
  • Episode -15: What is the difference between a “Client Getting Book” and a “Regular Book”
    Jul 25 2024


    As financial advisors, writing a book presents a powerful opportunity, but the approach and execution can significantly impact the outcomes.

    This episode will delve into the distinct differences between crafting a "client-getting book" specifically designed to attract ideal clients and grow your practice, versus a "regular book" aimed at a broader audience.

    Purpose and Objectives:

    Client-Getting Book: Primary goal is to attract ideal clients and drive business growth

    Regular Book: Aims for mainstream appeal, personal branding, or establishing thought leadership

    Target Audience:

    Client-Getting Book: Hyper-focused on a specific niche or ideal client profile

    Regular Book: Broad appeal, targeting a general or mass-market audience

    Content and Value Proposition:

    Client-Getting Book: Provides immense value, practical solutions, and actionable advice tailored to the target audience's pain points

    Regular Book: Offers general information, inspiration, or entertainment for a wider readership

    Structure and Sales Funnel:

    Client-Getting Book: Strategically guides readers towards working with you, incorporates calls-to-action and lead generation tactics

    Regular Book: Structured for an engaging reading experience, may lack direct business conversion opportunities

    Promotion and Marketing:

    Client-Getting Book: Leveraged as a lead magnet, used for targeted marketing to attract ideal clients

    Regular Book: Marketed through mainstream channels, book tours, media appearances, and general publicity

    Business Impact and ROI:

    Client-Getting Book: Direct path to client acquisition, practice growth, and increased revenue

    Regular Book: Indirect benefits like personal branding, thought leadership, and potential speaking opportunities

    Opportunities for Growth:

    Client-Getting Book: Positions you as the go-to expert, opens doors for consulting, speaking, and additional revenue streams

    Regular Book: May lead to additional book deals, media exposure, or a career as an author

    Action Items for Advisors:

    Clarify Your Goals: Spend 20 minutes outlining your specific goals for writing a book. Is it primarily for client acquisition and practice growth, or for personal branding and thought leadership? Aligning your purpose will guide your approach.

    Define Your Ideal Client: Take 30 minutes to create a detailed persona of your ideal client, including their demographics, pain points, goals, and communication preferences. This will ensure your book resonates deeply with your target audience.

    Evaluate Your Existing Content: Review your blog posts, presentations, client communications, and other materials to identify potential content that can be repurposed or expanded upon in your book. This will save time and leverage your existing expertise while tailoring it for your ideal clients.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Join our community of like-minded advisors on LinkedIn Here .
    • Grab your copy of the book " The Advisor Authority Book Framework" Here
    • Write your "Client Getting Book" in just 7 weeks - Program
    • Book Your FREE Breakthrough Call Here

    Subscribe & Follow:

    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to the Financial Advisor Practice Podcast on Apple & Spotify.
    • Follow us on social media: Here

    Feedback & Contact:

