
  • Micro-Repairs and Re-Directs For a Better Relationship
    Jul 4 2024

    157 There are many “micro” things you can do on a regular basis to keep your relationship strong (and so you don't need larger “interventions” that take a lot more time and energy in order to get things back on track).

    And a very important one? Micro repairs. Today we dive into just how to make them, as well as how to make micro re-directs that will help stop a downhill-heading interaction in its tracks.

    These are mini skills that you want to be able to do easily, because, in all relationships–even healthy ones– there will be moments of micro-rupture, when the sweetness of connection between you gets disrupted by reactivity, or normal human unskillfulness.

    But these won't hurt your relationship as long as you make repairs when they happen–even if you weren't the one who “started” the rupture.

    So listen in as I share when, why, and how to make these micro repairs, and give you the exact words to do so effectively.

    You'll come away with the knowledge to easily mend any little rift between you and your spouse and also the best chance of your partner getting good at making these repairs, as well, so you will never be in discord for long as a couple, and can easily get back to connection, affection, and a palpable sense of love between you. Dive in.


    The Stop Taking It So Personally Course

    Find out how Hannah can help you more over at her website.


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    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    29 m
  • How To "Hold Space" For Your Spouse
    Jun 20 2024

    156 An episode for both you and your spouse, especially if communication isn’t always the easiest thing between you or if one or both of you ever feel misunderstood or unheard.

    If you want to give your marriage the best chance to be the fulfilling connected one you want–the NEW marriage we talked about last episode– and your partner the very best chance to be the loving, supportive one you want, then the MOST PRACTICAL thing you can each do is relate to each other the way you want to be related TO.

    And one of the most practical ways you can relate to your spouse in the way you want them to relate back, is to “hold space” for them and offer your kind caring presence when they are sharing anything close to their heart with you.

    Sounds basic, but it can be harder than you think because so many of our default human tendencies come up and get in the way, breaking the beautiful opportunity for building connection, deep understanding, and trust.

    So in this episode I share some of the nuances of what holding space and great listening really looks like, and tell you very clearly what it does not look like, and just how it actually do it with the help of the “4 C’s” for the most rich, nourishing, intimate in all ways (wink wink) kind of relationship.

    So listen in, together or separately, and then go apply what I suggest and watch as you both start feeling more respected, understood, and lovingly connected, as well as much better at communicating!

    Want to spice things up more in your relationship? Bring Back The Attraction, Hannah's on-demand 45 minute course, gives you 7 keys to spark more of the magical appeal you used to feel, is now available here.

    Find out how Hannah can help you more over at her website.


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    31 m
  • The Emerging New Paradigm of Marriage
    Jun 13 2024

    155 Sometimes you hear something that changes everything, and puts you in a state of mind that leads to finally being able to bring a big dream to life. This must listen episode may very well be that for you.

    Because if you are like most of the women I talk to and work with, you want a new level of intimacy with your spouse: a real partnership that is tender, connected, deeply supportive and nurturing in all realms– intellectually, physically, emotionally, domestically, in terms of each other's dreams and inner life. You want to feel like your significant other is a true team with you in life.

    And it's really important that you get this! For you, for our world, even for your partner.

    But, this is really a NEW paradigm when it comes to committed relationships and marriage. It's still just emerging.

    And, unfortunately, the old and recent paradigms of marriage that still live on in many of us (which I will explain today), are making it harder to bring our partners onboard and make this new, beautiful vision we have of marriage come to life. So we are left frustrated, disappointed, resentful, and questioning if we can have the kind of relationships we really want with our current partner.

    It doesn't have to be this way. You CAN (in most cases) open the door for your partner to be that full partner you want, and your marriage to be the NEW supportive and nurturing-in-all-realms marriage we women want. Especially as an HSP.

    To do so, it will help you SO MUCH to understand the old school paradigm of marriage, and how it still colors so much in our marriages, and also the recent (or current) paradigm of marriage–both of which are, though perhaps empowering for one individual in the relationship, very relationally disempowering overall! We dive into this today.

