
  • Is Success Slowly Draining You? Uncover Muted Burnout EP45
    Aug 21 2024

    If the term "high functioning but dying inside" resonates with you whatsoever, this episode is for you.

    After working with clients for the past 20 years and focusing on my own development, I noticed a recurring theme. Burnout happening in the background. I’ve coined this "muted burnout."

    It’s the kind that creeps in unnoticed because it becomes a normal part of your day-to-day life. Whether it’s within your career, personal life, or both, muted burnout can be more detrimental than the burnout you’re aware of. It’s like a disease that takes over, and the longer you function within it, the worse it gets.

    Muted burnout is challenging because we often exist in it unconsciously. You’re functioning in burnout without even realizing it’s happening. Over time, this unconscious burnout chips away at you. The key is identifying these sources of burnout before they reach a catastrophic state.

    In this episode, I’ll walk you through how to go from unconsciously unskilled, where you don’t know what you don’t know, to consciously unskilled, where you can identify the things that are burning you out. From there, we’ll work on becoming consciously skilled by practicing consistent behavior. Ultimately, the goal is to reach a state of being unconsciously skilled, where the subconscious behaviors that were once working against you now work for you.

    We’ll start by identifying the apparent sources of burnout, the things you don’t enjoy doing but continue doing out of obligation. Then, we’ll dig deeper into what you think you do well and enjoy and question whether they truly satisfy you or if you’re just doing them because you’re good at them.

    I’ve seen thousands of clients undergo this process, and I know it works. However, it’s not easy, and even I’ve struggled with it. But by understanding muted burnout and taking the steps to address it, you can change your patterns and behaviors to create a foundation for a lifetime of growth and fulfillment.

    This episode is about exposing hidden sources of burnout and transforming one's life from the inside out.

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    27 m
  • Master Simple Decision-Making with Custom Solutions Using the DIT Method EP44 (Success Tips)
    Aug 14 2024

    When you’re bombarded with information from all directions, it’s hard to figure out what applies to you. We’re often told what we should do, what kind of leader we should be, or how we should spend our time, but the advice is usually one-size-fits-all.

    That’s where the problem starts.

    Not everything resonates with who you are or what you’re trying to achieve. And if something doesn’t fully connect, you end up rejecting it and missing out on potentially life-changing insights.

    The truth is, the key to making the best decisions lies in understanding what’s accurate and true for you. It’s about filtering out the noise, taking the resonant information, and throwing away the rest. That’s where the DIT Method: Data, Investigate, Tune & Tailor, comes in. This isn’t just some abstract concept; it’s a practical tool I’ve used countless times to help people like you find clarity and direction in both personal and professional life.

    You start by gathering the data, then investigating what truly applies to you. This means asking yourself if it aligns with how you think, act, and feel, does it resonate? If it does, great, you keep it. If not, you discard it but can always revisit it later. Once you’ve filtered down to what matters, you move to Tune & Tailor. It’s about getting granular with the details and fine-tuning everything so it fits perfectly with your goals.

    It’s not a complicated process. In fact, it’s designed to be simple and intuitive so that, over time, it becomes second nature. Whether you’re trying to decide on a career move, improve your leadership, or just navigate life’s everyday choices, the DIT Method will help you create an accurate, true, and tailored custom roadmap.

    So, instead of getting lost in a sea of opinions and advice, you can start making decisions that align with who you are. This is about building momentum through consistent behavior that leads to real, tangible results.

    Let’s cut through the clutter and get to what really works for you. It’s time, let’s go.

    Connect with me on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandynoelreed/

    Navigating Your Next Move with the D.I.T. Process: FREE Mini Masterclass https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career. Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme

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    18 m
  • Self-Actualization and Transcendence Needs (Core Component 7 & 8) EP43
    Aug 7 2024

    Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme

    Today, we conclude our series on the eight core components with a deep dive into self-actualization and transcendence. I've always emphasized the importance of these components as the foundation for navigating life, be it personal or professional. Now, let's explore the final two: self-actualization and transcendence.