    • We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a review or send us your feedback at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com .
    • Interested in being a guest or have a topic suggestion? Reach out to us at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com
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    42 m
  • Ep-14 - The Top 10 Essentials for Writing a Client-Attracting Book
    Jul 22 2024
    Define Your Ideal Client Summary: Clearly identify your target audience and craft your book's content to address their specific needs, pain points, and desires. Understanding your ideal client will help you tailor your message, tone, and solutions to resonate deeply with the readers you want to attract. 2. Establish Your Unique Value Proposition Summary: Highlight what sets you apart from other advisors in your book. Share your unique approach, insights, and solutions that showcase your expertise and differentiate you from the competition. Your book should communicate the value you offer and why clients should choose to work with you. 3. Set Clear Goals Summary: Understand what you want to achieve with your book. Is it client acquisition, brand building, or establishing authority? Having clear goals will guide your writing process, content selection, and marketing efforts. Align your book's purpose with your overall business objectives. 4. Create a Detailed Outline Summary: Plan your book's structure thoroughly with a well-crafted outline. An outline helps maintain focus, ensures logical flow, and makes the writing process more manageable. It also allows you to organize your ideas and ensure you cover all essential topics. 5. Gather Client Stories and Case Studies Summary: Real-life examples and success stories make your book more relatable and credible. Share client experiences and case studies (with permission or anonymized) that illustrate your expertise and the positive impact you've had on your clients' lives. 6. Focus on Practical Solutions Summary: Readers should gain actionable insights and practical advice from your book. Provide strategies, tools, and step-by-step guidance that your readers can implement to solve their problems and achieve their financial goals. Make your book a valuable resource, not just an informational piece. 7. Maintain a Conversational Tone Summary: Write in a way that feels like a one-on-one conversation with your reader. Avoid jargon and keep your language clear and accessible. Connect with your readers on a personal level, building trust and rapport through your writing style. 8. Edit and Proofread Thoroughly Summary: Professionalism is key when it comes to publishing a book. Hire a professional editor and proofreader to ensure your book is polished, error-free, and meets industry standards. A well-edited book will enhance your credibility and make a lasting impression on your readers. 9. Plan Your Marketing Strategy Summary: Consider how you will market your book even before you start writing. Develop a comprehensive strategy for promoting your book through your existing network, social media, email marketing, and other channels. A well-executed marketing plan will ensure your book reaches its intended audience and maximizes its impact. 10. Have a Long-Term Plan and Think Big Picture Summary: Writing a book is a significant investment of time and effort, but it can elevate your practice substantially. Approach your book with a long-term mindset and a big-picture vision. Consider how your book can position you as a thought leader, open doors to new opportunities, and contribute to the growth of your practice over time. Addressing Limiting Beliefs and Fears: Throughout the episode, we will also address common limiting beliefs and fears that advisors may face when considering writing a book. These may include concerns about time commitment, writing skills, imposter syndrome, or fears of self-promotion. We will provide strategies and encouragement to overcome these obstacles and approach the book-writing process with confidence and determination. Action Items: Conduct an Ideal Client Avatar ExerciseBrainstorm Your Unique Value PropositionStart Collecting Client Stories and Testimonials Resources Mentioned: Join our community of like-minded advisors on LinkedIn Here .Grab your copy of the book " The Advisor Authority Book Framework" HereWrite your "Client Getting Book" in just 7 weeks - ProgramBook Your FREE Breakthrough Call HereSubscribe & Follow: Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to the Financial Advisor Practice Podcast on Apple & Spotify.Follow us on social media: HereFeedback & Contact: We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a review or send us your feedback at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com .Interested in being a guest or have a topic suggestion? Reach out to us at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com
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    41 m
  • Ep-13: Beyond the Book - Using books as an unfair advantage across your entire practice
    Jul 9 2024


    • Most advisors think of books just for marketing/lead generation
    • But the savviest advisors leverage books across their entire business
    • Tease the creative ways advisors are using books for an unfair edge

    Books for Talent Acquisition

    • Use books to showcase your firm's philosophies and culture
    • Attract aligned advisors, staff, partners to your team
    • Example: Getting books into universities for recruiting

    The Operational Advantages of Books

    • Books as training tools for ramping up new hires quickly
    • Standardizing processes, procedures, best practices in book form
    • Streamlining client communications and touchpoints

    Books for Business Development

    • Using books to spark conversations and open new doors
    • Get in front of other professionals like attorneys and CPAs
    • Reciprocal book promotion and cross-selling opportunities

    The Secret Client Experience Weapon

    • Delight clients and build raving fans by giving them a book
    • Use books for celebrating milestones and special occasions
    • Personalized books as ultra high-end client gifts

    Supercharging Referrals with Books

    • Motivate clients, partners to refer by giving away books
    • Arm referral sources with books to do "pre-framing"
    • Run strategic referral campaigns centered around books

    Creating Recurring Revenue with Books

    • Develop books into subscription models or continuity programs
    • Example: A book series clients pay for annually/monthly
    • Generating new revenue streams from a single book asset

