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Fluent Fiction - Serbian

De: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Serbian listening comprehension? Our podcast, Fluent Fiction - Serbian, is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Serbian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Serbian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Belgrade, Novi Sad, or Niš? Maybe you want to speak Serbian with your relatives or friends from Serbia? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in the regions of Serbia.

    Fluent Fiction - Serbian is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Serbian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje srpskog jezika uz naše priče danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Heartstrings on Platform 3: Milan's Unexpected Romantic Journey
    Jul 8 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Heartstrings on Platform 3: Milan's Unexpected Romantic Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/heartstrings-on-platform-3-milans-unexpected-romantic-journey Story Transcript:Sr: Milanu srce lupa.En: Milan's heart was pounding.Sr: Konačno ide da upozna Slađanu.En: He was finally going to meet Slađana.Sr: Mesecima su pričali preko interneta.En: They had been talking online for months.Sr: Stajao je na Peronu 3 na Železničkoj stanici Beograd.En: He stood on Platform 3 at Belgrade Railway Station.Sr: Oko njega, ljudi žure.En: Around him, people rushed by.Sr: Čuje zvuk voza, smeh dece.En: He could hear the sound of the train, the laughter of children.Sr: Vrućina leta oseća se kroz stakleni krov.En: The summer heat was palpable through the glass roof.Sr: Ustvari, ono što najviše oseća, to je miris sveže pečenog hleba iz obližnjih prodavnica.En: In fact, what he felt most was the smell of freshly baked bread from the nearby shops.Sr: Slađana stiže u 10 sati.En: Slađana was arriving at 10 o'clock.Sr: Milan gleda na sat.En: Milan looked at his watch.Sr: Još deset minuta.En: Another ten minutes.Sr: Proverava sve još jednom: ruže u ruci, čista košulja, oseca blagu tremu.En: He checked everything once more: roses in hand, clean shirt, feeling a slight tremor.Sr: Odjednom, telefon mu zazvoni.En: Suddenly, his phone rang.Sr: To je Dragan, njegov prijatelj.En: It was Dragan, his friend.Sr: "Milanče, jel' sve spremno za veliku ljubavnu avanturu?En: "Milanče, is everything ready for the big romantic adventure?"Sr: " - smeje se Dragan sa druge strane.En: Dragan laughed from the other side.Sr: "Naravno, sve je pod kontrolom!En: "Of course, everything is under control!"Sr: " - laže Milan, jer oseća blagu paniku.En: Milan lied, as he felt a slight panic.Sr: Voz dolazi na stanicu.En: The train arrived at the station.Sr: Ljudi izlaze, trče, grle se.En: People filed out, ran, hugged each other.Sr: Milan gleda oko sebe, traži Slađanu.En: Milan looked around, searching for Slađana.Sr: Zvuči neverovatno, ali eto je - prepoznaje je odmah.En: It sounded unbelievable, but there she was – he recognized her immediately.Sr: Srce mu lupa brže.En: His heart beat faster.Sr: Ona mu priđe, nasmejana i sa torbom na ramenu.En: She approached him, smiling and with a bag over her shoulder.Sr: "Milan?En: "Milan?Sr: Tako mi je drago da te vidim!En: I'm so glad to see you!"Sr: " - kaže Slađana, pružajući mu ruku.En: Slađana said, extending her hand.Sr: "I ja tebe, Slađana!En: "And I am glad to see you, Slađana!"Sr: " - odgovara Milan, držeći ruže u drugoj ruci.En: Milan replied, holding the roses in his other hand.Sr: Svi zajedno krenu ka izlazu iz stanice.En: Together, they headed towards the station exit.Sr: Odjednom, Milan primeti svoju torbu pored klupe.En: Suddenly, Milan noticed his bag next to a bench.Sr: Brzo zgrabi torbu i krene ka izlazu.En: He quickly grabbed the bag and started towards the exit.Sr: No, Dragan mu priđe i tiho kaže: "Milan, to nije tvoja torba.En: But Dragan approached him and quietly said, "Milan, that's not your bag."Sr: "Milan se zaledio.En: Milan froze.Sr: Pogledao je torbu - veličina je ista, ali se razlikuje boja.En: He looked at the bag – the size was the same, but the color was different.Sr: Panika ga preplavljuje.En: Panic swept over him.Sr: Mora da zadrži smirenost pred Slađanom.En: He needed to stay calm in front of Slađana.Sr: "Dragan, zadrži ovo neko vreme, rešavam to!En: "Dragan, hold onto this for a while, I'll sort it out!"Sr: " - nervozno šapuće Milan prijatelju.En: Milan nervously whispered to his friend.Sr: Smeši se Slađani, hodajući ka izlazu.En: He smiled at Slađana, walking towards the exit.Sr: Prolazi nekoliko minuta, i Milan pokušava da shvati šta da uradi s pogrešnom torbom.En: A few minutes passed, and Milan tried to figure out what to do with the wrong bag.Sr: U tom trenutku, jedna žena sa nasmešenim osmehom priđe.En: At that moment, a woman with a smiling face approached.Sr: "Izvinjavam se, to je moja torba," kaže ona, blago smeškajući se.En: "Excuse me, that's my bag," she said, smiling gently.Sr: Milan pocrveni kao paradajz.En: Milan blushed like a tomato.Sr: Slađana zbunjeno posmatra.En: Slađana watched in confusion.Sr: "O, ne, izvinjavam se!En: "Oh, no, I'm sorry!Sr: Mislio sam da je moja," pokušava da se opravda Milan, držeći ruže ispred lica.En: I thought it was mine," Milan tried to explain, holding the roses in front of his face.Sr: Žena se nasmeje: "Nema potrebe za izvinjenjem, dešava se.En: The woman laughed, "No need to apologize, it happens."Sr: "Onda, Slađana počne da se smeje.En: Then, Slađana started laughing.Sr: "Milane, tebi se često dešavaju nespretnosti, zar ne?En: "Milan, does this kind of thing happen to you often?"Sr: "Milan se nasmeje, sležući ramenima.En: Milan laughed, shrugging his shoulders.Sr: "Tako ...
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    19 m
  • Heartfelt Confessions and Renewed Bonds in Kalemegdan Park
    Jul 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Heartfelt Confessions and Renewed Bonds in Kalemegdan Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/heartfelt-confessions-and-renewed-bonds-in-kalemegdan-park Story Transcript:Sr: U Kalemegdanskom parku, sve mirisalo na leto.En: In the Kalemegdan Park, everything smelled like summer.Sr: Miloš, Jelena i Luka sedeli su na ćebetu ispod velikog hrasta.En: Miloš, Jelena, and Luka sat on a blanket under a large oak tree.Sr: Miloš je razmišljao o savršenom trenutku da prizna svoja osećanja prema Jeleni.En: Miloš was contemplating the perfect moment to confess his feelings to Jelena.Sr: Jelena je skrolovala kroz telefon, tražeći inspiraciju za novi blog post.En: Jelena was scrolling through her phone, looking for inspiration for a new blog post.Sr: Luka je gledao u oblake, osećajući se zapostavljeno.En: Luka stared at the clouds, feeling neglected.Sr: "Sviđa mi se kako je park živ danas," reče Jelena, pokušavajući da započne razgovor.En: "I like how alive the park is today," said Jelena, trying to start a conversation.Sr: "Da, baš je lepo," Miloš odgovori, dok je premeštao kameru iz ruke u ruku. "Treba da napravim nekoliko fotografija."En: "Yes, it's really nice," Miloš replied, shifting the camera from one hand to the other. "I should take some pictures."Sr: Luka je samo klimnuo glavom, osećajući da nije bitan.En: Luka just nodded, feeling unimportant.Sr: Miloš je primetio Lukinu tugu i želeo je da zna šta nije u redu.En: Miloš noticed Luka's sadness and wanted to know what was wrong.Sr: Ali svaki put kad bi otvorio usta, Jelena bi nešto rekla o svom blogu.En: But every time he opened his mouth, Jelena would say something about her blog.Sr: "Miloše, možeš li mi pomoći s nečim za blog?" Jelena upita, gledajući ga sa osmehom.En: "Miloš, can you help me with something for the blog?" Jelena asked, looking at him with a smile.Sr: "Naravno," reče Miloš, ali Luka je impulsivno progovorio pre nego što je mogao da nastavi.En: "Of course," said Miloš, but Luka impulsively spoke before he could continue.Sr: "Da li smo ovde zbog bloga ili zbog prijateljstva?" Luka je rekao glasno i jasno.En: "Are we here for the blog or for friendship?" Luka said loudly and clearly.Sr: Miloš i Jelena su ga pogledali iznenađeno.En: Miloš and Jelena looked at him in surprise.Sr: "Luka, šta te muči?" upita Jelena.En: "Luka, what's bothering you?" asked Jelena.Sr: "Samo osećam da... da nas ne primećuješ," Luka reče, boreći se sa osećanjima. "Zar ne vidite da mi je teško?"En: "I just feel that... that you don't notice us," Luka said, fighting his emotions. "Can't you see I'm struggling?"Sr: Miloš je duboko udahnuo.En: Miloš took a deep breath.Sr: "Jelena," reče nježno, "moram ti nešto reći. Volim te. I osećam da više ne mogu da se pretvaram da mi je samo stalo do prijateljstva."En: "Jelena," he said gently, "I need to tell you something. I love you. And I feel like I can no longer pretend that I only care about friendship."Sr: Jelena je bila šokirana.En: Jelena was shocked.Sr: "Miloše... Nisam znala..." Glas joj je postao tih.En: "Miloš... I didn't know..." Her voice became quiet.Sr: Luka je klimnuo glavom.En: Luka nodded.Sr: "Eto, svako ima nešto na srcu."En: "See, everyone has something on their heart."Sr: Jelena se okrenula prema Luki, oči su joj bile pune suza.En: Jelena turned to Luka, her eyes full of tears.Sr: "Žao mi je, Luka. Znaš da sam uvek bila posvećena svom blogu, ali sada shvatam da sam zapostavila vas."En: "I'm sorry, Luka. You know I've always been dedicated to my blog, but now I realize I've neglected you both."Sr: Tri prijatelja su sedeli u tišini.En: The three friends sat in silence.Sr: Miloš je osećao olakšanje što je napokon rekao svoju istinu.En: Miloš felt relieved that he had finally spoken his truth.Sr: Luka se osećao saslušano, a Jelena je znala da mora bolje da balansira svoje vreme.En: Luka felt heard, and Jelena knew she had to balance her time better.Sr: "Hoćemo li sada uživati u pikniku?" predloži Miloš, pokušavajući da popravi raspoloženje.En: "Shall we enjoy the picnic now?" Miloš suggested, trying to lift the mood.Sr: Jelena je klimnula.En: Jelena nodded.Sr: "Tako je. Na kraju krajeva, prijatelji su najvažniji."En: "That's right. After all, friends are the most important."Sr: Luka se nasmešio i otvorio košaru sa hranom.En: Luka smiled and opened the food basket.Sr: "U redu, hajde da jedemo i igramo neku igru."En: "Okay, let's eat and play a game."Sr: Dok su delili sendviče i smeh, shvatili su da su još uvek bliski, uprkos svemu.En: As they shared sandwiches and laughter, they realized they were still close despite everything.Sr: Kalemegdan je nastavio da bude prelep i miran, kao tih svedok njihove transformisane prijateljske veze.En: Kalemegdan continued to be beautiful and serene, a silent witness to their transformed friendship.Sr: Na kraju dana, sedeli su...
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    18 m
  • Dubrovnik's Hidden Stories: A Guide's Dream & Transformation
    Jul 6 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Dubrovnik's Hidden Stories: A Guide's Dream & Transformation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dubrovniks-hidden-stories-a-guides-dream-transformation Story Transcript:Sr: Dubrovačke stare ulice bile su prepune turista.En: The old streets of Dubrovnik were crowded with tourists.Sr: Sunce je sijalo, a miris mora iz Jadrana širio se vazduhom.En: The sun was shining, and the scent of the Adriatic Sea filled the air.Sr: Stari grad sa svojim kamenim uličicama i visokim zidinama čuvao je tajne prošlosti.En: The old town, with its stone alleyways and tall walls, held the secrets of the past.Sr: Luka je vodio grupu turista kroz uske prolaze.En: Luka was leading a group of tourists through narrow passages.Sr: Bio je iskusni turistički vodič, ali sanjao je o tome da postane istoričar.En: He was an experienced tour guide but dreamed of becoming a historian.Sr: Osećao je da je zaglavljen u rutinskom poslu.En: He felt trapped in a routine job.Sr: Milena, mlada devojka sa diplomom iz istorije, bila je u grupi.En: Milena, a young woman with a degree in history, was in the group.Sr: Fascinirala ga je njena radoznalost.En: He was fascinated by her curiosity.Sr: „Ovo je crkva Svetog Vlaha,“ rekao je Luka, „ zaštitnika Dubrovnika.