    Then you’ll learn about what it takes to leave those old painful paradigms behind, step into relational empowerment (not just individual empowerment), and finally birth the new marriage we want so badly.

    This is an essential and healing episode that will soften and sweeten your world with forgiveness and understanding, as well as empower and compel you to relate to your partner in such a way that gets him collaborating to bring this new paradigm of marriage very much alive between you. Listen in.

    Learn about and enroll in Treasured, Hannah's marriage coaching program for highly sensitive women, here. (Doors close for the YEAR June 20th)


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    38 m
  • Other People's Opinions of Your Marriage
    Jun 6 2024

    154 Other people in your life ( friends, family members', and even professional "authorities" in your life) are going to have opinions on your spouse and your relationship, and they may share them with you. If you don't know how to handle this well, you may end up making things even harder in your relationship.

    As highly sensitive people it can be all too easy to let our other's opinions –especially if they are in any way negative–color our own experience. And unfortunately, when it comes to our marriage's health and happiness, this can be quite problematic–even if they meant well.

    I can't tell you how many times my clients have told me they felt EXTRA doubt and confusion about their marriage because someone in their life said something along the lines of “I don't think he’s right for you” or “I don’t know what you see in him.” (And sometimes it’s just what they THINK their friend thinks of their partner that causes pain, fear, and doubt.)

    This can be crazy-making, and a total power-leak if your goal is to have a really good loving marriage.

    So today you're going to learn how to handle other people's thoughts and opinions when it comes to your relationship–so you can grow the health of your marriage, instead of diminishing it. We dive into:

    • What to do about other people’s opinions and advice, including how to discern when to take it on or not.
    • How to stop something someone said about your spouse or marriage from seeping into you and giving it damaging weight or authority.
    • Why their judgments and opinions are NOT that accurate (or important)
    • Whose opinions really matter
    • Who and what IS a trustworthy source of authority, wisdom and truth about your relationship and spouse.
    • And specific ways to get your friends and family to help you grow the marriage you want, instead of accidentally making things harder for you.

    Even if you haven't ever been subject to hearing negative opinions about your spouse or relationship, if you have friends or family, this episode will help you, since all I share here can be applied to any opinion anyone shares with you about any realm of your life.

    TAKE THE NEW 2 MINUTE QUIZ, "I Want A More Loving Connected Marriage. Where Do I Start?" It will identify the area that will make the biggest positive impact on your unique marriage when you focus on it.

    Learn about and enroll in Treasured, Hannah's marriage coaching program for highly sensitive women, here. (Doors close for the YEAR June 20th)


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    30 m
  • The End Of Male Bashing; The Start Of Better Loving
    May 23 2024

    153 As women, we often go to our friends and other people in our lives when something isn't going as well as we want with our partner, or when an issue comes up. And it’s only natural to want to get support that way.

    But, it is all too easy when we do that to fall into the toxic trap of griping, venting and male-bashing — even WITH the big sensitive conscientious hearts we tend to have as HSPs.

    Some things in our culture are so widely practiced that they're accepted without any thought that they might be damaging. And this one is such a sneakily toxic part of our culture, with such damaging effects to our men, to us and our relationships, that it needs to be talked about, and faced.

    So today we are going to dive into it, along with why it’s a problem for your relationship (and the world), why to stop doing it, and what to do instead to help your marriage become the loving, connected, fulfilling one you want–and still being able to go to your friend to get support and commune about your relationships!

    I know you want to live in a world where relationships are filled with mutual respect, deep care, kindness, and real love, so come take a step towards bringing that to life in your own marriage today, and be part of leaving this emotionally destructive habit forever in the past.

    TAKE THE NEW 2 MINUTE QUIZ, "I Want A More Loving Connected Marriage. Where Do I Start?"

