
  • Using the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda for Modern Self-Care
    May 8 2024

    Join us in this enlightening episode of the "Happyish Ever After Podcast" as we explore the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with renowned expert Kate O'Donnell. Dive deep into how integrating Ayurvedic practices into your daily life can lead to profound health benefits, from better digestion to enhanced skin health and beyond. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to Ayurveda, this episode is packed with actionable insights and tips to help you balance your body, mind, and spirit.

    What You Will Learn:

    1. Foundational Principles of Ayurveda: Understand the basics of Ayurveda and how it can be applied to modern lifestyles for improved health and wellness.
    2. Ayurvedic Nutrition: Discover the role of food in Ayurveda, including the importance of seasonal eating and how different foods can balance various body types.
    3. Skin Care through Ayurveda: Learn about natural skin care techniques using essential oils and other natural products to maintain youthful and vibrant skin as you age.
    4. Integrating Ayurveda with Modern Medicine: Kate discusses how Ayurvedic practices complement contemporary medical treatments and the benefits of this holistic approach.
    5. Practical Tips for Daily Practice: Get practical advice on simple Ayurvedic practices you can start today to improve your health and well-being.

    Featured Guest: Kate O'Donnell, author and seasoned Ayurvedic practitioner, shares her extensive knowledge and personal experiences with Ayurveda. With over 25 years of experience traveling through India and studying Ayurvedic practices, Kate brings a wealth of knowledge and practical tips to the podcast.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Kate O'Donnell’s Books: Explore her publications for deeper insights into Ayurvedic practices.
    • Ayurvedic Living Institute: Learn more about Kate’s institute and available courses.
    • DIY Ayurvedic Skin Care Recipes: Try at home for natural beauty solutions.

    Connect with Kate O'Donnell:

    • Website: HealwithKate.org
    • Instagram: @KateODonnell.Ayurveda
    • Kate’s Book Tour: www.healwithkate.org/book-tour

    Call to Action:

    • Subscribe to Happyish Ever After Podcast
    • Rate and review the show wherever you get your podcasts
    • Follow Happyish Ever After on social media for more empowering content

    Get in touch with Tatiana

    • Email me at: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com
    • Visit the website at: www.tatianarobertson.com
    • Find Tatiana on IG: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial
    • Join the Happyish Ever After Facebook Group
    • Connect about wellness: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Body Shame: How It Harms Us and Why Self-Compassion Heals
    May 1 2024

    In this episode, Tatiana dives into the dark side of diet culture – body shame. She explores how societal messages and even healthcare professionals can make us feel inadequate and unworthy because of our body size. But here's the truth: shame is not a motivator, and it doesn't lead to lasting health changes. Tatiana calls on the work of Brené Brown to explain why shame backfires, and explores the power of self-compassion as a path to a healthier body.

    Disclaimer: The information on this podcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.

    Key Points:

    • Body Shame is Everywhere: From airbrushed magazine covers to subtle comments from family, we're constantly bombarded with messages that equate thinness with beauty and value. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a distorted body image.
    • Shame Doesn't Work: Shame might make you feel bad about yourself, but it won't help you reach your health goals. Studies show that shame-based weight loss approaches have high recidivism rates.
    • The Power of Self-Compassion: Brené Brown defines shame as saying "I am bad." Self-compassion, on the other hand, is about treating yourself with kindness and understanding, even when you make mistakes.
    • The Three Elements of Self-Compassion: According to Kristen Neff, self-compassion consists of self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
      • Self-kindness: Be gentle with yourself, you wouldn't talk to a friend the way you talk to yourself!
      • Common humanity: Remind yourself that everyone struggles, and challenges around weight and body image are common.
      • Mindfulness: Acknowledge your feelings without judgment. Don't get swept away by negativity.

    Call to Action:

    • This week, practice self-compassion! When you have a setback, show yourself kindness. Remember, you are worthy of love and respect, no matter your size.

    References and Resources:

    • Brené Brown, "Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience" (pp. 132-142)
    • Kristen Neff, "Self Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself"
    • https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/october-2011/worth-your-weight-reexamining-the-link-between-obesity-and-wages#:~:text=Economist%20John%20Cawley%20estimates%20that%20overweight%20and%20obese,percent%20less%2C%20respectively%2C%20than%20normal%20weight%20white%20women
    • https://hbr.org/2019/08/research-on-many-issues-americans-biases-are-decreasing

    Call to Action:

    • Subscribe to Happyish Ever After Podcast
    • Rate and review the show wherever you get your podcasts
    • Follow Happyish Ever After on social media for more empowering content

    Get in touch with Tatiana

    • Email me at: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com
    • Visit the website at: www.tatianarobertson.com
    • Find Tatiana on IG: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial
    • Join the Happyish Ever After Facebook Group
    • Connect about wellness: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
    Más Menos
    16 m
  • No More Punishing Workouts: How the Whole Body Benefits from Pilates
    Apr 24 2024

    In this episode, Tatiana interviews fitness and midlife mindset expert Heike Yates about the transformative power of Pilates. They discuss how Pilates differs from other exercise forms, its focus on mind-body connection, and its benefits for strength, posture, joint health, and overall well-being. Heike emphasizes the adaptability of Pilates for all ages and fitness levels and offers guidance on getting started.

