
  • Heartstrings on Platform 3: Milan's Unexpected Romantic Journey
    Jul 8 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Heartstrings on Platform 3: Milan's Unexpected Romantic Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/heartstrings-on-platform-3-milans-unexpected-romantic-journey Story Transcript:Sr: Milanu srce lupa.En: Milan's heart was pounding.Sr: Konačno ide da upozna Slađanu.En: He was finally going to meet Slađana.Sr: Mesecima su pričali preko interneta.En: They had been talking online for months.Sr: Stajao je na Peronu 3 na Železničkoj stanici Beograd.En: He stood on Platform 3 at Belgrade Railway Station.Sr: Oko njega, ljudi žure.En: Around him, people rushed by.Sr: Čuje zvuk voza, smeh dece.En: He could hear the sound of the train, the laughter of children.Sr: Vrućina leta oseća se kroz stakleni krov.En: The summer heat was palpable through the glass roof.Sr: Ustvari, ono što najviše oseća, to je miris sveže pečenog hleba iz obližnjih prodavnica.En: In fact, what he felt most was the smell of freshly baked bread from the nearby shops.Sr: Slađana stiže u 10 sati.En: Slađana was arriving at 10 o'clock.Sr: Milan gleda na sat.En: Milan looked at his watch.Sr: Još deset minuta.En: Another ten minutes.Sr: Proverava sve još jednom: ruže u ruci, čista košulja, oseca blagu tremu.En: He checked everything once more: roses in hand, clean shirt, feeling a slight tremor.Sr: Odjednom, telefon mu zazvoni.En: Suddenly, his phone rang.Sr: To je Dragan, njegov prijatelj.En: It was Dragan, his friend.Sr: "Milanče, jel' sve spremno za veliku ljubavnu avanturu?En: "Milanče, is everything ready for the big romantic adventure?"Sr: " - smeje se Dragan sa druge strane.En: Dragan laughed from the other side.Sr: "Naravno, sve je pod kontrolom!En: "Of course, everything is under control!"Sr: " - laže Milan, jer oseća blagu paniku.En: Milan lied, as he felt a slight panic.Sr: Voz dolazi na stanicu.En: The train arrived at the station.Sr: Ljudi izlaze, trče, grle se.En: People filed out, ran, hugged each other.Sr: Milan gleda oko sebe, traži Slađanu.En: Milan looked around, searching for Slađana.Sr: Zvuči neverovatno, ali eto je - prepoznaje je odmah.En: It sounded unbelievable, but there she was – he recognized her immediately.Sr: Srce mu lupa brže.En: His heart beat faster.Sr: Ona mu priđe, nasmejana i sa torbom na ramenu.En: She approached him, smiling and with a bag over her shoulder.Sr: "Milan?En: "Milan?Sr: Tako mi je drago da te vidim!En: I'm so glad to see you!"Sr: " - kaže Slađana, pružajući mu ruku.En: Slađana said, extending her hand.Sr: "I ja tebe, Slađana!En: "And I am glad to see you, Slađana!"Sr: " - odgovara Milan, držeći ruže u drugoj ruci.En: Milan replied, holding the roses in his other hand.Sr: Svi zajedno krenu ka izlazu iz stanice.En: Together, they headed towards the station exit.Sr: Odjednom, Milan primeti svoju torbu pored klupe.En: Suddenly, Milan noticed his bag next to a bench.Sr: Brzo zgrabi torbu i krene ka izlazu.En: He quickly grabbed the bag and started towards the exit.Sr: No, Dragan mu priđe i tiho kaže: "Milan, to nije tvoja torba.En: But Dragan approached him and quietly said, "Milan, that's not your bag."Sr: "Milan se zaledio.En: Milan froze.Sr: Pogledao je torbu - veličina je ista, ali se razlikuje boja.En: He looked at the bag – the size was the same, but the color was different.Sr: Panika ga preplavljuje.En: Panic swept over him.Sr: Mora da zadrži smirenost pred Slađanom.En: He needed to stay calm in front of Slađana.Sr: "Dragan, zadrži ovo neko vreme, rešavam to!En: "Dragan, hold onto this for a while, I'll sort it out!"Sr: " - nervozno šapuće Milan prijatelju.En: Milan nervously whispered to his friend.Sr: Smeši se Slađani, hodajući ka izlazu.En: He smiled at Slađana, walking towards the exit.Sr: Prolazi nekoliko minuta, i Milan pokušava da shvati šta da uradi s pogrešnom torbom.En: A few minutes passed, and Milan tried to figure out what to do with the wrong bag.Sr: U tom trenutku, jedna žena sa nasmešenim osmehom priđe.En: At that moment, a woman with a smiling face approached.Sr: "Izvinjavam se, to je moja torba," kaže ona, blago smeškajući se.En: "Excuse me, that's my bag," she said, smiling gently.Sr: Milan pocrveni kao paradajz.En: Milan blushed like a tomato.Sr: Slađana zbunjeno posmatra.En: Slađana watched in confusion.Sr: "O, ne, izvinjavam se!En: "Oh, no, I'm sorry!Sr: Mislio sam da je moja," pokušava da se opravda Milan, držeći ruže ispred lica.En: I thought it was mine," Milan tried to explain, holding the roses in front of his face.Sr: Žena se nasmeje: "Nema potrebe za izvinjenjem, dešava se.En: The woman laughed, "No need to apologize, it happens."Sr: "Onda, Slađana počne da se smeje.En: Then, Slađana started laughing.Sr: "Milane, tebi se često dešavaju nespretnosti, zar ne?En: "Milan, does this kind of thing happen to you often?"Sr: "Milan se nasmeje, sležući ramenima.En: Milan laughed, shrugging his shoulders.Sr: "Tako ...