    Episodes to better understand men in relationship:

    • Revolutionizing Men, Their Feelings, And Love With Casey Desharnais
    • Men, Emotional Maturity, And Love (Or How To Invite Your Husband To Evolve)
    • Men Being Honest About The Hard Stuff With Casey And Will


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    26 m
  • Interest Overlap (For More Connection)
    May 16 2024

    152 Not feeling as connected as you want to with your spouse? Feeling like you're not on the same page much these days, or you have sort of evolved AWAY from each other? I have been there and it doesn't feel good. But there is a way back that’s simple and straightforward.

    In this episode, you’ll hear a great remedy to bring more connection into your marriage–in ways BOTH you and your partner look forward to. It’s a process I’ve done myself that really helped me and my husband not just feel more connected, but also have a clear path to more of it forever into our future together.

    Today's episode will share exactly how to make sure you have plenty of ways you and your spouse can be together that are fun and fulfilling to both of you. When you apply what I share, you will have the grounds for a more resilient, connected and fun life together into the future. Dig in!

    Bring Back The Attraction, the new on-demand 45 minute course to that gives you 7 keys to spark more of the magical appeal you used to feel is now available here.

    Want to know the very best starting place to focus on to improve your unique marriage? TAKE THE NEW 2 MINUTE QUIZ, "I Want A More Loving Connected Marriage. Where Do I Start?"

    Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
    Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!

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    20 m
  • A Little Drop Of Lightness
    May 9 2024

    151 Most of the highly sensitive women I talk to mention wanting their relationship to feel "lighter"-- easier, more carefree, more warmhearted. And that IS a place where a lot of joy can be found in our intimate relationships--if we can access that lightness. . .

    The challenge is, as HSPs, we can tend to take things pretty seriously. Not a bad thing, by any means, but it can make it harder to feel that lightness so many of us long for. So I made you a very "light" ( short and sweet) episode to give you a drop of that lightness right now.

    Listen in to hear the one question that can open up a sense of lightness right away, and make space for more and more lightness to enter into your relationship--and whole life--as you let this way of seeing things integrate into you.

    Please note that NONE of what I offer here is meant to dismiss or belittle the hard stuff that can comes along with intimate relationships ( that is very real and important to acknowledge). In fact, it is meant to help you navigate through any of that with more ease and peace.

    Let this episode seep into your cells over the coming week or more. . . and see what shifts in you and your marriage from there.

    Want to know the very best starting place to focus on to improve your unique marriage? TAKE THE NEW 2 MINUTE QUIZ, "I Want A More Loving Connected Marriage. Where Do I Start?"


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    8 m
  • Listener Relationship Questions Answered
    Apr 25 2024

    150 I put out a call to you listeners for questions, and today I am going to answer three of them!

    All three highly sensitive women’s questions are very relatable and have a somewhat similar theme:

    How to handle being bothered by things their spouse does or ways he is, so they can feel better AND work with their spouse effectively in these situations.

    Specifically (but with a bit more detail).

    1. Ella asks, “What are your recommendations for easing anger surrounding the innate stubbornness of your partner?
    2. Nina asks, “How would you approach conflict with a husband in front of your kids?”
    3. Kelly asks, “I can't seem to train my brain to stop thinking negatively about my marriage, specifically about my hubby, and frequently wonder whether I should be in this marriage or not. What is causing this thinking? It is very disconcerting. Any ideas?”

    I certainly do have ideas for them about what to do in all of these cases–and for you if you are ever annoyed, irritated, angry or frustrated with your partner, my answer will help you, too!

    Listen in to hear my coaching and strategic tips on how to handle these specific situations and feelings, so you can be much more successful in navigating these issues, as well as feeling more peace and happiness with your husband.

    This episode is also a great way to tangibly tie a lot of my teachings together and apply them to real-life situations. So dig in.


    Learn about or enroll in Treasured, Hannah's marriage coaching program for highly sensitive women, here.


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
    Más Menos
    46 m