FluentFiction - Indonesian

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

    Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Finding Freedom: A Rainy Encounter Above Jakarta
    Oct 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Freedom: A Rainy Encounter Above Jakarta Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-freedom-a-rainy-encounter-above-jakarta Story Transcript:Id: Gemerincik hujan di luar jendela kaca memberikan penyambutan hangat bagi Putri yang baru saja melangkah ke dalam kafe di puncak gedung pencakar langit di Jakarta.En: The patter of rain on the glass window offered a warm welcome to Putri, who had just stepped into the café atop a skyscraper in Jakarta.Id: Aroma kopi menguar, bersatu dengan suara jazz lembut yang mengalun pelan.En: The aroma of coffee mingled with the gentle strains of jazz music playing softly.Id: Ini adalah keputusan besar bagi Putri, seorang wanita muda yang biasanya terjebak dalam rutinitas pekerjaan di sektor keuangan.En: This was a significant decision for Putri, a young woman usually trapped in the routine of working in the financial sector.Id: Namun hari ini, dia memilih untuk mencari udara segar, sesuatu di luar kebiasaannya.En: But today, she decided to look for a breath of fresh air, something out of her ordinary habit.Id: Di sisi lain ruangan, Arief, seorang fotografer muda yang bercita-cita tinggi, juga merasakan panggilan alam.En: On the other side of the room, Arief, a young aspiring photographer, also felt the call of nature.Id: Dengan kamera tergantung di lehernya, dia terpesona menatap kota Jakarta yang berselimut awan kelabu.En: With his camera hanging around his neck, he gazed in awe at the city of Jakarta cloaked in gray clouds.Id: Hujan deras, kilat yang sesekali melesat, semua ini adalah panggung sempurna bagi Arief untuk menangkap suasana kota.En: The heavy rain and occasional flashes of lightning provided the perfect stage for Arief to capture the atmosphere of the city.Id: Putri mengambil tempat duduk di dekat jendela besar.En: Putri took a seat by the large window.Id: Ia memandang keluar, merenung tentang kehidupan yang selama ini dirasa hampa.En: She looked out, contemplating the life she had long felt was empty.Id: Sementara itu, Arief memperhatikan siluet Putri dari jauh.En: Meanwhile, Arief watched Putri's silhouette from afar.Id: Ada sesuatu dalam cara Putri memandang hujan yang membuatnya ingin mengabadikan momen itu.En: There was something in the way Putri gazed at the rain that made him want to capture that moment.Id: Keberanian menggerakkan Arief melangkah mendekat.En: Courage moved Arief to step closer.Id: "Permisi, saya Arief.En: "Excuse me, I'm Arief.Id: Boleh saya mengambil foto Anda?En: May I take your picture?"Id: " tanyanya dengan nada sopan.En: he asked politely.Id: Putri menoleh, sedikit terkejut namun terpesona oleh keberanian pemuda itu.En: Putri turned, slightly surprised but captivated by the young man's bravery.Id: "Tentu saja, mengapa tidak?En: "Of course, why not?"Id: " jawab Putri dengan senyum tipis.En: Putri replied with a faint smile.Id: Saat Arief mulai mengambil gambar, percakapan mengalir ringan di antara mereka.En: As Arief began taking pictures, a light conversation flowed between them.Id: Mereka berbicara tentang mimpi masing-masing.En: They talked about their dreams.Id: Putri bercerita tentang keinginannya menemukan sesuatu yang lebih berarti daripada pekerjaannya saat ini.En: Putri shared her desire to find something more meaningful than her current job.Id: Arief, dengan semangat, bercerita tentang ambisinya menangkap emosi kota melalui lensa kameranya.En: Arief, with enthusiasm, talked about his ambition to capture the emotions of the city through his camera lens.Id: Sekali waktu, kilat menyambar, menerangi langit Jakarta.En: At one point, lightning struck, illuminating