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    19 m
  • Heartfelt Confessions and Renewed Bonds in Kalemegdan Park
    Jul 7 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Heartfelt Confessions and Renewed Bonds in Kalemegdan Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/heartfelt-confessions-and-renewed-bonds-in-kalemegdan-park Story Transcript:Sr: U Kalemegdanskom parku, sve mirisalo na leto.En: In the Kalemegdan Park, everything smelled like summer.Sr: Miloš, Jelena i Luka sedeli su na ćebetu ispod velikog hrasta.En: Miloš, Jelena, and Luka sat on a blanket under a large oak tree.Sr: Miloš je razmišljao o savršenom trenutku da prizna svoja osećanja prema Jeleni.En: Miloš was contemplating the perfect moment to confess his feelings to Jelena.Sr: Jelena je skrolovala kroz telefon, tražeći inspiraciju za novi blog post.En: Jelena was scrolling through her phone, looking for inspiration for a new blog post.Sr: Luka je gledao u oblake, osećajući se zapostavljeno.En: Luka stared at the clouds, feeling neglected.Sr: "Sviđa mi se kako je park živ danas," reče Jelena, pokušavajući da započne razgovor.En: "I like how alive the park is today," said Jelena, trying to start a conversation.Sr: "Da, baš je lepo," Miloš odgovori, dok je premeštao kameru iz ruke u ruku. "Treba da napravim nekoliko fotografija."En: "Yes, it's really nice," Miloš replied, shifting the camera from one hand to the other. "I should take some pictures."Sr: Luka je samo klimnuo glavom, osećajući da nije bitan.En: Luka just nodded, feeling unimportant.Sr: Miloš je primetio Lukinu tugu i želeo je da zna šta nije u redu.En: Miloš noticed Luka's sadness and wanted to know what was wrong.Sr: Ali svaki put kad bi otvorio usta, Jelena bi nešto rekla o svom blogu.En: But every time he opened his mouth, Jelena would say something about her blog.Sr: "Miloše, možeš li mi pomoći s nečim za blog?" Jelena upita, gledajući ga sa osmehom.En: "Miloš, can you help me with something for the blog?" Jelena asked, looking at him with a smile.Sr: "Naravno," reče Miloš, ali Luka je impulsivno progovorio pre nego što je mogao da nastavi.En: "Of course," said Miloš, but Luka impulsively spoke before he could continue.Sr: "Da li smo ovde zbog bloga ili zbog prijateljstva?" Luka je rekao glasno i jasno.En: "Are we here for the blog or for friendship?" Luka said loudly and clearly.Sr: Miloš i Jelena su ga pogledali iznenađeno.En: Miloš and Jelena looked at him in surprise.Sr: "Luka, šta te muči?" upita Jelena.En: "Luka, what's bothering you?" asked Jelena.Sr: "Samo osećam da... da nas ne primećuješ," Luka reče, boreći se sa osećanjima. "Zar ne vidite da mi je teško?"En: "I just feel that... that you don't notice us," Luka said, fighting his emotions. "Can't you see I'm struggling?"Sr: Miloš je duboko udahnuo.En: Miloš took a deep breath.Sr: "Jelena," reče nježno, "moram ti nešto reći. Volim te. I osećam da više ne mogu da se pretvaram da mi je samo stalo do prijateljstva."En: "Jelena," he said gently, "I need to tell you something. I love you. And I feel like I can no longer pretend that I only care about friendship."Sr: Jelena je bila šokirana.En: Jelena was shocked.Sr: "Miloše... Nisam znala..." Glas joj je postao tih.En: "Miloš... I didn't know..." Her voice became quiet.Sr: Luka je klimnuo glavom.En: Luka nodded.Sr: "Eto, svako ima nešto na srcu."En: "See, everyone has something on their heart."Sr: Jelena se okrenula prema Luki, oči su joj bile pune suza.En: Jelena turned to Luka, her eyes full of tears.Sr: "Žao mi je, Luka. Znaš da sam uvek bila posvećena svom blogu, ali sada shvatam da sam zapostavila vas."En: "I'm sorry, Luka. You know I've always been dedicated to my blog, but now I realize I've neglected you both."Sr: Tri prijatelja su sedeli u tišini.En: The three friends sat in silence.Sr: Miloš je osećao olakšanje što je napokon rekao svoju istinu.En: Miloš felt relieved that he had finally spoken his truth.Sr: Luka se osećao saslušano, a Jelena je znala da mora bolje da balansira svoje vreme.En: Luka felt heard, and Jelena knew she had to balance her time better.Sr: "Hoćemo li sada uživati u pikniku?" predloži Miloš, pokušavajući da popravi raspoloženje.En: "Shall we enjoy the picnic now?" Miloš suggested, trying to lift the mood.Sr: Jelena je klimnula.En: Jelena nodded.Sr: "Tako je. Na kraju krajeva, prijatelji su najvažniji."En: "That's right. After all, friends are the most important."Sr: Luka se nasmešio i otvorio košaru sa hranom.En: Luka smiled and opened the food basket.Sr: "U redu, hajde da jedemo i igramo neku igru."En: "Okay, let's eat and play a game."Sr: Dok su delili sendviče i smeh, shvatili su da su još uvek bliski, uprkos svemu.En: As they shared sandwiches and laughter, they realized they were still close despite everything.Sr: Kalemegdan je nastavio da bude prelep i miran, kao tih svedok njihove transformisane prijateljske veze.En: Kalemegdan continued to be beautiful and serene, a silent witness to their transformed friendship.Sr: Na kraju dana, sedeli su...