    Self-actualization is the realization of your personal potential. It's about self-fulfillment, personal growth, and peak experiences. Anchoring and securing each of the eight core components provides you with a roadmap and a foundation for achieving this. Self-actualization is not about a temporary rebirth; it's about building a platform where you can pivot, adjust, and grow without dismantling everything. This component empowers you to make informed decisions and achieve clarity, elevating you to new possibilities.

    For those new to this journey, I encourage you to start with the core component that resonates most with you. Whether you begin with self-actualization or another element, the goal is to build momentum. Episodes 33 and 34 provide an overview of all eight components, helping you decide where to start. The key is to follow through and secure each component, creating a permanent foundation that supports your growth.

    Transcendence, the eighth core component, is about connecting with something beyond yourself. This might involve helping others through your expertise or making a broader impact in your community. Transcendence needs arise once self-actualization is achieved, allowing you to leverage your personal growth for the benefit of others. This is where you move from internal validation to creating a positive domino effect in the world around you.

    Remember, this journey is about consistent behavior and subconscious alignment. Establishing these core components provides lifetime guardrails, ensuring that even when life knocks you down, you can quickly recalibrate. Self-actualization and transcendence elevate your decision-making and open new paths, helping you achieve the highest success in all areas of life.

    If you need additional support, resources are available on my website. Reflect on your life three months from now—if the thought of nothing changing feels disheartening, it’s time to embrace this journey.

    Let’s build this foundation together and move forward with clarity and purpose. It’s time, Let’s go.

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    26 m
  • Aesthetic Needs in Self-Actualization (Core Component 6) EP42
    Jul 31 2024

    Core component number six: Aesthetic Needs.

    Aesthetic needs often get dismissed as superficial, but they are vital to our overall well-being. Aesthetic needs involve the appreciation of balance, form, and beauty, which are crucial for creating a fulfilling environment. It's important to understand that aesthetic needs are deeply personal and come from an internal place. This might feel counterintuitive, but when done right, it aligns perfectly with our true selves.

    Everyone has aesthetic needs, regardless of personality type or artistic inclination. This core component is highly subjective, as it must be customized to each individual's sense of artistic and aesthetic experiences. It's not about checking off boxes; it's about accurately and truly identifying what resonates with each person.

    Aesthetic needs can be met through various experiences, not just traditional arts. Anything that brings joy and balance fulfills these needs. To start understanding your aesthetic needs, recognize what recharges and energizes you. Even those who don't identify as creative or artistic can resonate with this concept by identifying activities and environments that bring them joy.

    It's essential to acknowledge that aesthetic needs are necessary for self-fulfillment. Identifying and securing these needs is crucial for building a strong foundation for personal growth. This process helps avoid the need for major upheavals in life. Instead, it's about making adjustments and pivots based on an accurate understanding of one's needs.

    My personal experiences show the importance of aesthetic needs. Whether it's recharging by spending time in nature, having quiet moments alone, or collaborating with others, identifying what fulfills these needs is key. Recognizing when something is draining and making necessary adjustments can prevent burnout and promote well-being.

    The need to evaluate what energizes and drains you is emphasized. Creating lists of activities that fill or empty your cup can help identify patterns and areas for improvement. Addressing what you can control and making changes, even small ones, can have a significant positive impact.

    Implementing these practices consistently over time turns them into habits and subconscious behaviors. This process allows for quicker, more effective decision-making and better balance in life. Embracing aesthetic needs as a core component contributes to achieving self-actualization and building a solid foundation for personal growth.

