
  • Ep. 117 September 11, 2001 John's Harrowing Escape From New York City
    Sep 11 2024

    John Pontacolone was on his way to work on the morning of September 11, 2001. John worked for the city of New York. He was on the sidewalk when the first plane careened overhead and crashed into the World Trade Center. John and other New Yorkers instinctively crouched onto the ground as the plane screamed past them.

    John was an eyewitness to both planes hitting the buildings and the subsequent imposions.

    John spent 13+ harrowing hours trying to escape the city. He saw dead bodies in the East River. He saw the faces of fear everywhere he looked.

    John's story is also a story of miracles, and how things could have been much worse.

    This episode is one for families to hear together.

    September 11, 2001, WE WILL NEVER FORGET.

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Ep. 116 Marine Mortuary Affairs-Gathering The Remains Of Our Fallen Angels-Chris Bussler
    Aug 28 2024

    This episode originally dropped on January 7, 2022. Chris was one of my favorite guests for many reasons.

    First, his story was absolutely remarkable.....a story that is now in the process of becoming a movie.

    Second, Chris' book, "No Tougher Duty, No Greater Honor" is a gripping, riveting read.

    Third, and the most important reason is Chris is a stellar human. In spite of our internet connection problems, we had a incredible conversation. He is a gifted writer, and reading sections of his book as he explained the background was an emotional experience.

    Christian Bussler joined the Marine Corps Reserves right out of high school and was assigned to MP Co. "C" in Dayton, Ohio as an Infantry Rifleman, and was later crosstrained as a Graves Registration/Mortuary Affairs Marine.

    In 2003 his platoon of Mortuary Affairs specialists was activated to head to Kuwait, where he participated in the invasion of Iraq.

    In February of 2004, he volunteered to go back to Iraq and was assigned to Weapons Company 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, where he was wounded in combat operations while fighting against Al Qaeda terrorist insurgents.

    After Chris' surgeries, he volunteered once again to go back to Iraq in 2005, but this time as the Staff Noncommisioned Offier in charge of all Mortuary Affairs operations in and around Al Taqaddum and Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

    With Bussler's leadership, his team executed 4 search and recovery missions in active hostile territory and successfully recovered 13 service members and 1 civilian contractor originally classified as "missing in action."

    His team also successfully process and evacuated 150 service members back to the continental United States. His book, "No Tougher Duty, No Greater Honor" details his experiences as a forward operating "body-bagger" in midst of combat. Chris tells the side of war that no one ever speaks of, about a duty that few know exists.


    No Tougher Duty, No Greater Honor Facebook Page

    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • Ep. 115 A Legacy of Patriotism and Service to Country-Kimberly White
    Aug 14 2024

    Kim is proud of her family's legacy of military service. Both grandpas, her father, and several other family members have honorably served at home and abroad to protect this great country.

    In this episode, Kim shares how she shares patriotism with her children. Having personal connections with the sacrifices made by our military, Kim understands that "Freedom Isn't Free," is more than a slogan. She impresses upon her children the importance of standing up for America and its founding values.

    Kim has a burning testimony about the divine mission of America. Her feelings for this country and its purpose are palpable.

    Kim's love for America is contagious. Her passion burns through to the listener. Your fire for this country will only grow after you finish Kim's story.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Ep. 114 The Sands of Utah Beach & the 80th Anniversary of D-Day-Stephanie Harmon
    Aug 7 2024

    Stephanie Harmon is the director for The Utah Honor Flight, an organization that provides healing trips for veterans to Washington DC. It is a position where Stephanie feels the veterans give more to her than she could ever repay.

    Stephanie is a lover of American history, an advocate for our veterans, and a hardcore patriot. When given the opportunity, she jumped at the chance to be in Normandy on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.

    What Stephanie experienced in Normandy and its beaches was lifechanging. Running her toes through the sand, something Stephanie finds solace in wherever she travels somewhere with a beach, became a totally different experience.

    The ghosts of courageous men were almost palpable. Stephanie felt the sacredness of Normandy. She was connected to their fear, courage, and sacrifice.

    The American flag lined the streets of small villages as tributes to their heroes from long ago. It was a reminder of the flag discord at home; how some Americans see little value in respecting and honoring our flag.