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    18 m
  • Dubrovnik's Hidden Stories: A Guide's Dream & Transformation
    Jul 6 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Dubrovnik's Hidden Stories: A Guide's Dream & Transformation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dubrovniks-hidden-stories-a-guides-dream-transformation Story Transcript:Sr: Dubrovačke stare ulice bile su prepune turista.En: The old streets of Dubrovnik were crowded with tourists.Sr: Sunce je sijalo, a miris mora iz Jadrana širio se vazduhom.En: The sun was shining, and the scent of the Adriatic Sea filled the air.Sr: Stari grad sa svojim kamenim uličicama i visokim zidinama čuvao je tajne prošlosti.En: The old town, with its stone alleyways and tall walls, held the secrets of the past.Sr: Luka je vodio grupu turista kroz uske prolaze.En: Luka was leading a group of tourists through narrow passages.Sr: Bio je iskusni turistički vodič, ali sanjao je o tome da postane istoričar.En: He was an experienced tour guide but dreamed of becoming a historian.Sr: Osećao je da je zaglavljen u rutinskom poslu.En: He felt trapped in a routine job.Sr: Milena, mlada devojka sa diplomom iz istorije, bila je u grupi.En: Milena, a young woman with a degree in history, was in the group.Sr: Fascinirala ga je njena radoznalost.En: He was fascinated by her curiosity.Sr: „Ovo je crkva Svetog Vlaha,“ rekao je Luka, „ zaštitnika Dubrovnika.“En: “This is the Church of St. Blaise,” Luka said, “the protector of Dubrovnik.”Sr: Grupa je slušala, ali Luka je želeo da impresionira Milenu.En: The group listened, but Luka wanted to impress Milena.Sr: Hteo je da joj pokaže koliko zna.En: He wanted to show her how much he knew.Sr: Dok su hodali, Luka je odlučio da rizikuje.En: As they walked, Luka decided to take a risk.Sr: „Jeste li čuli za Opsadu Dubrovnika?“ upitao je, ne sačekavši odgovor.En: “Have you heard about the Siege of Dubrovnik?” he asked, not waiting for an answer.Sr: „Ovaj grad je bio napadnut 1991. godine.En: “This city was attacked in 1991.Sr: Grad je bio u plamenu, ali narod je izdržao.“En: The city was in flames, but the people endured.”Sr: Neki turisti su negodovali.En: Some tourists grumbled.Sr: Želeli su uobičajene informacije.En: They wanted the usual information.Sr: Ali Milena je pažljivo slušala.En: But Milena was listening intently.Sr: Luka je nastavio priču, opisujući hrabrost ljudi.En: Luka continued the story, describing the bravery of the people.Sr: Video je Milenine oči kako svetlucaju od interesa.En: He saw Milena’s eyes sparkle with interest.Sr: „Ovo nije u mom uobičajenom rasporedu,“ rekao je Luka smešeći se.En: “This isn’t in my usual schedule,” Luka said, smiling.Sr: Neki turisti su se namrštili.En: Some tourists frowned.Sr: No, nije stao.En: But he didn’t stop.Sr: „Opsada je trajala sedam meseci,“ nastavio je.En: “The siege lasted seven months,” he continued.Sr: Glas mu je bio pun strasti.En: His voice was full of passion.Sr: Kada je završio priču, grupa je bila tiha.En: When he finished the story, the group was silent.Sr: Neki su bili impresionirani, drugi razočarani.En: Some were impressed, others disappointed.Sr: Ali Milena mu je prišla.En: But Milena approached him.Sr: „Luka, tvoja priča je bila fantastična,“ rekla je.En: “Luka, your story was fantastic,” she said.Sr: „Zašto nisi istoričar?“En: “Why aren’t you a historian?”Sr: Luka je uzdahnuo.En: Luka sighed.Sr: „Bojim se da nisam dovoljno dobar,“ priznao je.En: “I’m afraid I’m not good enough,” he admitted.Sr: „Nisi u pravu,“ odgovorila je Milena.En: “You’re wrong,” Milena replied.Sr: „Treba da veruješ u sebe.En: “You need to believe in yourself.Sr: Moraš pokušati.“En: You have to try.”Sr: Njene reči su ga ohrabrile.En: Her words encouraged him.Sr: Posle ture, Luka je razmišljao o Mileninim rečima.En: After the tour, Luka thought about Milena’s words.Sr: Znao je da mora nešto promeniti.En: He knew he needed to change something.Sr: Odlučio je da se prijavi za programe istraživanja istorije.En: He decided to apply for history research programs.Sr: Osmehnuo se dok je gledao drevne zidine.En: He smiled as he looked at the ancient walls.Sr: Konačno je verovao da je sposoban za više.En: He finally believed he was capable of more.Sr: I, uz malo sreće, ovaj stari grad će ga voditi ka njegovom novom putu.En: And, with a bit of luck, this old town would guide him on his new path. Vocabulary Words:crowded: prepunescent: mirisfilled: širioalleyways: uličicamawalls: zidinamasecrets: tajnepassages: prolazeexperienced: iskusniroutine: rutinskomfascinated: fasciniralacuriosity: radoznalostprotector: zaštitnikaimpress: impresionirarisk: rizikujesiege: opsaduattacked: napadnutendured: izdržaogrumbled: negodovaliusual: uobičajenombravery: hrabrostintently: pažljivosparkle: svetlucajuschedule: rasporedusmiling: smešećifrowned: namrštilipassion: strastiimpressed: impresioniranifantastic: fantastičnaadmitted: priznaobelieve: veruje
