FluentFiction - Slovak

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Nature's Lesson: Reignite Your Passion for Teaching
    Sep 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Nature's Lesson: Reignite Your Passion for Teaching Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/natures-lesson-reignite-your-passion-for-teaching Story Transcript:Sk: Jakub stál pri okne chaty a pozoroval, ako sa slnko skrýva za horami Tatier.En: Jakub stood by the cabin window, watching the sun hide behind the Tatra Mountains.Sk: Bol unavený.En: He was tired.Sk: Minulý školský rok bol náročný a on sa necítil pripravený na nový.En: The last school year had been challenging, and he didn't feel ready for the new one.Sk: Vedel, že niečo musí zmeniť.En: He knew he needed to change something.Sk: Ale čo?En: But what?Sk: Nina, jeho kolegyňa a priateľka, sedela na pohovke s horúcou čokoládou.En: Nina, his colleague and friend, was sitting on the couch with a hot chocolate.Sk: "Jakub, čo keby sme začali nový začiatok?En: "Jakub, what if we start fresh?Sk: Minulý rok je za nami.En: Last year is behind us.Sk: Mám plno nápadov!En: I have plenty of ideas!"Sk: " povzbudzovala ho.En: she encouraged him.Sk: Jej hlas bol plný nadšenia, zatiaľ čo vonku sa počuť šuchot jesenných listov.En: Her voice was full of enthusiasm, while outside, the rustling of autumn leaves could be heard.Sk: "Nina, čo ak mi chýba inšpirácia?En: "Nina, what if I'm missing inspiration?Sk: Obávam sa, že sklamem svojich študentov," priznal sa Jakub.En: I'm afraid I'll disappoint my students," Jakub admitted.Sk: Mal pochybnosti a obavy.En: He had doubts and fears.Sk: Ale usmial sa, keď videl Ninu, ako mu podáva list papiera.En: But he smiled when he saw Nina handing him a piece of paper.Sk: "Napíš si, čo chceš dosiahnuť," navrhla.En: "Write down what you want to achieve," she suggested.Sk: Večer dotváral atmosféru ticho horiacich ohnísk a Jakubovi sa zdalo, že možno existuje nádej.En: The evening was completed by the quiet crackling of fires, and Jakub felt there might be hope.Sk: Nasledujúce ráno sa obaja rozhodli prechádzať po lesnej ceste.En: The next morning, the two decided to walk along the forest path.Sk: Vôňa padajúceho lístia bola osviežujúca.En: The scent of falling leaves was refreshing.Sk: Jakub pozoroval, ako slnečné lúče tancujú medzi stromami.En: Jakub watched how the sun's rays danced among the trees.Sk: Počas chôdze sa Nina delila o svoje plány do triedy — projektové učenie, spolupráca, piesne.En: As they walked, Nina shared her plans for the classroom—project-based learning, collaboration, songs.Sk: Zrazu sa Jakub zastavil.En: Suddenly, Jakub stopped.Sk: Prišli k výhľadu na širokú dolinu, kde listy žiarili v rôznych odtieňoch.En: They had reached a viewpoint overlooking a vast valley where the leaves shone in various shades.Sk: Uvedomil si, že príroda je najlepším učiteľom.En: He realized that nature is the best teacher.Sk: „Možno by som mohol viac zapojiť prírodu do vyučovania,“ vyslovil so zábleskom v očiach.En: "Maybe I could incorporate more nature into teaching," he said with a sparkle in his eyes.Sk: Nina sa usmiala.En: Nina smiled.Sk: "Presne!En: "Exactly!Sk: Študenti milujú, keď sa niečo naučia vonku.En: Students love learning outside."Sk: " Jej slová rezonovali vo vetre.En: Her words resonated in the wind.Sk: Cestou späť do chaty sa Jakub cítil ľahší.En: On the way back to the cabin, Jakub felt lighter.Sk: Prebral sa s novými nápadmi a ďalší deň ešte zvýšil jeho odhodlanie.En: He awoke with new ideas and the following day boosted his determination even more.Sk: Jakub premýšľal o projektoch, kam by mohol začleniť skutočné príklady z prírody, aby študenti lepšie pochopili témy.En: Jakub