
  • Natural Pain Relief, Fascia Health, and Moving Your Body the Right Way with Anna Rahe
    Jul 22 2024

    Have you ever just wished you could FEEL better?

    Oh sure it would probably be great to lose a little weight or look good in your skinny jeans, but what if there was a way to just make your body feel GOOD again.

    No more sore muscles or aches and pains. No more digestive issues. No more bloating or gas.

    And then what if I told you it might be possible to have all that without even changing the way you eat?

    Do I have your attention yet?

    Good, because I’m telling you right now–you are going to LOVE today’s podcast guest, Anna Rahe. She’s a world-renowned movement expert who specializes in Fascia work–a system in the body that is so incredibly important and yet somehow never gets talked about! And what she has to share today is SO interesting and practical and relevant to every single one of us, and I can’t wait for you to dig into this fascinating interview!

    Anna Rahe is a somatic and lifestyle educator and the founder, CEO, and educator of GST Body. For the past 25+ years, Anna has delved deep into a liberating and empowering relationship with fascia so that as many people as possible can invest in their health, restore their vitality, and heal themselves with the proprietary tools she has created.

    You can find Anna at:
    GST Body (Website): https://gstbody.com/
    GST Body (Instagram): instagram.com/gstbody/
    GSB Body (YouTube): youtube.com/user/GSTBodyLA
    Anna Rahe (Website): annarahe.com
    Anna Rahe (Instagram): instagram.com/annaraheofgst/

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Reversing Pre-Diabetes & Losing 70 Pounds with Anita Burns
    Jul 18 2024

    There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want—especially when those are getting the same results you’d like to see in your own life!

    That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Anita Burns who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success after struggling for so long—I can’t wait for you to hear her story!

    Want to learn more about how our program can help you lose weight and get healthy FOR LIFE without dieting or drugs, then I'd love to invite you to join me for my next FREE workshop!

    If you've never joined me for a live workshop, you should know they're always really fun and JAM PACKED with valuable info! Plus you can ask all your questions and get any answers you need in real time.

    To get all the info and get signed up, just go to thinlicious.com/workshop.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • The Big Signs of Hormonal Imbalance You've Probably Been Missing
    Jul 15 2024

    Ah, hormones.

    It's a term that gets thrown around a lot, especially as we get older, but how often do we actually stop to think about what's really going on with our hormones, or the function they serve in our body?

    And as much as we make jokes about being "hormonal," how do you actually KNOW whether your hormones are out of whack?

    And even if you suspect there's something going on, what are you supposed to do about it?

    The truth is that for women over 40, hormones are a big deal.

    And yet most of us don't really know all that much about them, what they do, or how to even recognize the signs that something is amiss.

    And so today, we're going to talk about it.

    We're taking a deep dive into all things hormones—and specifically the big signs of hormonal imbalance that you might have missed, along with what you can actually do about it.

    Want to learn more about how our program can help you lose weight and get healthy FOR LIFE without dieting or drugs, then I'd love to invite you to join me for my next FREE workshop!

    If you've never joined me for a live workshop, you should know they're always really fun and JAM PACKED with valuable info! Plus you can ask all your questions and get any answers you need in real time.

    To get all the info and get signed up, just go to thinlicious.com/workshop.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Gut Health, Thyroid Health, and the Simple Changes that Will Get You Feeling Better Faster with Megan Lyons
    Jul 8 2024

    I’m not gonna lie—I may be a little bit OBSESSED with gut health.

    In fact, I talk about it so much at home that my husband and our friends have turned it into a drinking game.

    And no, I’m not kidding.

    But I can’t help myself because it is a HUGELY important topic that is SO critical to our overall health, especially if you’re a woman over 40 who’s trying to lose weight and get healthy.

    And if you’re excited to learn more about how to keep your gut healthy, you are going to LOVE today’s podcast guest, Megan Lyons. She’s a double-board certified holistic nutritionist, and she has some super helpful and practical tips to share about yep, you guessed it—GUT HEALTH. My favorite topic in the whole world.