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Milan's Journey: Overcoming Fear at Kalemegdan Fortress
    Jul 5 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Milan's Journey: Overcoming Fear at Kalemegdan Fortress Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/milans-journey-overcoming-fear-at-kalemegdan-fortress Story Transcript:Sr: Sunce je sijalo iznad Kalemegdanske tvrđave.En: The sun shone above the Kalemegdan Fortress.Sr: Milan je stajao na zelenoj travi, fokusiran na metu.En: Milan stood on the green grass, focused on his target.Sr: Stari kameni zidovi tvrđave bili su veličanstvena pozadina.En: The old stone walls of the fortress made a magnificent backdrop.Sr: Blaga letnja povetarac njihao je lišće drveća.En: A gentle summer breeze swayed the leaves of the trees.Sr: Milan je bio mlad i posvećen streličar.En: Milan was a young and dedicated archer.Sr: Trudio se mesecima.En: He had been working hard for months.Sr: Nacionalno takmičenje je bilo sutra.En: The national competition was tomorrow.Sr: Ali, unutar njega se krila nesigurnost.En: But inside, he carried insecurity.Sr: Plašio se neuspeha.En: He feared failure.Sr: Porodica i prijatelji su imali velika očekivanja.En: His family and friends had high expectations.Sr: Svaki dan Milan je trenirao sam.En: Every day, Milan trained alone.Sr: Pratio je strogi plan.En: He followed a strict plan.Sr: Ali sada, osećao je pritisak.En: But now, he felt the pressure.Sr: Da li je dovoljno dobar?En: Was he good enough?Sr: Blizu mesta gde je vežbao, često je viđao Anu.En: Near the place where he practiced, he often saw Ana.Sr: Ana je bila iskusna streličarka.En: Ana was an experienced archer.Sr: Osvojila je mnoge nagrade.En: She had won many awards.Sr: Milan ju je poštovao, ali nikada joj se nije obratio za pomoć.En: Milan respected her but never asked her for help.Sr: Imao je strah.En: He was afraid.Sr: Dan pre takmičenja, Milan je trenirao.En: The day before the competition, Milan was training.Sr: Misli su mu bile zbrkane.En: His thoughts were jumbled.Sr: Setio se Ane.En: He remembered Ana.Sr: Možda bi ona mogla da pomogne?En: Maybe she could help?Sr: Udahnuo je duboko i krenuo prema njoj.En: He took a deep breath and walked towards her.Sr: „Zdravo, Ana,“ rekao je tiho.En: "Hello, Ana," he said quietly.Sr: „Treba mi pomoć.En: "I need help."Sr: “Ana se okrenula prema njemu i nasmešila se.En: Ana turned to him and smiled.Sr: „Naravno, Milane.En: "Of course, Milan.Sr: O čemu se radi?En: What's going on?"Sr: “Milan je objasnio svoje brige.En: Milan explained his worries.Sr: Pričao joj je o strahu od neuspeha i pritisku koji oseća.En: He talked about his fear of failure and the pressure he felt.Sr: Ana ga je pažljivo slušala.En: Ana listened carefully.Sr: „Znam kako se osećaš,“ rekla je.En: "I know how you feel," she said.Sr: „Svi smo to prošli.En: "We've all been there.Sr: Važno je verovati u sebe.En: It's important to believe in yourself.Sr: Hajde da treniramo zajedno.En: Let's train together."Sr: “Proveli su ostatak dana vežbajući.En: They spent the rest of the day practicing.Sr: Ana je delila savete i ohrabrivala Milana.En: Ana shared tips and encouraged Milan.Sr: Naučio je nove tehnike i stekao sigurnost.En: He learned new techniques and gained confidence.Sr: Sutradan, na dan takmičenja, sunce je opet sijalo.En: The next day, on the day of the competition, the sun shone again.Sr: Milan je stajao spreman, sa Aninim rečima u mislima.En: Milan stood ready, with Ana's words in mind.Sr: Puno ljudi je došlo da gleda.En: A lot of people had come to watch.Sr: Povukao je luk, naciljao i otpustio strelu.En: He drew his bow, aimed, and released the arrow.Sr: Meta je bila daleka, ali Milan je bio fokusiran.En: The target was far, but Milan was focused.Sr: Svaka strela bila je bolja od prethodne.En: Each arrow was better than the last.Sr: Na kraju, bilo je neizvesno.En: In the end, it was uncertain.Sr: Da li je pobedio?En: Did he win?Sr: Nije bilo važno.En: It didn't matter.Sr: Milan je osećao ponos.En: Milan felt proud.Sr: Uspeo je da pobedi svoj najveći strah – sopstvenu nesigurnost.En: He had managed to overcome his greatest fear—his insecurity.Sr: Ana mu je prišla.En: Ana approached him.Sr: „Ponosna sam na tebe, Milane,“ rekla je.En: "I'm proud of you, Milan," she said.Sr: Milan se nasmešio.En: Milan smiled.Sr: Osetio je olakšanje.En: He felt relieved.Sr: Bio je srećan, bez obzira na rezultat.En: He was happy, regardless of the result.Sr: Milan je naučio važnu lekciju.En: Milan had learned an important lesson.Sr: Nije više bio izolovan.En: He was no longer isolated.Sr: Otvorio se za pomoć i pronašao snagu u svojoj ranjivosti.En: He opened up to help and found strength in his vulnerability.Sr: Letnji dan u Kalemegdanu završio je sa osmehom i novim početkom za Milana.En: The summer day at Kalemegdan ended with a smile and a new beginning for Milan. Vocabulary Words:fortress: tvrđavashone: sijalofocused: fokusirantarget: metabackdrop: pozadinagentle: blagabreeze: povetaracswayed: ...