thought about projects where he could include real examples from nature to help students understand topics better.Sk: Dokonca rozmýšľal o exkurziách, kde by mohli diskutovať na čerstvom vzduchu.En: He even considered excursions where they could discuss in the fresh air.Sk: Keď sa koniec víkendu priblížil, Jakub sa ešte raz pozrel na hory.En: As the weekend drew to a close, Jakub took one last look at the mountains.Sk: Rozhodnutie stráviť víkend v chate s Ninou mu prinieslo nielen pokoj, ale aj novú perspektívu.En: Spending the weekend at the cabin with Nina had brought him not only peace but also a new perspective.Sk: Veril, že dokáže znovu zapáliť svoju vášeň pre učenie.En: He believed he could rekindle his passion for teaching.Sk: S týmito myšlienkami opustil Tatry s vedomím, že nie je sám.En: With these thoughts, he left the Tatras, knowing he wasn’t alone.Sk: Inšpirácia a nadšenie boli na dosah ruky, a teraz vedel, že na začiatok stačí len malý krok.En: Inspiration and enthusiasm were within reach, and now he knew that just a small step was enough to start.Sk: Jakub bol pripravený vrátiť sa do školy s novým zmyslom života.En: Jakub was ready to return to school with a newfound sense of life.Sk: V...
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    16 m
  • Embrace the Unplanned: Love & Adventure on the Danube
    Aug 31 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Embrace the Unplanned: Love & Adventure on the Danube Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/embrace-the-unplanned-love-adventure-on-the-danube Story Transcript:Sk: Bratislavské nábrežie sa kúpa v zlatistých lúčoch letného slnka.En: The Bratislava riverfront is bathed in the golden rays of the summer sun.Sk: Vynára sa pocit posledných teplých dní skôr, ako príde jeseň.En: There's a sense of the last warm days before autumn comes.Sk: Ľudia kráčajú po brehu Dunaja, kývajú na pozdrav lodiam, ktoré pokojne plávajú po hladine.En: People stroll along the banks of the Danube, waving at the boats that calmly glide on the water.Sk: V kaviarni blízko vody sedí Jozef s Katarínou.En: In a café near the river, Jozef sits with Katarína.Sk: Slnko jemne hreje ich tváre, keď si popíjajú ranné espresso.En: The sun gently warms their faces as they sip their morning espresso.Sk: Katarína sa usmeje na Jozefa.En: Katarína smiles at Jozef.Sk: "Čo keby sme dnes spravili niečo neobvyklé?En: "What if we did something unusual today?"Sk: "Jozef, zvyčajne opatrný a rozvážny, vie, že Katarína miluje prekvapenia.En: Jozef, usually cautious and thoughtful, knows that Katarína loves surprises.Sk: Ale tentoraz chce ukázať, že dokáže byť spontánny.En: But this time, he wants to show that he can be spontaneous.Sk: "Čo máš na mysli?En: "What do you have in mind?"Sk: " spýta sa s miernym úsmevom.En: he asks with a slight smile.Sk: "Pozrime sa, ktoré lode dnes odchádzajú.En: "Let's see which boats are leaving today.Sk: Vyberme jednu a poďme za dobrodružstvom," navrhne Katarína s iskrou v očiach.En: Let's pick one and go on an adventure," Katarína suggests with a sparkle in her eyes.Sk: Jozef premýšľa, či je to dobrý nápad.En: Jozef wonders if it's a good idea.Sk: Obáva sa, že bez plánu by sa všetko mohlo pokaziť.En: He's worried that without a plan, everything could go wrong.Sk: Avšak vidí, ako veľmi je to pre Katarínu dôležité, a tak prikývne.En: However, he sees how important this is to Katarína and nods.Sk: "Dobre, poďme.En: "Alright, let's go."Sk: "Ako kráčajú k prístavu, svetlo slnka tancuje po hladine rieky.En: As they walk to the port, the sunlight dances on the river's surface.Sk: Rozhodnú sa pre najbližší dostupný výlet.En: They decide on the next available trip.Sk: No keď prídu k pokladni, vznikne