
  • S02E27 - Anne-Laure le Cunff - Mindful Productivity, Liminal Minds and Nesslabs
    Oct 31 2023

    Greetings Friends! This is a very special Episode for us becaauuuse: Anne-Laure le Cunff and her mindful productivity community nesslabs.com are somehow the reason why this Podcast exists :)

    So we are talking about:

    Ripple effects and Anne-Laure's topics


    Mindful Productivity - achieve goals without risking you mental health

    Her Newsletter

    Her research about ADHD and neurodiverse online learning experience at Kings College Lab in London

    How she gets evertyhing together in a book for 2024?

    tbd title: Liminal Minds

    limimal is the threshold inbetween things like teenage and adulthood, between relationship and breakup, between uncertainty and discomfort

    teach people to

    feel better

    think better

    live better

    a node in the network

    see yourself as a translator

    do neurodiverse people have more experience with being in this liminal state?

    mindful productivity vs toxic productivity

    building overwhelming procrastinating systems in notion or obsidian

    neurodivere people tend to try to get control

    happy in swimming in this massive pool of ideas and thinking and creativity and artistic are not the same thing

    nurture vs nature

    liminal states and spaces in school

    conducting scientific expermients

    **conducting an experiment**

    1. a topics you are TOTALLY fascinated by

    doesnt have to be useul

    2. conducting experiments

    what are deifferent modalities to study this?

    online class, study group, Workshops, Classes

    3. collecting data and reflecting on that

    **metacognition = thinking about thinking**

    pattern noticing, take notes, capture obersavtions

    how was i feeling? engaged? too slow, too fast? people around me distracting or engaging? when teacher said "imagine this"

    let an AI like chatGPT look for patterns in it - is their corresponding to anything

    self discovery with chatGPT

    kids who wish for more silence and retreats in the classroom

    - psychology of eventmanagement

    - higher loads of what is asked of us

    - constantly socially engaged

    how was Anne-Laure's eductaion?

    please write us for Anne-Laure:

    what is your next exxperiment

    newsletter at https://nesslabs.com

    Future of Learning

    School of the future

    You can find Anne-Laure at:






    Más Menos
    54 m
  • S02E26 - Steve Chapman - I am a Curator of Weirdos
    Oct 17 2023

    aaaand we have another wonderful conversation from summer with Steve Chapman

    All his art, content, Podcast, talks and wonderful things can be found at:



    We start with the question:

    Why does Steve do the stuff he does?

    he lost touch with his intrinsic side until around 35 years

    He doesn't make stuff because of the fun because he cant not do them

    Example: February Challenge

    A Project is like a Flower.

    Start and End of a project is just in our minds

    everaything is always becoming

    because of Dyslexia Steve sees himself as a very good improviser

    Do you think it is possible to start an organization to give people like us a "Job"

    The projections people put on art

    self saboteurs

    Education and Kids

    4 philosphies as guidance :)

    as soon you say 3 things in a talk people get out their pen and papers

    1. be fascinated (not only interested!) swim in sharky waters

    2. open windows in your world so people can SEE you working fascinated (Andy Matuschak) - interestred papers are interesting

    3. learn to live without your means - it is not gonna happen

    4. hang out with weirdos and outsiders - self taughts

    The Book - It sounds like a lot of micro burning mans

    weirdos meet and sparks mor inspiration and fascination

    creative resilience talk

    the community of outsiders

    Popup Radio Station

    the portsmouth symphonia - a Talk

    Also sprach Zarathustra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpJ6anurfuw

    Inexpert conference

    the Inexpert Conference a structure

    steve coached the speaker

    get as much into a place of not knowing on stage


    Sound of Silence

    the dyslexic monkey mind brought out

    the podcast 2 minutes of recorded silence with special guests

    100 episodes

    The paradox of not knowing

    you cannot get good at it because then you would be knowing

    "You cant sepnd anytime in nature without being surrounded by death and decay."

    Who trains our muscles of stopping or walking away

    the quality of the compost

    the more it gets a familiar discomfort...

    existential philosophy

    ernest becker denying death "humans fear impermancne and insignificance" - everything is an immortality project

    Book - Rooted - Lyanda Lee Haupt

    on a scale of 1 to 10 what is your fear of death

    experiment in B2B:

    find a team that is open to doing stuff differently - introduce a agenda item "2 minutes and contemplate in which order they would die"

    philosophize THIS

    Steves Childhood and school

    writing stories

    the tea group - 4 days for 10 hours with 16 people and 2 fascilitators

    what are some signs of the discomfort

    feeling like being musunderstood and no logic will help

    Zen Monk - Psychotherapist

    3 zen monk trades

    - bare witness

    - not knowing

    - compassionate action

    the obstacle becomes the path

    Sharons Mom:

