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Fluent Fiction - Catalan

De: FluentFiction.org
  • Resumen

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Catalan listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Catalan, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Catalan and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Catalonia, Valencia, or the Balearic Islands? Maybe you want to speak Catalan with your grandparents from Girona?

    Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in the Catalan speaking country. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Catalan listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Milloreu la vostra comprensió auditiva amb les nostres històries en català avui!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Finding Inspiration: A Magical Encounter in Parc Güell
    Jul 9 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Finding Inspiration: A Magical Encounter in Parc Güell Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-inspiration-a-magical-encounter-in-parc-guell Story Transcript:Ca: Laia caminava pel Parc Güell, cercant inspiració.En: Laia was walking through Parc Güell, seeking inspiration.Ca: El sol d’estiu brillava damunt els mosaics acolorits, creant reflexos màgics.En: The summer sun shone on the colorful mosaics, creating magical reflections.Ca: Ella es sentia perduda.En: She felt lost.Ca: La seva creativitat semblava haver desaparegut.En: Her creativity seemed to have vanished.Ca: Pau també estava allà, tocant la seva guitarra sota una de les arcs del parc.En: Pau was also there, playing his guitar under one of the park's arches.Ca: Els seus dits tremolaven una mica.En: His fingers trembled slightly.Ca: Era la primera vegada que tocava en públic.En: It was the first time he played in public.Ca: Sant Joan estava a prop, i volia superar les seves pors.En: Sant Joan was near, and he wanted to overcome his fears.Ca: Laia s’aturà per escoltar.En: Laia stopped to listen.Ca: Les notes de la guitarra de Pau eren suaus i belles.En: Pau's guitar notes were soft and beautiful.Ca: Eren plenes de sentiment.En: They were full of feeling.Ca: La seva música parlava al seu cor.En: His music spoke to her heart.Ca: Per primera vegada en molts mesos, Laia sentí una espurna de creativitat dins seu.En: For the first time in many months, Laia felt a spark of creativity within her.Ca: Es va asseure en un banc serpentejant, treure una llibreta i començà a dibuixar.En: She sat on a winding bench, took out a notebook, and began to draw.Ca: Els contorns de Pau amb la seva guitarra prenien forma ràpidament.En: The outlines of Pau with his guitar quickly took shape.Ca: Les seves mans dibuixaven amb entusiasme, captant cada detall.En: Her hands drew with enthusiasm, capturing every detail.Ca: Pau va notar Laia.En: Pau noticed Laia.Ca: Va veure com ella dibuixava i somrigué.En: He saw her drawing and smiled.Ca: Les seves mans es tornaren més segures.En: His hands became more steady.Ca: Laia l’animava sense dir ni una paraula.En: Laia encouraged him without saying a word.Ca: La seva inseguretat es començà a esvair.En: His insecurity began to fade.Ca: La música de Pau es feu més viva, més atrevida.En: Pau's music became more lively, more daring.Ca: Els visitants del parc s’aturaven per escoltar-lo.En: Park visitors stopped to listen to him.Ca: Laia continuava dibuixant, amb el cor ple d’alegria.En: Laia continued drawing, her heart filled with joy.Ca: Sentia la seva passió per l’art tornar.En: She felt her passion for art returning.Ca: Amb el temps, el sol es posava lentament.En: Over time, the sun slowly set.Ca: Pau acabà la seva cançó amb una gran somriure.En: Pau finished his song with a big smile.Ca: Laia es va aixecar i li mostrà el dibuix.En: Laia stood up and showed him the drawing.Ca: Pau estava impressionat.En: Pau was impressed.Ca: Els ulls de Laia brillaven d’inspiració.En: Laia's eyes shone with inspiration.Ca: "Tu ets molt talentós," li digué Laia.En: "You are very talented," Laia said to him.Ca: Ell se sentí ple de coratge.En: He felt full of courage.Ca: Decidí apuntar-se a una competició de música local.En: He decided to sign up for a local music competition.Ca: Juntament amb Laia, sabien que havien canviat.En: Together, Laia and Pau knew they had changed.Ca: Els dos van trobar força l’un en l’altre, reconeixent la importància de creure en ells mateixos.En: They found strength in each other, recognizing the importance of believing in themselves.Ca: Emocionats per les seves noves aventures, Laia i Pau van sortir del parc, plens d’esperança.En: Excited about their new adventures, Laia and Pau left the park, filled with hope.Ca: Amb l'energia de l’estiu i la màgia de Sant Joan, estaven preparats per agafar el món amb renovada passió.En: With the energy of summer and the magic of Sant Joan, they were ready to take on the world with renewed passion. Vocabulary Words:the inspiration: la inspiracióthe reflection: el reflexlost: perdudaseemed: semblavato vanish: desaparèixerto tremble: tremolarslightly: una micato overcome: superarthe fear: la porto stop: aturar-sewinding: serpentejantthe bench: el bancthe notebook: la llibretathe outline: el contornto shape: prendre formaenthusiasm: l'entusiasmeto capture: captardaring: atrevitlively: vivato fade: esvair-sethe passion: la passióto return: tornarto set (sun): posar-seto shine: brillarto impress: impressionartalented: talentósto encourage: animarto sign up: apuntar-sethe courage: el coratgethe competition: la competició