the Jakarta sky.Id: "Lihat ini," kata Arief, mengajak Putri berdiri di dekat jendela besar.En: "Look at this," said Arief, inviting Putri to stand near the large window.Id: Mereka menyaksikan panorama kota yang luar biasa saat hujan membasahi segala.En: They watched the incredible city panorama as the rain drenched everything.Id: Mereka bicara tentang impian dan ketakutan, saling mendengar dengan penuh perhatian.En: They spoke about dreams and fears, listening to each other with full attention.Id: Putri menyadari bahwa Arief menawarkan lebih dari sekadar gambar.En: Putri realized that Arief offered more than just a picture.Id: Dia menawarkan sepotong kebebasan.En: He offered a piece of freedom.Id: Di sisi lain, Arief menemukan kepercayaan diri untuk lebih terbuka dan terhubung dengan seseorang yang nyaris asing baginya.En: On the other hand, Arief found the confidence to be more open and connect with someone almost a stranger to him.Id: Akhirnya, Putri dan Arief sepakat untuk menjelajahi kota bersama.En: Finally, Putri and Arief agreed to explore the city together.Id: Mereka tahu, perjalanan ini bisa mengisi kekosongan di hati Putri dengan petualangan yang berarti, dan membantu Arief menemukan inspirasi baru dalam karya fotografinya.En: They knew this journey could fill the void in ...
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  • From Prank to Plan: How a Joke Became School Tradition
    Oct 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: From Prank to Plan: How a Joke Became School Tradition Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/from-prank-to-plan-how-a-joke-became-school-tradition Story Transcript:Id: Di sebuah sekolah menengah di Jakarta, suasana pagi itu sangat ramai.En: At a high school in Jakarta, the morning atmosphere was very lively.Id: Siswa-siswa bergerombol di lorong-lorong, bercanda dan tertawa.En: Students gathered in the hallways, joking and laughing.Id: Di antara keramaian itu, ada Irfan, Siti, dan Bayu.En: Among the crowd were Irfan, Siti, and Bayu.Id: Irfan dikenal sebagai siswa yang suka bercanda dan membuat lelucon.En: Irfan was known as a student who loved to joke and make jokes.Id: Siti, sahabatnya, sering terjebak dalam rencana-rencana jahil Irfan.En: Siti, his best friend, often got caught up in Irfan's mischievous plans.Id: Sedangkan Bayu adalah ketua OSIS yang sangat serius dengan tugasnya.En: Meanwhile, Bayu was the student council president who was very serious about his duties.Id: Suatu hari, saat jam istirahat, Irfan membuat lelucon.En: One day, during break time, Irfan made a joke.Id: Dengan nada bercanda, dia mengatakan kepada sekelompok siswa bahwa akan ada lomba untuk memberi nama maskot sekolah.En: In a joking tone, he told a group of students that there would be a competition to name the school mascot.Id: Tidak terduga, berita itu menyebar dengan cepat.En: Unexpectedly, the news spread quickly.Id: Semua siswa mulai membicarakannya.En: All the students started talking about it.Id: Dalam beberapa jam, seluruh sekolah geger dengan rumor lomba tersebut.En: Within a few hours, the whole school was abuzz with the rumor of the competition.Id: Saat musim semi yang cerah itu, Bayu yang mendengar kabar ini langsung bersemangat.En: During that bright spring, Bayu, who heard this news, got excited.Id: Sebagai ketua OSIS, Bayu merasa lomba tersebut adalah ide yang bagus.En: As the student council president, Bayu felt that the competition was a great idea.Id: Dia tidak tahu bahwa semua ini hanyalah lelucon Irfan.En: He didn't know that all of this was just Irfan's joke.Id: Dengan serius, Bayu mulai merencanakan lomba dan bahkan berbicara tentang hal ini kepada guru dan kepala sekolah.En: Seriously, Bayu began planning the competition and even talked about it with teachers and the principal.Id: Irfan, melihat situasi semakin tak