    Key Takeaways/Themes:

    • Pilates Foundations: Learn about the "Three Cs" (Centring, Circulation, Concentration) and how they form the core principles of Pilates practice.
    • Strengthening and Lengthening: Explore how Pilates simultaneously builds strength and promotes muscle lengthening for a lean, toned physique.
    • Mind-Body Connection: Discover how Pilates encourages mindfulness and awareness, leading to improved posture and reduced stress.
    • Personalized Approach: Heike highlights the importance of finding a qualified instructor who can tailor the Pilates experience to your individual needs and goals.
    • Making it Accessible: Get tips on finding beginner-friendly Pilates classes, online resources, and the value of starting with a few private lessons.

    Guest Bio: Heike Yates is a fitness, nutrition, and midlife mindset expert with over 35 years of experience. She is the innovator behind Pilates with the Resistor ball exercise program and has a teacher training course.


    • Pilates Method Alliance: https://www.pilatesmethodalliance.org
    • Heike Yates website: https://heikeyates.com/
    • Heke Yates on IG: https://www.instagram.com/heikeyates/

    Call to Action:

    • Subscribe to Happyish Ever After Podcast
    • Rate and review the show wherever you get your podcasts
    • Follow Happyish Ever After on social media for more empowering content

    Get in touch with Tatiana

    • Email me at: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com
    • Visit the website at: www.tatianarobertson.com
    • Find Tatiana on IG: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial
    • Join the Happyish Ever After Facebook Group

    Connect about wellness: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • When "Healthy Eating" Turns Toxic: Understanding the Almond Mom
    Apr 17 2024

    In this episode, Tatiana tackles the concept of the "almond mom" and its connection to toxic diet culture. She explores the impact these beliefs have on women across generations, emphasizing the importance of challenging internalized ideas about weight, body image, and self-worth.

    Key Takeaways/Themes:

    • The “Almond Mom” Defined: An “almond mom” is someone who may be overly invested in diet culture, often pressuring themselves and their children around healthy eating, fitness, and body image.
    • Transgenerational Impact: These beliefs about food, weight, and appearance can be passed down from mothers to daughters, creating a cycle of body image insecurity and unhealthy relationships with food.
    • Questioning Beliefs: Tatiana encourages listeners to critically examine the origins of their beliefs around weight and self-worth. Are these beliefs truly yours, or are they echoes of societal pressures or past experiences?
    • Self-Worth Beyond Appearance: Our value and lovability are not defined by our body size or appearance. Challenge the idea that weight or clothing size determines your happiness, relationships, or success.
    • Compassionate Self-Reflection: When you catch yourself having unkind thoughts about your body, take a moment to reflect. Would you judge a loved one so harshly? Extend the same grace and understanding to yourself.

    Get in touch with Tatiana

    • Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com
    • www.tatianarobertson.com
    • www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial
    • Happyish Ever After Facebook Group
    • www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • How To Release Trapped Emotions: Introducing Emotion & Body Code
    Apr 10 2024

    Guest: Paola Rosser, Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner

    Episode Description:

    Discover a powerful energy healing modality called the Emotion Code, designed to identify and release trapped emotions that contribute to physical and emotional struggles. My guest, Paola Rosser, shares her expertise and inspiring stories of how this practice can help you heal hidden wounds, overcome emotional hurdles, and unlock a life of greater balance and well-being.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    • What the Emotion Code is and how it works
    • The connection between trapped emotions and physical and mental health
    • How muscle testing reveals information stored in your subconscious mind
    • Real-life stories of transformation using the Emotion Code
    • How to begin your healing journey with this powerful tool

    About Paola Rosser

    Meet Paola Rosser, the down-to-earth force behind the Fearless Female Movement. As the founder and CEO, she's driven by a mission to dismantle the chains of fear imposed by old ideologies and the subconscious mind. Paola employs a unique blend of coaching and subconscious healing that helps women overcome their past challenges and embrace their inner power. With Emotion & Body Code as her compass, Paola leads women on a healing journey enabling them to emerge as fearless architects of their destinies.