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    15 m
  • Love Blossoms on La Rambla: A Summer Day to Remember
    Jul 8 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Love Blossoms on La Rambla: A Summer Day to Remember Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/love-blossoms-on-la-rambla-a-summer-day-to-remember Story Transcript:Ca: La calor de l'estiu omplia els carrers de La Rambla amb una llum brillant.En: The summer heat filled the streets of La Rambla with a bright light.Ca: Les flors dels mercats afegien colors vius a la follia de la gent.En: The flowers from the markets added vivid colors to the frenzy of people.Ca: Els turistes passejaven amunt i avall, i els comerciants cridaven per atreure clients.En: Tourists strolled up and down, and the merchants shouted to attract customers.Ca: Adrià es va aturar davant d'una botiga de records.En: Adrià stopped in front of a souvenir shop.Ca: Sentia el cor bategar ràpidament.En: He felt his heart beating rapidly.Ca: Després d'un any de parlar amb Júlia només a través d'una pantalla, avui es trobarien cara a cara.En: After a year of talking to Júlia only through a screen, today they would meet face to face.Ca: Treballava com a enginyer de programari, i les interaccions socials sempre li havien estat difícils.En: He worked as a software engineer, and social interactions had always been difficult for him.Ca: A uns metres de distància, Júlia també esperava al punt de trobada, mirant constantment al seu voltant.En: A few meters away, Júlia was also waiting at the meeting point, constantly looking around.Ca: Estava emocionada però també nerviosa.En: She was excited but also nervous.Ca: Era dissenyadora gràfica i gaudia de les relacions socials, però tenia por de les vulnerabilitats que sorgien en una trobada així.En: She was a graphic designer and enjoyed social relationships, but she was afraid of the vulnerabilities that might arise in such a meeting.Ca: Finalment, es van trobar a prop de la famosa font de Canaletes.En: Finally, they met near the famous Canaletes fountain.Ca: Es van abraçar amb una barreja de alegria i timidesa.En: They hugged with a mix of joy and shyness.Ca: "Hola, Júlia," va dir Adrià amb un somriure.En: "Hello, Júlia," Adrià said with a smile.Ca: "Hola, Adrià," va respondre ella, sentint com les seves preocupacions es dissipaven lleugerament.En: "Hello, Adrià," she responded, feeling her worries slightly dissipate.Ca: Adrià havia planificat el dia amb cura.En: Adrià had carefully planned the day.Ca: Van començar amb un cafè a una terrassa encantadora.En: They started with coffee at a charming terrace.Ca: Parlaven de les seves feines i els somnis que havien compartit en línia.En: They talked about their jobs and the dreams they had shared online.Ca: Va anar bé, però Adrià seguia una mica inquiet.En: It was going well, but Adrià remained somewhat anxious.Ca: Júlia, per la seva banda, lluís un somriure confiada i elogiava l'energia de la ciutat.En: Júlia, on the other hand, smiled confidently and praised the city's energy.Ca: Després van visitar el mercat de la Boqueria.En: Then they visited the Boqueria market.Ca: Els colors, les olors i els sabors eren fascinants.En: The colors, smells, and flavors were fascinating.Ca: Júlia es delectava provant els diferents aliments i inspirant-se en les imatges per a nous dissenys.En: Júlia delighted in trying different foods and drawing inspiration for new designs.Ca: Adrià va començar a relaxar-se, agafant confiança a mesura que compartien aquestes experiències.En: Adrià started to relax, gaining confidence as they shared these experiences.Ca: Més tard, mentre passejaven sense rumb pels carrers laterals, van topar accidentalment amb un espectacle de carrer.En: Later, as they wandered aimlessly through the side streets, they accidentally stumbled upon a street performance.Ca: Un grup de músics tocava una melodia alegre, i ballarins feien piruetes al ritme de les notes.En: A group of musicians played a cheerful melody, and dancers spun around to the rhythm of the notes.Ca: La música va captivar a tots dos.En: The music captivated both of them.Ca: Sense adonar-se'n, es van trobar rient i ballant junts.En: Without realizing it, they found themselves laughing and dancing together.Ca: L'espontaneïtat del moment va trencar la tensió que Adrià sentia.En: The spontaneity of the moment broke the tension Adrià felt.Ca: Va arribar el vespre, i Adrià va portar a Júlia a una terrassa amb vistes espectaculars de la ciutat.En: Evening came, and Adrià took Júlia to a terrace with spectacular views of the city.Ca: El sol es ponia, pintant el cel de colors taronges i roses.En: The sun was setting, painting the sky with orange and pink hues.Ca: Es van seure en silenci, gaudint de la vista i l'un de l'altre.En: They sat in silence, enjoying the view and each other's company.Ca: La por d'Adrià a les interaccions socials es va esvair; es va adonar que podia ser ell mateix en presència de Júlia.En: Adrià's fear of social interactions faded; he realized he could be ...
