
  • The Life Force Energy of Love
    Sep 30 2024
    “Love is the life force that flows through every soul, the energy that unites us all and reminds us of our infinite connection.” — L. All things—every experience, joy, and challenge—can be seen as invitations to return to love. On this episode, Lisa and Michael delve into the invitation life offers us to reconnect with the love that exists at the core of our being. We are give countless opportunities to choose how we respond to the situations that arise in our lives. Each moment, no matter how difficult or beautiful, is a chance to find pathways back to love by simply opening our hearts and viewing these experiences as stepping stones for growth and deeper understanding.

    We will be sharing our thoughts on ways to shift our perspective to move beyond the surface definitions of love that society or others may impose. Love is not something to be earned, given conditionally, or defined by fleeting emotions. Often, we are taught that love is something external, something we receive from others or something that depends on circumstances. By embracing love as an energy that goes far deeper—as the very essence of our life force, the energy that flows through each of us, uniting all living things. When we value ourselves, we’re not just valuing the individual, but honoring the love that flows through us—the same love that animates all of life. When we recognize love as this boundless, ever-present force, we begin to see that it’s not just a feeling but the foundation of our existence. Love is the ultimate destination, the final resting place for our souls. It is the source of all joy, peace, and happiness. Love is who each of us are!

    Lisa LeRose an internationally respected natural health advocate, wellness educator, speaker, and eternal optimist, is the founder of One Wisdom, a healing arts collective focused on creating life-changing transformations.

    Michael J.. Russ is a keynote speaker, the author of Zero Adversity and the founder of Life Moves Podcast. Learn more about Michael J. Russ at LifeMovesPodcast.com.

    Be a part of our Connect 2 Love Community by joining us for more insights at Connect2LoveEnergy on Instagram.

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  • Unlocking the Potential of Interconnection - Episode 144
    Sep 22 2024

    “To drop into being means to recognize your interconnectedness with all life, and with being itself. Your very nature is being part of larger and larger spheres of wholeness.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

    Our individual journeys as threads woven into the fabric of a much larger narrative. On this week’s show Lisa and Michael invite you to join us as we explore the interconnectedness of humanity. Every experience we have, every challenge we overcome, and every breakthrough we achieve ripples out beyond us, contributing to the greater whole. We are not separate or isolated beings, but participants in a grand cosmic drama, each with a unique role to play.

    We will be sharing our thoughts on how by helping one another transform and grow, we actively participate in this larger process. When we support someone in overcoming their challenges, unlocking their potential, or helping them realize their true nature, we are fulfilling our own soul’s purpose while contributing to the collective good. Through this shared journey, we discover that helping others is one of the most powerful ways we can help ourselves—and by doing so, we’re uplifting the world around us. This interconnectedness means that every act of kindness, every bit of guidance we offer, and every moment of presence we share adds to the overall expansion of consciousness. The more we help others align with their truth and step into their power, the more we also align with our own. In this way, we’re all co-creators in the unfolding of a greater destiny—supporting each other in becoming the fullest expressions of who we are meant to be.

    Lisa LeRose an internationally respected natural health advocate, wellness educator, speaker, and eternal optimist, is the founder of One Wisdom, a healing arts collective focused on creating life-changing transformations.

    Michael J.. Russ is a keynote speaker, the author of Zero Adversity and the founder of Life Moves Podcast. Learn more about Michael J. Russ at LifeMovesPodcast.com.

    Be a part of our Connect 2 Love Community by joining us for more insights at Connect2LoveEnergy on Instagram.

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  • Becoming Aware of the Infinite - Episode 143
    Sep 16 2024
    “...in an infinite universe, anything that could be imagined might somewhere exist.” – Dean Koontz Each of us has the ability to consciously and intentionally choose to quiet the noise,both inside and outside of ourselves so that we can allow love, joy, and infinite potential to guide us.

    On this week’s episode, Lisa and Michael explore how to step into the flow of creation, the place where synchronicities, inspiration, and manifestations happen naturally. When we open ourselves to the awareness that the flow state is our true nature, and from the state of flow, we can move beyond the perceived limits of time and space, realizing the boundless possibilities available to each of us. We delve into the power of choosing the path of awareness, which can enable us to remember our oneness with all that is and step into our power as a creator of our reality. At our core, we are infinite beings who exist beyond the limitations of time and space, beyond the illusions of separation that dominate much of human experience. As The Council, through intuitive channel Sara Landon, explains, “You are the infinite experiencing itself in human form, and when you align with that truth, there are no limits to what you can create.” How wonderful!

    Lisa LeRose an internationally respected natural health advocate, wellness educator, speaker, and eternal optimist, is the founder of One Wisdom, a healing arts collective focused on creating life-changing transformations.

    Michael J.. Russ is a keynote speaker, the author of Zero Adversity and the founder of Life Moves Podcast. Learn more about Michael J. Russ at LifeMovesPodcast.com.

