• From Self-Doubt to Sold Out Coach: How to Own Your Expertise, Charge Your Worth, and Attract Your Ideal Clients
    May 30 2024

    In this episode of the Coach Factory Podcast, we sit down with Craig Rodney, a veteran coach who’s built a thriving practice helping agency owners scale and position for exit. Craig shares his journey from reluctant coach to confident expert, and the mindset shifts and practical strategies he employed to build a successful coaching business.

    In this episode, we talk about…

    • The Accidental Coach: Craig shares how he transitioned from successful agency owner to reluctant coach, and how coaching found him at a crossroads in his career.
    • Embracing the Identity of Coach: We dive into Craig’s early struggles with imposter syndrome and how a pivotal conversation with a friend challenged him to fully commit to being a coach.
    • Structuring Offers for Maximum Impact: Craig discusses how he learned to structure his coaching offers to deliver the most value to clients, and how his pricing directly correlated with the level of impact he could make.
    • Productizing Your Expertise: We explore how Craig scaled his coaching business by turning his knowledge into a structured program, allowing him to focus his one-on-one time on the highest-impact coaching.
    • Building Authority and Attracting Ideal Clients: Craig shares his strategies for growing his network, positioning himself as a trusted expert, and leveraging client referrals and recommendations.
    • Pricing for Value and Transformation: Craig talks about how he learned to align his pricing with the transformative value of his coaching, and how he built a program that justified premium fees.
    • Overcoming Self-Doubt by Focusing on Your Zone of Genius: Craig offers powerful advice for conquering imposter syndrome by doubling down on the areas where you have the deepest expertise and strongest track record of results.

    If you’ve ever struggled with self-doubt, wrestled with how to price and package your services, or felt stuck in the day-to-day of trading time for money, this episode is for you! Craig’s hard-won insights and practical strategies will leave you inspired and equipped to overcome your own mindset blocks, structure your business for scalability, and own your value as a coach.

    BONUS: Be sure to check out Craig’s bonus segment on Attracting Qualified Leads for Coach Factory VIP Members!

    If you found this episode inspiring, reach out and let us know your biggest takeaway from Craig’s story. And to learn more more about Craig and his coaching, be sure to visit his website at: CraigRodney.com

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    28 m
  • Embracing Vulnerability: Harnessing Your Humanity to Connect with Coaching Clients
    Apr 18 2024

    As coaches, we often feel pressure to present a perfect, polished image to the world — to have it all figured out. But what if the key to truly connecting with our audience and clients lies not in our perfection, but in our humanity? In this episode of the Coach Factory Podcast, marketing coach Nicole Osborne shares how she learned to harness the power of vulnerability and authenticity to build a thriving coaching practice.

    In this episode, we talk about...

    • From Corporate Marketer to Authentic Coach: Nicole shares her transition from a corporate marketing career to coaching, and how she discovered her innate talent for helping others overcome their fears and push past their comfort zones.
    • Embracing Imperfection and Vulnerability: We dive into Nicole's early struggles with perfectionism and how a powerful realization shifted her mindset. She learned that her most human and vulnerable moments were what truly resonated with her audience.
    • Reframing Marketing as Service: Nicole discusses how showing up authentically allowed her to reframe her marketing efforts as an act of service. By sharing her journey openly, she gave her audience the tools and inspiration to tackle their own challenges.
    • Building Trust Through Vulnerability: We explore how vulnerability builds trust and connection with clients and audiences. By allowing herself to be imperfect, Nicole created a safe space for honest sharing and real growth in her coaching relationships.
    • Preparing for Success with Clients: Nicole offers practical advice for coaches on how to show up as the best version of themselves, even when working with intimidating clients. She emphasizes the importance of thorough preparation and trusting in your own skills and expertise.
    • Harnessing Your Humanity as Your Greatest Asset: Throughout the episode, Nicole reminds us that our humanity is not a weakness in coaching — it's our greatest strength. By embracing our unique stories, flaws, and all, we can connect with and impact our clients on a deeper level.