    Raised with the concept of honorable witnessing

    Imagine you are the finished article

    be inspirable

    and retain a childlike level of openness

    not wanting to die is kind of Ego-based

    The great pause and its opportunities

    Imagine the world without humans for 60 seconds

    calm the distrubed and disturbed the calms

    pandemic was the invitaiotn to do ANYTHING

    Keith Johnson -. dont try to be celver - your job is just to be obvious

    creative adventures

    with the inner critic

    Steve's TED Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnf-Ka3ZmOM

    This talk isn't very good. Dancing with my inner critic at TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells


    Más Menos
    1 h y 29 m
  • S02E25 - Perry Knoppert and we have a wonderful weird conversation
    Oct 15 2023

    // NEURODIVERSITY AT WORK UPDATE: The last upload didn't work correctly. Know you have the FULL 90 minutes :-)


    Greetings Friends!

    We are back from our Summer Hiatus and we are back with a BANG!

    In this EPisode we talk with Perry - Dr. Octopus - Knoppert the founder of the global Octopus Movement and what a blast we had with Perry.

    A wonderful and weird conversation about:

    Dyslexia, ADHD, just different

    How Perry did a hard reset

    Awesomeness of the atypical thinker

    Multipotentialite, Scanner, Zebras

    Or ALL the curious misfits as Perry calls them

    a different brain solves everything

    Octopus Documentary

    Octopus Movement has 5000 members already

    Occupy - Apple Pie - Octopy

    ASML semiconductor company in Eindhoven

    When Perry tried to get a Philips MRI Machine to see how we are wired?

    Meeting Temple Grandin

    HSP People

    what would be the first thing you would do with an MRI machine?

    a system from the think tank

    a digital whiteboard workshop

    rethinking intelligence whitepaper was made in 2 hours time

    companies can access the octopus global nonlinear brain

    nobodoy studio - creating 100 companis in 5 years

    the solution to climate change is not a technical solution but a people solution

    ⁠The Art of Life YouTube Documentary ⁠

    Captain Kirk and Captain Picard Dialogue in Star Trek Generations

    The power of asking for weird strange things

    the linearity in society


    Erich Fromm - Fear of Freedom

    Sand Talk - How indeginous Thinking can save the World

    Nomads - with Anotony Satin

    nomadic DNA linked to ADHD

    Nomads are Generalist

    intellectual nomad

    ⁠Brain Lunch comversation with Anthony Sattin about his Book Nomads ⁠

    the balance is too much towards linearity

    Invitation to the Life Lab

    the catalyst that brought us together: Anne-Laure le Cunff

    ⁠Perry's Pickmybrain Profile⁠

    and ⁠Alex started one as well⁠ :-D


    the new service ⁠Pick my Neurodiverse Brain⁠

    The wonder of Postcards and phyiscal things

    Send us your addresses if you want a postcard from Sharon

    ⁠Dr Octopus drinking coffee with guest

    Más Menos
    1 h y 38 m
  • S02E24 - Just a short Hello ;)
    Jul 17 2023

    We just chatted on this one and just recorded these short greetings :)

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • 033 - How imagining takes the shock away - Jane McGonigal
    Jul 17 2023

    travelling as a neurodivergent

    being overwhelmed by people


    by expectation

    preloading energy

    segway into


    by Jane McGonigal

    course at stanford

    muscles for imagination are very well developed in sharon

    Sparring in Martial Arts takes the Shock away

    like imagining takes the shock away

    preparing for blackouts, anxiety

    Prepare to being rediculous

    Nature and Nurture

    Raise kids being on the spectrum

    it bothers us but it doesnt stop us



    female human animals are people pleasuers

    trust own instincts and trust their own selfs

    - freunde finden, freunde verlieren, angst davor ablegen, alleine sein

    neurodivergent have more experience with taking a punch into the face

    "thats the way society is"

    as a neurodivergent in FRANCE

    with all that kissing on the cheek :)

    how much energy it takes to meat the demands of sucial and cultural



    a Mediator

    "What is your wicked problem?"

    TV Series like Scorpion

    underapprciated skillsets

    like seeing around corners

    Penetration testing for Business Models


    Más Menos
    1 h y 29 m
  • 032 Resources for Neurodiversity
    Jul 11 2023

    Don't take anything as gospel!

    Analogy: Neurodiversities as Flavors

    paté de canada with corn chips and sour cherry

    keep your mind open - you know you! you GET TO know you!

