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FluentFiction - Croatian

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
    Más Menos
  • Hope and Heroes: An Unexpected Election Day in Dubrovnik
    Jul 27 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Hope and Heroes: An Unexpected Election Day in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/hope-and-heroes-an-unexpected-election-day-in-dubrovnik Story Transcript:Hr: U srcu ljeta, zrak u Dubrovniku bio je težak i sladak od mirisa mora.En: In the heart of summer, the air in Dubrovnik was heavy and sweet with the scent of the sea.Hr: Povijesna zgrada blizu Starog Grada postala je privremeno biralište.En: A historic building near the Old Town had become a temporary polling station.Hr: Glasovi ljudi odjekivali su kamenom poput valova.En: The voices of people echoed off the stone like waves.Hr: Nikola je stajao u redu, oči usmjerene na ulaz.En: Nikola stood in line, his eyes fixed on the entrance.Hr: Suze su mu dolazile na oči od oštrog sunca, ali nije odustajao.En: Tears welled up in his eyes from the harsh sun, but he did not give up.Hr: Nikola je bio srednjih godina, s povijestom problema sa srcem.En: Nikola was middle-aged, with a history of heart problems.Hr: Bio je odlučan glasati.En: He was determined to vote.Hr: Kandidat kojeg je podržavao nudio je zdravstvene reforme, a njemu je nada trebala biti veća od straha.En: The candidate he supported offered healthcare reforms, and he needed hope to be stronger than fear.Hr: No, dok je stajao, osjetio je poznatu bol u prsima.En: However, as he stood, he felt a familiar pain in his chest.Hr: Bol je bila poput oštrog bodeža, ali nije htio odustati.En: The pain was like a sharp dagger, but he did not want to give up.Hr: Iza njega je stajala Ivana.En: Behind him stood Ivana.Hr: Mlada medicinska sestra, ali bila je odjevena jednostavno.En: A young nurse, but she was simply dressed.Hr: Htjela je ostati neprimijećena, skrivena od pogledom poznatih lica.En: She wanted to remain unnoticed, hidden from the eyes of familiar faces.Hr: Došla je glasati, ali i pobjeći od osobnih problema.En: She had come to vote but also to escape from personal problems.Hr: Dok je gledala Nikolina leđa kako se savijaju zbog boli, odlučila je promatrati.En: As she watched Nikola's back bending due to the pain, she decided to observe.Hr: Red je napredovao sporo, vrijeme kao da se zaustavilo.En: The line moved slowly, time seemed to stand still.Hr: Bol u Nikolinim prsima postajala je jača.En: The pain in Nikola's chest grew stronger.Hr: U glavi su mu se vrtjele misli.En: His head was spinning with thoughts.Hr: "Trebam glasati.En: "I need to vote.Hr: Ne smijem odustati.En: I must not give up."Hr: " No, srce je govorilo drugačije.En: But his heart said otherwise.Hr: Oči su mu počele tamniti i osjetio je vrtoglavicu.En: His eyes began to darken, and he felt dizzy.Hr: Netko iz reda je viknuo: "Pazite!En: Someone from the line shouted, "Watch out!Hr: Čovjek pada!En: The man is falling!"Hr: "Nikola se držao za stol, ali koljena su ga izdala.En: Nikola held onto a table, but his knees gave way.Hr: Ivana je instinktivno skočila naprijed.En: Ivana instinctively jumped forward.Hr: Srce joj je lupalo, ali profesionalna dužnost bila je jača od straha.En: Her heart was pounding, but her professional duty was stronger than her fear.Hr: "Sklonite se!En: "Move aside!Hr: Ja sam medicinska sestra!En: I'm a nurse!"Hr: " povikala je.En: she shouted.Hr: Nikola je pao na pod, oči zatvorene.En: Nikola fell to the ground, eyes closed.Hr: Ivana je brzo počela s reanimacijom.En: Ivana quickly began resuscitation.Hr: Red je bio u šoku, ali nitko se nije micao.En: The line was in shock, but no one moved.Hr: Ivana je stisnula njegove grudi, tražeći znak života.En: Ivana pressed on his chest, searching for signs of