zmätok.En: But when they reach the ticket booth, confusion arises.Sk: Predavač sa ospravedlňuje.En: The seller apologizes.Sk: Ich vstupenky boli nedopatrením predané niekomu inému.En: Their tickets were mistakenly sold to someone else.Sk: Jozef zvraští čelo, nespokojný, že jeho obavy sa potvrdzujú.En: Jozef frowns, displeased that his concerns are being confirmed.Sk: Katarína mu však jemne stisne ruku.En: Katarína gently squeezes his hand.Sk: "Neboj sa, vyrieši sa to," šepká.En: "Don't worry, it'll work out," she whispers.Sk: Nakoniec, keď už myslia, že sa budú musieť vrátiť naspäť, príde kapitán lode.En: In the end, just when they think they might have to turn back, the ship's captain arrives.Sk: S ospravedlnením im ponúkne súkromný výlet ako náhradu za nedorozumenie.En: With an apology, he offers them a private cruise as compensation for the misunderstanding.Sk: Jozef s prekvapením súhlasí.En: Jozef agrees in surprise.Sk: Táto plavba sa ukáže byť niečím výnimočným.En: This cruise turns out to be something special.Sk: Voda sa trblieta, a ako sa loď posúva po rieke, začujú vôňu letného vzduchu zmiešanú s radosťou z dobrodružstva.En: The water glistens, and as the boat glides along the river, they smell the summer air mixed with the joy of adventure.Sk: Katarína si položí hlavu na Jozefovo rameno a usmieva sa na scénu okolo.En: Katarína rests her head on Jozef's shoulder and smiles at the scene around them.Sk: Súkromný výlet im prináša viac, než očakávali.En: The private cruise brings them more than they expected.Sk: Jozef sa učí, že nie vždy potrebuje mať pevný plán.En: Jozef learns that he doesn't always need a solid plan.Sk: Niekedy práve na konci leta, uprostred zmätku, sa zrodí najkrajšie spomienky.En: Sometimes, at the end of summer, amid the chaos, the most beautiful memories are born.Sk: Slnko pomaly zapadá, maľujúc oblohu do farieb ružovej a oranžovej.En: The sun slowly sets, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange.Sk: Jozef hľadí na Katarínu a uvedomuje si, že je v poriadku nechať veci plynúť.En: Jozef looks at Katarína and realizes it's okay to let things flow.Sk: Život je krásny aj v svojej nepredvídateľnosti.En: Life is beautiful in its unpredictability.Sk: A tie chvíle, kedy sa rozhodne stratiť, môžu byť nakoniec tie najvzácnejšie.En: And those moments when he decides to get lost may end up being the most precious.Sk: So slávou letného dňa končí aj ...
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    17 m
  • Surviving the Augmented Reality: Marek's Big Day
    Aug 30 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Surviving the Augmented Reality: Marek's Big Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/surviving-the-augmented-reality-mareks-big-day Story Transcript:Sk: Letný deň v Meste Technológií bol plný slnka a vzrušenia.En: A summer day in the City of Technology was filled with sunshine and excitement.Sk: Mladí, starí, rodiny s deťmi - všetci si užívali radosti zábavného mestského parku.En: Young and old, families with children—all were enjoying the delights of the city's amusement park.Sk: Ten deň bol špeciálny pre Mareka a Zuzanu.En: This day was special for Marek and Zuzana.Sk: Na lavičke pri jazierku sedeli so zadumanými tvárami.En: They sat on a bench by the lake, with thoughtful expressions.Sk: Mali testovať novú aplikáciu pre rozšírenú realitu.En: They were tasked with testing a new augmented reality application.Sk: Marek pracoval ako softvérový vývojár.En: Marek worked as a software developer.Sk: Bol ambiciózny, ale často sa cítil ponechaný v tieni skúsenejších kolegov.En: He was ambitious but often felt overshadowed by more experienced colleagues.Sk: Dnes chcel ukázať, že je schopný. Chcel