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Fluent Fiction - Japanese

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Japanese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Japanese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Japanese and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Japan? Maybe you want to speak Japanese with your friends from Tokyo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Japanese.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Japanese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Triumphant Journey: Yuuki's Kyoto Adventure of Growth and Grit
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Triumphant Journey: Yuuki's Kyoto Adventure of Growth and Grit Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/triumphant-journey-yuukis-kyoto-adventure-of-growth-and-grit Story Transcript:Ja: 東京の夏。En: Summer in Tokyo.Ja: 会社のオフィスは涼しく、外の暑さを忘れさせる。En: The company's office was cool, making one forget the heat outside.Ja: オフィスの一角に、優木という若い社員がいた。En: In one corner of the office was a young employee named Yuuki.Ja: 優木は真面目で、整理整頓が得意だった。でも、新しい環境では自信が持てなかった。En: Yuuki was earnest and good at organizing things, but he lacked confidence in the new environment.Ja: ある日、上司から電話があった。En: One day, his boss called him.Ja: "優木君、来週、京都で大きな契約がある。君に任せたい。"En: "Yuuki-kun, there is a big deal in Kyoto next week. I want you to handle it."Ja: 優木は驚いたが、これがチャンスだと感じた。En: Yuuki was surprised but felt this was a chance.Ja: 彼は上司に「はい、頑張ります」と返事をした。心の中では不安がいっぱいだった。En: He responded to his boss, "Yes, I'll do my best," though his heart was filled with anxiety.Ja: 出発の日が来た。En: The day of departure arrived.Ja: 優木は東京駅に向かった。En: Yuuki headed to Tokyo Station.Ja: しかし、駅に着くと、アナウンスが流れた。「ただいま、交通ストライキが発生しています。新幹線が遅れています。」En: However, upon arrival at the station, an announcement was made: "Currently, a transport strike is occurring. The Shinkansen is delayed."Ja: 優木は焦った。En: Yuuki became anxious.Ja: 会議の時間に間に合わないかもしれない。En: He might not make it in time for the meeting.Ja: 彼は考えた末、夜行新幹線を使うことにした。En: After much thought, he decided to take the overnight Shinkansen.Ja: 優木は駅のベンチで待ち続けた。En: Yuuki continued to wait on a bench at the station.Ja: 時刻は深夜に近づいていたが、彼は諦めなかった。En: It was nearing midnight, but he did not give up.Ja: 京都に着いたのは早朝だった。En: He arrived in Kyoto early in the morning.Ja: 優木は疲れていたが、必死にホテルを探した。En: Yuuki was exhausted but desperately searched for a hotel.Ja: シャワーを浴び、スーツを着直し、クライアントとの会議に向かった。En: He took a shower, changed into a suit, and headed for the meeting with the client.Ja: 会議室に入ると、クライアントはすでに待っていた。En: When he entered the meeting room, the client was already there waiting.Ja: 優木は息を整え、「お待たせしました」と挨拶した。En: Yuuki took a deep breath and greeted, "Sorry to keep you waiting."Ja: クライアントは驚いたが、優木の真剣な表情を見て話を始めた。En: The client was surprised but started talking after seeing Yuuki’s serious expression.Ja: 優木は持ってきた資料を使いながら、契約について説明した。En: Using the materials he had brought, Yuuki explained the contract.Ja: 最初はぎこちなかったが、だんだんと自分のペースを取り戻した。En: Initially, he was awkward but gradually regained his pace.Ja: 優木の誠意ある対応にクライアントも納得し、契約は無事成立した。En: The client was satisfied with Yuuki’s sincere handling, and the contract was successfully finalized.Ja: その夜、優木は京都の町を歩いた。En: That night, Yuuki walked through the streets of Kyoto.Ja: 歴史的な建物と近代的なビルが混ざり合う景色に心が和んだ。En: The scenery, mixing historical buildings with modern ones, soothed his mind.Ja: 彼は達成感とともに、新たな自信を感じた。En: He felt a sense of accomplishment and newfound confidence.Ja: 翌日、東京に戻った優木を待っていたのは、上司の温かい言葉だった。En: The next day, when Yuuki returned to Tokyo, he was greeted with warm words from his boss.Ja: "よくやった、優木君。"En: "Well done, Yuuki-kun."Ja: 優木は静かに微笑んだ。そして、これからも頑張ろうと思った。En: Yuuki quietly smiled and thought he would continue to do his best.Ja: 夏の終わり、優木は新たな一歩を踏み出した。En: At the end of summer, Yuuki took a new step forward.Ja: 彼は自分の成長を感じ、未来に向けて希望を持ったのだった。En: He felt his own growth and had hope for the future. Vocabulary Words:cool: 涼しくorganize: 整理整頓earnest: 真面目confidence: 自信environment: 環境announce: アナウンスstrike: ストライキdelayed: 遅...