    • Learn more about the Emotion Code: "The Emotion Code" book by Dr. Bradley Nelson

    Connect with Paola:

    • Website: https://www.fearlessfemale.com/
    • Book a free 15-minute session with Paola: https://www.fearlessfemale.com/emotioncodeandbodycode
    • Explore Paola's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@fearlessfemale/featured
    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemale_coach/

    Key Takeaways

    • Our bodies store emotional energy from past experiences, even inherited ones.
    • Trapped emotions can cause physical and emotional distress.
    • The Emotion Code offers a way to identify and release these blockages, promoting healing and well-being.

    Get in touch with Tatiana

    • Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com
    • www.tatianarobertson.com
    • www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial
    • Happyish Ever After Facebook Group
    • www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
    Más Menos
    41 m
  • How to Harness the Power of Your Vagus Nerve to Relieve Stress
    Apr 3 2024

    Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Take a deep breath and join Tatiana in this solo episode where she explains how the vagus nerve can help combat stress and anxiety. Imagine flipping a switch and telling your body to relax and unwind. That's the power of the vagus nerve!

    Tatiana will break down the science behind this wonder nerve, explaining how it can activate your parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest system) for a calmer mind, better digestion, and a stronger immune system. We're talking stress reduction, improved sleep, and a happier, healthier you!

    The best part? We'll explore simple, practical ways to stimulate your vagus nerve, like singing, trying cold exposure, and mastering your breath. Get ready to unlock the power within you and create a calmer, more balanced life!


    Get in touch with Tatiana:

    • email: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com
    • www.tatianarobertson.com
    • www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial
    • Happyish Ever After Facebook Group
    • www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • How Simple Breathwork Exercises Help Reduce Stress, Aid Sleep And Improve Health
    Mar 27 2024

    Learn the secrets to reducing the rush of cortisol which so many of us deal with in our modern lives. Learn simple exercises that will help you lead a more vibrant and balanced life through the transformative power of breathwork as Harmony Slater, an acclaimed Ashtanga yoga teacher and certified coach, takes us on a journey through the art of pranayama breathing. During our conversation, Harmony describes aspects of traditional yoga philosophy, her experiences in India, and the modern scientific backing that uphold these age-old practices. Together, we discuss the eight limbs of yoga, emphasizing that it's much more than physical postures—it's a full spectrum of philosophical guidance for mindful living, including breath control and meditation.

    Harmony Slater's wisdom illustrates the undeniable benefits of incorporating simple, mindful breathing techniques into our daily lives, no matter what our yoga experience may be. Delve into the versatility of breathwork from energizing pranayamas to calming practices like box breathing and starfish breathing, suitable for adults and children alike. Learn how adapting these ancient techniques to our personal needs can significantly affect our nervous system and overall well-being. From chronic stress management to enhancing meditation practices, Harmony offers a roadmap to a more conscious and serene existence.

    Get in touch with Tatiana:

    • Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com
    • www.tatianarobertson.com
    • www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial
    • Happyish Ever After Facebook Group
    • www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage

    Work with Harmony:

    Links and Resources:

    • 5 Day Ancient Breathing Challenge for Stress Reduction with Harmony Slater
    • Harmony Slater's Website: http://harmonyslater.com
    • Finding Harmony Community
    • https://harmonyslater.com/harmony-slater-coaching
    • ⁠Find Harmony on Instagram⁠
    • Follow the Finding Harmony Podcast on IG
    • ⁠Two Minute Breathwork Session⁠
    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Living Your Happyish Life: What you need to know about Science and Health
    Mar 20 2024

    Tatiana delves into the reasons behind the podcast's name, emphasizing life's imperfections and advocating for a holistic approach to happiness and health. She discusses the evolution of health science, highlighting how modern understandings challenge previous notions of perfection and health. Tatiana shares her journey, from recognizing the limitations of chasing perfection to embracing a more content and grounded lifestyle.

    The episode encourages listeners to consider different approaches to achieving health using both a scientific lens and an open mind, all the while aiming for a fulfilling life rather than an unattainable ideal. Emphasizing the power of the mind in shaping our health and happiness, Tatiana invites listeners to join her in exploring diverse ideas and practices that could enhance their lives.

    00:00 Welcome to Happyish Ever After

    00:32 Introducing the Happyish Ever After Podcast

    01:09 The Philosophy Behind Happyish Ever After

    05:03 Evolving Science and Personal Health Journeys

    13:08 Unlocking the Power of the Mind in Health

    Get in touch with Tatiana

    • Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com
    • www.tatianarobertson.com
    • www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial
    • Happyish Ever After Facebook Group
    • www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
    Más Menos
    16 m