-art systems and processes to revolutionize lead generation for recruiting. The process is rapid and we get to the candidates quickly. Check out how Jody and his team assist small businesses with their recruiting and hiring needs. Check out Jody's company here - Rapid Hire Pro Rapid Hire Pro. Podcast Transcript: Welcome to the Bring On Success Program. I have got a really interesting topic and when I say it, many of you might kind of yawn and go. Oh, really? Yeah, it's about hiring team members. I know that's not our favorite thing to do. And dealing with team members sometimes is difficult. However, I have a guest on the program today. He's become a friend of mine. His name is Jody Underhill from Rapid Hire Pro and he's gonna talk to us today about some unique ways to go fishing for new team members. Jody, how are you doing? Doing great, Jim. Thanks for having me on. Absolutely. You're welcome. It's great to have you here. Your business model is different and I love different. I do something that's different. So, but the only problem is is when you're at a bar somewhere and someone says, hey, what do you do? I guess you could say that you kind of recruit for companies. But if they really want to know how you do it, it's gonna take a little bit of time. Right? Yeah. Basically I tell them, is it, I break it down like this instead of being a recruiter which most people have a preconceived notion of what that is. I explain to them instead of marketing for customers, what we do is we're marketing for employment candidates. Um And that's really what we do that. And then also, you know, we then we help qualify the right type of candidate for them to interview. And that way I can kind of simplify it, then they can kind of, they understand about marketing for customers and then marketing for candidates makes it easier for them to kind of make the connection. Yeah. So you place ads in newspapers, right? I'm joking. Um So, so that was the old thing years ago, right? People would, would put classified ads out there, help, wanted looking for and things are totally different. There's been the great resignation, there's COVID, uh you know, electronic media, social media is used so much now and you have kind of this unique way of getting a message out there to people who are really qualified to work at one of your clients companies, but they're not necessarily even looking, but you kind of snag them and they're intrigued and they could be some of the best team members ever. Yeah. So it's one of the things, I mean, right off the bat, there is nothing wrong with job works like indeed and simply simply hired zip recruiter, there's nothing wrong with them. But if they're there, but you are limiting yourself if that's the only place that you're fishing. So what we do this a little different. Ok, we bring leads from those places as well. But we actually run ads on social media through like Facebook and Instagram because we want to get information in front of people whenever they're not necessarily looking for a job, whenever they're just scrolling through social media. And we started doing it in the trucking industry, first of all, because you can, truck drivers are usually not over, you know, looking on job boards, we gotta to get their attention. And so we then we mapped it over to doing it for home services. And the difference is you, granted, you can't limit who sees the ads because that would be discriminating. So you have to show it to everyone, but by showing it to everyone, it does a couple of things, it might not be your perfect candidate that sees it. But if their spouse or their parent or their friend sees it, they can share it with them. Um The other thing that does is build, build your brand awareness in the community because just about everybody's out there on Facebook, scrolling through on Facebook or Instagram. Um that way you're getting brand recognition and it also brings attention to people going, hey, let me take a look at this. It might be something better than where I'm currently at. With that in mind. You gotta do something that's gonna get their attention. So it's a little bit tougher than they're posting on a job board because they're, they're going looking for a job on social media. They're just scrolling through. So we gotta do something to catch their attention to make them stop and take a look at it and then it'd be intriguing enough for them to go. Yeah, let me check this out and give you my first name, last name, email and phone number so you can start communicating with me. So just like getting a lead for a customer, you're getting a lead for an employment candidate. It's interesting. Now, I want everyone to ...
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    36 m
  • Tommy Mello From A1 Garage Door Discusses His Book - ELEVATE With Jim Klauck
    Mar 22 2023
