
  • Transcending Gender Boundaries with Lessons from the Wild
    Jul 30 2024

    What can Nature teach us about gender identity?

    Could nature hold the key to understanding our own gender identities? Season 2’s Episode 7 of Give a F*k, brought to you by Spark Consciousness, delves into the captivating world of gender fluidity within the animal kingdom. The journey through this episode promises to enlighten you on the innate ability of species like oysters and clownfish to adapt their gender – a phenomenon that might just illuminate the complexities of human gender transition. Prepare to have your perspectives challenged and your knowledge expanded as we tackle these profound questions, inviting you to consider the normalcy of gender change both in nature and in human experience.


    • https://www.treehugger.com/animals-can-change-their-sex-4869361
    • https://www.newsweek.com/animals-change-sex-hermaphrodite-evolution-1793036
    • https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/are-there-queer-animals-clownfish-that-change-sex-and-other-species-that-demonstrate-queer-behavior
    • https://www.science.org/content/article/knowing-when-change-sex https://www.onekindplanet.org/animal-biology/can-animals-change-their-sex/

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    14 m
  • Turtle Steps to Transformation with Kristi Amdahl #changemakers series
    Jul 16 2024

    Have you ever felt that stirring within, a whisper of the wind calling you back to a place that feels more like 'you' than your current zip code? Journey with us as Kristi Amdahl, a Wayfinder coach and Sacred Circle facilitator, shares her insights on the true meaning of 'home' and the small, yet profound steps we can take towards our authentic selves. Through engaging stories and reflections, our conversation goes beyond physical spaces to touch on belonging, identity, and the inner compass that guides us to where we need to be.

    This episode isn't just about finding our way; it's about redefining the path we walk on. We celebrate the underestimated power of 'turtle steps' and how they've shaped Kristi's life—and mine. Kristi's approach to life coaching isn't about grandiose leaps; it's about listening to our bodies and Nature, and appreciating the significance of every choice we make. Our dialogue offers you a mirror to see the potential in the incremental changes you can weave into your own life tapestry.

    We close by addressing the tangible yet intangible nature of personal growth and the pursuit of purpose. Reflecting on Kristi's transformation, inspired by Jiddu Krishnamurti, from a college student to an activist, Kristi and I explore the essence of calling—not as a job title but as an expression of love. We also confront the unique challenges of marketing services like life coaching, stressing the importance of authenticity and inner alignment. This episode invites you to connect with your internal compass, as we provide insights, personal anecdotes, and openings for you to engage with your deeper self.


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    58 m
  • Nature's Cry Amidst the Fireworks: A Wake-Up Call
    Jul 2 2024

    Humane education books for the common good:

    Ever wondered about the unseen consequences of our festive fireworks?

    Join us on a heartfelt journey with Sarah Woodard's "The Loud Night," as we examine the untold story of Independence Day through the eyes of our animal companions. In this special episode of Give a F*k by Spark Consciousness, we bring you an evocative narrative from Sarah's children's book, magnificently illustrated by Carlos Lopez. This episode isn't just a tale of sound and fury; it's an awakening to the silent pleas of Nature and a guide to celebrating responsibly.

    This poignant reading serves as a catalyst for introspection and change. We share powerful insights on how to honor our nation's independence in ways that are mindful of all Earth's inhabitants, including those who share our homes and those who dwell in the wild.

    Get ready to be inspired and learn how personal and planetary healing starts with small, conscious choices.


    1. The Loud Night
    2. https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/504964-its-time-for-silent-fireworks/
    3. https://earth.org/environmental-impact-of-fireworks/#:~:text=The%20temporary%20enjoyment%20of%20fireworks,sulphur%20dioxide%2C%20and%20particulate%20matter.
    4. https://jtechconst.com/blog-content/health-safety/are-fireworks-bad/
    5. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/fireworks-bad
    6. https://www.sciencefocus.com/planet-earth/are-fireworks-bad-for-the-environment
    7. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/the-hidden-toll-of-july-fourth-fireworks
    8. https://brightly.eco/blog/fireworks-environmental-impact
    9. https://phys.org/news/2023-01-short-term-fireworks-long-term-impact-wildlife.html
    10. https://www.rwcpulse.com/top-story/2023/06/28/blog-the-environmental-impact-of-fireworks/

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    5 m
  • Uprooting Tradition For an Eco-Friendly Future
    Jun 18 2024

    How to incorporate Nature into your life:
    Uncovering the aristocratic beginnings of lawns and the way they've become woven into the very fabric of suburban life. Take a stroll with me as I trace the path from the sprawling estates of the White House and Mount Vernon to the post-WWII suburbs, where maintaining a pristine lawn became synonymous with the American Dream.

    But it's not just a story of aesthetics and social norms; we'll confront the harsh environmental toll of our green indulgences, and I'll share the personal tale that ensued when my own lawn transformation defied neighborhood conventions.

    The lush tapestry of our yards does more than just please the eye—it tells a tale of identity, conformity, and the hunger for status. In a candid episode, we'll navigate the pressures and expectations imposed by homeowners associations and the shifting tides of community values.

