
  • Reflecting on Identity and the Power of Self-Care
    Jul 7 2024

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    Can the moon really influence our energy and concentration? Join us as we kick off with some light-hearted banter about the nostalgic song "Let's Get Ready to Rumble" by Ant and Dec, and share our amusing run-ins with filtered TikTok comments. Reminiscing about our days as massage therapists, we dive into the quirky personal questions we receive on social media and hilariously admit to improvising this episode. Our conversation meanders to the theme of acceptance and future content ideas, leading to a fascinating discussion about the impact of the moon, particularly during the recent longest day and Capricorn full moon.

    Ever felt like society pushes you to the brink of exhaustion? We delve into the importance of self-care and listening to our bodies, despite the relentless push for productivity. Highlighting cultural differences in health approaches, we emphasize the significance of preventive care, referencing Dr. Andy Cope's work on positive psychology. We touch on the stigmatization of labels in neurodiversity and ponder why society resists labels that can actually help individuals understand and manage their traits more effectively.

    Reflecting on self-identity, we explore how aging and experience can liberate us from societal and personal masks, making us more comfortable in our own skin. Our discussion takes a thoughtful turn as we examine the human tendency to judge, the contradictions in parenting, and the humor children bring by exposing our everyday hypocrisies. Wrapping up, we set the stage for next month's focus on understanding and fostering acceptance, leaving you with meaningful dialogue and thought-provoking insights.

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    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Daring Escapades and the Art of Saying Yes
    Jun 23 2024

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    Ever wondered why saying "yes" to new opportunities feels so daunting? Join us as we hilariously navigate the minefield of self-doubt and fear that keeps us from stepping out of our comfort zones. With a comical attempt to stream live on TikTok, we share our personal stories about missed chances and the mental barriers we create. Through laughter and reflection, we emphasize the importance of embracing new experiences and even joke about our quirky T-shirt ideas designed to remind us all to be more open to life's possibilities.

    Get ready for an episode packed with contrasts and camaraderie as we explore our different decision-making styles. One of us leaps without looking, while the other meticulously plans every step. This dynamic sparks a discussion on how facing fears repeatedly boosts our confidence and growth. Plus, we're gearing up for an adrenaline-pumping adventure on Velocity, the world's fastest zip wire, and we reminisce about our past 'ta-da' challenges, with plans to reintroduce them with your help! Tune in for a blend of humor, personal growth, and the thrill of stepping outside your comfort zone.

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    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Zip Lining, helicopter rides and putting your big girl pants on!
    Jun 9 2024

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    What do a sunny Yorkshire holiday, a fear of flying, and the thrill of zip lining have in common? Find out as we recount our latest escapades, starting with an unexpected spell of good weather in typically rainy Yorkshire. The vast, stunning scenery of the Yorkshire Dales had us reminiscing about familiar landmarks and marveling at Yorkshire's sheer size compared to Somerset. You'll laugh along with us as we debate future vacation spots and stoke the flames of wanderlust.

    Then we whisk you away to the charming allure of Greece, where short breaks trump long holidays, and the vibe is simply unmatched. But the journey isn't without its challenges. We'll candidly share our struggles with the fear of flying and our ambitious plans to conquer it—think helicopter rides and the world's longest, fastest zip line! June becomes a month of bravery and new experiences, where the mantra is to embrace the unknown and say "yes" more often.

    The deeper roots of fear, especially the need for control and safety, come into focus as we explore cultural quirks and personal growth. You'll hear about our humorous approaches to overcoming fears and how shifting our mindset has made a world of difference. Finally, we reflect on the power of companionship and encouragement, recounting a challenging hike that turned into a rewarding adventure, thanks to a supportive group. Join us for a heartfelt and humorous look at facing fears and finding joy in new experiences.

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    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Laughter and Learnings from a Year of us talking Bollux n Bull
    May 26 2024

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    Have you ever caught yourself saving that bottle of champagne for just the "right" moment, or waiting for a milestone to let loose and celebrate? That's precisely what we're challenging in our latest heart-to-heart, as we toast to a year of authentic conversations and the lessons learned from staying true to our unscripted selves. We laugh over our editing gaffes and wonder if you've heard those sneaky silences we sometimes miss. With a mix of pride and amazement, we share the realization that showing up every two weeks has transformed us in ways we never expected, fostering a sense of commitment and community that continues to surprise us.

    In the spirit of authenticity, we delve into the potency of genuine face-to-face dialogue—not just as a means of communication, but as a soul-nourishing practice. These exchanges have not only deepened our friendship but have also taught us to embrace our differences with open hearts. And as we ponder the fleeting nature of life, we invite you to reconsider everyday moments with a lens of gratitude, living each day with the zest and appreciation typically reserved for life's grandest celebrations. Join us on this journey of reflection, laughter, and maybe even a few life-altering insights.

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    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Heartfelt Musings on Authentic Living and Embracing Our Quirks
    May 12 2024

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    As the clouds gather, bringing April's signature unpredictability, we can't help but marvel at how we adjust our umbrellas and attitudes with little fuss. Yet, when it comes to the quirks and imperfections that pepper our own selves, that same adaptability tends to elude us. In our latest podcast episode, we wade through the whims of British weather, using it as a metaphor for the often tumultuous journey toward self-acceptance. It's a candid exploration of why we're charmed by the eccentricities in others, but so critical of our own, and how a sprinkle of self-compassion could be the game-changer we've all been waiting for.

    Ever looked in the mirror and wished you could treat the person staring back at you with the kindness you reserve for your dearest friend? We've all been there. Through personal stories and shared experiences, this episode peels back the layers of self-acceptance, revealing the sometimes uncomfortable truth of what it means to truly embrace our flaws. We talk about opening our hearts to the parts of ourselves we're quick to hide away, and why starting with a softer, more loving approach could lead to profound changes in how we interact with the world.

