
  • Henry Harrison Chats With John Cornelsen of Evolving Texas, Juggle, and Indigo Yoga
    Jun 27 2024

    Henry Harrison welcomes listeners to the Entrepreneurs, Business & Finance podcast. He introduces his guest, John Cornelsen, a long-time friend and successful entrepreneur. Henry and John reminisce about their 20+ years of friendship and shared experiences.


    Episode - https://henryharrison.com/john-cornelsen-evolving-texas-indigo-yoga-juggle/

    Indigo Yoga - https://www.indigoyoga.net/

    Juggle Tribe - https://www.juggletribe.com/

    Juggle Apps - https://www.juggleapps.com/

    Evolving TX - https://www.evolvingtexas.com/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/johncornelsen/

    Episode Highlights:

    Introduction to John Cornelsen:

    Founder of Evolving Texas and Partner at Indigo.

    Background in civil engineering.

    Overcame significant challenges to become the first in his family to graduate from college at age 38.

    Early Entrepreneurial Spirit:

    John shares childhood stories, including his newspaper collection business and lawn care service.

    Discussion on how these early experiences shaped his entrepreneurial mindset.

    Journey into Civil Engineering:

    Inspired by his father's career at Carter and Burgess.

    Worked his way up in the industry, learning from mentors like Fred Whistle and Skip Schmidt.

    Overcame challenges and gained invaluable experience working on projects for Walmart and other major clients.

    Building Evolving Texas:

    Founded Evolving Texas in 2009.

    Overview of the company's focus on land development design and major projects.

    Introduction of Samantha Renz as CEO and Ron Ramirez as President.

    Indigo Yoga Studio:

    Transition from civil engineering to owning a yoga studio.

    Partnership with Brooke Hamlet and later, Sandra McLaughlin.

    Emphasis on creating a community refuge through yoga.

    Juggle - John's Latest Venture:

    Focus on combating loneliness and fostering intentional connections.

    Challenges and learnings in developing a software solution to promote real-life interactions.

    Importance of Relationships:

    Discussion on the role of relationships in John's success.

    Personal anecdotes highlighting the value of community and networking.

    Leadership in Entrepreneurs Organization (EO):

    Founding of the EO Fort Worth chapter.

    Impact of EO on John's entrepreneurial journey.

    Overcoming Obstacles:

    John shares personal and professional challenges he has faced.

    Insights on taking responsibility, learning from conflicts, and giving oneself grace.

    Key Takeaways:

    Entrepreneurship often starts early, with childhood ventures laying the foundation for future success.

    Mentorship and relationships are crucial in navigating the entrepreneurial journey.

    Diversifying ventures can lead to unexpected and fulfilling opportunities.

    Addressing social issues, like loneliness, can be a driving force behind innovative business ideas.

    Leadership roles in organizations like EO can significantly impact personal and professional growth.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Henry Harrison Sits Down With Don Short of New Artisan Distillery
    Jun 25 2024

    In this episode of the Entrepreneurs, Business & Finance podcast, host Henry Harrison sits down with Don Short, the founder and co-owner of New Artisan Distillery, to discuss his fascinating career journey. Don shares his transition from a successful executive career at Coca-Cola, where he held senior roles in Japan, India, and Africa, to becoming a passionate entrepreneur in the craft spirits industry.


    If you're in Dallas, be sure to visit New Artisan Distillery to experience their unique craft spirits and meet Don Short. For more information, visit their website at: https://www.newartisanspirits.com/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/don-short-72235024/

    Episode: https://henryharrison.com/new-artisan-distillery-don-short/

    Key Topics:

    1. Career at Coca-Cola:

    Don's entry-level starts and rises to vice president.

    Managing territories and navigating the "Cola Wars."

    International assignments in Japan, India, and Africa.

    Significant contributions to Coca-Cola's market presence and employment impact.

    2. Transition to Entrepreneurship:

    Post-retirement plans and founding New Artisan Distillery.

    Collaboration with James Beard awarded chef and PhD biochemist Robert Del Grande.

    Strategic focus on craft spirits, particularly gin and bourbon.

    A unique approach using real plants and custom-designed bottles.

    3. Challenges and Rewards:

    Navigating the complex distribution system for spirits.

    Overcoming logistical challenges during COVID-19.

    Building a differentiated brand and achieving consumer recognition.

    4. Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:

    Embrace international opportunities to gain diverse perspectives.

    Take calculated risks and pursue passion projects.

    The importance of resilience and adaptability in business.

    Notable Quotes:

    "Becoming a minority in a marketplace is good for you. It helps you understand yourself better and see the world through another person's eyes."

