
  • How To Get More Respect As A Manager – 3 Vital Principles
    Jul 25 2024

    How to get more respect as a manager or leader from the team you lead is an awful lot easier when you follow 3 hugely important principles. You can put these into practice immediately, whether you are a new manager or have many years’ experience.

    Learn a ton of practical tips to get the respect of your team quickly

    How to get your team to respect you starts with how you as a manager make their lives at work better. If you can’t or won’t try to make their lives better - more enjoyable, more productive, more successful – then you won’t get their respect.

    It is a core human requirement – we want leaders that help the group and us. How to gain respect from your employees is about how well you deliver against this human need and how you go about it.

    Learn 6 very good ways to publicly demonstrate to your team as a whole and to each team member your ability to help them. All are great for how to gain respect as a manager. These are also great tips for how to be a good new manager.

    1. Set Really Clear Goals & Expectations

    2. Proactively Solve Problems for your Team

    3. Protect Your Team

    4. Live your Rules

    5. Communicate Progress & Provide Support

    6. Help Team Members Learn Faster

    The second principle for how to gain more respect at work as a manager or leader is to think partnership rather than boss-employee. After all, you need you team members as much as they need you. Learn 6 useful ways to foster a partnership approach that gives you and your team real tangible benefits.

    The mental transition from directly controlling your success as a worker to indirectly influencing your success as a manager or leader is a difficult shift for many. For any manager, making this shift is crucial for how to get respect at work.

    How to gain respect at workplace as a manager – improve the performance of your team. Improving team performance is the core reason to employ a manager.

    The last principle for how to make people respect you at work is to use the power of your position to help others and the company, not yourself. This is huge! It is very easy to be tempted to use power to make your own life easier at the expense of others. Do this and you quickly damage the respect others have for you.

    If you have any questions on “How To Get More Respect As A Manager – 3 Vital Principles”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    11 m
  • 5 Actions To Keep High Performing Staff Longer
    Jul 18 2024

    Every manager wants to keep their high performing staff longer. High performing employees deliver a lot more value for relatively little more in pay. Keep enough high performers in your team, manage them well and you are nearly guaranteed at least good team performance.

    I share 5 actions to keep high performing staff longer


    How to keep high performers starts with your approach and attitude towards them. Treating your high performing staff as partners will

    1. Make them feel more valued and appreciated

    2. You will utilise more of their talents

    3. The right mindset will create more development opportunities for them

    4. They will get more autonomy and responsibility from a partnership approach

    Plus you and they get a ton more benefits. You want to get the most you can from your best staff so cultivate a great partnership mindset from the start.

    Next, proactively create good development opportunities for your high performers at work. This is easy to say yet quite a bit harder to do in practice. I share the 5 best ways I have come across for getting the most high-value development to your high performers in the workplace.

    Third, provides lots of honest and structure feedback to your high performance individuals. High performers want to know what they are not doing well probably more than what they are doing well. Learn tips on giving corrective feedback without offending and how much positive feedback is needed to keep high performing employees happy.

    Another massive motivator for high performing staff is minimising distractions and pain points which reduce their output and annoy them. This is an essential priority to create high performing teams. Learn about how to mitigate 4 common problems that always come up in nearly every company that such time and motivation from team members and particularly the high performing staff.

    Lastly, pay your high performing staff well. There are common barriers to paying enough salary in practice to make moving more difficult for high performers. Learn how to overcome these issues without causing problems in the rest of the team.

    The actions to keep high performing staff for longer must not annoy or upset the rest of the team. Getting the right balance is really important. Learn how to do this.

    If you have any questions on “5 Actions To Keep High Performing Staff Longer”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    12 m
  • 5 Ways For Being More Persuasive At Work – How to Convince Colleagues
    Jul 11 2024

    Being more persuasive at work gives you a ton of personal benefits plus can make you a lot better at your job. Anyone can become more persuasive at work using 4 specific actions without needing to be a smooth talking extrovert or a born salesman.

    Learn exactly how to convince others at work to do what you need.

    How to be more persuasive starts with understanding the person or team you are trying to persuade. What are the wants, desires, pains, obstacles etc. If you can’t put yourself in the other person’s shoes, persuading them to do what you need is very much an uphill battle.

    Ask questions and listen to put yourself in a good position with how to persuade people. The more you understand the other person the better you can work out how to convince people to do what you want.

    Showing empathy and demonstrating have taken the time to understand the other person is the next step for how to be persuasive at work. Showing you are receptive to them and are interested in their position will make them a lot more receptive to you and your position. A key part of being persuasive skills at work.