    Stephanie knows it is vital that parents and grandparents share with their families the value of American pride and patriotism. The solution for what plagues our country does not begin in schools, it starts at home with family gatherings and dinners. Ridding ourselves of the seed of contempt for America must begin there.

    Honor our Veterans! Honor Our Homes! Honor Our Flag! Honor America!



    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Ep. 113 From Crushing Cuban Communism To America's Freedom and Capitalism-Gabby Puckett
    Jul 31 2024

    Gabby Puckett grew up under the oppressive weight of Cuban communism.

    Her father was forced to buy meat off the black market to feed his family. Gabby was fitted with second hand braces. Yes, you read that right..second hand braces. She tasted the metal and oil as they were placed on her teeth.

    Gabby remembers the hospital as a place of death, not a place of healing.

    For many years Christians were not allowed to celebrate Christmas. The Cuban government dictated every facet of life.

    Socialist organizations bring American students to the country to show the happiness and success of Cuban students in the school system. It is a false narrative. They are brought to the best school and children are told how to behave.

    The Cuban people are fed lies about America. They are told the government wants to take over their country. They are told Americans are plotting the Cuban downfall.

    Gabby and her family longed to escape the chains of communism. In order to do so, they obtained Spanish citizenship without going to Spain, courtesy of their Spanish descent.

    Gabby's family fled to Spain and, from there, made their way to the United States through legal immigration channels.

    Gabby is thriving in America with her husband and new baby. She calls capitalism "perfection" and is astonished that Americans do not comprehed the beauty of the system.


    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Ep. 112 Deep Dive Into Problematic Issues With Today's Military-Matthew Gardner
    Jul 24 2024

    Matthew Gardner is a retired marine and past guest on the Freedom's Pulse podcast.

    Matt is back on this episode to discuss the military, and why he would not join today's force.

    Matt and I talk about issues with DEI, sexual assault, woke policies, and so much more.

    Is the U.S. military on a road that is irreversible? Can America make a comeback from the state we find ourselves in now?

    Matt takes us deep into the issues, but allows time to share a few laughs as well.

    This is a fantastic episode that will get you thinking!

    Matt's previous episode on Apple.

    Ep. 76 The Darkness of PTSD and the Light of America-Andrew & Matt's American Story


    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Ep. 111 Be Your Own Hero-Doug Fiefia
    Jul 17 2024

    The American dream is seldom smooth especially for immigrant families...but this makes the victory even sweeter.

    Doug Fiefia is the child of Tongan immigrants. His first home was shared with four other familes. His parents worked tirelessy to give their children the blessings they missed in Tonga. The hours were long, but Doug's parents knew their vision of America was possible for their family.

    Doug Fiefia is running for Utah House of Representatives District 48. He gives the credit to God and his family. Doug's parents never saw themselves as victims. They instilled in their children the work ethic to become anything...to achieve their desires in America.

    Doug has a fire within him, one he is compelled to share about America, and her stalwart mission for the world.

    Close to his Tongan heritage and proud of his American roots, Doug fights to keep the importance of the nuclear family front and center.

    His Tongan exuberance and love of America's freedoms and liberties will have you engaged as Doug shares his American dream.




    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Ep. 110 A Story Of Love-Justen Mellor
    Jul 10 2024

    Justen Mellor is the founder of United We March, an organization that supports our veterans and first responders through the popular annual Gunnison Gut Check every September.

    Justen has gone from a life of alcoholism and depression to one of purpose and love.

    After experiencing the Battan Memorial Death March, Justen knew he needed to bring a race to the small town of Gunnison.

    The Gunnison Gut Check raises money for organizations that help our nation's heroes.

    Justen is always focused on the one, the one person who will leave better than when they came to Gunnison.

    Justen's story includes a little girl in a wheelchair who brought tears to the eyes of burly grown men, leaving an impression none will forget.

    Finally, Justen's story is about love...love for veterans....love for first responders...love for Americans...love for his family, his faith, and ultimately love for himself.

    Gunnison Gut Check


    Ep. 37 Justen's American Story on Apple Podcast


    Ep. 25 No Legs, No Vision, No Problem-Matthew's American Story on Apple Podcast


    usten's American Story

    Más Menos
    42 m