“En: “This is the Church of St. Blaise,” Luka said, “the protector of Dubrovnik.”Sr: Grupa je slušala, ali Luka je želeo da impresionira Milenu.En: The group listened, but Luka wanted to impress Milena.Sr: Hteo je da joj pokaže koliko zna.En: He wanted to show her how much he knew.Sr: Dok su hodali, Luka je odlučio da rizikuje.En: As they walked, Luka decided to take a risk.Sr: „Jeste li čuli za Opsadu Dubrovnika?“ upitao je, ne sačekavši odgovor.En: “Have you heard about the Siege of Dubrovnik?” he asked, not waiting for an answer.Sr: „Ovaj grad je bio napadnut 1991. godine.En: “This city was attacked in 1991.Sr: Grad je bio u plamenu, ali narod je izdržao.“En: The city was in flames, but the people endured.”Sr: Neki turisti su negodovali.En: Some tourists grumbled.Sr: Želeli su uobičajene informacije.En: They wanted the usual information.Sr: Ali Milena je pažljivo slušala.En: But Milena was listening intently.Sr: Luka je nastavio priču, opisujući hrabrost ljudi.En: Luka continued the story, describing the bravery of the people.Sr: Video je Milenine oči kako svetlucaju od interesa.En: He saw Milena’s eyes sparkle with interest.Sr: „Ovo nije u mom uobičajenom rasporedu,“ rekao je Luka smešeći se.En: “This isn’t in my usual schedule,” Luka said, smiling.Sr: Neki turisti su se namrštili.En: Some tourists frowned.Sr: No, nije stao.En: But he didn’t stop.Sr: „Opsada je trajala sedam meseci,“ nastavio je.En: “The siege lasted seven months,” he continued.Sr: Glas mu je bio pun strasti.En: His voice was full of passion.Sr: Kada je završio priču, grupa je bila tiha.En: When he finished the story, the group was silent.Sr: Neki su bili impresionirani, drugi razočarani.En: Some were impressed, others disappointed.Sr: Ali Milena mu je prišla.En: But Milena approached him.Sr: „Luka, tvoja priča je bila fantastična,“ rekla je.En: “Luka, your story was fantastic,” she said.Sr: „Zašto nisi istoričar?“En: “Why aren’t you a historian?”Sr: Luka je uzdahnuo.En: Luka sighed.Sr: „Bojim se da nisam dovoljno dobar,“ priznao je.En: “I’m afraid I’m not good enough,” he admitted.Sr: „Nisi u pravu,“ odgovorila je Milena.En: “You’re wrong,” Milena replied.Sr: „Treba da veruješ u sebe.En: “You need to believe in yourself.Sr: Moraš pokušati.“En: You have to try.”Sr: Njene reči su ga ohrabrile.En: Her words encouraged him.Sr: Posle ture, Luka je razmišljao o Mileninim rečima.En: After the tour, Luka thought about Milena’s words.Sr: Znao je da mora nešto promeniti.En: He knew he needed to change something.Sr: Odlučio je da se prijavi za programe istraživanja istorije.En: He decided to apply for history research programs.Sr: Osmehnuo se dok je gledao drevne zidine.En: He smiled as he looked at the ancient walls.Sr: Konačno je verovao da je sposoban za više.En: He finally believed he was capable of more.Sr: I, uz malo sreće, ovaj stari grad će ga voditi ka njegovom novom putu.En: And, with a bit of luck, this old town would guide him on his new path. Vocabulary Words:crowded: prepunescent: mirisfilled: širioalleyways: uličicamawalls: zidinamasecrets: tajnepassages: prolazeexperienced: iskusniroutine: rutinskomfascinated: fasciniralacuriosity: radoznalostprotector: zaštitnikaimpress: impresionirarisk: rizikujesiege: opsaduattacked: napadnutendured: izdržaogrumbled: negodovaliusual: uobičajenombravery: hrabrostintently: pažljivosparkle: svetlucajuschedule: rasporedusmiling: smešećifrowned: namrštilipassion: strastiimpressed: impresioniranifantastic: fantastičnaadmitted: priznaobelieve: veruje
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I wish I paid for this so I could ask for my money back.

This is beneath what anyone should expect from Audible. Ridiculous. Scam? Maybe just too stupid to be a scam. Do not, under any circumstances waste your time on this farce cast. No value. Zero. And it’s free! Think about that. Ha!

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Does anyone at Audible.com is reviewing content posted on the platform?! Even for free content…

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Love it!!!

This is a great way to learn new vocabulary as well as grammar. I hope you keep producing! This podcast is great!

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