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    17 m
  • Sunset Over Belgrade: A Tale of Love and Resilience
    Jul 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Sunset Over Belgrade: A Tale of Love and Resilience Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/sunset-over-belgrade-a-tale-of-love-and-resilience Story Transcript:Sr: Pod zidinama stare Beogradske tvrđave, leta su uvek posebna.En: Under the walls of the old Belgrade Fortress, summers are always special.Sr: Nikola i Ana su šetali uskim stazama, dok je sunce polako zalazilo.En: Nikola and Ana were walking along the narrow paths as the sun slowly set.Sr: Topao vetar nosio je miris cveća, a zvuk grada bio je udaljen, skoro nestvaran.En: A warm breeze carried the scent of flowers, and the sound of the city was distant, almost unreal.Sr: Iako su došli da pobegnu od stresa, oboje su bili zabrinuti.En: Although they had come to escape the stress, both were worried.Sr: Nikola, vredan i precizan, razmišljao je o važnoj prezentaciji koja ga je čekala.En: Nikola, diligent and precise, was thinking about the important presentation awaiting him.Sr: Hteo je da se opusti i uživa sa Anom, ali misli su mu stalno lutale ka poslu.En: He wanted to relax and enjoy the time with Ana, but his thoughts kept drifting back to work.Sr: Ana, kreativna duša, osećala se potcenjeno na svom poslu.En: Ana, a creative soul, felt undervalued at her job.Sr: Želela je promenu, ali nije znala kako da započne razgovor sa Nikolom.En: She wanted a change but didn't know how to start a conversation with Nikola.Sr: „Pogledaj, kako je lepo,“ rekla je Ana, pokazavši na zalazak sunca iznad reke.En: "Look, it's so beautiful," Ana said, pointing to the sunset over the river.Sr: Nikola je klimnuo, ali je i dalje bio zamišljen.En: Nikola nodded but remained pensive.Sr: „Razmišljaš li o prezentaciji?En: "Are you thinking about the presentation?"Sr: “ upitala je Ana, pokušavajući da ga malo opusti.En: Ana asked, trying to ease his mind.Sr: „Da, ali pokušaću da se opustim,“ rekao je Nikola sa blagim osmehom.En: "Yes, but I'll try to relax," Nikola said with a slight smile.Sr: Bio je zahvalan što je Ana tu, ali briga ga je sputavala.En: He was grateful that Ana was there, but his worry held him back.Sr: Dok su šetali pored zidina, Ana je sve više osećala težinu svojih misli.En: As they walked by the walls, Ana felt the weight of her thoughts growing.Sr: „Moram da ti kažem nešto,“ rekla je tiho.En: "I need to tell you something," she said quietly.Sr: Nikola joj je dao znak da nastavi.En: Nikola motioned for her to continue.Sr: „Osećam se izgubljeno na poslu.En: "I feel lost at work.Sr: Niko ne vrednuje moj trud.En: No one values my effort.Sr: Razmišljam da promenim karijeru, ali ne znam šta da radim,“ rekla je kroz suze.En: I'm thinking about changing careers, but I don't know what to do," she said through tears.Sr: Nikola je stao i zagrlio je.En: Nikola stopped and hugged her.Sr: „Ana, razumeo sam.En: "Ana, I understand.Sr: I ja sam pod velikim pritiskom zbog posla.En: I'm also under a lot of pressure because of work.Sr: Plašim se te prezentacije.En: I'm afraid of that presentation."Sr: “Ana je podigla glavu i pogledala ga u oči.En: Ana lifted her head and looked into his eyes.Sr: „Uvek si bio tu za mene.En: "You've always been there for me.Sr: Sad želim da budem tu za tebe.En: Now I want to be there for you."Sr: “Nikola se osmehnuo, prvi put opušteno.En: Nikola smiled, genuinely relaxed for the first time.Sr: „Podržavam te, šta god odlučila.En: "I support you, whatever you decide.Sr: Hajde da zajedno prevaziđemo ove izazove.En: Let's overcome these challenges together."Sr: “Nastavili su šetnju, držeći se za ruke.En: They continued walking, holding hands.Sr: Tog leta, pod vedrim nebom Beogradske tvrđave, Nikola i Ana su našli novu snagu.En: That summer, under the clear skies of the Belgrade Fortress, Nikola and Ana found new strength.Sr: Zajedno su odlučili da prihvate promene i podrže jedno drugo.En: Together, they decided to embrace change and support each other.Sr: Znali su da nije lako, ali osećali su se spremno da se suoče sa svim što dolazi.En: They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they felt ready to face whatever came their way.Sr: Zalazak sunca je donio novi početak.En: The sunset brought a new beginning.Sr: Njihova veza je postala jača, a oni su naučili da budu otvoreni i iskreni.En: Their relationship became stronger, and they learned to be open and honest.Sr: Uz podršku i razumevanje, sve je postalo malo lakše.En: With support and understanding, everything became a bit easier.Sr: I tako, negde između zidina i zvukova grada, Nikola i Ana su pronašli svoj mir.En: And so, somewhere between the walls and the sounds of the city, Nikola and Ana found their peace. Vocabulary Words:fortress: tvrđavanarrow: uskimbreeze: vetarscent: mirisdistant: udaljenunreal: nestvarandiligent: vredanprecise: precizanawaiting: čekalacreative: kreativnaundervalued: potcenjenopensive: zamišljenease: opustitigrateful: ...