    "It's harder than I thought, but maybe it's more rewarding because our fingerprints are all over the package, the recipe, and everything."

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Henry Harrison of Dallas TX Chats With Long-time Friend Tim Goeglein
    Jun 21 2024

    Welcome to the Entrepreneurs, Business & Finance podcast by Henry Harrison of Dallas, TX.

    Today’s guest is Tim Goeglein, an author, speaker, and experienced political figure with a significant background in Washington, D.C.

    Tim shares personal stories, his professional journey, and insights into his work with Focus On The Family.


    Episode: https://henryharrison.com/henry-harrison-tim-goeglein/

    Focus On The Family Podcast: https://podcasts.focusonthefamily.com/

    Tim's Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Timothy-S.-Goeglein/author/B0060ROX6O

    Episode Highlights:

    1. Tim Goeglein’s Early Career:

    Grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

    Developed an early interest in politics, journalism, and people.

    Interned for Senator Dan Quayle and Congressman Dan Coats.

    I worked as a television news producer before returning to Washington as a deputy press secretary for Dan Coats.

    2. White House Years:

    Joined the George W. Bush presidential campaign.

    Served as Special Assistant to President George W. Bush.

    Built significant relationships and navigated policy communication between the faith community and the administration.

    Emphasized the importance of trust and accurate representation in political roles.

    3. Focus On The Family:

    Tim transitioned to Focus On The Family, a nonprofit organization supporting marriage, parenting, and faith.

    Discusses the organization’s mission and his role in legislative affairs.

    Stresses the importance of practical policymaking and the value of relationships in Washington, D.C.

    4. Personal Stories:

    Shares a touching story about his enduring friendship with Henry's father, highlighting the importance of genuine connections in both personal and professional life.

    Reflects on his late-night call informing the White House about Chief Justice Rehnquist’s passing, demonstrating the critical role of reliable information sources.

    5. Published Works:

    "The Man in the Middle: An Inside Account of Faith and Politics in the George W. Bush Era" – A memoir focusing on the intersection of faith and politics during the Bush administration.

    "American Restoration: How Faith, Family, and Personal Sacrifice Can Heal Our Nation" – An optimistic view on the potential for American renewal through faith and personal sacrifice.

    "Toward a More Perfect Union: The Moral and Cultural Case for Teaching the Great American Story" – Discusses the importance of historical literacy and understanding American history.

    "Stumbling Toward Utopia: How the 1960s Turned Into a National Nightmare and How We Can Revive the American Dream" – Examines the origins and impact of the 1960s cultural revolution.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Tim expresses his belief in the resilience and potential for renewal in America.

    Emphasizes the importance of practical and empathetic policymaking.

    Henry thanks Tim for his contributions to the country and his valuable insights shared during the podcast.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Henry Harrison Chats With Carter Malouf, Private Jeweler from Dallas, TX
    Jun 20 2024

    In this episode of the Entrepreneurs, Business, & Finance podcast, Henry Harrison welcomes his long-time friend and private jeweler, Carter Malouf. Based in Dallas, TX, Carter shares his journey from a curious teenager fascinated by jewelry to a successful private jeweler with an impressive clientele.

    Episode: https://henryharrison.com/private-jeweler-carter-malouf/

    Key Discussion Points:

    Introduction and Background:

    Henry introduces Carter Malouf and their long-standing friendship.

    Early Interest in Jewelry:

    Carter’s initial interest in jewelry was sparked by a store in Santa Fe.

    His mother’s influence as a jewelry designer and early entrepreneurial experiences selling her designs.

    Career Path:

    Started his own store and eventually moved to work with a high-end jeweler in Highland Park Village.

    The transition from designer jewelry to fine and antique jewelry.

    Business Operations as a Private Jeweler:

    Differences between a private jeweler and traditional jewelry stores.

    Importance of minimal inventory, estate jewelry, and customer service.

    Emphasis on planting seeds for future business and building a reputation through word-of-mouth referrals.

    Appraisal Expertise:

    The critical role of precise and detailed appraisals.

    An anecdote about a significant appraisal was used as an example by CHUBB Insurance.

    Designer vs. Fine Jewelry:

    Discussion on what distinguishes designer jewelry from fine jewelry.

    Examples of notable designers and their unique approaches to jewelry making.

    Overcoming Business Challenges:

    Carter shares his experiences with partnership challenges and the importance of perseverance.

    The value of learning from obstacles and finding alternative paths to success.

    Personal Reflections:

    The importance of making people happy through his work.

    How his wife transitioned from law to become a full-time artist inspired by the joy Carter finds in his work.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Carter’s philosophy is to be both confident and humble.

    The enduring friendship between Henry and Carter and their shared values.