    Then you can work to create a solution that helps the other person get at least a part of what they want while they are helping you or aligning with what you want. Always look for a win-win solution when persuading others. We all do what is in our own best interests first.

    Finally, I cover how to build the trust shortcut which will slash the time and effort you need to put in to convince other. Trust makes how to convince employees a whole lot easier and quicker. In my opinion a very worthwhile investment.

    If you have any questions on “4 Actions For Being More Persuasive At Work – How to Convince Colleagues” please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    10 m
  • What Is Self-Awareness And Why Improving It Will Make You A Better Leader
    Jul 4 2024

    Why improving self awareness will make you a better leader – leading others is all about relationships. When you have a great and honest relationship with yourself, you are much better placed to have similar relationships with others.

    Better relationships increase trust, teamwork, motivation, enjoyment … in a work context the list is long. Increase all these elements and you get significantly increased team performance, and in turn company performance.

    There is a lot at stake. We start with what is self awareness? I pose a ton of questions for how to improve your self awareness and get you thinking about what steps you can take today.

    Why self awareness is important at work? Becoming a good manager and leader is a personal journey as much as a professional journey. How well we know ourselves and can manage ourselves, in my view, is directly related to how well we can manage other. Being more self aware is an essential step to self improvement and personal development. Become a better leader at work by first leading yourself better.

    There has been a lot in the business press in recent years about self awareness and emotional intelligence for very good reason. A lack of self awareness is a huge blocker or barrier to good management of others. Increasing the performance of any team through better management (rather than changing the team members) is an incredibly valuable skillset and delivers hundreds of thousands plus of extra value to companies.

    I pose a ton of questions for you to consider answering to yourself about what is self awareness and why is it important in a leadership context.

    I then explain why it is so incredibly valuable for you to put in the effort and time to become more self ware, to learn more about who you are, what you want and what makes you tick.

    Be a better leader at work. Work on know more about yourself.

    If you have any questions on “What Is Self-Awareness And Why Improving It Will Make You A Better Leader”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles

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    10 m
  • How To Write A Great Project Business Case – Get Projects Approved
    Jun 26 2024

    A great project business case creates excitement and anticipation within the business for the benefits promises. In addition to the upsides, a project business case should carefully set expectations about the effort, resources and change needed to achieve those benefits.

    I share 8 reasons why you should write a business case for a project, 4 damaging mistakes to avoid plus 8 key sections to include.
    Project Business Case Checklist – write a more persuasive business case and set your project up for success. https://enhance.training/lm-lp/project-business-case-checklist-ulp027/

    Writing a project business case is a key starting point for project planning and what I would consider project management basics. I share 8 really valuable reasons to write a business case for a project.

    For example, do you really want to put your reputation on the line with a half thought through project plan. It would not be a good way to start persuading others to allocate resources and staff time ahead of other business opportunities.

    Avoid 4 damaging mistakes when writing a business case in project management. Being realistic, doing your research and analysis and thinking through different scenarios and the problems that might arise in each are good project planning and management skills.

    Classic mistakes are made by project managers when writing project business cases to try to get the project signed off and started. Inflating the upsides and downplaying costs are two. When you have a good project business case, you should be able to do the opposite and still have the business keen to sign off and start the project.

    A key test of project manager skills is setting realistic expectations or even expectations that the project team are happy they will exceed. This sets a project up for success from the start rather than trying to climb a mountain of expectation set with a poor business case.

    How to write a great project business case must start with a good summary that covers all the key points - the goals, the benefits for the business, the ROI, the timeline, key project risks and mitigations and the key resources needed.

    Learn all about the remaining 7 sections to writing a great project business plan which will allow you to be more persuasive, start your project earlier and set much more realistic expectations across the business.

    If you have any questions about “How To Write A Great Project Business Case - 8 Key Sections To Include”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    10 m
  • 5 Factors That Makes Coaching So Effective for Managers + Coaching Tips
    Jun 20 2024

    Coaching is so effective for managers for many reasons and coaching team members is also a very effective skills for team managers to develop.

    I share 5 factors that make coaching so effective for managers, plus coaching development tips to maximise the development of your most important team members.
    For coaching for you or your team, please get in touch via email support@enhance.training or call +44 203 500 6300 to discuss if coaching with me would be a good fit for you and what you are looking to achieve.
    What makes coaching so effective for managers and high performers is focus on developing the person’s character as well as management and leadership skills. How a leader or managers thinks and approaches management is much more important than having the right skills. Just think about your best and worst managers – I bet the difference had little to do with their actual skills and everything to do with how they approached managing.