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    16 m
  • Summer Memories: A Day at the Farmers' Market
    Jul 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Summer Memories: A Day at the Farmers' Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/summer-memories-a-day-at-the-farmers-market Story Transcript:Ja: 夏の明るい太陽が輝く日、門前町のコミュニティ庭園には活気あふれる農家市場が開かれていました。En: On a bright summer day with the sun shining, a lively farmers' market was held in the community garden of the town in front of the gate.Ja: ケンタとユミは賑やかな屋台を見渡しながら歩いています。En: Kenta and Yumi walked through the bustling stalls.Ja: ケンタは内向的な会社員です。En: Kenta is a reserved office worker.Ja: 彼は子供の頃、おばあさんと一緒に庭でトマトを育てた記憶を大切にしています。En: He cherishes the memory of growing tomatoes in the garden with his grandmother during his childhood.Ja: 夏の思い出を再び家族と共有するために、特別な伝統のトマトを見つけようとしています。En: He is looking for a special traditional tomato to share the summer memories with his family once again.Ja: 一方、ユミは元気で好奇心旺盛なフリーランスの写真家です。En: On the other hand, Yumi is an energetic and curious freelance photographer.Ja: 彼女は地元の生活や風景を次の展示会で紹介したいと思っています。En: She wants to showcase the local life and scenery in her next exhibition.Ja: 「わぁ、ここは本当に美しいね!」ユミはカメラを構え、ランタンやカラフルな飾りを撮り始めます。En: "Wow, this place is really beautiful!" Yumi said as she began taking pictures of the lanterns and colorful decorations with her camera.Ja: ケンタは恥ずかしそうに微笑み、「そうだね。でも、僕は伝統のトマトを見つけたいんだ。」En: Kenta smiled shyly and said, "Yes, it is. But I'm looking for traditional tomatoes."Ja: 人々が行き交い、屋台は野菜や手作りの工芸品でいっぱいです。En: People were bustling about, and the stalls were filled with vegetables and handmade crafts.Ja: ケンタは混雑を避け、慎重に歩きます。En: Kenta walked carefully, trying to avoid the crowds.Ja: 勇気を出して店主に声をかけようとしますが、なかなかうまくいきません。En: He gathered the courage to ask a vendor but struggled to find the right moment.Ja: 「あの…」ケンタはもじもじしながら声をかけます。「伝統のトマトがあるかどうか知りませんか?」En: "Um…" Kenta said hesitantly, "Do you happen to have any traditional tomatoes?"Ja: 店主は忙しそうに「すみません、今はありません」と言います。En: The vendor, looking busy, responded, "I'm sorry, we don't have any right now."Ja: ユミはカメラを持ちながらケンタを見て、「一緒に探そうか?」と提案します。En: Seeing this, Yumi suggested, "Shall we look for them together?" while holding her camera.Ja: でも、ユミも写真を撮りたい気持ちが強く、二人は別々の目的を持っているため、進みが遅くなります。En: However, Yumi also wanted to take photographs, and since they had different goals, their progress was slow.Ja: やがてケンタは小さな屋台で古いトマトのかごを見つけます。En: Eventually, Kenta found a small stall with an old basket of tomatoes.Ja: しかし、それは最後の一つしか残っていません。En: However, there was only one left.Ja: そのとき、ケンタは隣の屋台のおばあさんが重い箱を運ぶのに苦労しているのを見ます。En: At that moment, Kenta noticed an elderly woman at the neighboring stall struggling to carry a heavy box.Ja: ケンタは一瞬ためらいましたが、おばあさんを助けることを決心します。En: Kenta hesitated for a moment but then decided to help the elderly woman.Ja: 「大丈夫ですか?手伝いましょうか?」En: "Are you okay? Can I help you?" he asked.Ja: おばあさんは感謝の気持ちを込めて微笑み、「ありがとう、若い人。」En: The elderly woman smiled gratefully, "Thank you, young man."Ja: ユミはこの瞬間をカメラに収めました。ケンタの優しさが写真に写ったのです。En: Yumi captured this moment with her camera, capturing Kenta's kindness in the photo.Ja: おばあさんは感動し、「このトマト、持っていきなさい。あなたの家族に幸せをもたらすでしょう。」En: The elderly woman, moved by his gesture, said, "Take this tomato with you. It will bring happiness to your family."Ja: ケンタとユミはその最後のかごを手に、笑顔で市場を後にしました。En: With the last basket of tomatoes in hand, Kenta and Yumi left the market with smiles on their faces.Ja: ユミは完璧な...