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme

    Connect with Brandy @‌brandynoelreed on Instagram HERE

    Sign Up the FREE Elevate 360 Digital Digest | Elevate 360 HERE https://www.brandynoelreed.com/elevate-360-digital-digest

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    22 m
  • Build a Strong Foundation for Success by Meeting Your Psychological Needs (Core Component 1) EP41
    Jul 24 2024

    Connect with Brandy @‌brandynoelreed on Instagram HERE

    Today, I’m unpacking the first of eight core components: psychological needs. Understanding and meeting these needs is crucial for your overall well-being, both in your personal and professional life.

    Psychological needs form the foundation upon which we build our lives. These basic requirements, such as food, shelter, water, and sleep, are often taken for granted. While most people have these essentials, it's vital to ensure this foundation is solid.

    If these needs were not met during your formative years or if you experienced trauma as an adult, it could impact your current life. However, we don't need to dig into childhood trauma or past hardships. Instead, we focus on identifying and addressing your current basic requirements.

    Unmet psychological needs can lead to imbalances in your life, particularly in your work-life balance. This term is often misunderstood and watered down, but true work-life balance is custom to you. It's about figuring out what an ideal balance looks like for you and making sure it's accurate and true.

    A common example is growing up without much money, leading to an overemphasis on hard work to avoid lack. While this can be motivating, it may also skew your perspective on balance.

    To identify and address these imbalances, we use a process called DIT: Data, Investigate, Tune, and Tailor.

    This simple yet effective method helps you gather information, investigate its significance, and adjust your approach to fit your unique needs. By doing this, you can make informed decisions that lead to a balanced and fulfilling life.

    Start by writing down any influences on your current psychological needs. This exercise will help you see how past experiences might be affecting your present decisions. Then, use the DIT process to identify necessary changes and take small steps that lead to significant positive effects. Remember, the goal is to create a foundation that supports your highest success.

    No matter where you are in your career or personal life, addressing your psychological needs is the first step toward achieving true balance and fulfillment. Join us as we explore each core component and learn how to create a life that meets your unique needs.

    It’s time, Let’s GO!

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme

    Sign Up the FREE Elevate 360 Digital Digest | Elevate 360 HERE

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    21 m
  • Building Strong Relationships Through Meeting Your Love & Interpersonal Needs (Core Component #3) EP40
    Jul 17 2024

    Connect with Brandy @‌brandynoelreed on Instagram HERE

    I’m breaking down Core Component 3 on your path to self-actualization and achieving true fulfillment. This covers your private and public life, including friendships, family, intimacy, and work relationships.

    Like the others, this core component focuses on internal work to produce external benefits. It’s about defining your social connections and having a sense of being and belonging that is true and customary to you. Understanding how to identify these needs, whether in close personal relationships or work dynamics.

    It's important to base these definitions on internal understanding rather than external validation. Internal satisfaction is key, and while humans naturally seek external validation, aiming for 80% or more internal satisfaction helps create a solid foundation. This ensures that relationship decisions are grounded internally, avoiding the discord from a shaky, externally focused foundation.

    Relationships vary for everyone, but anchoring in internal satisfaction helps navigate different dynamics. Whether it's work, family, or friends, having a primarily internal perspective ensures stability and long-term effectiveness. This internal focus prevents the imbalance and discord that can arise from relying too much on external validation.

    We have different criteria for personal and work relationships. Understanding these differences and where they overlap helps identify common themes. Breaking down relationships into personal and professional buckets and examining where they come from internally or externally can reveal patterns and areas for improvement.

    The DIT process (Data, Investigation, Tune, and Tailor) is helpful. If you want to learn more, there’s a mini masterclass available on my website. This process primes your brain to think differently, allowing for accurate and custom decision-making.

    This approach helps create consistent behavior over time, turning new patterns into subconscious habits. Anchoring these core components provides a lifetime platform that supports you through different seasons and decisions in life.

    To build strong, fulfilling relationships, focus on internal satisfaction rather than external validation. Write down what brings you satisfaction in your personal and professional life and look for common denominators. Adjusting your focus to internal satisfaction creates a ripple effect of positive changes in your relationships and overall well-being.

