
  • EB 136 - Adventurous Mindset
    Aug 6 2024

    Jampal Norbu considers the examined, meaningful life beyond self indulgence and impulse. Our impulsive behavior is dictated by the self important rascal called ego, whose every action results in the five afflictive emotions. The Buddhist practice of Lojong trains us to spot and acknowledge those patterns. Seeing beyond those patterns we discover and appreciate new aspects and abilities within our very own mind. Understanding the verses, “Work with the strongest emotions first,” and “Abandon expectation of fruition,” can lead us there.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • eB 135 - The Land of Dragons
    Jul 1 2024

    Sit by a riverside in The Kingdom of Bhutan with Jampal Norbu as he reflects on the value of our Buddhist heritage and history. The people, places and surprises encountered along a pilgrim’s trail can illuminate many aspects of study, practice and experience. Lojong too connects us to the genuine heart of the spiritual path and the blessings of all those great aspirants that came before us.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • eB 134 - A Pilgrim In Sarnath
    Jun 5 2024

    Jampal Norbu discusses the historical and cultural significance of the Deer Park at Sarnath, where the Buddha first turned The Wheel of Dharma. He emphasizes the unique context these teachings offer by acknowledging the root cause of all our suffering. Understanding this, we can proceed to cultivate a positive and meaningful existence.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • eB 133 - Mind Your Own Business
    Apr 25 2024

    The Lojong mind training slogans don’t offer practitioners advice so that we might simply become nice or agreeable people. Mind training aims to aid us in genuine transformation, but we need to challenge ourselves to understand its deeper, nuanced layers. In this episode, Jampal Norbu is joined by Dharma teacher, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, in contemplation of Verse 26: “Do Not Ponder Others’ Business”.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • eB 132 - Everyone's A Critic
    Jan 18 2024

    Have you heard of negativity bias? Recognizing threats to our well being is intuitive and alerts a sense of urgency around perceived negativities. However, this same quality can run out of control in a world where social criticism, and doom scrolling keep us locked into negative patterns. Lojong practice transforms that negative urgency into a healthier, positive mindset. Jampal Norbu explores verse 25 of Lojong: “Do not speak of the downfall of others.” Theme music by Matt Quentin

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • eB 131 - Freedom Through Discipline Pt 2 with Pema Chodron
    Dec 7 2023

    The practice of Lojong has a long and well established history. Many great practitioners have composed invaluable commentaries on its liberating effects. Their guidebooks reach across centuries, and transform even our fast paced, modern day negativities. These illuminating texts make Lojong one of the most accessible Buddhist practices in the world today, but so do the examples of great living practitioners like Ani Pema Chodron. More than a world renowned author and teacher. Pema Chodron is a living example of Lojong in action. Part 2 of 2

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • eB 130 - Freedom Through Discipline pt 1 with Pema Chödron
    Oct 30 2023

    The practice of Lojong has a long and well established history. Many great practitioners have composed invaluable commentaries on its liberating effects that can reach across centuries and transform even our fast paced, modern day negativities. These illuminating guidebooks make Lojong one of the most accessible Buddhist practices in the world today, but so do the examples of great living practitioners, like Ani Pema Chodron. More than a world renowned author and teacher, Pema Chodron is a living example of Lojong in action.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • eB 129 - The Responsibility of Freedom
    Oct 3 2023

    Freedom is one of the fundamental rights for all human beings. But what does freedom look like on a personal level…on a spiritual level? Are we seeking freedom from responsibility, freedom from persecution or freedom from consequences? All beings are answerable to the laws of cause and effect, which means that true freedom comes from taking responsibility for your own mind. Jampal Norbu examines the 23rd verse of Lojong: “Always train in the three basic principles.“ Theme music by Matt Quentin

    Más Menos
    26 m