
  • Ep #144: From Yoga Mats to Dog Shelters: Finding Purpose and Joy with Phil Kowalik
    Jul 24 2024

    Phil’s journey from corporate life in Canada to a fulfilling yoga teaching career in Bali is nothing short of inspiring. After getting stuck in Bali during COVID, Phil started a dog shelter and a kombucha business. A life-changing 200-hour yoga teacher training revealed the power of yoga and meditation to him. Despite initial struggles, Phil found joy and purpose in teaching yoga, transitioning from online work to full-time teaching in gyms, hotels, and studios like Le Tribu.

    Phil shares his evolution as a teacher, from being unsure about his skills to embracing his passion fully. He highlights the importance of saving money and having financial security when transitioning careers. He also discusses the challenges faced during teaching, such as dealing with varied class sizes and the importance of authenticity.

    Phil’s story emphasizes dedication, constant learning, and personal growth. His journey, including managing a dog shelter and rescuing animals, showcases his commitment to making a positive impact. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance on pursuing their passion against all odds.

    Episode Chapters:

    00:00 - Introduction

    01:37 - Teaching and Yoga Training in Bali

    04:58 - The Journey to Meditation: From Pressure to Inner Peace

    07:33 - From Crypto to Yoga Teacher: A Life-Changing Journey

    11:01 - The Discovery of a Love for Teaching

    12:32 - The Discovery of a Passion for Yoga and the Path to Becoming a Yoga Teacher

    15:48 - Dedicated Teaching Journey and Ongoing Progress

    18:25 - Teaching with Challenges: Moments of Learning and Egos in Teaching

    22:47 - The Joy of Teaching Yoga and Large Classes

    28:51 - Opening New Yoga Classes in Canggu

    29:59 - Guide for Aspiring Yoga Teachers: Tips and Advice

    34:13 - Yoga Teacher's Daily Practice Routine: Dedication and Hard Work

    35:41 - The Importance of Full Commitment

    37:31 - The Decision to Quit: A Personal Story

    38:58 - An Inspiring Yoga Teacher Story

    Phil’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/philkowalik/

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Ep #143: Building Confidence and Language Skills with Rini Riraharjanti
    Jul 17 2024

    Discover how Rini, a yoga teacher, transitioned from a 17-year corporate career to pursuing her passion for yoga. Despite her shyness, Rini began teaching yoga eight months ago, starting with private classes that boosted her confidence. She then transitioned to subbing classes, seizing opportunities, and gradually building her teaching career.

    Rini shares her journey of discovering yoga in 2017 in Singapore, initially as a physical practice that positively transformed her reactions and life balance, especially during COVID-19. Balancing her corporate job and yoga teaching, Rini managed to expand her classes from once a week to three times a week.

    She emphasizes the importance of preparation and self-care, customizing sequences for her students and incorporating inspirations from other teachers. Rini also brings a personal touch to her classes by playing the guitar and considering singing after class, though she is mindful of setting expectations.

    The conversation highlights Rini's growth and the gradual approach to transitioning careers. She advises new teachers to start small, reach out to studio owners, sub classes, and be patient in the process. Rini encourages listeners to take leaps, notice opportunities, and balance passion with financial stability, sharing her own healing journey of stepping out of her comfort zone. Connect with Rini on Instagram to follow her inspiring journey.

    Episode Chapters:

    00:00 - Grounding and Gratitude: A Meditation Exercise

    03:13 - Rini's Yoga Journey: From Bali to Teaching

    05:36 - The Path to Becoming a Yoga Teacher: Rini's Inspiring Journey

    07:52 - The Boss Lady Behind the Yoga Teacher

    10:02 - The Impact of Yoga on Work and Relationships

    11:51 - How to Build Confidence as a Yoga Teacher

    16:13 - Improving Language Skills for Teaching Yoga

    18:19 - How I Taught My First Yoga Class

    21:35 - Becoming a Yoga Teacher: Challenges and Opportunities

    31:02 - Create Your Own Yoga Sequence

    31:46 - Byron's Advice on Sharing Musical Talent

    33:13 - Dreams of Transitioning to Yoga Teaching: A Journey of Balance and Success

    36:56 - Find Healing and Inspiration Through Taking Leaps

    Rini’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riniraharjanti/

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Ep #142: Handling Praise, Criticism, and Empty Studios with Megan Cowley
    Jul 10 2024

    Dive into Megan's captivating journey from discovering yoga in Bali to becoming an inspirational teacher. Originally from the UK, Megan fell in love with yoga during a shavasana in Byron's class, sparking a profound transformation and an obsessive passion for the practice. She booked a training session in Bali, which led to a deeper spiritual connection and a sense of rebirth and empowerment. Despite the initial anxiety and challenges, Megan found the training experience rewarding, leading to hands-on adjustment and advanced sequencing skills.

