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FluentFiction - Welsh

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Rhodri's Turning Point: From Anxiety to Triumph in a Day
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Rhodri's Turning Point: From Anxiety to Triumph in a Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/rhodris-turning-point-from-anxiety-to-triumph-in-a-day Story Transcript:Cy: Roedd heulwen yr haf yn gwawrio ar adeilad modern y swyddfa.En: The summer sunshine was dawning on the modern office building.Cy: Roedd y ffenestri gwydr yn llawn sglein, gan adlewyrchu’r haul llachar.En: The glass windows were gleaming, reflecting the bright sun.Cy: Y tu mewn, roedd yr awyru yn dod â rhyddhad o’r gwres.En: Inside, the air conditioning brought relief from the heat.Cy: Rhoddri oedd yn teimlo’r tensiwn yn yr aer.En: Rhodri was feeling the tension in the air.Cy: Byddai diswyddiadau yn dod yn fuan.En: Layoffs were imminent.Cy: Roedd Rhodri yn gweithio’n galed bob dydd, a gyda phryder mawr roedd yn disgwyl newyddion am ei swydd.En: Rhodri worked hard every day, and with great anxiety, he awaited news about his job.Cy: Roedd e’n gyfrifol am ei deulu, ac roedd ei sefyllfa ariannol bersonol yn anodd.En: He was responsible for his family, and his personal financial situation was difficult.Cy: Ni allai golli’r swydd hon.En: He couldn’t afford to lose this job.Cy: Roedd yn amser cinio ac roedd y cydweithwyr yn sibrwd pryderus yn y cegin.En: It was lunchtime and colleagues were whispering anxiously in the kitchen.Cy: Roedd rhaid i Rhodri penderfynu.En: Rhodri had to decide.Cy: A ddylai aros a chymryd ei gyfle i ddangos ei werth?En: Should he stay and take his chance to prove his worth?Cy: Neu a ddylai chwilio am swydd newydd?En: Or should he look for a new job?Cy: Roedd Rhodri yn gymeriad diwyd a phryderus.En: Rhodri was an industrious and anxious character.Cy: Treuliodd ben y dydd yn gweithio’n galed, gan ymdrechu i uchafu ei allbwn.En: He spent the end of the day working hard, striving to maximize his output.Cy: Roedd yn ystyried pob e-bost yn ofalus ac yn cwblhau tasgau yn gyflym.En: He considered every email carefully and quickly completed tasks.Cy: Roedd ei lygaid yn symud rhwng y sgrîn gyfrifiadur a’r cloc ar y wal.En: His eyes moved between the computer screen and the clock on the wall.Cy: Yn sydyn, derbyniodd neges.En: Suddenly, he received a message.Cy: Roedd rhaid iddo fynd i weld ei reolwr ar unwaith.En: He had to see his manager immediately.Cy: Roedd calon Rhodri yn curo’n gyflym.En: Rhodri's heart was beating fast.Cy: Ai dyma’r adeg?En: Was this the moment?Cy: Roedd y tensiwn yn anodd ei gallu.En: The tension was hard to bear.Cy: Agorodd y drws yn araf ac eisteddodd o flaen ei reolwr, Ms. Davies.En: He opened the door slowly and sat down in front of his manager, Ms. Davies.Cy: Edrychodd y fenyw o flaen iddo ag wyneb difrifol.En: The woman in front of him looked serious.Cy: Roedd gwres yr haf yn tyllu mewn drwy’r ffenestri, ond roedd Rhodri’n teimlo’n oer o’r nerfau.En: The summer heat was piercing through the windows, but Rhodri felt cold from the nerves.Cy: "Rhodri," dechreuodd Ms. Davies, "rydyn ni wedi trafod y diswyddiadau.En: "Rhodri," Ms. Davies began, "we have discussed the layoffs.Cy: Rwy'n deall eich pryder.En: I understand your concern.Cy: Fodd bynnag, rwyf eisiau diolch i chi am eich gwaith caled a'ch teyrngarwch."En: However, I want to thank you for your hard work and loyalty."Cy: Rhoddri'n edrychodd yn syn.En: Rhodri looked shocked.Cy: "Ms. Davies, ai hyn yw’r diwedd i mi?"En: "Ms. Davies, is this the end for me?"Cy: "Yn hollol ddim," atebodd hi, "rydym wrth eu bodd gyda'ch gwaith.En: "Absolutely not," she replied, "we are very pleased with your work.Cy: Felly, rwy’n falch i ddweud eich bod chi wedi derbyn dyrchafiad."En: So, I am delighted to say you have been promoted."Cy: Rhyddhad mawr oedd ar wyneb Rhodri.En: A great relief showed on Rhodri's face.Cy: Ni allai gredu’r newyddion da.En: He couldn’t believe the good news.Cy: Teimlodd falchder a hyder newydd, gan nad oedd ei lafur caled yn ofer.En: He felt a new sense of pride and confidence, knowing that his hard work had not been in vain.Cy: Roedd y dydd yn llawn llawenydd, ac edrychodd ymlaen at wynebu’r dyfodol gyda'r cwmni.En: The day was filled with joy, and he looked forward to facing the future with the company.Cy: Wrth adael y swyddfa, roedd Rhodri'n teimlo’n ysgafnach nag erioed.En: As he left the office, Rhodri felt lighter than ever.Cy: Efallai y byddai’r haf yn boeth, ond roedd y newyddion wedi dod â rhyddhad perffaith.En: Perhaps the summer would be hot, but the news had brought perfect relief.Cy: Roedd hyn yn ddechrau newydd i Rhodri, lle llafur caled a theyrngarwch yn gallu arwain at lwyddiant.En: This was a new beginning for Rhodri, where hard work and loyalty could lead to success. Vocabulary Words:dawning: gwawriomodern: moderngleaming: llawn sgleinair conditioning: awyrubrought: dod âtension: tensiwnimminent: yn dod yn fuananxiety: pryderfinancial situation: sefylla ariannolkitchen: ceginindustrious: diwydmaximize: ...
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    16 m
  • The Great Fence Climb: A Summer with Tegan and Mr. Hughes
    Jul 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Great Fence Climb: A Summer with Tegan and Mr. Hughes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/the-great-fence-climb-a-summer-with-tegan-and-mr-hughes Story Transcript:Cy: Roedd yr haul yn tywynnu'n braf dros y gymuned breifat.En: The sun was shining brightly over the private community.Cy: Roedd y pwll mawr, tlws wedi’i amgylchynu gan erddi wedi’u trin yn dda a chadeiriau haul cyfforddus.En: The large, pretty pool was surrounded by well-kept gardens and comfortable sun loungers.Cy: Ffens uchel, wedi’i gorchuddio â iorwg, yn cadw’r un gost.En: A high fence, covered in ivy, maintained the same appearance.Cy: Roedd Tegan yn eistedd ar gefn y beic, yn edrych ar y ffens.En: Tegan was sitting on her bike, looking at the fence.Cy: Roedd ei hwch rwber melyn, hoff degan yr haf, wedi hedfan dros y ffens yn ddamweiniol.En: Her yellow rubber duck, her favorite summer toy, had accidentally flown over the fence.Cy: Roedd y mympwy digwydd wrth i’w ffrindion daflu’r hwch o gwmpas ac nid oedd ganddi amynedd gadael iddo aros yno.En: The incident happened while her friends were tossing the duck around, and she had no patience to leave it there.Cy: Roedd hi’n sicr y gallai Tegan oresgyn unrhyw rwystr.En: She was certain that Tegan could overcome any obstacle.Cy: Yn gyntaf, edrychodd Tegan i’r chwith ac i’r dde.En: First, Tegan looked to the left and to the right.Cy: Roedd cymdogion yn cerdded gyda’u cŵn a swn gwenyn yn taran hudol yn y gefnlen.En: Neighbors were walking with their dogs, and the sound of bees buzzing harmoniously filled the background.Cy: Ym mhellach i ffwrdd, roedd y gwarchodwr diogelwch, Mr. Hughes, yn gwneud rowndiau, yn gwylio popeth gyda’i lygaid miniog.En: Further away, the security guard, Mr. Hughes, was making his rounds, watching everything with his sharp eyes.Cy: "Nid yw'n waith hawdd," meddai Tegan wrthi ei hun.En: "It's not an easy job," Tegan said to herself.Cy: Dechreuodd Tegan ystyried dau ddewis: dringo dros y ffens gorauol neu geisio swyno'r gard ac esbonio'r sefyllfa.En: Tegan began to consider two choices: climb over the intimidating fence or try to charm the guard and explain the situation.Cy: Penderfynodd dringo.En: She decided to climb.Cy: Roedd hi’n credu bod ganddi’r sgiliau angenrheidiol i fynd dros y ffens heb fod neb yn sylwi arni.En: She believed she had the necessary skills to