    Megan Lyons is a sought-after health & wellness expert who is deeply passionate about inspiring others to feel their healthiest and happiest. Megan is a Harvard graduate, MBA, and former management consultant who left the business world to follow her passion for wellness by opening The Lyons' Share Wellness in 2014.

    Since then, she's earned a Master's degree in Holistic Nutrition, become Double Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition. She is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Clinical Nutrition, and has amassed over 10,000 hours of 1-to-1 nutrition consulting with clients internationally. Megan runs a top podcast on health and wellness, “Wellness Your Way with Megan Lyons.” Her Revitalize Health Accelerator is a community of health-minded individuals looking to continuously uplevel their health and wellness.


    Freebies: https://www.thelyonsshare.org/freedownloads/
    Website: https://www.thelyonsshare.org/
    The Revitalize Health Accelerator: https://www.thelyonsshare.org/revitalize/ Podcast: https://www.thelyonsshare.org/wellness-your-way-podcast/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelyonsshare/

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Losing Weight Alongside Your Husband with Tammy Weiland
    Jul 3 2024

    There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want—especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life!

    That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Tammy Weiland who’s lost more than 60 pounds since first starting our —and who did it right alongside her husband—I can’t wait for you to hear her story!

    Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

    Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them. Access our free video training HERE.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • How a Sugar Detox Can Transform Your Health
    Jul 1 2024

    Have you ever actually thought about how much sugar you're actually eating in a day?

    Like really thought about it?

    Because I think most of us, at least on some level, probably realize that sugar is not great.

    But it's also pretty easy to not really think about how much sugar you're actually consuming on a daily basis.

    Or what all that sugar is actually doing to your body.

    Or the fact that if you're like most people, you're actually addicted to sugar and you don't even realize it....even if you think you don't have a sugar problem.

    And that's why in today's episode I wanted to take a deep dive into all things sugar, including some of the not-so-obvious signs that you might be eating too much, but also what it actually means to DETOX your body from sugar, and what kind of an impact that can have on your health.

    It's definitely a meaty episode with LOTS of practical takeaways, but my hope is that it will inspire you to take action.

    Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

    Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them. Access our free video training HERE.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • The Summer of YOU: Your Ultimate Summer Shape-Up Plan
    Jun 24 2024

    Whether you're ready for it or not, summer is officially here.

    For those of us with kids still at home, that usually means relief from the crazy grind of the busy school year, but also a change in routine that can sometimes feel just as chaotic as that last intolerable month of school.

    But even if you don't have kids at home, there's something about summer that just changes the vibe, whether it's the longer days or the warmer weather or the vacations planned.

    It's a time to kick back and relax, to spend more time with friends and family, and to just enjoy life a little bit more.


    And for many of us the thought of "just enjoying life" is usually synonymous with "not worrying about what I eat or drink, and throwing caution to the wind."

    But what if this year it wasn't?

    What if I told you that this could be the summer that you not only ENJOY your life and the best that summer has to offer, but that you ALSO focused on your health, and on looking and feeling your absolute best so that your FUTURE summers look even better?

    I promise it's not impossible. And that's why in today's episode I don't just want to convince you to make this the summer of YOU, I'm going to give you the ultimate roadmap to actually make it happen.

    Join TAS here: www.thinlicious.com/thinadaptedsystem

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Sustainable Weight Loss & Newfound Confidence with Tammie Matthews
    Jun 20 2024

    There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Tammie Matthews who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success after struggling for so long—I can’t wait for you to hear her story!

    Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!

    Losing weight & getting healthy is never easy, but lately you might feel like it’s suddenly become impossible.

    Our Flip the Switch guide will help you clearly understand what’s been going on, as well as exactly what you can do to get your metabolism working again so that you can look and feel your best—it’s easier and more simple than you think! Get it HERE.

    Más Menos
    28 m