    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Preserving Legends: A Journey Through Devil's Town
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Preserving Legends: A Journey Through Devil's Town Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/preserving-legends-a-journey-through-devils-town Story Transcript:Sr: Noć je bila tiha u Đavoljoj Varoši.En: The night was quiet in Devil's Town.Sr: Nebo je bilo posuto zvezdama koje su svetlucale kao da pričaju tajne.En: The sky was dotted with stars that twinkled as if sharing secrets.Sr: Stefan je hodao polako, s kamerom u ruci.En: Stefan walked slowly, holding a camera.Sr: Bio je uzbuđen.En: He was excited.Sr: Đavolja Varoš je bila poznata po neobičnim stenskim formacijama.En: Devil's Town was known for its unusual rock formations.Sr: Stefan je želeo da zabeleži svaki detalj za svoj blog.En: Stefan wanted to capture every detail for his blog.Sr: Ana je bila pored njega.En: Ana was beside him.Sr: Znala je mnogo o istoriji Đavolje Varoši.En: She knew a lot about the history of Devil's Town.Sr: Njena baka joj je pričala priče o starim vremenima i legendama.En: Her grandmother had told her stories about the old times and legends.Sr: Ana je želela da očuva to znanje i prenese ga budućim generacijama.En: Ana wanted to preserve that knowledge and pass it on to future generations.Sr: "Samo pazi da ne diraš ništa", rekla je Ana.En: "Just be careful not to touch anything," Ana said.Sr: "Ovo mesto je veoma važno za nas.En: "This place is very important to us."Sr: "Stefan je klimnuo glavom, ali je his očima tražio najbolji kadar za fotografiju.En: Stefan nodded, but his eyes kept searching for the best shot.Sr: "Moramo da požurimo", rekao je.En: "We need to hurry," he said.Sr: "Sunce zalazi, a želim da uhvatim pravu svetlost.En: "The sun is setting, and I want to catch the right light."Sr: "Ana je uzdahnula.En: Ana sighed.Sr: Znala je da je Stefan ambiciozan.En: She knew Stefan was ambitious.Sr: Želeo je da njegov blog postane popularan.En: He wanted his blog to become popular.Sr: Ali, brinula se da će, u toj žurbi, možda oštetiti stari kamen ili neke ruševine.En: But she worried that in his rush, he might damage some old stones or ruins.Sr: Dok su se kretali dalje, naišli su na staru statu.En: As they moved further, they came across an old statue.Sr: Bila je prekrivena mahovinom, ali se oblik još uvek video.En: It was covered in moss, but its shape was still visible.Sr: "Ovo je fascinantno", rekla je Ana.En: "This is fascinating," Ana said.Sr: "Ova statua je stara preko hiljadu godina.En: "This statue is over a thousand years old."Sr: "Stefan je fotografisao.En: Stefan took a photo.Sr: "Sjajno", rekao je.En: "Great," he said.Sr: "Ovo će privući pažnju mojih pratilaca.En: "This will attract my followers' attention."Sr: "Ali, dok je prišao bliže kako bi uhvatio bolji ugao, kamenje se ispod njega pomerilo i Stefan je pao.En: But as he stepped closer to get a better angle, the stones beneath him shifted, and Stefan fell.Sr: Ana je potrčala ka njemu.En: Ana ran to him.Sr: "Da li si dobro?En: "Are you okay?"Sr: ", pitala je.En: she asked.Sr: Stefan je bio u redu, ali su zvuci kamenja odzvanjali po vazduhu.En: Stefan was fine, but the sound of the stones echoed through the air.Sr: Napravio je buku.En: He had made a noise.Sr: Stene su počele da se urušavaju.En: The rocks began to collapse.Sr: Ana i Stefan su morali brzo da reaguju.En: Ana and Stefan had to react quickly.Sr: Držali su se za ruke i trčali ka sigurnom mestu.En: They held hands and ran to a safe place.Sr: Kada su konačno stigli na sigurno, oboje su dahćući gledali prema starim ruševinama.En: When they finally reached safety, both were panting, looking back at the old ruins.Sr: Stefan je shvatio koliko je mesto krhko.En: Stefan realized how fragile the place was.Sr: "Izvini", rekao je.En: "Sorry," he said.Sr: "Nisam shvatio koliko ovo mesto znači.En: "I didn't realize how much this place meant."Sr: "Ana je klimnula glavom.En: Ana nodded.Sr: "Važno je da poštujemo istoriju", rekla je.En: "It's important to respect history," she said.Sr: "Ali možemo raditi zajedno.En: "But we can work together.Sr: Možemo podeliti priče na pravi način.En: We can share the stories the right way."Sr: "Stefan je pažljivo pregledao svoje snimke.En: Stefan carefully reviewed his shots.Sr: "Praviću edukativnu seriju", rekao je.En: "I'll create an educational series," he said.Sr: "Neću samo juriti za klikovima.En: "I won't just chase clicks.Sr: Želim da ljudi znaju pravu priču.En: I want people to know the real story."Sr: "Ana mu je pomogla da napiše tekst za blog.En: Ana helped him write the text for the blog.Sr: Zajedno su kreirali priču koja je poštovala kulturu i privlačila čitaoce.En: Together, they created a story that respected the culture and attracted readers.Sr: Stefan je dobio nove pratioce, ali što je važnije, stekao je novo poštovanje prema kulturnom nasleđu.En: Stefan gained new followers, but more importantly, he gained a new respect for cultural ...