get over the fence without anyone noticing.Cy: Ymhen ychydig eiliadau, roedd yn mynd i fyny’r ffens yn ofalus a chyflym.En: Within a few seconds, she was carefully and swiftly climbing the fence.Cy: Yn y canol ffordd i fyny’r ffens, sylwodd Mr. Hughes arni.En: In the middle of climbing the fence, Mr. Hughes spotted her.Cy: Rhedodd at y ffens ac yn bloeddio, "Hei ti! Beth wyt ti'n gwneud?"En: He ran to the fence and shouted, "Hey you! What are you doing?"Cy: Suddodd calon Tegan.En: Tegan's heart sank.Cy: Wnaeth hi ddim disgyn nawr, byddai'n edrych fel troseddwr.En: If she climbed down now, she would look like a trespasser.Cy: Penderfynodd wynebu Mr. Hughes a dweud y gwir.En: She decided to face Mr. Hughes and tell the truth.Cy: "Mr. Hughes, mae’n rhaid i mi adfer fy hwch rwber.En: "Mr. Hughes, I must retrieve my rubber duck.Cy: Cafodd hi ei daflu dros y ffens o ddamwain, ac mae’n golygu’r byd i mi," esboniodd hi’n gyflym a llawn teimlad.En: It was thrown over the fence by accident, and it means the world to me," she explained quickly and with feeling.Cy: Edrychodd Mr. Hughes yn llym am eiliad, cyn gweld yr hwch rwber melyn yn hofran yn y pwll.En: Mr. Hughes looked stern for a moment, before seeing the yellow rubber duck floating in the pool.Cy: "Ay, hwch rwber ydy hi," meddai, yn ei leddfu.En: "Oh, it's a rubber duck," he said, softening.Cy: “Dowch lawr.En: "Come down.Cy: Gad i'll fynd â chi i mewn i’w adfer.”En: Let me take you inside to retrieve it."Cy: Wedi’i syfrdanu gan garedigrwydd Mr. Hughes, disgynodd Tegan o’r ffens.En: Astonished by Mr. Hughes' kindness, Tegan climbed down from the fence.Cy: Roedd y gwarchodwr diogelwch yn ei tywys i’r pwll.En: The security guard escorted her to the pool.Cy: Cododd Tegan ei hwch rwber fel pe bai’n drysor cysegredig.En: Tegan picked up her rubber duck as if it were a sacred treasure.Cy: “Diolch yn fawr, Mr. Hughes,” meddai Tegan, gyda gwên.En: "Thank you so much, Mr. Hughes," said Tegan, smiling.Cy: “Dim problem.En: "No problem.Cy: Ond peidiwch byth â dringo’r ffens hon eto,” rhybuddiodd Mr. Hughes yn llydan-fachog.En: But never climb this fence again," Mr. Hughes warned, with a broad grin.Cy: Er bod Tegan yn hoffi’r antur, sylweddolodd hi’r pwysigrwydd o fod yn onest.En: Although Tegan liked the adventure, she realized the importance of being honest.Cy: Gall pobl fod yn annisgwyl o ddeallus.En: People can be unexpectedly understanding.Cy: Drwy’r haf, cadwodd Mr. Hughes lygad awgrymog ar Tegan, ond roedd ganddo wên ar ei wedd ...
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    17 m
  • Reunion in Cardiff: A Heartfelt Family Rediscovery
    Jul 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Reunion in Cardiff: A Heartfelt Family Rediscovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/reunion-in-cardiff-a-heartfelt-family-rediscovery Story Transcript:Cy: Yn Nyfodol ar Ddydd Haf, roedd Sioe Bywyd Rhiannon yn cyflymu wrth iddi gamu i mewn i Faes Awyr Rhyngwladol Caerdydd.En: In the Future on a Summer's Day, Rhiannon's Life Show sped up as she stepped into Cardiff International Airport.Cy: Roedd y lle yn fwrlwm o bobl, siarad yn hapus, ac arogleuon takeaways yn llenwi’r aer.En: The place buzzed with people, chatting happily, and the smells of takeaways filled the air.Cy: Wrth y drws awtomatig, Owain, ei mab chwe blwydd, yn llamu ymlaen gyda chyffro, ei llais prysur yn canu’r geiriau: "Ble mae Taid a Nain, Mam?"En: By the automatic door, Owain, her six-year-old son, jumped ahead with excitement, his busy voice singing the words: "Where are Taid and Nain, Mam?"Cy: Roedd Rhiannon yn teimlo cymysgedd o nerfusrwydd a chyffro.En: Rhiannon felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement.Cy: Roedd y munud hwn wedi bod yn ei meddwl ers misoedd.En: This moment had been on her mind for months.Cy: "Dyma