    "One of the things that really kind of brought my eye to a sharpened point was my grandfather’s advice: ‘The underside of whatever you're building has to be as beautiful as the top side.’"

    "Always punch through the walls. Always jump those hurdles. Anything gets put in place, figure out a way to get it down."

    Resources and Links:

    Carter Malouf’s website: http://www.cartermalouf.com/

    Connect with Carter on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carter-malouf-93ab01/

    Subscribe: Don’t miss out on future Entrepreneurs, Business, & Finance podcast episodes.

    Share: If you enjoyed this episode, share it with friends and colleagues who might find it valuable.

    Feedback: Leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to tell us what you think!

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • From Dallas Texas Henry Harrison Interviews Josh Levy, Document Crunch CEO
    Jun 18 2024

    HENRY HARRISON FROM DALLAS TEXAS: In this episode of the Entrepreneurs, Business, & Finance podcast, host Henry Harrison interviews Josh Levy, co-founder and CEO of Document Crunch. They dive deep into Josh’s journey from a construction lawyer to the entrepreneur behind a leading contract compliance platform.

    Episode: henryharrison.com/josh-levy-document-crunch/

    Visit Document Crunch - www.documentcrunch.com/

    Josh Levy on LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/josh-levy-/

    This conversation covers the origins of Document Crunch, the challenges and successes of building a tech company in the construction industry, and valuable insights into entrepreneurship and leadership.

    1. Origins of Document Crunch:

    Josh Levy shares his background as a construction lawyer and how his experiences led to the creation of Document Crunch. The company was born out of a need to simplify and automate contract compliance in the construction industry.

    2. Challenges and Successes:

    The transition from a corporate job to entrepreneurship was a calculated risk supported by Josh’s deep industry knowledge. Document Crunch has grown to over 50 employees and is expanding its footprint nationally and internationally.

    3. Industry Insights:

    The construction industry faces significant challenges with contract compliance, leading to projects often finishing over time or budget. Document Crunch aims to solve these issues by providing an AI-driven platform that makes construction contracts easier to understand and administer.

    4. Building a Company Culture:

    Josh emphasizes the importance of relationships and a strong company culture, which he believes is key to their success. Document Crunch’s core value is being warmhearted, reflecting their commitment to building strong relationships within the company and with clients.

    5. Entrepreneurial Advice:

    Josh advises aspiring entrepreneurs to bet on themselves and leverage their industry experience. He highlights the importance of having a strong point of view and being prepared to take calculated risks.

    6. Future Plans:

    Document Crunch continuously evolves and expands its services to new markets, including international expansion. The company is committed to staying at the forefront of contract compliance technology and supporting the construction industry. How to Connect:

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Henry Harrison Interviews SubBase CEO Eric Helitzer
    Jun 14 2024

    In this episode, Henry Harrison welcomes Eric Helitzer, the founder and CEO of SubBase.io, a groundbreaking software platform for the construction industry. Eric shares his journey from a background in construction management to becoming an entrepreneur and launching SubBase.io. The discussion dives into Eric's early influences, his educational background, and the experiences that led him to create a solution for digitizing and streamlining construction material management.

    Episode: https://henryharrison.com/subbase-ceo-eric-helitzer/

    Key Topics:

    Eric's Background:

    Bachelor of Science in Construction Management from the University of Florida

    Early career in large construction companies

    Influence of his family's multi-generational involvement in the construction industry

    Journey to Entrepreneurship:

    The decision to leave a stable job and start SubBase.io

    Challenges faced in the early stages of the startup

    The importance of addressing pain points in the industry to gain traction

    SubBase.io Overview:

    The platform's role in digitizing material management workflows

    How SubBase.io connects various stakeholders in construction projects

    The impact of the software on efficiency and profitability for subcontractors and vendors

    Challenges in Technology Adoption:

    Resistance to change within the construction industry

    Strategies to overcome these challenges and demonstrate value

    The importance of providing a 10X improvement to encourage adoption

    Success Stories and Lessons Learned:

    Real-life examples of SubBase.io's impact on construction companies

    Lessons learned from early mistakes and the importance of continuous improvement

    The role of early investors and the recent institutional round of funding

    Future of Construction Technology:

    Eric's vision for the future of construction technology

    The potential for further innovation and adoption in the industry

    How SubBase.io plans to continue driving change and efficiency

    Contact Information:

    Website: https://www.subbase.io/

    Email: eric@subbase.io

    LinkedIn: Follow Eric Helitzer on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/erichelitzer/


    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Henry Harrison Chats With Don Williams of Don Williams Global
    Jun 12 2024


    In this Entrepreneurs, Business & Finance episode, Henry Harrison welcomes Don Williams, a long-time friend and accomplished entrepreneur. Don is a keynote speaker, published author, repeat entrepreneur, and the founder of Don Williams Global, a performance-based sales consulting firm. He also hosts "The Proven Entrepreneur Podcast."

