
  • Ep. 78 - Nurturing Your Midlife Body: Yoga and Holistic Health Tips with Renee Manning
    Jul 24 2024

    I absolutely loved today's chat with Renee Manning who jumped on for a chat all the way from South Carolina in the US.

    We talked about all things health and wellbeing, why she decided to become a yoga teacher and start her very own business.

    Renee shared her daily routine that keeps her on track with her fitness and wellbeing and how she overcome her own anxiety.

    We touched on the subject of gut health and how important it is especially for midlife women and I cannot wait for us to chat again and share more of how we can support more women with their health and wellbeing.

    If you are in the US you can even have Renee come to your home while you are on vacation and do yoga! Jealous much!

    You can learn more about Renee here:




    If you are ready to do 1:1 Coaching and work on yourself and help manage your perimenopause symptoms you can email me julie@juliedavidson.com.au.

    Check out my website, socials to learn more about me if you are new here:






    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Ep. 77 - What is the best form of exercise as a midlife woman
    Jul 17 2024

    The best part of being a midlife woman is you start to realise you are all grown up and get to do what you want with your life!

    When it comes to exercise its the same thing, you can to figure out what you like and what you enjoy so you can do more of it every single day, yes I said everyday.

    It's so important to keep moving our bodies to help with flexibility, mobility, heart health, just to name a few.

    Listen on today's episode of ideas that you might like to think about to do yourself and also the things that I suggest that might be hindering you right now.

    If you want more, binge listen my episodes or jump over to my website and check out my 1:1 Coaching Program for some serious accountability!






    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Ep. 76 Managing Perimenopause the best way possible
    Jul 10 2024

    How is perimenopause treating you? Are you so confused and not sure what the heck is going?

    I know for me its been a interesting journey and each month is so different and I am determined to work out the best way to manage my symptoms.

    Today I share what I have learned about my own body and ways that I am looking at improving them so I can be happy again!

    I think one of the best things we can do is take charge of our own health with the support of allied health professionals. Seek out your people and stay positive as you weave your way through.

    If you would like some support especially to help increase your confidence I can support you with my 1:1 coaching program Confidently You.

    Reach out and don't be afraid to have a chat with me, I don't bite!






    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Ep. 75 - Fear of money and the stories that are keeping us stuck
    Jun 26 2024

    Today I wanted to share my own story about money and how it has affected me for such a long time and today when I recorded this episode it triggered me again.

    Money should never make us feel a lack or less then but for some reason it always seems to do that. As they say money makes this world go around and its true but the story I have been stuck on for a while now is that no more is coming and I am going to run out, crazy right when the truth is, it's not that at all.

    My old conditioning from a early relationship didn't help me very much either and I had started to believe these stories that really knocked my self worth down a peg and today was really hard but I knew today was the day to change that story and shift.

    Personal development comes in many forms and when it comes to money I have found this and my body image to be the biggest ones that have kept me somedays in a very unhappy and frustrated place.

    I want to share my story with so you know you are not alone and that things are getting better everyday when we turn inwards and find the core belief that is keeping us in this very unproductive loop.

    If you need support on this you can reach out to me on my social media channels and consider working with me 1:1 for 8 weeks to help bust through some of your own stories that are keeping you stuck.





    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Ep. 74 - Prioritising your own needs first
    Jun 19 2024

    I have talked about this topic before but it seems to be one that keeps coming back around every couple of months. We get motivated to work on ourselves, our goals and our dreams and then everyone and everything seems to take over.

    Why does this keep happening? Why has women do we feel like we have to put others first?

    I think we can do better ladies but first we need to become aware of it and then we need to start working on some action steps to take us in the other direction.

    I think putting our priorities first is only going to help others around us so let's start changing how we do things and put our needs first.

    I talked about my own struggles and how I have started a little challenge for myself and hoping that you will jump on board as well.

    If you are ready for 1:1 Coaching and want that added accountability and attention then my 'Confidently You' Program is for you. You can learn more below by clicking on my website.





    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Ep. 73 - Managing HPV and having a Leep or LLetz Procedure
    Jun 12 2024

    I am so passionate about helping women who are struggling with HPV and understanding this scarey journey of managing HPV.

    I have been managing HPV for a number of years now and eventhough I have not been able to receive a negative pap smear result I continue to work with my health practitioners, natural therapies and taking care of myself.

    There is such a negative social understanding of HPV and its time to talk about this more and really educate the world of what it is really about and not look at it as something that is bad or negative.

    I recently underwent surgery to remove some of my abnormal cells and I share more about the procedure and what actually happens and my recovery as well.

    I am here to lead the world in creating a community to support as many women as I can while they navigate this sometime shameful and embarrassing virus and share my own story to help them feel more seen and heard.

    Join me on a heartfelt discussion on what I recently went through and how I continue to work through healing my own body.

    If you want to work with me in a more 1:1 environment you can click the link below to find out more about my coaching program 'Confidently You'. I can't wait to help support you and become an even better version of yourself.





    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Ep.72 - Are you ready to go grey and still feel confident?
    May 29 2024
    I didn't realise how much I was going to love talking about this episode and my decision to let my hair grow out and go grey! It is one of the most liberating decisions I have made in such a long time and it truly is so freeing. You may be thinking about it and unsure, scared or even too ashamed to talk about it to your friends and friends because of judgement from them. You know what, this journey of life is all about you and nobody else gets to dictate what is right for you. Grey hair is a natural progression of ageing and I have made the decision on my own without anyone giving me permission to do this. Think about all the money you will save, all the time you will get back from sitting in a hairdressers chair and the most favourite thing not having to listen to the idle gossip that generally comes along with hair salons (lol) I also spoke about the word 'should' and what it really means and how conditioned we are as women that we should be doing everything, should be saying this, should should should.... pfftttt. I want women to embrace their life, embrace their true power, their true dreams and goals and really go after them but I know confident is generally what is holding women back. Share with me what is holding you back? Tell me if you think you are ready to go grey and embrace the real you? Show me what you are made of and make the decision that you truly want to make right now, today, right in this moment. You got this! www.juliedavidson.com.au https://www.instagram.com/julie_davidson__/ https://www.facebook.com/juliedavidsoncoach/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdIBxEwgpPQKuMgWQql61qQ
    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Ep. 71 - When your old habits start creeping back in
    May 15 2024

    This might be a familiar occurrence for you lately and help is on the way!

    Sugar is my biggest downfall and I got really off track when I had to have another surgery for my HPV and it really wasn't a nice feeling at all and I was really being hard on myself and not very nice at all.

    Remember we are all human after all and sometimes we let the outside circumstances influence our decisions and it can be really hard to ignore the pressure coming from the outside world

    How do we get back on track? First we have to become aware of what is really going on, stop, acknowledge, write it down and be honest with ourself. Then we can look at the real issue and work towards changing it and getting back on track.

    Need help with this? My 8 week 1:1 intensive Coaching Program can help you break the cycles and come out the otherside a new you!

    You can learn about my program here https://www.juliedavidson.com.au/services

    Get to know me more on my socials.





    Más Menos
    12 m