získať rešpekt Zuzany.En: Today, he wanted to prove himself capable and earn Zuzana's respect.Sk: Zuzana bola jeho mentorka. Bola talentovaná a férová, ale tiež veľmi kompetitívna.En: Zuzana, his mentor, was talented and fair, yet also very competitive.Sk: "Ako sa cítiš, Marek?" opýtala sa Zuzana, znela povzbudzujúco, no Marek videl, že očakáva len to najlepšie.En: "How are you feeling, Marek?" Zuzana asked, sounding encouraging, though Marek knew she expected nothing less than the best.Sk: "Som pripravený," odvetil Marek, aj keď v skutočnosti pocítil tlak.En: "I'm ready," Marek replied, although he truly felt the pressure.Sk: Aplikácia bola zložitá a mali demonštrovať jej funkcie už zajtra.En: The application was complex, and they were set to demonstrate its features the next day.Sk: Musel sa rozhodnúť: opraviť kritické chyby alebo pridať novú funkciu, ktorá by mohla spôsobiť problémy.En: He had to decide whether to fix critical bugs or add a new feature that might cause issues.Sk: Zvyšok dňa Marek pracoval hodiny nadčasu.En: For the rest of the day, Marek worked overtime.Sk: Zatemnil izbu, sústredil sa iba na kód.En: He darkened his room, focusing solely on the code.Sk: Ráno bolo rozhodnuté, pridal novú funkciu.En: By morning, he had decided to add the new feature.Sk: To by mohlo zapôsobiť na Zuzanu a celý tím.En: This might impress Zuzana and the whole team.Sk: Ďalší deň ráno v parku bolo všetko pripravené na testovanie.En: The next morning in the park, everything was set for testing.Sk: Prvý pokus o spustenie aplikácie nevyšiel.En: The first attempt to launch the application failed.Sk: Na displeji sa objavil len chaos.En: The screen showed only chaos.Sk: Marek cítil, ako jeho srdce bije o závod.En: Marek felt his heart racing.Sk: Musel sa rozhodnúť rýchlo - či reštartovať alebo ukázať provizórne riešenie.En: He had to decide quickly—whether to restart or present a makeshift solution.Sk: Hlavu si už viac nenechal zatieniť strachom.En: He no longer let fear overshadow him.Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchol, usmial na Zuzanu a povedal: "Skúsime to inak."En: Taking a deep breath, he smiled at Zuzana and said, "Let's try it differently."Sk: Použil improvizáciu.En: He used improvisation.Sk: Dokázal vytvoriť riešenie priamo na mieste, ktoré úplne zmenilo situáciu.En: He managed to create a solution on the spot, completely turning the situation around.Sk: Prezentácia skončila úspešne.En: The presentation ended successfully.Sk: Zuzanaho úsmev bol dokazom, že Marek uspel, a jeho kolegovia mu zatlieskali.En: Zuzana's smile was proof that Marek succeeded, and his colleagues applauded him.Sk: Keď sa všetci rozchádzali, Marek sa cítil inak.En: As everyone was leaving, Marek felt different.Sk: Znateľne istejší.En: Noticeably more confident.Sk: Pochopil, že jeho schopnosti nie sú len o technických znalostiach, ale aj o schopnosti riešiť problémy pod tlakom.En: He realized his skills were not just about technical knowledge, but also about problem-solving under pressure.Sk: Bol na to hrdý.En: He was proud of that.Sk: V Meste Technológií slnko zapadalo a zatiaľ čo ostatní opúšťali park, Marek s Zuzanou si ešte chvíľu sedeli, spokojní a príjemne unavení zo dňa plného úspechu.En: In the City of Technology, the sun was setting, and while others were leaving the park, Marek and Zuzana sat for a while longer, satisfied and pleasantly tired from a day full of success. Vocabulary Words:excitement: vzrušeniedelights: radostithoughtful: zadumanýtasked: malideveloper: vývojárambitious: ambicióznyovershadowed: ponechaný v tienimentor: mentorkaencouraging: povzbudzujúcocritical: kritickébugs: chybyovertime: ...
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