
  • A Non-Negotiable for Living an Authentic Life
    Sep 1 2021

    I have drafts upon drafts on my site and in my Garageband folder...so why haven't I been posting? 

    The fear of offending. 

    Today, I'm giving up on that. 

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • I Screwed Up 75 Hard - And I'm So Happy I Did
    Jun 10 2021

    Okay, so I didn't get the sweatshirt on my first try. But I gained something even better. 

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • My 75 Hard Experience - Part 1 (What it IS, What It's NOT, Why I Decided To Do It, Why You Might Try Too)
    May 18 2021

    Yes, I am one of the "crazies" that attempted 75 Hard. And it was one of the best experiences of my life.

    In this week's episode, I talk about what 75 Hard is at its core and why I decided to do it. Spoiler: I didn't do it for weight loss - at all! And there is SO much misrepresentation behind what this challenge is and what it's meant to do for people.  Next week I'll be going into more depth on some of the concrete takeaways that I got from this challenge, where I slipped up and when I'll likely be trying it again.

    https://andyfrisella.com/blogs/realaf-podcast/14-75hard-a-tactical-guide-to-winning-the-war-with-yourself- #75HARD A Tactical Guide to Winning the War with Yourself

    DISCLAIMER: Did 2020 seem to mess up everybody’s sense of time? Because it sure did for me! I keep thinking we’re still in 2020…SO to clarify. I FOUND HopeScope’s video in January 2020, not 2019 as I mentioned. Then I BEGAN the challenge in 2021. For some reason my brain keeps thinking I started this in 2020 (as if any of us want to relive that year…) so my apologies for any confusion there! 

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • So You Have a Plan But Haven't Made Progress
    Apr 23 2021

    Sometimes creating the action plan to tackle a goal, or project makes it feel like we’ve already done the hard work. Writing that to-do list, calendar blocking, looking up new recipes, picking your gym days ahead of time, or buying your journal, all make it feel like you’re moving forward.

    But not so fast! 

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Appreciate How Far You've Come
    Apr 23 2021

    Maybe we didn’t have the 2020 we all anticipated or hoped for.  Maybe you’re not exactly where you thought you’d be by now because of everything that’s happened. 

    But today is a reminder to appreciate how far you’ve come.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 7 Things You Don't Actually Have Time For
    Apr 23 2021

    I’ve learned to replace those words with some alternative phrases: I don’t have the bandwidth today, it’s not a priority right now, I’ll plan better next time etc. And let me tell you, it’s changed my life. I’ll save the details for my next post, but adjusting your perspective on time is mentally freeing.  

    But like most things, there are loopholes

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Helping Others Helps You
    Apr 23 2021

    Last week my friend asked me if I wanted to workout together. She’s been wanting to learn more about weight lifting and asked if I could teach her.

    99% of the time I work out alone. Going to the gym is my time to blast my music, focus on me and enjoy what I’m doing for myself. However, I knew this could be fun and a really great opportunity for my friend, so of course I said sure! 

    But I was nervous. 

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Never Miss Twice
    Apr 23 2021

    Unless you’re superman or superwoman, you’re bound to slip up on your goals or your schedule occasionally. 

    Even the productivity gurus and entrepreneurs of the world know that sometimes you miss a day. Your morning or afternoon won’t always go as planned. Maybe you’re on vacation or an emergency comes up. That’s life! The reality? Those single mishaps aren’t a big deal. What’s more important is how you bounce back.

    Más Menos
    9 m