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    19 m
  • 4th of July Rescue: A Tale of Friendship and Survival
    Jul 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: 4th of July Rescue: A Tale of Friendship and Survival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/4th-of-july-rescue-a-tale-of-friendship-and-survival Story Transcript:Ca: El sol brillava intensament a Forsyth Park.En: The sun was shining brightly in Forsyth Park.Ca: Era el 4 de Juliol i tot el parc estava ple de gent celebrant la Independència.En: It was the 4th of July, and the entire park was filled with people celebrating Independence Day.Ca: Els nens corrien, les famílies feien pícnic, i una banda tocava cançons patriòtiques a prop de la font principal.En: Children were running around, families were having picnics, and a band was playing patriotic songs near the main fountain.Ca: Marcel, un artista local conegut, passejava amb el seu amic d’infància, Jordi, que havia vingut de Catalunya per visitar-lo.En: Marcel, a well-known local artist, was strolling with his childhood friend, Jordi, who had come from Catalonia to visit him.Ca: Marcel sempre havia tingut problemes amb l'asma, però avui volia gaudir del dia sense preocupar-se.En: Marcel had always had issues with asthma, but today he wanted to enjoy the day without worrying.Ca: Volia gaudir dels focs artificials, la música i l'ambient festiu.En: He wanted to enjoy the fireworks, the music, and the festive atmosphere.Ca: N'havia parlat molt amb Jordi i tots dos estaven entusiasmats amb la festa.En: He had talked a lot about it with Jordi, and both were excited about the celebration.Ca: La calor d'estiu era sufocant.En: The summer heat was stifling.Ca: El sol cremava la pell i l'aire era espès i pesat.En: The sun burned their skin, and the air was thick and heavy.Ca: Marcel va començar a sentir-se incòmode.En: Marcel started feeling uncomfortable.Ca: Cada respiració es feia més difícil i el seu pit estava molt tancat.En: Each breath became more difficult, and his chest felt very tight.Ca: Va mirar Jordi amb preocupació.En: He looked at Jordi with concern.Ca: Havia començat una crisi d'asma.En: An asthma attack had begun.Ca: "Jordi, no em trobo bé," va dir Marcel, amb la veu apagada.En: "Jordi, I don't feel well," Marcel said, his voice faint.Ca: Jordi va notar l’angoixa en els ulls del seu amic.En: Jordi saw the distress in his friend's eyes.Ca: "Has portat l’inhalador?En: "Did you bring your inhaler?"Ca: " va preguntar, ja sabent la resposta.En: he asked, already knowing the answer.Ca: "No, l'he deixat a casa," va admetre Marcel, penedit.En: "No, I left it at home," Marcel admitted regretfully.Ca: Fent un esforç, Marcel va intentar tranquil·litzar-se, però l’atac empitjorava.En: With effort, Marcel tried to calm himself, but the attack worsened.Ca: La seva visió es tornava borrosa.En: His vision blurred.Ca: No volia espatllar la festa per a Jordi.En: He didn't want to ruin the day for Jordi.Ca: Va intentar seguir caminant, però les seves cames no el sostenien.En: He tried to keep walking, but his legs wouldn't support him.Ca: Just al costat de la font, Marcel es va desplomar, la respiració era gairebé inexistent.En: Just beside the fountain, Marcel collapsed, his breathing almost nonexistent.Ca: Jordi, desesperat, va cridar per ajuda.En: Jordi, desperate, called out for help.Ca: La gent es va aturar i va mirar, alguns preocupats, altres sense saber què fer.En: People stopped and stared, some worried, others unsure of what to do.Ca: Per fortuna, una dona amb una samarreta roja de la festa es va apropar corrents.En: Fortunately, a woman wearing a red festival shirt rushed over.Ca: "Sóc infermera," va dir ella, traient un inhalador de la seva bossa.En: "I'm a nurse," she said, pulling an inhaler from her bag.Ca: S'inclinà sobre Marcel i li va donar l'inhalador.En: She leaned over Marcel and gave him the inhaler.Ca: "Respira profund, tranquil·litza't," li va dir.En: "Breathe deeply, stay calm," she instructed.Ca: Marcel va fer una respiració, després una altra.En: Marcel took one breath, then another.Ca: A poc a poc, l'aire va tornar als seus pulmons.En: Slowly, air returned to his lungs.Ca: La seva respiració es va estabilitzar una mica.En: His breathing stabilized a bit.Ca: Mentre això passava, Jordi va trucar a emergències i va explicar la situació.En: Meanwhile, Jordi called emergency services and explained the situation.Ca: Quan finalment va arribar l'ambulància, Marcel estava més calmat però encara feble.En: When the ambulance finally arrived, Marcel was calmer but still weak.Ca: Els paramèdics el van estabilitzar i el van portar a l'hospital per precaució.En: The paramedics stabilized him and took him to the hospital as a precaution.Ca: Jordi va anar amb ell.En: Jordi went with him.Ca: Passades les hores, ja a l’hospital, Marcel va mirar Jordi amb una nova determinació.En: Hours later, at the hospital, Marcel looked at Jordi with newfound determination.Ca: "He après la lliçó," va dir.En: "I've learned my lesson," he said.Ca: "...
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    18 m

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