life.Hr: Konačno, čuo se Nikolin udah.En: Finally, Nikola's breath was heard.Hr: Ljudi su pljeskali kad su medicinari stigli.En: People clapped when the paramedics arrived.Hr: Nikola je odvezen u bolnicu, ali nije zaboravio zašto je bio tamo.En: Nikola was taken to the hospital, but he did not forget why he was there.Hr: S vremena na vrijeme oči su mu se otvarale i shvaćao je da su mu pomogli nepoznati ljudi.En: From time to time, he opened his eyes and realized that strangers had helped him.Hr: Kasnije toga dana, Ivana je došla u bolnicu.En: Later that day, Ivana came to the hospital.Hr: Tiho je stajala kod vrata, ali Nikola ju je prepoznao.En: She stood quietly by the door, but Nikola recognized her.Hr: "Hvala ti.En: "Thank you.Hr: Zbog tebe sam ovdje," rekao je s osmijehom.En: Because of you, I’m here," he said with a smile.Hr: Ivana je uzdahnula, ispunjena osjećajem obnove.En: Ivana sighed, filled with a sense of renewal.Hr: "Svi mi imamo svoje bitke.En: "We all have our battles.Hr: Ti si pokazao koliko je život važan.En: You showed how important life is."Hr: "Nikola je shvatio vrijednost života iznad svih trenutnih ciljeva.En: Nikola understood the value of life above all current goals.Hr: Ivana, pak, ponovno je pronašla svoju dužnost i svrhu.En: Ivana, on the other hand, rediscovered her...
    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Love Near the Waterfalls: A Day at Plitvice Lakes
    Jul 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Love Near the Waterfalls: A Day at Plitvice Lakes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/love-near-the-waterfalls-a-day-at-plitvice-lakes Story Transcript:Hr: Ljetno sunce blistalo je nad Plitvičkim jezerima.En: The summer sun was shining brightly over Plitvice Lakes.Hr: Slaven i Ivana šetali su kroz prekrasne staze, okruženi zelenilom i plavim jezerima.En: Slaven and Ivana were walking through the beautiful trails, surrounded by greenery and blue lakes.Hr: Slaven je bio uzbuđen, ali i nervozan.En: Slaven was excited but also nervous.Hr: Htio je zaprositi Ivanu, ali nije znao kako pronaći pravi trenutak.En: He wanted to propose to Ivana, but he didn't know how to find the right moment.Hr: Ivana je razmišljala o svojoj prošlosti i bojala se nove veze.En: Ivana was thinking about her past and was afraid of a new relationship.Hr: Ipak, uživala je u prirodi.En: Nevertheless, she enjoyed the nature.Hr: "Ovdje je tako lijepo," reče Slaven, gledajući Ivanu s osmijehom.En: "It's so beautiful here," said Slaven, looking at Ivana with a smile.Hr: "Da, predivno je," odgovori Ivana, iako njezin osmijeh nije bio potpun.En: "Yes, it's wonderful," Ivana replied, though her smile wasn't complete.Hr: Hodali su pored vodopada, gdje su se kristalno čista voda i sunčeva svjetlost igrali isprepletenim zrakama.En: They walked past the waterfalls, where crystal clear water and sunlight interplayed in woven rays.Hr: Slaven je osjećao kako mu srce brzo kuca.En: Slaven felt his heart beating fast.Hr: Ali prije nego što je mogao izvući prsten, Ivana se počela osjećati loše.En: But before he could pull out the ring, Ivana began to feel unwell.Hr: "Ne osjećam se dobro..." rekla je, a zatim se onesvijestila.En: "I don't feel well..." she said, and then she fainted.Hr: Slaven je panično reagirao.En: Slaven reacted in a panic.Hr: Zaboravio je na prsten i kleknuo pored Ivane.En: He forgot about the ring and knelt beside Ivana.Hr: "Ivana, jesi li dobro?" rekao je tiho, držeći je za ruku.En: "Ivana, are you okay?" he said quietly, holding her hand.Hr: Srce mu je lupalo od brige.En: His heart pounded with worry.Hr: Hitno je potražio pomoć.En: He urgently sought help.Hr: Neki turisti prišli su i pomogli mu da je odvede do medicinskog centra u parku.En: Some tourists approached and helped him take her to the medical center in the park.Hr: Dok su hodali, Slaven je osjećao kako mu je kamen pao sa srca kada je vidio kako Ivana polako dolazi k sebi.En: As they walked, Slaven felt a weight lift from his heart when he saw Ivana slowly coming to.Hr: U medicinskom centru, liječnik je rekao da je Ivana imala sunčanicu.En: At the medical center, the doctor said that Ivana had sunstroke.Hr: "Moraš se odmarati," rekao je liječnik Ivani.En: "You need to rest," the doctor told Ivana.Hr: Slaven je odmahnuo glavom u znak odobravanja.En: Slaven nodded in agreement.Hr: Kasnije, dok su sjedili u hladu ispod drveća, Ivana je tiho rekla, "Bojiš li se za mene?"En: Later, as they sat in the shade under the trees, Ivana quietly said, "Are you afraid for me?"Hr: "Naravno," odgovorio je Slaven.En: "Of course," Slaven replied.Hr: "Ti si mi najvažnija."En: "You are the most important thing to me."Hr: Ivana je uzdahnula.En: Ivana sighed.Hr: "Moram ti nešto reći.En: "I need to tell you something.Hr: Imala sam težak odnos prije tebe.En: I had a difficult relationship before you.Hr: Teško mi je vjerovati ponovno."En: It's hard for me to trust again."Hr: Slaven je pažljivo slušao.En: Slaven listened carefully.Hr: "Razumijem.En: "I understand.Hr: Želim biti tu za tebe, uvijek."En: I want to be there for you, always."Hr: Ivana je osjetila toplinu u srcu.En: Ivana felt warmth in her heart.Hr: "Hvala ti što si me doveo ovdje.En: "Thank you for bringing me here.Hr: Možda sam trebala sve ovo proći da bih se osjećala sigurno."En: Maybe I needed to go through all of this to feel safe."Hr: Slaven se nasmiješio.En: Slaven smiled.Hr: Osjećao je da je pravi trenutak blizu, ali nije žurio.En: He felt that the right moment was near, but he didn't rush.Hr: Ovaj razgovor bio je važniji.En: This conversation was more important.Hr: "Danas nisam imao priliku reći ti nešto važno," rekao je pažljivo, ali je potom odustao.En: "Today I didn't get a chance to tell you something important," he said carefully but then paused.Hr: Hodali su dalje uz jezera.En: They continued walking by the lakes.Hr: Ivana se nasmijala i nježno ga uhvatila za ruku.En: Ivana laughed and gently took his hand.Hr: "Imamo cijeli život pred nama, Slaven," rekla je iskreno.En: "We have our whole lives ahead of us, Slaven," she said sincerely.Hr: Promatrali su vodopade dok su nastavili svoju šetnju.En: They watched the waterfalls as they continued their walk.Hr: Oboje su osjetili novu bliskost, dublju od bilo kojeg grandioznog gesta.En: Both felt a new closeness, deeper than any grand gesture.Hr: Ivana je...
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Ivana's Triumph: Overcoming Fear and Winning Over Management
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivana's Triumph: Overcoming Fear and Winning Over Management Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/ivanas-triumph-overcoming-fear-and-winning-over-management Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je sjedila za svojim stolom, osjećajući srce kako joj udara u grudima.En: Ivana sat at her desk, feeling her heart pound in her chest.Hr: Sunčeva svjetla ulazila su kroz staklene zidove zgrade, osvjetljavajući moderan ured.En: Sunlight streamed through the glass walls of the building, illuminating the modern office.Hr: Danas je bila velika prezentacija.En: Today was the big presentation.Hr: Ivana je bila posvećena voditeljica projekta, ali je imala strah od javnog nastupa.En: Ivana, a dedicated project manager, had a fear of public speaking.Hr: Luka, tehnički pametni član tima, prepun samopouzdanja, prišao je njenom stolu.En: Luka, the technically savvy team member, full of confidence, approached her desk.Hr: "Ne brini, Ivana," rekao je sa širokim osmijehom.En: "Don't worry, Ivana," he said with a broad smile.Hr: "Ja ću to riješiti.En: "I'll handle it."Hr: "Ivana je znala da Luka može pomoći, ali također je