    The Advisor as Media Mogul

    • How publishing books can be a gateway to spin-off products
    • Using books as a first step into creating courses, workshops, events
    • Maximizing the authority and credibility books provide

    Case Studies

    • Highlight advisors creatively using books across their business
    • Specific applications, successes and results they're realizing

    Action Steps

    • Brainstorm creative cross-business applications for YOUR book
    • Map out a book-centric referral or client appreciation campaign
    • Explore recurring revenue or product line extension opportunities

    Closing Thoughts

    • Books are not a one-dimensional, single-use asset
    • With creativity, advisors can deeply infuse books throughout their business
    • For an endless array of strategic advantages and unfair edges

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Join our community of like-minded advisors on LinkedIn Here .
    • Grab your copy of the book " The Advisor Authority Book Framework" Here
    • Write your "Client Getting Book" in just 7 weeks - Program
    • Book Your FREE Breakthrough Call Here

    Subscribe & Follow:

    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to the Financial Advisor Practice Podcast on Apple & Spotify.
    • Follow us on social media: Here

    Feedback & Contact:

    • We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a review or send us your feedback at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com .
    • Interested in being a guest or have a topic suggestion? Reach out to us at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com
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    40 m
  • Ep-12: Book Marketing Hacks - Lead generation ideas that produce endless hot leads for Financial Advisors
    Jun 29 2024


    • The struggle of constant lead generation for advisors
    • Traditional methods are ineffective, expensive, and labor-intensive
    • Tease how advisors are using books to attract qualified leads endlessly

    The Power of Book-Based Lead Generation

    • Books are the ultimate lead magnet - deliver upfront value
    • Allow you to capture leads passively and perpetually
    • Self-qualifying leads based on who consumes the book

    Free Book Distribution Hacks

    • Leverage existing networks and platforms you're already on
    • Creative ways advisors are getting books into hands for free

    Book Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

    • How to drive explosion of targeted leads for <$500
    • Examples: Paid newsletter ads, FB groups, giveaway promotions
    • Slice and repurpose the book into endless micro-content

    Advanced Book Distribution Plays

    • Using joint venture partnerships and cross-promotions
    • Negotiating or free bulk book orders from companies for employees
    • Influencers on IG & Tiktok
    • Facebook Group Owners- Going Live
    • LinkedIn Group Owners - Events & Joint Collab
    • Getting books into offices or associations where you ICP frequents

    From Book to Consultation

    • Automated nurture sequences from opt-in to consultation
    • Soft nurturing by continually providing free value
    • Turning book leads into hot, ready-to-buy prospects

    Case Studies of Advisors Winning

    • Highlight creative book lead gen examples in action
    • Specific channels, budgets, and results they're getting
    • Show diversity of industries and approaches working

    Action Steps Advisors Can Take

    • Low-hanging fruit book distribution starting today
    • Negotiate a book cross-promotion with complementary businesses
    • Map out an automated nurture sequence for book leads

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Join our community of like-minded advisors on LinkedIn Here .
    • Grab your copy of the book " The Advisor Authority Book Framework" Here
    • Write your "Client Getting Book" in just 7 weeks - Program
    • Book Your FREE Breakthrough Call Here

    Subscribe & Follow:

    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to the Financial Advisor Practice Podcast on Apple & Spotify.
    • Follow us on social media: Here

    Feedback & Contact:

    • We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a review or send us your feedback at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com .
    • Interested in being a guest or have a topic suggestion? Reach out to us at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com
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    40 m
  • Ep-11: The Advisor's Shortcut to Sales Mastery - How a book streamlines your entire sales process
    Jun 28 2024


    • The pains of traditional sales for financial advisors (cold outreach, objections, unqualified prospects, wasted time)
    • Tease how a book can transform and simplify the entire sales process

    The Power of a Book in Sales

    • Builds credibility and trust before the first meeting
    • Allows you to prequalify prospects based on who consumes your book
    • Warms up prospects by delivering value first
    • Makes you a welcomed advisor rather than an unwanted salesperson