    Her journey wasn't without struggles. After intense yoga trainings, Megan faced a "dark night of the soul," dealing with self-doubt and feeling lost. A supportive conversation with her father provided solace and encouragement during this difficult period. Megan emphasizes the importance of finding a nurturing and supportive community in the yoga world, which she found at a friend's retreat. This environment helped her rediscover her love for teaching yoga and connect with her gifts.

    Megan's story highlights the significance of mentorship, networking, and community over competition in the yoga space. She shares how teaching to an empty studio initially felt disheartening but ultimately became a powerful experience of self-witnessing and personal growth. The discussion underscores the value of maintaining a neutral mindset, detaching from ego, and focusing on service rather than personal validation. Megan encourages resilience, authenticity, and continuing to show up for yoga regardless of external circumstances, offering inspiration and guidance to aspiring yoga teachers.

    Episode Chapters:

    00:00 - Grounding and Gratitude: A Meditation Exercise

    05:54 - Megan's Return: Continuing the Yoga Journey

    08:56 - From Yorkshire to Bali: Megan's Adventure

    10:57 - Discovering Yoga: Falling in Love with the Practice

    13:05 - The Empowerment Class: A Transformative Experience

    17:12 - Returning to Bali: Starting the Teacher Training

    20:59 - Finishing the Training: On Cloud Nine

    22:39 - The Dark Night of the Soul: Struggling with Self-Doubt

    24:54 - A Friend's Help: Getting Back on Track

    28:23 - Teaching at Shanti: Finding Confidence Again

    30:01 - Opportunities and Community: Finding Your Path

    33:44 - Taking Steps: Trying Teaching Yoga

    36:10 - Mentorship and Support: The Role of Friends and Teachers

    42:15 - Serving the Community: The Ethos of Yoga

    44:49 - The Challenge of Empty Classes: Learning to Show Up

    47:15 - Neutrality in Feedback: Handling Praise and Criticism

    50:28 - The Importance of Consistency: Teaching Yoga Regularly

    54:28 - Serving Beyond the Studio: Being Present in Everyday Life

    56:07 - Embracing Realism: Balancing Yoga with Life

    57:08 - Connecting with Megan: How to Reach Out

    Megan’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megcowley/

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Ep #141: Conquering Imposter Syndrome with Andrei
    Jul 3 2024

    Discover how Andrei transitioned from being a scuba diving instructor to teaching yoga in Bali in this engaging podcast episode. Originally from Russia, Andrei moved to the US and eventually found his way to Bali, where the COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed his career path. Initially a scuba diving instructor, Andrei rediscovered his passion for yoga during the quiet times of the pandemic. He practiced Ashtanga yoga, finding it both grounding and energizing.

    Andrei’s journey with yoga began in his early 20s, influenced by his mother’s practice of Kundalini yoga. Despite a slow start, he grew to appreciate the structure and discipline of Ashtanga yoga. When the tourism industry in Bali was hit by the pandemic, Andrei started practicing yoga at home and on Nusa Penida, which led him to consider teaching.

    Inspired by his mother and a friend, Andrei practiced on his own for six months before securing a teaching opportunity at a new studio. His first class was well-received, confirming his passion for sharing yoga with others. Andrei emphasizes the importance of professionalism, preparation, and adaptability in teaching. He shares insights on adjusting classes to meet individual needs and maintaining authenticity by connecting with students through genuine experiences.

    Andrei discusses the significance of mentorship and support in his journey, highlighting the value of having mentors and peers to guide and encourage him. He plans to open a yoga space with his mother and continues to teach challenging, safe, and sweaty classes in Bali. Andrei also addresses dealing with imposter syndrome, viewing it as a sign of striving for big goals. He advises embracing these feelings and using preparation to manage them effectively. Follow Andrei on Instagram at aqua.Andrei for more on his inspiring journey.