terkendali, merasa bingung.En: Irfan, seeing the situation getting out of control, felt confused.Id: Dia bertanya pada Siti, "Apa yang harus aku lakukan?En: He asked Siti, "What should I do?Id: Semua orang percaya ini nyata.En: Everyone believes this is real."Id: " Siti menatapnya sambil berpikir.En: Siti looked at him while thinking.Id: "Kau harus memberitahu yang sebenarnya, Irfan.En: "You need to tell the truth, Irfan.Id: Sebelum ini semakin kacau.En: Before this gets more chaotic."Id: "Namun, sebelum Irfan sempat mengungkapkan kebenaran, Bayu sudah mengumumkan lomba di depan seluruh siswa saat apel pagi.En: However, before Irfan could reveal the truth, Bayu had already announced the competition in front of all the students during the morning assembly.Id: Semua siswa bersorak gembira, bersemangat untuk mengusulkan nama-nama kreatif.En: All the students cheered excitedly, eager to propose creative names.Id: Irfan merasa bersalah melihat antusiasme tersebut.En: Irfan felt guilty seeing the enthusiasm.Id: Dia tahu harus menghentikan ini sebelum menjadi lebih buruk.En: He knew he had to stop this before it got worse.Id: Setelah apel, Irfan mengumpulkan keberanian.En: After the assembly, Irfan gathered his courage.Id: Dengan jantung berdebar, dia maju ke depan mikrofon.En: With a pounding heart, he stepped up to the microphone.Id: "Teman-teman, aku harus mengakui sesuatu.En: "Friends, I have to confess something.Id: Lomba ini sebenarnya hanya lelucon.En: This competition is actually just a joke.Id: Aku tidak menyangka kalian akan mengambil ini serius.En: I didn't expect you all to take it seriously."Id: " Suasana hening sejenak.En: There was a momentary silence.Id: Namun, segera setelah itu, sekolah pecah dengan tawa riang.En: However, soon after, the school erupted with joyful laughter.Id: Siswa-siswa menyadari bahwa mereka telah menjadi bagian dari kelucuan Irfan.En: The students realized that they had become part of Irfan's humor.Id: Kepala sekolah, tersenyum melihat kebahagiaan siswa, memutuskan untuk membuat lomba tersebut benar-benar terjadi.En: The principal, smiling at the students' happiness, decided to make the competition really happen.Id: "Karena ide ini membuat semua orang bersemangat, mari kita adakan lomba sungguhan!En: "Since this idea has excited everyone, let's hold a real competition!"Id: " Pengumuman itu mendapat tepuk tangan meriah dan gelak tawa.En: The announcement received a resounding applause and laughter.Id: Irfan belajar bahwa candaan bisa menjadi sesuatu yang positif jika digunakan dengan ...
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  • Fated Encounters: Art and Connection at Banjarmasin Market
    Oct 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Fated Encounters: Art and Connection at Banjarmasin Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/fated-encounters-art-and-connection-at-banjarmasin-market Story Transcript:Id: Di bawah langit biru cerah Banjarmasin, pasang surut Sungai Barito mengalun pelan.En: Under the clear blue sky of Banjarmasin, the tides of the Sungai Barito flowed gently.Id: Hari itu, Pasar Terapung penuh semangat.En: That day, the Floating Market was full of energy.Id: Perahu-perahu penuh warna bergerak di atas air, membawa segala macam barang dagangan—buah-buahan segar, kerajinan tangan, dan aroma bumbu yang menggoda.En: Colorful boats moved on the water, carrying all kinds of merchandise—fresh fruits, handicrafts, and the tempting aroma of spices.Id: Bimo, seorang penggemar seni dari Jakarta, berjalan dengan semangat mencari satu karya seni unik untuk melengkapi koleksinya.En: Bimo, an art enthusiast from Jakarta, walked eagerly in search of a unique art piece to complete his collection.Id: Ia menatap heran pada deretan perahu yang berjajar, sebuah pemandangan yang tidak pernah ia lihat di kota besar.En: He looked in