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    17 m
  • Unexpected Performances: A Prelude to Adventure at Narita Airport
    Jul 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Unexpected Performances: A Prelude to Adventure at Narita Airport Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unexpected-performances-a-prelude-to-adventure-at-narita-airport Story Transcript:Ja: 夏の明るい日差しが成田国際空港の大きな窓から差し込んでいた。En: Bright summer sunlight streamed through the large windows of Narita International Airport.Ja: 空港はお盆の季節で、たくさんの旅行者でにぎわっていた。En: The airport was bustling with many travelers as it was the Obon season.Ja: 大きなデジタルスクリーンにはフライト情報とゲートの案内が表示されていた。En: A huge digital screen displayed flight information and gate directions.Ja: 花とカイトは空港の引き渡しエリアにいた。En: Hana and Kaito were in the airport's drop-off area.Ja: 花は、計画的なオフィスワーカーで、この旅行が完璧であることを望んでいた。En: Hana, a meticulous office worker, wanted this trip to be perfect.Ja: カイトは、のんびりとした性格で、どんな状況にも柔軟に対応する友人であった。En: Kaito, on the other hand, was laid-back and flexible in any situation.Ja: ところが、彼らは間違ったゲートに案内されてしまった。En: However, they had been directed to the wrong gate.Ja: 「これ、本当に大丈夫?En: "Are we really okay?"Ja: 」と花は不安そうに尋ねた。En: Hana asked anxiously.Ja: 「大丈夫だよ、花。En: "It’ll be fine, Hana.Ja: ちょっと聞いてみよう」とカイトが微笑んだ。En: Let’s just ask someone," Kaito smiled reassuringly.Ja: 二人は近くにいた空港スタッフに尋ねたが、そのスタッフも混乱しているようだった。En: They approached a nearby airport staff member, but that person seemed just as confused.Ja: 最終的に、彼らは急いで正しいゲートを探し始めた。En: Ultimately, they started hurrying to find the correct gate.Ja: しかし、その途中で大きな舞台と騒がしいイベントに遭遇した。En: On their way, they stumbled upon a big stage with a noisy event happening.Ja: そこで、まるで有名人のように見える人々がステージに上がってパフォーマンスをしていた。En: Some people who looked like celebrities were performing on the stage.Ja: 「なんだこれ?En: "What is this?"Ja: 」と花が驚いた。En: Hana exclaimed in surprise.Ja: 「ちょっと見てみようよ」とカイトが提案した。En: "Let’s check it out," Kaito suggested.Ja: 彼らが近づくと、周りの人々が花とカイトを注目し始めた。En: As they got closer, people around them began to take notice of Hana and Kaito.Ja: 「次のパフォーマーはこの二人です!En: "The next performers are these two!"Ja: 」と司会者が大声で宣言した。En: the host loudly announced.Ja: 「え、私たち?En: "What, us?!"Ja: 」と花が驚いたが、カイトは笑顔で舞台に上がった。En: Hana was stunned, but Kaito climbed the stage with a smile.Ja: 「まあ、せっかくだから楽しんでみようよ」と言いながら。En: "Well, since we're here, let’s have some fun," he said.Ja: 二人は即興でダンスを踊り、その様子は観客に大好評だった。En: They performed an impromptu dance, which was received enthusiastically by the audience.Ja: 花は、子供の頃の夢を思い出し、とても楽しんだ。En: Hana remembered her childhood dreams and thoroughly enjoyed herself.Ja: ステージから降りた後、彼らは時計を見て慌てた。En: After stepping off the stage, they checked the time and panicked.Ja: 「急がないと!En: "We need to hurry!"Ja: 」と花が言い、二人は再び空港内を疾走した。En: Hana said, and they dashed through the airport again.Ja: ギリギリで正しいゲートに到着し、二人は息を切らしながらも無事に飛行機に乗り込んだ。En: They managed to reach the correct gate just in time, boarding the plane while gasping for breath.Ja: 座席に着くと、花はカイトに向かって笑顔を見せた。En: Sitting in their seats, Hana smiled at Kaito.Ja: 「結局、楽しかったね。En: "In the end, it was fun."Ja: 」「そうだね、たまにはこういうハプニングもいいもんだ」とカイトが言った。En: "Yeah, sometimes these unexpected events can be nice," Kaito replied.Ja: こうして、花は完璧であることにこだわらず、時には物事を自然に任せることの大切さを学んだ。En: In this way, Hana learned not to insist on perfection and to sometimes let things take their natural course.Ja: 彼女の心は楽になり、これからの旅行も楽しみになった。En: Her heart felt lighter, and she looked forward to the upcoming trip with enthusiasm.Ja: ...
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