    As the blades of grass sway in the winds of change, I propose a renaissance in lawn care, urging us to plant the seeds for a more conscious approach to nature. We'll explore alternative visions for our outdoor spaces that honor the environment and our place within it.

    Whether you're a green thumb enthusiast or simply a curious soul, join this thought-provoking exploration into the grassy knolls of history and the future we might sow beyond them.


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    23 m
  • Planting for the Future Embracing Native Flora for Ecosystem Health
    Jun 4 2024

    How to help Mother Earth:
    Could your own backyard hold the secret to healing the planet?

    We're peeling back the grass to reveal just how much power lies within the soil of our seemingly innocuous lawns. Join us as we unearth the hidden impact of the traditional green yard on the delicate balance of our ecosystems.

    In this enlightening conversation, we unravel the intricate web of life that starts with the plants converting sunlight into energy, the caterpillars feasting on this green bounty, and the vital role these small creatures play in the grand scheme of Nature's energy cycle. We're making a case for a paradigm shift in lawn care, one that champions biodiversity and sustainability, and we're inviting you to be a part of this green revolution.

    Venture further into the wilderness of our discussion as we explore the symbiotic ballet between caterpillars and their native host plants. Discover how the fate of the majestic monarch butterfly hinges on the milkweed plant, and consider the far-reaching consequences of our choices on the broader food web.

    This episode is not just a call to action—it's a blueprint for personal responsibility in the stewardship of our environment. We discuss the powerhouse plants that are native species, the unsung heroes of our ecosystem that provide nourishment for hundreds of caterpillar species.

    Together, we'll learn about the keystone species that are essential to our ecological networks and how simple acts like planting native species can combat the adverse effects of pesticides and habitat fragmentation.

    Tune in, as we set the stage for a cultural shift in landscaping and foster an understanding of the critical roles played by native species in our shared environment.


    • https://www.treehugger.com/how-to-save-nature-one-backyard-at-a-time-4861604
    • https://xerces.org/pesticides/pesticides-your-garden
    • https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2020/december/doug-tallamy-native-plants-food-web-insects-birds-survival-earth
    • https://certifiedwildlifehabitat.nwf.org/
    • https://www.audubon.org/news/what-difference-between-native-non-native-and-invasive-plants
    • https://www.nps.gov/depo/learn/nature/invasives.htm
    • https://www.then

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    14 m
  • Welcoming Nature's Embrace: Revealing the Healing Power of Urban Green Spaces
    May 21 2024

    How to live in Harmony with Mother Earth:

    Ever wondered how simply standing under a leafy canopy could transform your mental state? That's what we're unraveling on today's Give a F*k podcast, where as your storykeeper, I'll guide you through the truths of Nature's healing powers.

    Imagine the urban landscape not just as a sprawl of concrete but as potential sanctuaries waiting to nurture your mental well-being. From the cooling embrace of shaded streets to the vibrant biodiversity that thrums with life, we delve into how green spaces are not just a balm for the body but also a fortress for the mind. The science is clear: Nature's embrace is a proven panacea for anxiety, sleeplessness, and even the hefty price tag of healthcare.

    We're not merely discussing theories; we're exploring actionable insights from studies like the one from Clemson University and Kaiser Permanente, which highlight the vast benefits of intertwining more greenery within our cityscapes.

    Join me as we traverse this topic, and I promise, you'll leave with more than just thoughts; you'll emerge with a revived intuition ready to make a difference. No guests this time, just us and the profound conversation that might just be the catalyst you've been seeking for personal growth and environmental enlightenment.


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    11 m
  • The Serenade of the Woods: Rediscovering Our Bond with the Wild
    May 7 2024

    What does Nature teach us?

    Trees whisper secrets of connection and life, and I'm here to translate their language straight into your earbuds. Welcome to Season 2 of Give a F*k, where we're shedding the sales pitch and focusing on the sheer joy of discovery.

    This episode takes you on an auditory hike through the fascinating realm of arboreal communication, guided by the natural wonder that is Pando—a single organism posing as a forest, stretching across the land like the arms of Mother Nature herself.

    Tune in, and you'll be treated to a narrative that not only celebrates the majesty of this vegetative giant but also rekindles your innate bond with the natural world.

    As your award-winning storykeeper, I'll lead you beyond the surface as we unearth the mysteries of Pando's expansive network, a true testament to the interconnectedness of life. Prepare to have your awareness ignited as we embrace the splendor and complexities of our planet. Join us for a transformative trek through the whispers of the forest—no hiking boots required.

    Resources noted in Episode:

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    11 m
  • Untangling the 8 Limbs of Yoga with Angel Evanger #changemakers series
    Jan 10 2024

    In this episode we discuss:

    • The 8 limbs of yoga
    • Misconceptions about meditation
    • Different types of yoga practices

    Key takeaways:

    • Yoga is much more than bending yourself into funny poses
    • Yoga is intended to be a way of life that helps you find grace, peace, and live harmoniously
    • Meditation does not have be done while sitting still
    • Meditation is not about emptying your mind. Rather it is about teaching your brain to single task and separate for the hyper-active multi-tasking world we live in
    • Yoga is for every body - regardless of ability, body shape, flexibility, etc.


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    Más Menos
    35 m