    A friend of Jim Klauck, Tommy Mello, founder of A1 Garage Door Service joins Jim today on this episode of Bring On Success. Tommy's latest book - ELEVATE was released this past week and is available with this link - Tommy wrote the book ELEVATE : Build a Business Where Everybody Wins - ELEVATE. This book will change the lives of many home service business owners. On this episode, Tommy tells stories of how he has built a $200,000,000 home service company through elevating his team! Enjoy! Here’s a fraction of what you’ll learn from Tommy's book: ✅ The structure to Elevate your team and build a company that runs by itself. In their best day they sold $512,000 and Tommy wasn't even there. ✅ Why most advice about Culture sucks, and the right way to build a culture of A-players for your company. Tommy has 700+ employees in 19 states, and his company’s retention rate is through the roof. ✅ How to create a magnet for talent, so you'll have the best employees begging to work for you. Last month Tommy hired 50 new technicians. Go get your copy now at: ➡️ https://book.elevateandwin.com/jimklauck Podcast Episode Transcription: My friend Tommy Mello is joining me here on the bring on success show hey Tommy how are you good Jim pleasure to be here I always love these intimate sessions with you yeah with you buddy you know it's great so just read your new book it just came out everybody's talking about it elevate the five pillars it's you know really kind of a simple you know simple idea the way you set up the book and it's all about elevating your team of course you have to build the team and you elevate them and you reward them talk a little bit about the book yeah so it's five pillars leadership culture marketing recruiting systems and it really is about elevating your mindset and everybody around you I just did a shop tour with three companies and I was just explaining what is your guys's goal what do you wanna be what's your dream what's your life look like when you hit what you want you gotta have a meeting of what you wanna hit you gotta have a mindset and the book is really about just elevating build the business where everybody wins the employees win the clients win I win my partners win the vendors win and the whole industry wins and I think that in life we're taught we went and lose I just had one of my buddies Jake that's out of California um he said I can't put your book down my mind is racing it won't stop I want to grow just not my business but the people involved and you know the message goes on and on it's a couple of paragraphs but it's the ultimate compliment when somebody reads it and it's not a big book I mean it's easy to digest yeah it's easy to Lev was in the book and he said Tommy I read your book 3 hours from soup to nuts and that's what I wanted to keep it simple concise I love I I've started to really enjoy writing books and this book took Me 2 years and I think I'm gonna get faster because coming up with systems but you know first I had to figure out what the biggest things that wanted people to take and those were the pillars and these five things are just going to they're going to blast people through their mindset and the walls they have no absolutely OK so in chapter two that's the first pillar it's leadership when you touch upon what people would find in that chapter yeah so I tell stories throughout the book Tom how wrote the foreword I think the main goal of the leadership is you gotta lead by example lead from up front you know that there's a lot of chapters in the book I just are finishing the audible and it's interesting I tell a story of just we recently partnered with me and what P is able to do to accompany a smaller company by putting in systems and getting the right leaders it's amazing I feel like everybody's getting tested right now to make sure they're at a level that could go to a billion dollars and it's about growth mindset and leaders look Simon cynic wrote a book leaders you'd last and leadership is not just about tracking KPI's it's about building relationships and it's about caring and that's really what this whole book is really all about yeah and then culture is a bad word marketing is my passion and marketing I look at as recruiting marketing is very similar people don't look at marketing the same way for recruiting and it's a shame yeah no this is important um you know the recruiting piece is critical and HR is generally the most expensive piece of any business labor there's no question no almost every business it's also often for the leader for the business owners and some managers the most difficult thing because people aren't machines they have emotions they're all different they're not all motivated by the same thing and that's where I believe a lot of businesses struggle is managing people because just because you're a good technician as an HVAC guy and you leave the company to start your own so now you so you ...
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    49 m
  • The Great Game Of Business - Steve Baker
    Feb 19 2023

    Steve Baker is vice president of The Great Game of Business, Inc. Steve coauthored Get in the Game as well as the update of the number one bestseller, The Great Game of Business—20th Anniversary Edition. Known for his engaging and irreverent style, Steve is a top-rated, sought-after speaker and coach on open-book management, strategy and execution, leadership, and employee engagement.

    His audiences range from Harvard University to the Department of Defense, and he is a regular at Inc. magazine’s Inc. 5000 Conference. He has served on the Board of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) and SRC Holding’s Ownership Culture Initiative.

    Steve is an award-winning artist and lives in Springfield, Missouri, with his trophy wife, JoAnn, and three above-average children.

    Click Here To Get Your FREE book - The Great Game of Business The Great Game of Business.

    As a bonus you will also get a chapter out of Steve's book - Get In The Game.


    Get Your FREE copy of The Great Game of Business Book (audio version).

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    35 m