    Episode Chapters:

    00:00 - A Moment for the Body: Guided Breath Meditation

    03:25 - Andrei's Journey: From Ashtangi to Yoga Teacher

    05:16 - Andrei's Yoga Journey: From Ashtanga to Power Yoga

    08:56 - The Experience of Kundalini Yoga with My Mother

    13:05 - The Fascination with Ashtanga Yoga: My Path to Self-Practice

    16:01 - Rediscovering Yoga Practice: A Journey Back to Inner Peace

    18:31 - The Yoga Journey in Bali

    23:00 - The Path to Becoming a Successful Yoga Teacher

    25:34 - Adapting Yoga Classes to Individual Needs

    28:46 - Focusing on Teaching Yoga Without Money Pressure

    31:33 - Teaching Yoga: Infusing Personal Experience

    36:15 - Evolution of a Yoga Teacher in Bali

    46:05 - Putting One Foot in Front of the Other: Teaching Yoga Classes in Bali

    47:59 - Imposter Syndrome in Teaching and Mentoring

    49:52 - Managing Imposter Syndrome in Yoga Practice

    Andrei’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aqua.andrei/

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Ep #140: Cultivating Healthy Habits and Spiritual Growth through Yoga with Akshay Bhat
    Jun 26 2024

    In this episode, Akshay Bhat continues the exploration of yoga practice and its profound impact on spiritual growth. The discussion begins with the notion of time and human existence, offering a philosophical perspective on how these concepts influence our understanding of life and spirituality. Akshay then delves into the meaning of Namaste and the five default problems in yoga, providing insights into overcoming common obstacles on the spiritual path.

    The role of habits in healthy living is examined, emphasizing how yoga can help cultivate beneficial routines. Akshay explores the importance of Abhinivesha (fear of death) and the immortality of the soul, as discussed in the Bhagavad Gita, highlighting the spiritual dimensions of yoga practice.

    The episode introduces Kriya Yoga as the beginning of a yoga journey, detailing its practices and benefits. Akshay also covers Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga and their connection to Hatha Yoga, showcasing the comprehensive nature of yoga as a path to self-discovery and enlightenment.

    Finally, Akshay discusses the potential for advancement and growth through yoga training and the significance of Ishwara Pranidhana (dedication to a higher power) in achieving spiritual goals. This episode offers a rich tapestry of insights for anyone seeking to deepen their yoga practice and spiritual understanding.

    Episode Chapters:

    00:00 - The Notion of Time and Human Existence

    04:38 - Namaste and the Five Default Problems - Understanding Yoga

    12:14 - The Role of Habits in Healthy Living

    14:53 - The Importance of Abhinivesha and the Immortality of the Soul in the Bhagavad Gita

    18:09 - Kriya Yoga: The Beginning of a Yoga Journey

    24:32 - Patanjali's Yoga: The Eight Limbs and Hatha Yoga

    27:58 - The Potential for Advancement and Growth Through Yoga Training

    33:32 - Ishwara Pranidhana: The Meaning and Application

    Akshay’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akshaybhatyoga/

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Ep #139: Patanjali's Wisdom: The Essence of Yoga Sutras with Akshay Bhat
    Jun 19 2024

    Dive into the profound philosophy of the Yoga Sutras with Akshay Bhat in this insightful episode. Akshay begins by exploring the meaning and philosophy behind the Yoga Sutras, highlighting their significance and the wisdom of Patanjali, the ancient sage who authored these foundational texts. Patanjali's teachings are revered for their focus on cleansing the mind, speech, and body, encompassing the core principles of yoga, Sanskrit grammar, and Ayurveda.

    The discussion delves into the importance of understanding Shruti and Smriti in Vedanta, explaining how these concepts relate to the transmission and interpretation of divine knowledge. Through logical understanding, the Yoga Sutras provide a framework for living a life of ease and bliss. Akshay also touches on Buddha's journey to self-realization under the Bodhi Tree, drawing parallels between his experiences and the teachings of Patanjali.

    Listeners will gain insights into moments of bliss and peace in yoga practice, learning how these moments contribute to spiritual growth and self-realization. This episode sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the Yoga Sutras, offering valuable perspectives on the path to enlightenment and the practical application of ancient wisdom in modern life.

    Episode Chapters:

    00:00 - The Meaning and Philosophy Behind the Yoga Sutras

    07:04 - The Importance of the Yoga Sutras and Patanjali

    10:10 - The Importance of Shruti and Smriti in Vedanta

    15:39 - The Logical Understanding of the Yoga Sutras

    24:06 - Buddha's Journey to Self-Realization under the Bodhi Tree

    29:49 - Moments of Bliss and Peace in Yoga Practice

    Akshay’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akshaybhatyoga/

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Ep #138: Healing Through Tradition: Akshay Bhat on Mantras and Yoga
    Jun 12 2024

    Discover the fascinating journey of Akshay Bhat as he delves into the deep connection between yoga, mantra chanting, and mental well-being. Akshay shares his upbringing in India, where he was immersed in yoga and mantra chanting from a young age, studying at a Gurukula, a traditional monastery school. He describes the rigorous yoga practices, discipline, and mental strength instilled through these ancient traditions.