wonder at the rows of boats lined up—a sight he'd never seen in the big city.Id: Di saat yang sama, Sri, seorang seniman lokal, melangkah dengan penuh harap.En: At the same time, Sri, a local artist, walked with hope.Id: Dia mencari inspirasi dari hiruk-pikuk pasar, berharap menemukan sesuatu yang bisa membangkitkan ide baru dalam benaknya.En: She was searching for inspiration in the bustling market, hoping to find something that could spark new ideas in her mind.Id: Keduanya tidak sadar bahwa takdir akan mempertemukan mereka.En: Neither of them realized that fate would bring them together.Id: Di salah satu perahu, Ayu, seorang pedagang seni, menyambut mereka dengan senyum ramah.En: On one of the boats, Ayu, an art dealer, greeted them with a warm smile.Id: "Lihat karya ini!En: "Look at this piece!"Id: " katanya, menunjuk sebuah patung kecil dari kayu.En: she said, pointing to a small wooden statue.Id: Desainnya rumit, dengan pola yang menarik perhatian siapa saja yang melihatnya.En: Its design was intricate, with patterns that caught the attention of anyone who saw it.Id: Bimo dan Sri, secara bersamaan, mengulurkan tangan untuk menyentuh patung itu.En: Bimo and Sri, simultaneously, reached out to touch the statue.Id: Mata mereka bertemu, tersenyum sedikit canggung namun tertarik pada hal yang sama.En: Their eyes met, sharing a slightly awkward but mutual attraction to the same thing.Id: Ayu tersenyum bijak, melihat potensi kisah yang akan terjalin di antara kedua orang ini.En: Ayu smiled wisely, seeing the potential story that would unfold between these two people.Id: "Aku suka ini," kata Bimo.En: "I like this," said Bimo.Id: "Desainnya unik.En: "The design is unique."Id: "Sri mengangguk setuju.En: Sri nodded in agreement.Id: "Saya juga suka.En: "I like it too.Id: Rasanya seperti bisa memberi saya inspirasi baru.En: It feels like it could give me new inspiration."Id: "Terjadilah perbincangan sopan, namun penuh semangat.En: A polite but enthusiastic conversation ensued.Id: Mereka berbicara tentang seni, tentang apa yang membuat patung itu begitu spesial bagi mereka.En: They talked about art, about what made the statue so special to them.Id: Meski tampak kompetitif, keduanya saling menghargai pandangan satu sama lain.En: Although they seemed competitive, they respected each other's perspectives.Id: Akhirnya Bimo berkata, "Mungkin kamu bisa memilikinya, jika kamu setuju untuk menunjukkan karya-karyamu yang lain sambil minum kopi bersama.En: Finally, Bimo said, "Maybe you can have it, if you agree to show your other works while having coffee together."Id: "Sri, merasa tertarik dengan semangat Bimo, berkata, "Baiklah, itu ide yang bagus.En: Sri, intrigued by Bimo's enthusiasm, said, "Alright, that's a good idea."Id: "Tiba-tiba, hujan deras turun, mengagetkan semua orang.En: Suddenly, heavy rain started pouring down, startling everyone.Id: Bimo dan Sri berlari mencari perlindungan.En: Bimo and Sri ran for cover.Id: Di bawah teduhan pagoda tua, mereka berbicara lebih banyak.En: Under the shelter of an old pagoda, they talked more.Id: Ide-ide dan inspirasi mengalir seolah hujan memberikan energi baru untuk mereka.En: Ideas and inspiration flowed as if the rain provided new energy for them.Id: Mereka menemukan bahwa mereka berbagi banyak impian dan pandangan.En: They discovered that they shared many dreams and views.Id: Bimo menyadari bahwa hubungan manusia jauh lebih berarti daripada sekadar memiliki benda fisik.En: Bimo realized that human relationships are far more meaningful than simply owning physical objects.Id: Sementara itu, Sri menemukan seorang teman yang bisa mendukungnya dan memberikan perspektif baru bagi seninya.En: Meanwhile, Sri found a friend who could support her and offer a new perspective for her art.Id: Saat hujan mulai reda...
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