    Contact Information:




    Episode Highlights:

    1. The Origin Story:

    • Henry and Don reflect on their nearly decade-long friendship, initially formed through the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO).

    • Don shares his early entrepreneurial journey, humorously claiming he started his first business at the age of seven.

    • The discussion touches on Don’s extensive experience in sales consulting and his knack for helping businesses increase their revenue.

    2. The Consulting Approach:

    • Don explains his unique consulting style, emphasizing the importance of human relationships in business.

    • He describes his approach as helping businesses "ring the cash register," regardless of the products or services they offer.

    • Don's superpower is his mastery of words, using speaking, writing, and podcasting to drive his consulting success.

    3. Entrepreneurial Insights:

    • Don discusses his childhood influences, including his family's background in engineering and farming, and how these shaped his work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit.

    • He reveals that his aversion to authority led him to entrepreneurship, debunking the myth that profit motive is the primary driver for all entrepreneurs.

    4. Sales and Consulting Strategies:

    • Don shares his strategies for effective sales, focusing on understanding and addressing clients' needs.

    • He recounts a personal story of becoming a competitor to a former partner who did not honor their agreement, highlighting the importance of self-reliance and adaptability in business.

    5. Personal Mission and Core Values:

    • Don talks about his mission to help others, particularly those who are helping others, creating a ripple effect of positive impact.

    • He outlines his core values using the acronym "YOU & ME," emphasizing the importance of putting others first, outstanding effort, understanding, mission orientation, and enthusiasm.

    6. Success Stories:

    • Don shares success stories from his consulting career, including helping solopreneur increase their daily rates and achieve significant business growth.

    • He also describes how he doubled a division's sales within a large company by refining their sales process and eliminating barriers to sales.

    7. Final Thoughts:

    • Don stresses the importance of gratitude and perspective, reminding listeners that many global populations face far greater challenges than minor inconveniences like travel delays.

    • He encourages entrepreneurs to build companies, not just jobs, and to always aim to create extraordinary value for their customers.

    Henry wraps up the episode by thanking Don for his valuable insights and infectious enthusiasm. Don provides his contact information, inviting listeners to reach out to him via his website or personal email for further engagement.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Dallas: Henry Harrison Interviews Chris McKee of Venturity
    Jun 10 2024

    Episode Summary: In this episode of the "Entrepreneurs, Business, and Finance" Podcast, host Henry Harrison interviews Chris McKee, founder and chairman of Venturity Financial Partners. Chris shares his journey from starting Venturity to transitioning leadership to Deanna Walker, discussing the motivations behind stepping down as CEO and the impact of the change on the company. He delves into Venturity's unique approach to employee ownership through an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan), highlighting its benefits for both the company and its employees. The conversation also covers the importance of accurate financial information for business success and Chris's plans for the future.


    Key Topics Discussed:

    · Leadership Transition: Chris explains his decision to step down as CEO of Venturity Financial Partners after over 23 years and the selection of Deanna Walker as the new CEO.

    · Employee Ownership: An in-depth discussion on Venturity's implementation of an ESOP, the benefits it provides to employees, and the strategy behind transitioning ownership.

    · Venturity’s Services: The range of services offered by Venturity, includes outsourced accounting, fractional CFO advisory, and system support and consultation.

    · Challenges and Lessons: Chris shares some of the significant challenges Venturity faced, including near cash crises and dealing with ransomware attacks, and the lessons learned from these experiences.

    · Entrepreneurial Journey: Chris's path from working at Arthur Anderson to founding Venturity and his passion for accounting started in high school.

    · Future Plans: Chris’s interest in teaching accounting at the college level and his commitment to mentoring the next generation of accountants and business leaders.

    Memorable Quotes:

    · “I think she's the right next leader of Venturity if that makes sense. So, I got to hand off the reins at some point and felt like this the right time to do that.”

    · “We're all kind of rowing the same boat now, which is nice.”

    · “I've learned and grown in ways that I never would have had I not made the choice that I made.”

    Contact Information:

    · Venturity Financial Partners: Visit https://venturity.com/

    · Chris McKee: Email Chris directly at Chris@Venturity.net for any inquiries

    Call to Action: If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the "Entrepreneurs, Business, and Finance" Podcast for more insightful interviews and expert advice. Don't forget to leave a review and share this episode with fellow entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts!

    Más Menos
    39 m