    Be a part of our Connect 2 Love Community by joining us for more insights at Connect2LoveEnergy on Instagram.

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  • Harnessing the Power of Momentum - Episode 142
    Sep 9 2024
    “Know that you are part of a joyful Universe. Allow your romantic, ecstatic, blissful emotions to appear more frequently in your daily life. When you feel joy, experience it and express it!” – Wayne Dyer

    On this episode, Lisa and Michael explore how to harness the momentum of a high vibrational thinking to manifest the things we desire. Everything in the universe, including our thoughts and emotions, is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. The law of attraction states that like attracts like, meaning the energy we emit will attract experiences, circumstances, and people that match our frequency.

    We will be sharing our thoughts on how when we’re in a state of high vibration—feeling joyful, grateful, and aligned with our true self—we become a powerful magnet for positive experiences. naturally attracting people, opportunities, and events that align with that vibration. When we allow ourselves to be in elevated state of being, we send out a clear, positive signal to the Universe, and the Universe responds by bringing us experiences that resonate with that same joyful and abundant energy. This creates a momentum that builds on itself—positive experiences lead to more positivity, creating an effortless flow of abundance, joy and fulfillment as our natural state.

    Lisa LeRose an internationally respected natural health advocate, wellness educator, speaker, and eternal optimist, is the founder of One Wisdom, a healing arts collective focused on creating life-changing transformations.

    Michael J.. Russ is a keynote speaker, the author of Zero Adversity and the founder of Life Moves Podcast. Learn more about Michael J. Russ at LifeMovesPodcast.com.

    Be a part of our Connect 2 Love Community by joining us for more insights at Connect2LoveEnergy on Instagram.

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  • The Power of Love in the NOW - Episode 141
    Sep 2 2024

    “Where there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi

    Source energy is focused on the Now because it is the only time that exists. Everything we experience, every emotion, thought, and event, happens in the present moment. The past is a memory, and the future is a projection; it is only in the Now that we have the power to create, to choose, and to align with the flow of life.

    On this episode, Lisa and Michael explore accessing the power of love in the NOW. When we deliberately focus on emotions that uplift us, we enter into alignment with our natural state, which is one of well-being and connection to Source. In this state, we are not just reacting to the world around us; we are consciously creating our reality from a place of love and positivity. We will be sharing our insights inspired by an Abraham Hicks video, where Abraham teaches that choosing to feel good and coming from a place of love aligns us with our true state of being. When we deliberately focus on emotions that uplift us, we enter into alignment with our natural state, which is one of well-being and connection to Source. In this state, we are not just reacting to the world around us; we are consciously creating our reality from a place of love and positivity.

    Love is who we are. This simple yet profound truth reminds us that our essence is love. When we return to this core state—by choosing love over fear, joy over despair—we align with the highest version of ourselves. In this alignment, life flows effortlessly, and we become powerful co-creators of our experience, living in harmony by accessing the power of love in the ever-present Now.

    Lisa and Michael reference a video by Abraham through Esther Hicks. The message from Abraham is amazing, if you would like to listen to it, here is the video link:

    You Asked Source For Help And This Message Is Your Answer! Abraham Hicks, 2024

    Lisa LeRose an internationally respected natural health advocate, wellness educator, speaker, and eternal optimist, is the founder of One Wisdom, a healing arts collective focused on creating life-changing transformations.

    Michael J.. Russ is a keynote speaker, the author of Zero Adversity and the founder of Life Moves Podcast. Learn more about Michael J. Russ at LifeMovesPodcast.com.

    Be a part of our Connect 2 Love Community by joining us for more insights at Connect2LoveEnergy on Instagram.

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  • Being The Manifested Reflection of Love - Episode 140
    Aug 26 2024

    “You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success - none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here.” – Ram Dass

    Our thoughts and the words we speak about ourselves hold tremendous power, shaping not only our inner world but also the reality we experience externally. As the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson expresses,“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make and shape the world.”

    On this week’s episode, Lisa and Michael delve into how our thoughts and words are like seeds that we plant in our minds — they grow and shape our beliefs, attitudes, and ultimately, our reality. When we consistently think and speak positively about ourselves, focusing on our strengths, abilities, and intrinsic worth, we create a mindset that attracts corresponding experiences into our lives.

    We will be sharing our thoughts on how consciously directing our thoughts and words towards the genius, power, clarity, and love within us, we are able to align ourselves with the highest version of who we are. This concept is closely tied to the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like, where the energy and focus we put out into the world return to us in kind. When we focus on being the manifested reflection of the love of who we are, we are essentially sending out a powerful vibration into the universe. This alignment fosters a deep sense of self-worth and confidence, which naturally propels us toward our goals and desires. By nurturing this positive self-perception, we open ourselves up to receiving not only what we desire but also what we deserve—abundance, success, love, and the fulfillment of our potential.

    Lisa LeRose an internationally respected natural health advocate, wellness educator, speaker, and eternal optimist, is the founder of One Wisdom, a healing arts collective focused on creating life-changing transformations.