osjećala da ona mora dokazati svoju sposobnost pred Upravom.En: Ivana knew that Luka could help, but she also felt she needed to prove her ability to the Management.Hr: Marko, iskusni izvršni direktor, bio je skeptičan prema novim idejama.En: Marko, the experienced executive director, was skeptical of new ideas.Hr: Ivana je odlučila prije sastanka razgovarati s njim.En: Ivana decided to talk to him before the meeting.Hr: Koraci prema Markovom uredu bili su teški.En: The steps to Marko's office felt heavy.Hr: Kada je stigla, lagano je pokucala na vrata.En: When she arrived, she knocked lightly on the door.Hr: "Marko, možemo li razgovarati?En: "Marko, can we talk?"Hr: " upitala je.En: she asked.Hr: Marko je podigao pogled.En: Marko looked up.Hr: "Naravno, Ivana.En: "Of course, Ivana.Hr: O čemu se radi?En: What's it about?"Hr: ""Želim vam reći o našem projektu.En: "I want to tell you about our project.Hr: Znam da imate sumnje, ali vjerujem da možemo postignuti mnogo s ovom idejom," rekla je Ivana, srce joj je ubrzano tuklo.En: I know you have doubts, but I believe we can achieve a lot with this idea," Ivana said, her heart beating fast.Hr: Marko je pažljivo slušao i klimnuo glavom.En: Marko listened carefully and nodded.Hr: "Dobro, Ivana.En: "Alright, Ivana.Hr: Čut ćemo više na sastanku.En: We'll hear more at the meeting."Hr: "Došao je trenutak prezentacije.En: The moment of the presentation arrived.Hr: U prostranoj sali za sastanke sjedili su članovi Upravnog odbora.En: In the spacious meeting room, the Board members were seated.Hr: Ivana je počela govoriti, ali osjetila je kako joj glas podrhtava.En: Ivana started to speak, but she felt her voice tremble.Hr: Luka je odmah uskočio, govorio je brzo i samouvjereno.En: Luka immediately stepped in, speaking quickly and confidently.Hr: Ali, Ivana je znala da mora preuzeti odgovornost.En: But Ivana knew she had to take responsibility.Hr: Udahnula je duboko i odlučno nastavila.En: She took a deep breath and decisively continued.Hr: "Hvala, Luka.En: "Thank you, Luka.Hr: Želim objasniti zašto je ovaj projekt važan," rekla je.En: I want to explain why this project is important," she said.Hr: Obratila se direktno Marku.En: She addressed Marko directly.Hr: "Marko, ovaj projekt donosi inovaciju koja može unaprijediti naš rad.En: "Marko, this project brings innovation that can enhance our work.Hr: Trebamo vašu podršku.En: We need your support."Hr: "Marko ju je ozbiljno gledao, a zatim se nasmiješio.En: Marko looked at her seriously, then smiled.Hr: "Dobro, Ivana.En: "Alright, Ivana.Hr: Uvjerila si me.En: You've convinced me."Hr: "Članovi Upravnog odbora su se složili, a projekt je dobio financiranje.En: The Board members agreed, and the project received funding.Hr: Ivana je osjećala neopisivo olakšanje.En: Ivana felt an indescribable relief.Hr: Postigla je svoj cilj.En: She had achieved her goal.Hr: Njezina veza sa Lukom i Markom je ojačala.En: Her relationship with Luka and Marko strengthened.Hr: Kako je ljetno sunce zalazilo nad Zagrebom, Ivana je shvatila da je postala sigurnija u svoje sposobnosti.En: As the summer sun set over Zagreb, Ivana realized she had become more confident in her abilities.Hr: Vjerovala je u sebe više nego ikada prije.En: She believed in herself more than ever before. Vocabulary Words:heart-pound: udara u grudimasunlight: sunčeva svjetlaglass walls: staklene zidoveilluminating: osvjetljavajućidedicated: posvećenapublic speaking: javnog nastupatechnically savvy: tehnički pametniconfidence: samopouzdanjaskeptical: skeptičanexecutive director: izvršni direktordoubts: sumnjeachieve: postignutitremble: podrhtavadecisively: odlučnoinnovation: inovacijaenhance: unaprijeditisupport: podrškuconvinced: uvjerilaindescribable: neopisivorelief: ...
    Más Menos
    16 m

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