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Moonlit Connection: A Summer Camp Story of Friendship and Courage
    Jul 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Moonlit Connection: A Summer Camp Story of Friendship and Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/moonlit-connection-a-summer-camp-story-of-friendship-and-courage Story Transcript:Sr: Plaža je bila prelepa te noći.En: The beach was beautiful that night.Sr: Mesec je osvetljavao pesak, a talasi su lagano udarali o obalu.En: The moon illuminated the sand, and the waves gently lapped against the shore.Sr: Bilo je poslednje veče letnjeg kampa.En: It was the last evening of the summer camp.Sr: Miro je sedeo na pesku, držeći blok za crtanje.En: Miro was sitting on the sand, holding a sketchbook.Sr: Njegov najbolji prijatelj Luka je bio u blizini, priče što je pričao su se mešale sa smehom drugih kampera.En: His best friend Luka was nearby, his stories mixing with the laughter of other campers.Sr: Luka je bio hrabar i društven, uvek u centru pažnje.En: Luka was brave and sociable, always the center of attention.Sr: Miro je bio tiši, voleći da posmatra i crta.En: Miro was quieter, enjoying watching and drawing.Sr: Ove godine u kamp je došla nova devojka, Anja.En: This year, a new girl had come to camp, Anja.Sr: Bila je misteriozna i često tužna.En: She was mysterious and often sad.Sr: Miro ju je posmatrao izdaleka, osećajući neku vezu s njom, ali nije znao kako da joj priđe.En: Miro watched her from afar, feeling some connection with her but didn't know how to approach her.Sr: "Znaš, Miro," reče Luka, "ovo je naše poslednje veče ovde.En: "You know, Miro," said Luka, "this is our last evening here.Sr: Trebalo bi da napravimo nešto posebno.En: We should do something special."Sr: "Miro je gledao svoj crtež.En: Miro looked at his drawing.Sr: Bilo je to nešto što je baš danas nacrtao, misleći na Anju.En: It was something he'd drawn just today, thinking of Anja.Sr: Luka mu je znao savetovati da izađe iz svoje ljušture, ali večeras je to bilo posebno teško.En: Luka always advised him to come out of his shell, but tonight it seemed especially difficult.Sr: Dok su zvezde treperile iznad njih, Miro je ustao i rekao: "Hoću da napravim nešto posebno.En: As the stars twinkled above them, Miro stood up and said, "I want to do something special.Sr: Moram razgovarati s Anjom.En: I need to talk to Anja."Sr: "Luka je klimnuo glavom uz osmeh.En: Luka nodded with a smile.Sr: "Znao sam da ćeš to reći.En: "I knew you'd say that.Sr: Idi, prijatelju.En: Go, my friend."Sr: "Miro je lagano šetao plažom dok nije ugledao Anju, koja je sedeći gledala u talase.En: Miro walked slowly along the beach until he saw Anja, who was sitting and looking at the waves.Sr: Srce mu je brzo kucalo dok joj je prilazio.En: His heart was pounding as he approached her.Sr: Seo je pored nje tiho, držeći crtež iza leđa.En: He sat down beside her quietly, holding the drawing behind his back.Sr: "Zdravo, Anja," prošaptao je Miro.En: "Hello, Anja," Miro whispered.Sr: Anja ga je pogledala svojim tužnim očima i blago se osmehnula.En: Anja looked at him with her sad eyes and smiled softly.Sr: "Zdravo, Miro," odgovorila je tiho.En: "Hello, Miro," she replied quietly.Sr: "Želeo sam ti nešto pokazati," rekao je, izvlačeći crtež.En: "I wanted to show you something," he said, pulling out the drawing.Sr: Bio je to mesec iznad talasa, slično onome što su gledali te noći.En: It was the moon over the waves, similar to what they were looking at that night.Sr: Anja ga je pažljivo pogledala, a oči su joj zasijale.En: Anja looked at it carefully, and her eyes sparkled.Sr: "Predivno je," rekla je tiho, drhteći.En: "It's beautiful," she said softly, trembling.Sr: "Kako si znao?En: "How did you know?"Sr: ""Nisam znao," priznao je Miro, "ali osećao sam da je ovo nešto što bi ti se moglo dopasti.En: "I didn't know," Miro admitted, "but I felt this might be something you'd like."Sr: "Anja je pogledala daleko u more i tiho rekla: "Moj se brat nedavno preselio daleko.En: Anja looked far out to sea and quietly said, "My brother recently moved far away.Sr: Osećam se kao da sam ga izgubila.En: I feel like I've lost him."Sr: "Miro je polako obgrlio Anju ramenom.En: Miro slowly put an arm around Anja's shoulder.Sr: "Nisi sama," rekao je.En: "You're not alone," he said.Sr: "Mi smo ovde zajedno, a bićeš i sa svojim bratom u mislima.En: "We're here together, and you'll be with your brother in your thoughts."Sr: "Te reči su donijele olakšanje oboma.En: Those words brought relief to them both.Sr: Sedeli su tako, gledajući mesec i osećajući vezu.En: They sat like that, watching the moon and feeling a connection.Sr: Tuga je postajala blaža, a Miro je osećao neočekivanu hrabrost.En: The sadness became lighter, and Miro felt an unexpected courage.Sr: Dok su talasi nastavili da udaraju o obalu, Miro i Anja su se smešili jedno drugom, osećajući da su pronašli prijatelja.En: As the waves continued to lap against the shore, Miro and Anja smiled at each other...