    ADD/ADS without the Hyperactivity

    back off from diagnosis self assessment get to know yourself

    don't be too serious about it

    self-diagnosing bashing

    mac gyvering your way through life

    ask on reddit: what neurodiversities do you have that are lesser known?

    sharon's mom knew SO much AND was SO competent in using that knowledge 

    NEVER tell them they are stupid but find out how they understand the world in a different way

    so since most people haven't won the life lottery like sharon with her mom we have more tips:

    Sharon's sister: "You are two-faced" and meet yourself for the first time

    if a teacher tells you "you cant do it" you can answer "maybe you are just not the right teacher for me"


    IMPORTANT: think about your expectations for example: what do you usually do... imagine yourself at home, at work, at a party and what would you do 8 times out of 10? Do you like to be in a ballpark, in a swimming pool or on a race track?

    you need the permission to call bullshit

    let out who you are is helpful for example to find out HOW to deal with it, how people might react to that, how you can use it

    search ADHD on instagram and go down the other hashtags

    watch youtube videos and find people you like and can relate to

    there is NO one size fits all

    laboratory of US

    the world is much more aware and you have unlimited ways of discovering and finding your preferred way of communication

    Sharon's Calendar Moca

    what is useful / works for you?

    Thrive and not just survive

    if something doesn't feel right: question it!

    • Wanting - Luke Burgis

    • Range - David Epstein

    • Interviews with Richard Branson

    • Ed Catmull from Pixar - Aphantasia

    get into communitiesa TON of informationwhat does MINE feel like?be your own scientistbe curious and find out what fitswhere would you look to find out more about which Neurodiverse-Attribute could beAlex Tipsin Kids:think back your childhood (and life) if there is a pattern when people said something about youchoose your teachersHannah Gadsby Body of Work is a great resourceMBTI Test - with a grain of saltthe journey is precious and important!advice from the pregnancyWhy don't you just use...You have to be careful with lists, experts, therapists, research!Resources

    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • S02e23 - Flow, Autotelic and Exotelic and the ability to selfcalm
    Jun 28 2023

    Rereading Finding FLow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

    Incorporating Knowledge over time

    The Maid - autistic and OCD detective in a hotel

    Explosion of research around everthing neuro

    Autotelic and Exotelic

    selfgoals and outside goals

    intrinisic and extrinsic desiries

    Wanting, by Luke Burgiss

    Art of Impossible by Steven Kotler

    Why are we motivated to different goals

    and how much is it effected by being on the spectrum?

    The Courage to be disliked

    Montessori Method and Trust in themselves

    Parenting with Games

    Emergent purpose

    Evaluation languaging


    10 years ago how much would this have effected me?

    The normal people and the notnormal people

    The ability to selfcalm

    acknowledging emotions but going through them

    oh that is interesting or an adventure

    There is only one way to find out: TEST

    view yourself from the outside

    asking myself what kind of neurodivergent feats might be at paly here

    How do we develop our selfcalming and flowstates in workplaces

    Deciding a group isn't for you

    use an intro YOU design for yourself and test it

    not as an identity

    but as HELP for others

    introducing yourself as a neurodivergent

    s interesting for others AND makes it easier for them

    People who are rolling their eyes about others feeling special

    Más Menos
    1 h y 29 m
  • 031 - Shame, Reward and Punishment
    Jun 28 2023


    Hackupy Scham CO2 Fußabdruck Seth Godin

    "What did I do to deserve this?"

    Reward and Punishment

    instead of WOW this is amazing

    positivity vs negativity

    churches and religion

    the bible is like Tarot Cards


    pass along cultural norms


    the problem when you are really good at pattern recognition

    and contradiction

    and what is NOT working anymore

    and what is a blatant lie


    back then help the less fortunate

    together we are faster and better than alone

    From the Church as a Shame Machine

    we get to

    How people project things on neuro diverse people

    Writing down all Ideas to talk to Sharon about in a HEY SHARON file :)

    all people Sharon talks to in the last weeks are ALL neurodivergent

    Label / language yourself

    it gives indescribable freedom 

    Labeling is something powerful

    Being labeled by others is great for Alex

    then he learns about himself

    giving the labels an AMAZING meaning

    projecting something on others


    not being self confident

    people don't show the inner work

    being on the spectrum and having the luxury of being able to develop a sense of self naturally




    teachers in montessori

    empathy in medical studies

    Sharon's Mom: council for extraordinary children

    THE HORSE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCfndagI_k4

    running forward or backward


    Test and Measure Creativity

    George Land - NASA 

    retain creative capacity

    cultural punishment factors


    losing the pathways in the brain

    how can we help other people to reconnect

    - meditation

    - sport

    - taking time and being in nature

    reconnect with childhood creativity

    behavior modification bracelet


    Shame and Church

    Más Menos
    1 h y 21 m