    Leaders and managers make the biggest impact on the business. They make the decisions with the biggest impact and influence the performance and well being of the most people. When leaders and managers do a good job, them most of their team members also do a good job. If you don’t provide leadership development training, then how much are you limiting business success?

    Another great reason to use leadership coaching is you are helping the managers develop their own coaching skills - it is coaching training for managers. Building coaching skills expands their management toolkit. They can then use these skills to better develop and motivate their teams. I personally think of a great manager as a coach.

    Coaching skills for leaders are so effective to develop talented people because using coaching skills helps them develop their:

    1. Problem solving skills

    2. Decision making skills

    3. People management skills

    These are all high value skills that significantly increase business performance when used well across the business.

    Develop coaching skills across your business, in my view, is a must do to get more from your staff.

    If you have any questions on “5 factors that makes coaching so effective for managers + coaching tips”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    9 m
  • How to Manage Incompetent Employees – 4 Essential Steps to Take Today
    Jun 13 2024

    How you manage incompetent employees is essential to improving team performance and reducing the time, effort and hassle you experience in dealing with poor employees.

    Use these 4 steps to be fair to yourself, your team and your business
    I have put together a booklet to take you through my decision making process on which option to take with a incompetent employee:

    1. Improve
    2. Move or
    3. Remove

    Taking the right approach saves you a lot of time and energy and gets the best result for everyone a lot quicker. Down the free booklet here:

    You might take over a new team with an incompetent person in it, or a person may become incompetent over time with increasing demands of their role and they fail learn and grow.

    There are loads of reasons why you might have incompetent people in your team. Incompetent employees are those who perform noticeably below peers – by 20-30%+

    Incompetent team members are, unfortunately, toxic to team performance and career progression as a manager. If you want to do a good job, you can’t ignore incompetent people at work.

    Always make the time to ask questions and find out what is behind the incompetence. A surprising amount of the time, the issues causing incompetence are very fixable. This is the quickest way to improving team performance and is a good demonstration of your management skills.

    The second step for how to deal with incompetent people is assess the potential. Some people have lot, and some don’t. You manage each differently. I go through the factors you should consider.

    The third step in how to deal with incompetent employees is to think about what other jobs in the company could I move this person to in which they could do a good job. For the right type of situations, offer to move the incompetent employee.

    Finally, when dealing with difficult people and incompetent people and you run out of other practical and sensible options, take steps to remove the employee from your team.

    Take action today. You cannot afford to ignore incompetent people in your team.

    If you have any questions on “How to Manage Incompetent Employees – 4 Essential steps to Take Today”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    9 m
  • Run Great Weekly Team Meetings - How to Run Staff Meetings Effectively
    Jun 6 2024

    Run great weekly team meetings and staff will want to attend, the team meeting will be useful to everyone, and holding the weekly team meeting will actually improve team performance over time compared to not holding them.

    I share what I have found works really well for how to run staff meetings effectively. Get better staff meeting ideas and start improving meetings today.
    Running team meetings is not easy. There is so many different ways to run weekly team meetings. Too many managers find themselves the only one really talking during the meeting and staff look bored, looking at their phones or otherwise not really engaged.

    Effective meetings are where everyone is clear on the purpose of the meeting, everyone is engaged and participates and at the end of the staff meeting, everyone has actions or next steps to go and do.

    Team meetings are super useful in increasing communication, co-ordination, support and teamwork. I view weekly team meetings as part of the core foundation of communication and prioritisation needed to improve team performance over time.

    How to have a great staff meeting starts with communicating what the meeting will achieve, and what is expected from everyone who attends. Running effective meetings is also about who attends. If they are not going to participate, they don’t need to be in the meeting.

    Aim to keep weekly staff meetings short. You have them each week so wasting time is a no no. Create a clear agenda and circulate prior to having the meeting – a key practice in how to run a team meeting effectively.

    Effective meeting management should make the meeting about creating actions and improvements in the work the team does. Ensure that each meeting attendee leaves with an action.

    The first agenda item sharing results achieved since the previous weekly meeting. Next, set goals to achieve for the next weekly team meeting. Third share challenges and organise help and lastly, celebrate wins and successes.

    I go into detail on how to use each agenda item so you know how to run team meetings effectively. Make the weekly team meeting as useful as possible to everyone attending!

    If you have any questions on “Run Great Weekly Team Meetings - How to Run Staff Meetings Effectively”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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