    The dialogue highlights the significance of mantras, such as "Sahana Vavatu" from the Upanishads, which symbolize the transmission of knowledge from teacher to student. Akshay's experiences include intense asana practices and interactions with wildlife, showcasing a unique blend of learning and playfulness in his Gurukula days.

    Transitioning to a modern education system, Akshay faced culture shock and addiction to computer gaming but eventually returned to yoga, recognizing the value of his spiritual education. He studied pranayama and mantras, discovering their healing potential, particularly for back pain.

    Akshay now teaches in Bali, incorporating pranayama and mantras into his practice. He emphasizes the importance of gradual healing, patience, and trust in the process. The discussion also touches on the benefits of hanging upside down using the Iyengar belt, enhancing energy flow, and experiencing pratyahara, or withdrawal of the senses.

    The episode concludes with reflections on learning, sharing knowledge, and the value of service, hinting at future discussions on yoga philosophy, mantras, pranayama, and yoga therapy. Tune in to explore these enriching topics and more.

    Episode Chapters:

    00:00 - The Importance of Om Chants and Vedic Prayer

    03:09 - The Sacred Mantra: Sahana Vavatu and Its Spiritual Significance

    10:39 - Gurukula Education Experience: Mantras, Yoga, and Ancient Knowledge

    16:29 - Crazy Gurukula Stories: Stolen Coconuts and Peanuts

    21:00 - Exploring the Transition from Modern to Gurukula Life

    28:40 - The Yoga Vasishta: Rama's Depression and Healing

    33:41 - Small Steps Forward: Kaizen Therapy with Breath and Movement

    37:40 - Western Minds and the Practice of Yoga: Building Trust in Teaching and Practice

    41:58 - Healing Back Pain with Pranayama and Mantras

    47:32 - Iyengar Yoga Philosophy and the Benefits of Inversion

    53:53 - The Profound Experience of Enhancing Sounds

    Akshay’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akshaybhatyoga/

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Ep #137: Balancing Energy and Boundaries with Cat Kabira
    Jun 5 2024

    Discover the intricate dynamics of energy work and personal boundaries with Cat Kabira in this insightful podcast episode. Cat delves into how unresolved issues can lead to projections that affect our interactions and energy fields during healing practices. She emphasizes the importance of awareness and striving for neutrality to manage these projections effectively.

    Cat discusses how projections can empower or disempower individuals, highlighting their significant impact on both yoga teachers and students. She explores how idolizing or demonizing teachers can create confusion and challenges within group dynamics. The episode underscores the importance of integration and self-awareness to navigate these projections in teaching contexts.

    Healthy projections can create positive energy fields, while negative projections often stem from unresolved past issues. Recognizing and managing personal projections are crucial for facilitators and teachers to maintain a clear and organized state, ensuring they don't transmit negative energy to their students.

    Cat shares her approach to preparing for classes by grounding herself and setting positive intentions. She emphasizes the importance of genuine connections with students to create transformative experiences. The episode also discusses the importance of setting boundaries, maintaining professionalism, and responding to projections neutrally rather than taking them personally.

    The conversation highlights the need for balance, playfulness, and authenticity in teaching and energy work. Cat reflects on her own experiences, stressing the value of staying centered and composed when facing challenging emotions and trauma. The episode wraps up with insights on managing expectations, setting goals, and maintaining gratitude in the journey of personal growth and energy management.

    Episode Chapters:

    00:00 - Continuation with Kat Kabira: The Energy Expert

    01:58 - The Importance of Projection in Energy Work

    05:06 - The Challenges for Yoga Teachers: Dealing with Projections

    08:28 - Understanding Healthy vs. Unhealthy Projection

    11:56 - The Power of Projections: Changing Your Energy Flow

    14:40 - Projection of Emotions and Self-Reflection

    19:27 - Daily Life as a Teacher: Setting Positive Intentions

    22:50 - The Teacher and the Art of Transmission

    27:00 - The Healing Power of Self-Reflection

    41:30 - Male vs. Female Communication Patterns

    44:46 - When Assumptions Become Obstacles

    47:46 - The Power of Goals vs. Expectations in Self-Growth

    51:23 - Energetic Field and Energy in Motion - Recap of Previous Episodes

    52:42 - Final Words and Gratitude

    Cat’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catkabira/

    Más Menos
    55 m