    Throughout the episode, you'll hear how Nicole's willingness to show up authentically — flaws, fears, and all — actually became her greatest strength as a coach and marketer. By sharing openly about her own journey, she built deeper trust and rapport with her audience. By allowing herself to be imperfect, she created space for her clients to do the same, leading to more honest and transformative coaching relationships.

    Nicole's story will inspire you to embrace your own imperfections, share your journey openly, and harness your humanity to create profound transformation. Learn more about Nicole and her coaching at Wunderstars.com

    Let us know how Nicole's insights resonated with you! Head over to CoachFactory.chat and join the conversation.

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    19 m
  • Coaching with Confidence: Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt in Your Practice
    Apr 4 2024

    As coaches, we often focus on empowering our clients to face their fears and pursue their dreams. But what about our own journey of overcoming obstacles and building a thriving practice? In this episode of the Coach Factory Podcast, we explore the inspiring story of Lauree Ostrofsky, an author, speaker, coach, and hugger (more on that in the episode) who transformed her own personal adversity into a powerful coaching practice. Lauree's insights offer valuable lessons for every coach looking to navigate their own fears, build authentic connections, and create a meaningful impact in their clients' lives.

    In this episode, we talk about…

    • Turning Adversity into Opportunity: Lauree opens up about her life-altering diagnosis of a brain tumor at the age of 28. She shares how this experience forced her to confront her fears and ultimately led her to discover her true calling as a coach.
    • Identifying Your Ideal Clients: Lauree discusses her focus on coaching "A-student" women - high achievers who are learning to give themselves permission and approval as adults. She emphasizes the importance of connecting deeply with your target audience and helping them align their career paths with their own desires.
    • Authentic Marketing Strategies: Lauree shares her journey of trial and error in marketing her coaching practice. She highlights the effectiveness of partnering with existing networks and sharing personal stories to connect authentically with potential clients.
    • Redefining Confidence: The episode explores the idea that confidence doesn't always mean being extroverted and loud. Lauree emphasizes that confidence is often quieter, involving self-acceptance and authenticity. She offers valuable insights for introverted coaches on leveraging online marketing and active listening to build strong connections.
    • The Power of Simple Gestures: Lauree shares the story behind her "Hug Tour," born out of a difficult personal time. This heartwarming initiative demonstrates how simple gestures of appreciation can have a profound ripple effect and foster a sense of connection and belonging.
    • Embracing Vulnerability in Coaching: Throughout the episode, Lauree emphasizes the importance of embracing vulnerability as an integral part of your coaching journey. By having the courage to show up authentically and share your own story, you create a space for your clients to do the same.

    This episode is a must-listen for coaches at any stage of their career. It's a powerful reminder that our own experiences, fears, and vulnerabilities can be the very things that make us exceptional coaches. Lauree's insights offer practical strategies for building a thriving coaching practice while staying true to yourself. Give it a listen and then reach out to let us know how Lauree's story resonates with your own coaching journey!

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    25 m
  • Conflict Resolution in Coaching with Chris Grygo and Jessie Punia
    Mar 21 2024

    Despite being a necessary part of life, conflict is something that most people tend to avoid. Learning how to navigate conflict in coaching not only helps to resolve the immediate tension; it also transforms how clients approach disputes in every aspect of their life. In this episode of the Coach Factory Podcast, we sit down with Chris Grygo, Global Director of People and Organizational Development at the Ford Foundation, and Jessie Punia, President and Partner of August Public as they discuss their go-to conflict resolution techniques and how to implement them as a coach.

    In this episode, we talk about...