    As we wrap up our heart-to-heart, we touch on the beauty of living authentically and the courage it takes to let go of searching for a grand purpose. Our chat takes a turn towards the playful as we conjure up images of a bubbling cauldron and the mischief it represents—don't worry, no one's getting turned into a toad! Instead, we leave you with a light-hearted reminder to take a moment, enjoy the rest of your day, and remember that the most extraordinary part of life is often just being your true self. Join us again for more conversations that promise to stir the soul (and maybe just tickle your funny bone).

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    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Sprouting Self-Acceptance and Talking More Bollocks Than Usual!
    Apr 28 2024

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    Ever found yourself spellbound by the simple act of watching chickens peck at the ground or felt your spirits lifted by the sight of your garden flourishing? This is exactly where our latest conversation takes us, sweeping through the delights of connecting with nature and the earthy charm of self-sufficiency. As the sun kisses our cheeks, we chat about the possibility of raising chickens and the tender art of cultivating a garden, considering the space we have and how practical our pastoral dreams might be. We delve into the ethics of keeping animals and the profound peace found in gardening, weaving in personal tales that highlight our journey and growth.

    Doubtless, the stories we craft about our lives are stitched into the fabric of our daily existence, sometimes so tightly they seem indistinguishable from reality. I recall a memory that shaped my perception of family relationships and how the language we use can sometimes mask the truth. We grapple with the narratives handed down to us and the ones we've spun ourselves, recognizing their weight on our emotional well-being. Our dialogue wades through the complexities of self-acceptance, underscoring the importance of scrutinizing the words we use to describe our experiences, and the courage it takes to rewrite the chapters of our lives.

    For the grand finale of our heartfelt exchange, we touch on the delicate balance of responsibility in our interactions. The power of language takes the spotlight as we acknowledge the moments we choose to pass the baton of control to others, and the chilly void it can sometimes leave behind. As the episode winds to a close, we invite you to carry the warmth of our conversation with you, hoping it sparks a flame of positivity as you navigate through the tapestry of your day. So, here's to growth, understanding, and the beauty of a life well-reflected – may this episode be a companion on your path.

    Here are the links we were talking about:

    The word fuck video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tRGD2Jn7I8

    The TedTalk: https://youtu.be/RKK7wGAYP6k?si=pARcUxgojYRwuM3m

    Love Lynne and Tracey xx

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    Más Menos
    43 m
  • The Subtle Art of Spinning Tales and the absolute whoppers we tell ourselves!
    Apr 14 2024

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    Have you ever found yourself inventing a wildly fabulous story to keep a crowd hanging on your every word? We've all been there, adding a splash of drama here and there just for the thrill of it. This week, join us as we unravel the tapestry of our storytelling instincts, where we walk that fine line between a captivating tale and an outright fib. From exasperating pushchair battles that verge on the absurd to our tongue-in-cheek debate over whether one can truly be in a 'murder mood,' we're serving up a cocktail of laughter and dark humor that promises to tickle your fancy.

    But our musings don't stop at the adult penchant for hyperbole. Oh no, we're taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane to the boundless realm of childhood imagination. Remember when your biggest worry was whether the monster under your bed had friends over? We pay homage to the extraordinary tales spun by young minds, including a particularly endearing story involving a black cat and a garden kingdom. It's an affectionate nod to the days when our creativity knew no bounds and a reminder of how these early yarns can leave an indelible mark on our adult selves.

    Lastly, don't think we're just about the laughs—we're also about the heart. We probe the impact our words have on the little listeners in our lives, discussing how even the smallest phrase can shape a child's reality. Diving into personal reflections, we highlight the quirky and often misunderstood thought patterns of our younger selves, advocating for a touch more empathy and understanding. So, whether you're a parent, a dreamer, or someone who appreciates the fine art of conversation, this episode is sure to resonate with the storyteller in all of us.

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    40 m
  • The Transformative Power of Rest and Why Our Bodies Have Kicked our Arses!
    Mar 31 2024

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    Ever find yourself battling the urge to hit snooze, yet again, as the morning light peeks through your curtains? You're not alone. We all tangle with the need to keep moving, even when our minds and bodies scream for a timeout. This episode takes you on a personal journey through the highs and lows of emotional endurance, challenging the notion that productivity is the yardstick of success. As we candidly recount the times we've ignored our need for rest, we also consider the surprising ways lunar cycles might be playing a role in our daily energy ebbs and flows. The conversation takes a turn towards the profound as we recognize the value of simply being there for someone – a concept reflected in the story of Kate Garraway's husband – and the shared experience of bearing witness to each other's struggles without the compulsion to fix things.

    For many of us, giving ourselves permission to indulge or simply take a breath feels like a guilty pleasure. In this heart-to-heart, we confess to moments of self-indulgence, like sneaking our kids' holiday treats, and confront the guilt that shadows our pleasure. Amid reflections on the excess and expectations wrapped up in holiday traditions, we champion the concept of self-care as a non-negotiable. The rawness of real-life anecdotes punctuates our discussion, driving home the message that embracing our imperfections and showing ourselves compassion can be transformative.

    As we wrap up, the conversation shifts towards the bigger picture, contemplating the sweeping changes needed in our society. It's a moment of introspection and a rallying cry for self-acceptance as the catalyst for wider transformation. By facing our emotions and the delicate dance between the masculine and feminine energies within us, we uncover insights into personal and societal well-being. Our dialogue is an intimate and powerful reminder of the impact that individual growth can have on the world at large, and how caring for ourselves is the first step in caring for our collective future.

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    Más Menos
    38 m