    Using the Book for Pre-Framing

    • Walk through how the book lays out your philosophy, approach, and expertise
    • This pre-frames what to expect when working with you as an advisor
    • Prospects are sold on you before you ever pitch to them

    Book-Assisted Prospect Conversations

    • Specific talk tracks and conversational techniques leveraging the book
    • Example: "I see you downloaded my book, what resonated most with you?"
    • Allows you to uncover their wants, needs, concerns organically

    Filtering Your Ideal Prospects

    • How to craft the book intentionally for your perfect client
    • Only attracting qualified, eager buyers for your services
    • No more wasting time with tire-kickers or bad fits

    Automating Your Sales Funnel

    • Using the book as the first touch for automated nurture sequences
    • Delivering helpful follow-up content and prompts based on book actions
    • Warming them up on autopilot for a smooth discovery call

    Success Stories

    • Examples of advisors leveraging books to simplify sales
    • More referrals, higher closing rates, better quality clients

    Action Steps

    • Map out your book outline for your perfect client
    • Draft automated nurture sequences around your book
    • Start pre-framing prospects with your book today

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Join our community of like-minded advisors on LinkedIn Here .
    • Grab your copy of the book " The Advisor Authority Book Framework" Here
    • Write your "Client Getting Book" in just 7 weeks - Program
    • Book Your FREE Breakthrough Call Here

    Subscribe & Follow:

    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to the Financial Advisor Practice Podcast on Apple & Spotify.
    • Follow us on social media: Here

    Feedback & Contact:

    • We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a review or send us your feedback at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com .
    • Interested in being a guest or have a topic suggestion? Reach out to us at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com
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    41 m
  • Ep:10- "The Book That Will Build You a 7-Figure Practice - AABF Book Launch"
    Jun 21 2024

    Title: "The Book That Will Build You a 7-Figure Practice - AABF Book Launch"


    Tease the power of using a book to attract ideal clients

    Struggles of traditional marketing/sales for advisors

    The Advisor Authority Book Framework:

    What the book is - a step-by-step system to write a client-attracting book

    Big promise: Grow to 7-figures by leveraging your book

    Why Writing a Book is the Ultimate Marketing Asset:

    Instantly builds credibility and authority

    Provides value before asking for anything

    Filters out tire-kickers from your ideal clients

    Automated lead generation and nurturing

    Example success stories of advisors leveraging books

    What You'll Learn in the Book:

    How to choose a compelling book topic/hook

    My personal 7-week book writing process

    Get your book into thousands of prospect hands

    Turn book readers into clients automatically

    Avoid costly paid ads with smart book distribution

    Build Your Dream Practice with This Book:

    End the hustle of manual prospecting forever

    Become a recognized expert who attracts clients

    Have a full pipeline of self-qualified dream clients

    Simplified selling using the book framework

    What's Included:

    The full Advisor Authority Book Framework system

    Assessments, templates, downloads to take action

    Bonus: Audiobook version to listen on the go

    Bonus: Pricing Model to hit 7-figures - Masterclass

    Bonus: Productivity Mastery for Optimal Revenue - Model Workweek - Workshop

    Call to Action:

    Get the book for only $7 today

    Start building your book-based client-getting asset

    Free up your time while your book markets for you

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Join our community of like-minded advisors on LinkedIn Here .
    • Grab your copy of the book " The Advisor Authority Book Framework" Here
    • Write your "Client Getting Book" in just 7 weeks - Program
    • Book Your FREE Breakthrough Call Here

    Subscribe & Follow:

    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to the Financial Advisor Practice Podcast on Apple & Spotify.
    • Follow us on social media: Here

    Feedback & Contact:

    • We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a review or send us your feedback at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com .
    • Interested in being a guest or have a topic suggestion? Reach out to us at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com .
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    36 m
  • Ep-9: Stop Chasing Prospects and Start Building Assets in Your Practice
    Jun 20 2024

    Title: "Stop Chasing Prospects and Start Building Assets in Your Practice"


    The never-ending chase for new clients through activities like networking events, cold-calling, etc. This manual labor is exhausting. Smarter advisors build marketing and sales assets that attract clients perpetually with less ongoing effort.