    • Embodied Conflict Resolution: Chris Grygo opens the discussion with insights into coaching for conflict, emphasizing the importance of an embodied approach. This method helps clients prepare for real-life conflicts by closely mimicking potential scenarios, allowing them to navigate tensions with practiced ease.
    • Understanding the Nature of Conflict: Both experts share their views on recognizing conflict not just as external disputes, but as internal tensions within individuals. They explore how these conflicts, whether personal, interpersonal, or organizational, can significantly impact one's life and work.
    • The Role of Somatics: The episode highlights somatics as a central tool in conflict resolution, with Chris explaining how an awareness of one's physical responses to conflict can lead to transformative outcomes. This practice empowers individuals to approach disputes with a heightened sense of control and understanding of their reactions.
    • Creating Psychological Safety: Jessie Punia discusses the critical importance of psychological safety in resolving conflicts, especially within teams. She outlines strategies for coaches to help create environments where every voice is heard, valued, and considered.
    • Strategies for Conflict Resolution: From practical exercises to somatic practices, the guests share actionable strategies for coaches to employ. These methods aim to foster a deeper understanding of conflicts and explore viable resolutions that respect the needs and boundaries of all parties involved.
    • The Impact of Coaching on Conflict: This episode not only addresses how to handle conflict but also reflects on the transformative power of coaching in these scenarios. Coaches are equipped with the skills to guide their clients through conflict resolution processes that honor dignity, safety, and belonging.

    This show isn't just for coaches who specialize in conflict resolution; it's packed with practical tools and techniques that work across all coaching fields. It's for coaches who want to better understand conflict, the role it plays in their client's lives, and how to effectively tackle it when necessary.

    Give it a listen and then let us know your thoughts at CoachFactory.chat

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    28 m
  • Pricing Your Coaching Services with Christine Gallagher and Rebecca Tracey
    Mar 7 2024

    Determining the right price for your coaching services can be challenging, or even downright anxiety-inducing — even for the most seasoned coaches. So in this show, you'll hear from Christine Gallagher, a marketing and business coach with a knack for helping female entrepreneurs scale their businesses, and Becca Tracey, founder of The Uncaged Life, who specializes in crafting a life and business outside the conventional 9–5, as they both dive into the delicate balance of valuing your expertise while ensuring your clients recognize the worth of their investment. You'll get actionable strategies and insights to guide you through the process of pricing your coaching services, ensuring both you and your clients feel valued and satisfied.

    In this episode, we talk about...

    • Valuing Your Expertise: Christine Gallagher discusses the importance of pricing your coaching in a way that reflects a healthy profit while ensuring clients receive outstanding value. It’s about striking a balance where both parties feel the arrangement is more than worthwhile.
    • Understanding Client Value: Gallagher urges coaches to consider the tangible results clients achieve through their coaching sessions. The focus should be on the comprehensive benefits clients receive, extending beyond surface results to the impact on all areas of their lives.
    • The Cost of Not Coaching: Delving into what clients might miss by not choosing your services provides a compelling argument for the value of coaching. Gallagher emphasizes the importance of making clients contemplate where they could be in a year without your guidance, thereby highlighting your service’s intrinsic value.
    • Price Elasticity and Personal Worth: The conversation covers the concept of price elasticity in coaching, encouraging coaches to define their minimum acceptable rates. Gallagher shares practical advice on assessing your time’s worth and considering the broader implications of your pricing strategy.
    • Articulating Your Value: Becca Tracey, founder of The Uncaged Life, adds her perspective on setting coaching rates that transcend time-for-money equations. She introduces a method that focuses on the overall package and results offered, rather than just the hours spent.
    • Aligning Pricing with Vision: Gallagher advises coaches to ensure their pricing aligns with their brand and long-term goals. This alignment helps in establishing a pricing structure that genuinely reflects the coach’s value and aspirations.
    • The “Gut Feeling” Pricing Method: Becca Tracey introduces an intuitive approach to pricing, encouraging coaches to trust their instincts and find a rate that feels both fair and exciting. This method prioritizes the coach’s confidence and ability to deliver exceptional value.
    • Building Confidence in Pricing: Gallagher touches on the continuous journey of self-belief and the importance of having a support network. She underscores the need for personal development and self-assessment to sustain and grow in the coaching industry.

    If you’re a coach wrestling with how to price your services, you’re not alone! And this episode will help you quantify the value of your work so you can communicate this effectively to prospective clients. Whether you’re fine-tuning your pricing strategy or looking to enhance the perceived value of your services, Christine Gallagher and Becca Tracey provide actionable insights and thoughtful advice to empower you in your coaching practice.

