
  • 48. A sneak peek at The Base: A network for yoga teachers
    Jun 7 2024

    A few weeks ago now we launched The Base - a network and resource hub for yoga teachers.

    This episode is an exciting audio tour around The Base to tell you everything that you need to know, because we’re closing the doors at midday on Thursday 13th June for a little while, to focus on giving all the Base members the best possible experience!

    Expect a whistle stop tour around the network; the community aspect of The Base, then the knowledge base, which is our resource hub and lastly the meet ups that we have scheduled.

    Use code COMMUNITY for 25% off your first three months on The Base! Yes please!

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • 47. How to boost your short term yoga income
    May 24 2024

    This ep is taken from a super important masterclass held recently on The Base:

    How to boost your short term yoga income.

    Now many of our trainings for yoga teachers at Yoga Hero are £400... So I thought rather than talking about generating extra income in a hypothetical way, wouldn't it be great to have a figure to work towards, so, how about £400?!

    There's four suggested methods of boosting your short term yoga income.

    Within each of the four methods, we'll look at:
    - the general requirements so that you can determine what you already have in place, and as such, which method is going to be the easiest for you to implement.

    - common barriers, including mindset

    - next steps so that you can just follow the step-by-step to boost your income

    - how to hit 400 pounds with each method!

    In the interest of a disclaimer and full disclosure. I haven't taken into account any costs and there are no guarantees. You have to do the work. Some methods may work better for you than others, or they may not work at all. (Hopefully they will.)

    Enjoy yoga teacher!


    See the show notes here

    Shatter Imposter Syndrome, your FREE 3 day challenge, join here

    A complete guide to planning yoga workshops is here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • 46. Get confident giving yoga adjustments
    May 2 2024

    Before we dive in, let’s be clear that the only thing that will help you build your confidence offering physical adjustment in your classes is:
    getting experience offering physical adjustments in your classes!

    There’s no shortcuts unfortunately!

    However, twice a year at Yoga Hero, we hold half day workshop to go through the stages of offering adjustments to yogis and then loads of time to practice under the watchful eye of our trainers, to give you the experience that you need to be able to feel confident offering adjustments

    The next workshop is 23rd June, held at Yoga Hero in Leeds and you are welcome even if you’ve never offered single physical adjustment before your entire life! You can expect to learn the stages of offering a physical adjustment, how to read people to see how the adjustment is landing on them and plenty of opportunity to practice practice practice.

    The Art of Yoga Adjustments Workshop - take a look

    So this is where we’re going:

    - We’re actually starting with a look at what confidence is, which might seem really obvious, but it’s actually quite interesting when you start to break it down

    - Then we’ll look at ways to get confident giving Yoga adjustments

    - We’ll look at the stages of giving physical yoga adjustments, including getting consent.

    - Finally will look at how to get feedback to check that the assumptions that you’ve made about the adjustment were correct


    See the show notes here

    Get your adjustments checklist here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • 45. Seven ways to introduce Sanskrit in to your yoga classes
    Apr 26 2024

    Introducing Sanskrit in to your yoga classes can be daunting for all the reasons we talked about in episode 41, which was ‘Should yoga teachers use Sanskrit?’

    However, it doesn’t have to be daunting. (Promise!)

    This episode is 7 simple ways to add Sanskrit in to your classes, let's take a look:

    • Go slow and steady - no need to rush
    • Build confidence in your pronunciation
    • Say the Sanskrit with the English
    • Suggest a mantra for your yogis
    • Lead a chant
    • Lead Pranayama techniques
    • Pick your time, and yogis, carefully

    On The Base, we’ve got a pronunciation guide in our resources section for you to come back as often as you need to, to help with getting the pronunciation bang on, so Team Base keep your eyes peeled for that!

    If you’re not on The Base yet, use the code COMMUNITY for 25% off for your first three months!

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • 44. Should yoga teachers care about competition from other yoga teachers?
    Apr 5 2024

    This episode is looking at a niggle in the yoga teaching world; competition from other yoga teachers.

    We’re looking at

    • why a bit of competition is a good thing
    • how to not let it get the better of you - with practical, implementable tips here as always
    • how to stay in your lane
    • how yoga philosophy can help
    • understanding that more than one yoga teacher can thrive at a time
    • how we can build a network of collaboration over competition

    Let’s do this!

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • 43. Should yoga teachers care about money?
    Mar 29 2024

    One of the things that frustrates me endlessly about teaching yoga is:

    "Yoga is so beneficial, it should be accessible to absolutely everyone!"


    "Don’t teach for free! You’ll undervalue yoga!"

    This episode explores the question:
    Should yoga teachers care about money?

    We cover:

    • Why yoga teachers often feel guilty about charging for classes
    • Why there’s commonly an issue with yoga teachers valuing their time, knowledge and efforts
    • The morality of earning money from yoga
    • Teaching yoga for free
    • What about times when people genuinely can’t afford your classes
    • And much more


    Let's do this!


    See the show notes here

    Learn about Convertkit Tips here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • 42. Should yoga teachers demo while teaching?
    Mar 15 2024

    This episode is exploring the answer, your individual answer, to the question: Should yoga teachers demo while teaching?

    We’ll look at some reasons to demo, some reasons not to demo, and a few things to bear in mind overall.

    Demoing, for many yoga teachers, takes a lot of the fear around teaching. Your body does the pose and that facilitates how you find the language to guide your yogis in to the pose. But, cultivating the skill to teach verbally only can be really really useful.



    • Why teaching yoga is like using a sat nav
    • The times when demoing is going to really help you (and your yogis)
    • When demoing is NOT useful
    • Two important things to bear in mind when demoing

    Useful resources and links:

    • Your adjustments checklist - Get yours here
    • Build confidence as a yoga teacher - Take a look
    • Book in your mentoring session with us here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 41. Should yoga teachers use Sanskrit?
    Mar 8 2024

    This episode is exploring the answer - your answer - to a question that’s probably asked in every single teacher training: Should yoga teachers use Sanskrit?

    We’ll look at some reasons for using Sanskrit, and some concerns around using Sanskrit, and then a few questions to help you make your own mind up.

    The absolutely incredible Sanskrit teacher; Hali Schwartz, coming to Yoga Hero in Leeds on 1st June to teach us a day of Sanskrit. So if you’re ignited and inspired to bring Sanskrit in to your classes, don’t miss this, it really is such a fantastic day! Take a look here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

    Más Menos
    10 m