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Triumphs and Trials: The Schoolyard Stories of Self-Belief
    Jul 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Triumphs and Trials: The Schoolyard Stories of Self-Belief Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/triumphs-and-trials-the-schoolyard-stories-of-self-belief Story Transcript:Sr: U malom selu, iza starog parka, stajala je skromna zgrada.En: In a small village, behind the old park, there stood a modest building.Sr: To je bila seoska škola.En: It was the village school.Sr: Sunce je sijalo, a dvorište je bilo puno cvetova.En: The sun was shining, and the yard was full of flowers.Sr: Miris leta je bio u vazduhu, ali napetost je bila opipljiva.En: The scent of summer was in the air, but the tension was palpable.Sr: Miloš je sedeo ispod stabla kraj škole.En: Miloš was sitting under a tree near the school.Sr: On je bio vredan dečak, ali često nesiguran.En: He was a hard-working boy, but often insecure.Sr: Nikada nije verovao da može biti najbolji.En: He never believed he could be the best.Sr: Njegova porodica je imala velika očekivanja.En: His family had high expectations.Sr: Njegov tata je stalno govorio: "Moraš biti bolji, Miloše.En: His father constantly said, "You must do better, Miloš."Sr: " To je stvaralo pritisak.En: This created pressure.Sr: Miloš je odlučio da će učiti dan i noć.En: Miloš decided he would study day and night.Sr: Izolovao se od svih.En: He isolated himself from everyone.Sr: Otišao je u sobu, zatvorio vrata i posvetio se knjigama.En: He went to his room, closed the door, and dedicated himself to his books.Sr: Dragana je bila najbolji đak u razredu.En: Dragana was the best student in the class.Sr: Svi su je hvalili.En: Everyone praised her.Sr: Njeni roditelji su bili ponosni.En: Her parents were proud.Sr: Ali, ona je imala veliki strah.En: But, she had a great fear.Sr: Šta ako razočara porodicu?En: What if she disappointed her family?Sr: Želela je da pomogne Milošu.En: She wanted to help Miloš.Sr: Videla je koliko se trudi.En: She saw how hard he was working.Sr: Ali, takođe se plašila da će njeni rezultati pasti.En: But, she was also afraid that her results might suffer.Sr: Stajala je kod školske ograde, gledajući Miloša kako uči.En: She stood by the school fence, watching Miloš study.Sr: Nikola je bio drugačiji.En: Nikola was different.Sr: On je bio nestašan i opušten.En: He was mischievous and relaxed.Sr: Nije puno mario za učenje.En: He didn't care much about studying.Sr: Voleo je da provodi vreme igrajući se s društvom.En: He loved spending time playing with his friends.Sr: Smejao se kada su pričali o ispitima.En: He laughed when they talked about exams.Sr: "Proći ću kako god," govorio je.En: "I'll pass somehow," he would say.Sr: Ali, duboko u sebi, znao je da rizikuje.En: But deep down, he knew he was taking a risk.Sr: Imao je ideju da prepiše tokom ispita.En: He had an idea to cheat during the exam.Sr: No, bojao se posledica.En: But, he feared the consequences.Sr: Došao je veliki dan.En: The big day arrived.Sr: Svi učenici su stajali u dvorištu.En: All the students stood in the yard.Sr: Učitelj je donosio papire s ocenama.En: The teacher was bringing out the grade sheets.Sr: Miloš je stajao sa strane, srce mu je ubrzano lupalo.En: Miloš stood to the side, his heart pounding.Sr: Dragana je stajala pored njega.En: Dragana stood next to him.Sr: Nikola je bio nasmejan, ali ruke su mu drhtale.En: Nikola was smiling, but his hands were trembling.Sr: Učitelj je počeo da čita rezultate.En: The teacher began reading the results.Sr: "Miloš Popović, desetka!En: "Miloš Popović, an A!"Sr: " cela škola je zanemela.En: The whole school fell silent.Sr: Miloš nije mogao verovati.En: Miloš couldn't believe it.Sr: Oči su mu se ispunile suzama radosnicama.En: His eyes filled with tears of joy.Sr: Niko nije očekivao ovo.En: No one had expected this.Sr: Dragana je sa osmehom stisnula Miloševo rame.En: Dragana smiled and squeezed Miloš's shoulder.Sr: Ona je takođe dobila desetku, ali sada nije bilo straha.En: She had also received an A, but now there was no fear.Sr: Bila je ponosna jer su oboje uspeli.En: She was proud because they both succeeded.Sr: Nikola je slušao svoje ime.En: Nikola listened for his name.Sr: Jedva prolazna ocena.En: Just a passing grade.Sr: Bio je razočaran, ali bilo je nečega u njemu što mu je dalo snagu.En: He was disappointed, but there was something within him that gave him strength.Sr: "Sledeći put će biti bolje," rekao je sebi.En: "Next time will be better," he told himself.Sr: Završili su dan sa smehom i srećom.En: They ended the day with laughter and happiness.Sr: Miloš je sada verovao u sebe.En: Miloš now believed in himself.Sr: Dragana je naučila da se nosi s pritiskom porodice.En: Dragana learned how to cope with family pressure.Sr: Nikola je shvatio vrednost truda.En: Nikola realized the value of hard work.Sr: Leto je nastavilo da cveta u maloj školi.En: Summer continued to blossom at the small school.Sr: I svi su naučili važnu ...
    Más Menos
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