    Michael J.. Russ is a keynote speaker, the author of Zero Adversity and the founder of Life Moves Podcast. Learn more about Michael J. Russ at LifeMovesPodcast.com.

    Be a part of our Connect 2 Love Community by joining us for more insights at Connect2LoveEnergy on Instagram.

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  • Being the Embodiment of Love - Episode 139
    Aug 18 2024

    “The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

    Love is an extraordinary force, a profound emotion that transcends the ordinary and transforms both the giver and the receiver. When we truly feel the depth of love and embody it in our daily lives, it becomes a powerful catalyst for change.

    On this week’s episode, Lisa and Michael explore what is means to embody love and ways to become a living example of its transformative power. When we truly feel the depth of love, when it permeates our being, we become vessels of its extraordinary power. Being the embodiment of love, provides a profound connection where we can discover the potential for transformation within ourselves and the world around us. When we embody love, we radiate warmth, kindness, and acceptance, we create a ripple effect of positivity that extends far beyond our immediate circle.

    As the poet Rumi beautifully wrote: “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”

    Embodying love means allowing this pull to guide our actions and interactions, transforming not only ourselves but also the world around us. When love becomes our guiding principle, it inspires others to act with the same kindness and compassion, creating a cycle of positivity and change through the small acts of kindness, the willingness to listen, and the courage to forgive. When we operate from a place of love, we become agents of change, inspiring others to create a ripple effect of positive change that can transform our world, making it a more welcoming and nurturing place for everyone. Live Love! Be Love!

    Lisa LeRose an internationally respected natural health advocate, wellness educator, speaker, and eternal optimist, is the founder of One Wisdom, a healing arts collective focused on creating life-changing transformations.

    Michael J.. Russ is a keynote speaker, the author of Zero Adversity and the founder of Life Moves Podcast. Learn more about Michael J. Russ at LifeMovesPodcast.com.

    Be a part of our Connect 2 Love Community by joining us for more insights at Connect2LoveEnergy on Instagram.

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  • Awakening to Intuitive Manifesting with Carol Collins and the Teachers _ Episode 138
    Aug 11 2024
    “We want people to be happier. When you’re happier, you’re healthier.” – The Teachers through Carol Collins

    On this week’s show, Lisa and Michael have the immense pleasure of hosting Carol Collins, a gifted alpha state channeler for the Teachers. Carol shares her profound insights into the world of mediumship, the law of attraction, and the power of emotions and intuition. If you’re on a journey of spiritual awakening or simply curious about the unseen forces that guide our lives, this show is a must-listen.

    Carol delves into the concept of intuition and its role in manifesting our desires. According to Carol and the Teachers, the groups of non-physical beings she channels, intuition accounts for a small but significant portion of our daily experiences. While the majority of our actions are driven by the law of attraction, intuition provides a higher level of guidance that can lead to profound personal growth and spiritual development. By cultivating our intuition through practices like meditation and mindful living, we can tap into this powerful resource and align our lives with our highest potential.

    Our conversation explores the current wave of “The Shift,” a cyclical phenomenon introduced by the Teachers to bring about global transformation. This Shift, which began in June 2024, aims to infuse the world with friendly emotions and intuitive manifesting, creating a more harmonious and balanced existence. The Teachers believe that by fostering a collective consciousness focused on positivity and intuition, we can overcome the challenges that plague our society, such as inequality, violence, and environmental degradation. Through her work, Carol offers a beacon of hope, showing us that we are never alone and that our non-physical guides are always ready to assist us on our path.

    If you’re ready to explore the depths of your own spiritual potential and learn how to harness the power of emotions and intuition, don’t miss this enlightening episode. Tune in now to discover the wisdom of Carol Collins and the non-physical teachers, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Let the awakening begin!

    Carol Collins, America’s Medium Carol Collins, America’s Medium, is the channel for The Teachers. Carol is a gifted alpha-state channeler for The Teachers - a team of nonphysical teachers who bring forth The Essential Material. Material – collective consciousness, manifesting with ease, health and wellness through natural healing, and intuitive advancement – what they call the Four Pillars of Learning.

    Through Carol, The Teachers are revolutionizing intuitive training and clearing the pathway to a true, clear, verbal connection with nonphysical Beings. To learn more about private readings, attunements, upcoming workshops, classes with Carol or for details on membership please visit, www.americas-medium.com or follow America’s Medium on all social media platforms.

    Lisa LeRose an internationally respected natural health advocate, wellness educator, speaker, and eternal optimist, is the founder of One Wisdom, a healing arts collective focused on creating life-changing transformations.

    Michael J.. Russ is a keynote speaker, the author of Zero Adversity and the founder of Life Moves Podcast. Learn more about Michael J. Russ at LifeMovesPodcast.com.

    Be a part of our Connect 2 Love Community by joining us for more insights at Connect2LoveEnergy on Instagram.

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