    If nothing changes in the next three months, how will you feel? If the answer is anything less than great, it's time, let’s go.

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme

    Sign Up the FREE Elevate 360 Digital Digest | Elevate 360 HERE

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    21 m
  • Feel to Heal: Navigating Emotional Resistance For Growth and Success EP39
    Jul 10 2024

    A lot of highly successful people struggle with: the disconnect between the head and the heart. If the phrase "you can't heal until you feel" rubs you the wrong way, this episode is definitely for you.

    Many of you out there have checked all the boxes, graduating from top schools, landing amazing jobs, starting families, or traveling the world, yet, still feel stuck. You've achieved everything on paper, but something's missing. Often, it's because you haven't done the internal work to connect your intellectual achievements with your emotional well-being.

    How being overly intellectual can create invisible barriers to your success. It’s easy to pinpoint big events like childhood trauma, but sometimes it’s the less obvious internal issues that hold us back. The good news? You don't need to dig up every painful memory to start healing. Just begin by peeling back the layers to see what’s really affecting you.

    Connecting your head and heart is crucial for reaching your full potential. This doesn’t mean you need to change who you are. Instead, it's about understanding and leveraging your unique personality in the best way possible. Start with one of the eight core components that resonate with you, and you'll start to see positive changes in your life.

    Internal work leads to external success. It's never too early or too late to begin this journey. You don't need to be 100% convinced—just open to the possibility that this could help you. This process will help you create guardrails for your life, allowing you to adjust instead of starting from scratch whenever you need to make changes.

    Join me as we explore how to navigate emotional resistance, gain clarity, and move forward in both your personal and professional life. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay updated on future episodes!

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme

    Sign Up the FREE Elevate 360 Digital Digest | Elevate 360 HERE

    Connect with Brandy @‌brandynoelreed on Instagram HERE

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    20 m
  • Esteem Core Needs: Identifying and Securing Your Path to Success (Core Component #4) EP38
    Jul 3 2024

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme

    Sign Up the FREE Elevate 360 Digital Digest | Elevate 360 HERE

    Connect with Brandy @‌brandynoelreed on Instagram HERE

    We’re diving deep into the esteem needs core component, which is number four.

    If this is your first time listening, this is one of eight core components necessary for you to achieve your highest success and genuine happiness. This affects every part of your life; career, work, personal. You can start with any component; they don’t need to be in order, though I recommend working through all eight for self-actualization and true fulfillment.

    The esteem needs core component. What falls within that?

    This is the need for self-esteem and the respect of others. It includes feelings of accomplishment, recognition, and the desire for status and prestige. All those accolades, school awards, career achievements, college degrees, first jobs, climbing the corporate ladder, starting a business all fall under this component. This area is tricky because so much resides in the gray area until we accurately define it true to you.

    Accurately identifying and securing the esteem needs core component helps you stay driven by internal motivation. Aim for 80% or more of your motivation to come from an internal place. That’s our guideline. This shift allows you to find fulfillment and success that wasn’t accessible before, even within your current circumstances.

    Start by making a list of things you want to achieve—big, small, everything in between. Walk away from it, then revisit and refine it. This momentum is important. We're not rushing, but we need forward movement. Understanding your drivers and motivators is key.

    Take your top five goals, write down the “why” next to each, and identify whether they are primarily internal or external. Adjust them to ensure 80% of your motivation is internal. This might take some tweaking, but it's essential for true fulfillment.

    The DIT process, Data, Investigate, Tune and Tailor, helps you refine your goals. Check out my mini masterclass on this for a deeper dive.

    If any part of this resonates with you, start somewhere. One small step can provide the evidence and proof your brain needs to invest in the outcome, creating consistent behavior over time. If you’ve navigated this journey and want to share, reach out. I’d love to hear your story.

    Think about your life three months from now. If nothing changes, how will you feel? If it’s anything less than great, it’s time to start.

    Let’s go.

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