    What are Marketing/Sales Assets?

    Assets are things you build once that continue providing value over time (with some tweaks).

    Examples: Evergreen webinars, podcast, books Attract ideal prospects into your pipeline to be nurtured over time.

    The Power of Evergreen Webinars

    Create opt-in pages to capture leads Automated nurture sequences Establish expertise and build trust Why Start a Podcast?

    Reach your network and new audiences Repurpose episodes into content like video clips Provide lead magnets to capture emails

    Writing a Book

    The ultimate lead magnet Distribute on website, social media Reinforces credibility and authority

    Stacking Assets for Maximum Impact

    Webinar attendees get the book Podcast listeners offered the webinar Compounds the lead generation Additional Benefits

    Assets filter out tire-kickers Don't waste time on unqualified prospects Establishes social proof and trust Conclusion: Start building your assets today for perpetual, leveraged growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    Identify 1-2 marketing/sales assets to build (webinar, podcast, book) Map out your asset creation plan Strategize asset interconnectivity Commit to building assets over chasing prospects manually

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Join our community of like-minded advisors on LinkedIn Here .
    • Grab your copy of the book " The Advisor Authority Book Framework" Here
    • Write your "Client Getting Book" in just 7 weeks - Program

    Subscribe & Follow:

    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to the Financial Advisor Practice Podcast on Apple & Spotify.
    • Follow us on social media: Here

    Feedback & Contact:

    • We’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a review or send us your feedback at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com .
    • Interested in being a guest or have a topic suggestion? Reach out to us at podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com .

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    45 m
  • Ep-8: How to build an Asset & routines Inside Your Practice and Improve Productivity
    Jun 9 2024

    Summary: In this episode, Rafi Shaikh delves into the importance of building assets within your financial advisory practice to improve productivity and achieve a balanced lifestyle. He discusses how intentional design and implementation of systems, processes, and technology can help financial advisors reclaim their time and enhance the value of their practice.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Intentional Practice Design:

      • Define your practice goals, whether it's a seven-figure lifestyle practice or taking significant time off.
      • Be intentional about how you structure your practice to meet these goals.
    2. Marketing Assets:

      • Create evergreen marketing tools like webinars, blogs, podcasts, or books.
      • These assets work 24/7, attracting ideal clients and elevating client satisfaction.
    3. Sales Assets:

      • Develop sales materials that complement your marketing efforts.
      • Use pre-built webinars or books to pre-sell prospects, making the sales process smoother.
    4. Systems Assets:

      • Implement CRM systems, content vaults, and standard operating procedures (SOPs).
      • These systems ensure consistency and efficiency in your practice.
    5. Human Assets:

      • Invest in your team by providing training and tools for their success.
      • Building a capable team ensures the longevity and smooth transition of your practice.
    6. Servicing Assets:

      • Establish robust servicing models to enhance client experience and satisfaction.
      • Efficient servicing procedures are crucial for client retention and practice valuation.
    7. Energy Management:

      • Focus on activities that energize you and incorporate them into your daily routine.
      • Maintain a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout and ensure sustained performance.
    8. Proactive Approach:

      • Be decisive and act quickly when implementing new strategies or building assets.
      • Avoid procrastination to maximize the benefits of your efforts.

    Actionable Items:

    1. Wake Up Earlier:

      • Gradually wake up one hour earlier to create a morning routine for meditation, exercise, or journaling.
    2. Drink Lemon Water:

      • Start your day with a large glass of lukewarm lemon water with rock salt or Himalayan salt to boost energy and alertness.
    3. Email Management:

      • Implement the 80/20 inbox processing system to focus on the 20% of emails that matter, streamlining your workflow.


    • Book: The Advisor Authority Book Framework by Rafi Shaikh
      • Available for $7 with three FREE bonuses and a 365-day money-back guarantee.

    For Questions, Comments, Suggestions & Feedback , Please email : Podcast@peacefuladvisorlifestyle.com

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    20 m