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    22 m
  • Coaching Creative Professionals with Tracy Candido and Joel Weldon
    Feb 22 2024

    Coaching creative professionals requires a unique approach, and in this episode Tracy Candido, an experienced coach who helps creative professionals makes waves, and Joel Weldon, a well-known voice actor and coach, share their experience and insights with this niche. This is a must-listen for coaches looking to refine their approach with creative clients and understand the nuanced dynamics of their coaching relationships.

    In this episode, we talk about...

    • Unlocking the Value Within: Tracy Candido opens up about the intrinsic belief that we're all brimming with value and impact. This discussion isn't just talk; it's about actionable insights on recognizing and harnessing the value within ourselves and our clients. Coaches listening in will find new ways to inspire their clients to see their worth and the impact they can make.
    • The Creative Conundrum: Ever wonder why creative professionals often undervalue their work or feel misunderstood? Tracy sheds light on this common challenge, offering coaches a perspective on how to better support creatives grappling with these feelings. It's an opportunity to learn strategies to help clients navigate the complex emotions tied to creative work.
    • The Vulnerability of Creating: Joel Weldon shares his personal experiences from the vulnerability of performance to the power of emotional connection. His insights are a goldmine for coaches who want to help their clients break through performance anxiety and connect more deeply with their audience.
    • Imposter Syndrome Unpacked: Both Tracy and Joel tackle the ever-present shadow of imposter syndrome, providing a relatable and insightful look into how this phenomenon affects creative professionals. They offer practical steps for coaches to help clients overcome these doubts, fostering a sense of confidence and belonging.
    • Three Steps to Confidence: Tracy introduces a straightforward, three-step process to build trust and confidence in creative clients. This framework is a toolkit every coach should have, especially when guiding clients through the uncertainty that often accompanies creative endeavors.
    • Early Wins and Client Confidence: Joel emphasizes the importance of scoring early wins to build client confidence. His advice is particularly relevant for coaches working with clients new to the creative field or those struggling with self-doubt.
    • Creativity in Coaching: For coaches doubting their own creativity, Joel's message is clear: creativity isn't exclusive. He encourages coaches to embrace their creative side to build stronger connections with their clients, enhancing the coaching experience.
    • Finding Your Coaching Mission: Tracy closes with an encouraging note for coaches feeling lost in the coaching industry's complexities. She reminds us of the importance of choosing a path that resonates personally and professionally, ensuring a fulfilling coaching career.

    This episode is packed with wisdom, warmth, and actionable advice for coaches at any stage of their career, especially those working with creative minds. Tracy and Joel offer insights that answer not only the "what" but the "how" of coaching creative professionals, making it an invaluable listen for anyone looking to deepen their coaching practice.

    For more coaching tools, expert interviews with coaches, and free downloadable resources, visit: CoachFactory.co

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    24 m
  • The Power of Assessments
    Nov 1 2023

    Do you use assessments in your coaching practice? Explore how these tailored tools and the insights they give can drive breakthroughs and create even stronger connections with your coaching clients. Chris Lema, CEO of Motivations AI, product strategist, public speaker, coach, and six-time startup founder, has a tailored approach to coaching that helps people achieve breakthrough results. As a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Peter Larson, now VP of Assessment Science at Motivations AI, saw the importance and value in using assessment tools, and eventually shifted his career to focus on the research and development of assessment tools.

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    47 m
  • Coaching vs. Consulting and Therapy
    Oct 18 2023

    Curious about the fine line between coaching, consulting, and therapy? Learn how to leverage the unique strengths of coaching and define the unique space you occupy, while maintaining the boundaries between coaching and other disciplines. Rebecca Ward, founder of the Iris Institute, discusses how the convergence of therapy, consulting, and coaching have helped her create a brand. And Christopher Grygo, Global Director of People and Organizational Development at the Ford Foundation, provides insight on the sometimes subtle differences between coaching and consulting.

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    25 m