hi," meddai’n feddal, “mae’n amser ymweld â'ch Nain a'ch Taid.”En: "Here we go," she said softly, “it’s time to visit your Nain and Taid.”Cy: Roedd ei rhieni wedi bod yn siomedig pan symudodd i Lundain a chael Owain heb briodi, ac roeddent wedi pellhau oddi wrth ei gilydd da hynny.En: Her parents had been disappointed when she moved to London and had Owain without getting married, and they had grown distant because of it.Cy: Safodd Rhiannon wrth ochr Owain wrth y deorfa.En: Rhiannon stood beside Owain at the gate.Cy: "Gwnewch well, dai arno fo," meddai wrth ei hun yn ddiarwybod, gan redeg ei dwylo’n nerfus trwy ei gwallt.En: "Do better, get on with it," she muttered to herself, running her hands nervously through her hair.Cy: Wrth iddi aros, cofiodd atgofion plentynorol o Gardiff a’i thadau.En: As she waited, she recalled childhood memories of Cardiff and her parents.Cy: Yn sydyn, cafodd ei sylw gan fideo slic ar y wal fawr a oedd yn dangos teuluoedd eraill yn ailgyfarfod mewn cwtshis twymgalon.En: Suddenly, her attention was drawn to a slick video on the large wall, showing other families reuniting with warm hugs.Cy: Roedd touch byrperthnasol, fel rhywun yn codi pwysau o’i ysgwyddau.En: There was an intangible touch, like someone lifting a weight off her shoulders.Cy: “Bydd popeth yn iawn,” meddai mewn llais tawel wrth Owain wrth iddynt edrych i’r ochr arall y deorfa.En: “Everything will be okay,” she said quietly to Owain as they looked to the other side of the gate.Cy: "Yno, edrych! Dyma nhw!"En: "There, look! There they are!"Cy: Gwnaeth Owain gic gyflym dros y llawr seramig perlog.En: Owain took a swift kick across the pearly ceramic floor.Cy: Roedd Rhiannon yn gweld cylchoedd aruthrol union yr un sec neu pan roedd yn fabi.En: Rhiannon saw striking rings just like when he was a baby.Cy: Roedd ei rhieni yn sefyll yno, a phan oeddent yn syllu ar ei gilydd. Roedd blodau disgwylio amlwg yn eu llygaid.En: Her parents stood there, and as they gazed at each other, anticipatory tears were evident in their eyes.Cy: "Rhiannon?" holodd ei mam yn ofalus, ei llais yn crynu.En: "Rhiannon?" her mother asked cautiously, her voice trembling.Cy: Roedd Owain eisoes wrth ei traed, yn sefyll gyda llawenydd.En: Owain was already at her feet, standing with joy.Cy: "Nain, Taid!" gwaeddodd ef.En: "Nain, Taid!" he shouted.Cy: Yn y funud, croesodd ei mam gamau, a ni ffoddau.En: In that moment, her mother crossed the steps, and there was no holding back.Cy: Cwtsh mawr, cynnes.En: A big, warm hug.Cy: "Mae'n gweld chi gymaint," meddai ei mam yn fudurlyd.En: "I’ve missed you so much," her mother whispered.Cy: Roedd Rhiannon yn teimlo cwymp o dwymo trwy ei galon, a wyliodd wrth iddi weld Owain yn cael ei groesaw yn garedig, a’i dad yn ymuno yn yr ymgorfforiad hyd at diweddaraf.En: Rhiannon felt a surge of warmth through her heart, watching Owain being warmly welcomed, and her dad joining the embrace.Cy: "Rhiannon, rydym wedi bod mor ddoeth," meddai ei thad ac ystyr sylweddolodd bod geiriau cael ei geni mewn sylwadau.En: "Rhiannon, we've been so foolish," her father said, and she realized the words were born from a deep understanding.Cy: "Rwy’n gwybod, Dad," meddai Rhiannon yn emosiynol.En: "I know, Dad," Rhiannon said emotionally.Cy: “Roeddwn angen fy nheulu.En: "I needed my family.Cy: Owain angen Nain a Taid yny."En: Owain needed his Nain and Taid too."Cy: Fingrafodd y teimlad rhwng popeth teulu tua am chwylio at ei gilydd, y dydd porffor yn llawenio fynny.En: The feeling of reconnection began to mend the familial bonds, making the purple day joyous.Cy: Roedd yn wynebu ei hofnau wedi agor drws newydd i'r dyfodol.En: Facing her fears had opened a new door to the future.Cy: Roeddent fel unwaith mwy, uned teuluol.En: They felt like, once...
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