
  • Finding an Affirming and Supporting Community and Having the Courage to Let Go of Negative People and Energy Vampires
    Sep 25 2023

    Joey & Mick discuss a lot of stuff and have some great laughs along the way. They discuss their experience with finding an affirming and supporting community and having the courage to let go of negative people and energy vampires.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Identifying and Dealing With an Insecure Attachment Style
    Feb 24 2023
    In this episode, Mick and Joe talk about insecure attachment styles and the anxious one in particular. Central theme is how to identify and heal these core wounds to move towards more secure relationships with yourself and others. Resources: The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Walking The Walk: How to Turn Words Into Action
    Feb 24 2023
    In this episode, Mick and Joe discuss the challenges in putting words into action and how to overcome these to actually getting things done.
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Bonus Episode with Ari Pereira - Part 3: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
    Jan 29 2023
    In today’s episode we welcome back our special guest and friend Ari Pereira for the third time. Ari is a mind enthusiast and putting the healing to practice through Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Energy Healing and Hypnotherapy. Her motto is that we don’t have to break down, to break free. In this episode, we discuss Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Ari demonstrates a few different tools to help clear up the friction that sometimes occurs between the conscious and the unconscious that are beneficial and effective. You don’t want to miss this episode. Resources: https://linktr.ee/Ari_Pereira https://www.aripereira.com/
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Bonus Episode with Ari Pereira - Part 2: Energy Healing
    Jan 22 2023
    In today’s episode we welcome back our special guest and friend Ari Pereira. Ari is a mind enthusiast and putting the healing to practice through Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Energy Healing and Hypnotherapy. Her motto is that we don’t have to break down, to break free. In this episode we dive deep into Energy Healing. You might think; how can energy be related to healing? Ari explains that the idea of energy healing is that our healing doesn’t just come from our physical world - but also from an additional layer/ sphere outside of this, called energy. She talks about what this energy is, how you can sense/notice it, what chakra’s are, how our emotional/ mental wounds are not physical yet impact our physique, the relationship between thought, emotion and energy, the role quantum physics play in proving the case for energy healing and finally the aura. Later on, in this episode we look at what energy healing entails in practice. Ari discusses different techniques such as channeling universal energy, and eventually showcases a ‘Waterfall’ exercise, to clear our aura. Besides from clearing our aura we also look at how to protect your aura too with a small exercise at the end. Enjoy the conversation for now, and be sure to share with us your experience when you do some of these exercises or if you have other types of healing we should be looking into. Resources: https://linktr.ee/Ari_Pereira https://www.aripereira.com/
    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Bonus Episode with Ari Pereira - Part 1: Introduction to Hypnotherapy
    Jan 15 2023
    In today’s episode we welcome our special guest and friend Ari Pereira. Ari is a mind enthusiast and putting the healing to practice through Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Energy Healing and Hypnotherapy. Her motto is that we don’t have to break down, to break free. We kick off this mini-series spontaneously with a little hypnosis session - one that won’t put you into a trance state. While Mick will undergo this one, we invite you to participate as you listen, should you be in a safe place or state to do so (definitely not while driving!). The exercise will teach us how certain thoughts and feelings are trapped in our body and how we can release those, leaving us in a more calm and peaceful state. Resources: https://linktr.ee/Ari_Pereira https://www.aripereira.com/
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Being a Unique, Divergent and Multidimensional Human Being
    Jan 8 2023
    In this episode, Joe and Mick share their experience with being unique, divergent and multidimensional human beings. Mick kicks off the episode by introducing the movie Divergent to kick off the subject. They discuss how at times it seems that our society can label each of us based off of one category of knowledge such as a person’s profession. They explain why it is important for them not to label others or themselves based off of something they do, or a job they have had. They mention how important it is to recognize that all human beings are unique, divergent and multidimensional. They elaborate on the inherent worth of each individual and why they feel it is important to explore, experiment, spend time on hobbies and interests you love and not be so linear or hyper-focused where you may miss the beauty of the entire forest by only looking at one tree. They emphasize how tools such as IKIGIA, which is a Japanese concept that means “purpose for being”, is helpful in bringing awareness to 1. what a person loves, 2. what they are good at, 3. what the world needs, & 4. what they can be paid for. Lastly, they talk about their takeaways from the episode and especially how doing what we love and playing to one’s strengths is less draining and more rewarding. We would love to hear from the Home For Being community about your experiences with “Being a Unique, Divergent and Multidimensional Human Being”. What has helped you not to put yourself and others in a box? What works best for you in your experience? Is it important for you to spend time exploring and especially doing what you love? Resources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divergent_(film) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikigai https://images.app.goo.gl/RxhGbqa9cjTzBzZa8 https://www.betterup.com/blog/what-is-ikigai
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Revealing Everything to Everyone: A Blessing Or Recipe For Disaster?
    Jan 1 2023
    In this episode, Joe and Mick share their experience with learning how much or how little to share with others and what helps them discern how to do this. They discuss how at times in their pasts they have been open books to everyone and how this has not served them well. They explain some tools that help them distinguish how much to share with others and also the level of vulnerability they are comfortable sharing depending on the overall maturity, trust and safety level of the other people they are interacting with. They mention a relationship circle tool that helps them distinguish very close and trusted friends, who are in their inner circle, and those who they need to interact with to some degree on the outer circle who are toxic and everything in the middle. They elaborate on how it is a waste of energy to share too much information with a toxic person or an unsupportive person. They emphasize how it helps to consider the source and the emotional health of the other party as well. Lastly, they talk about how the relationship circle tool helps them maintain effective boundaries to protect themselves from being drained or wasting energy arguing with toxic people. We would love to hear from the Home For Being community about your experiences with being vulnerable with others and sharing with others. Have you noticed a difference in your energy when dealing with a safe person you trust who respects you verses a more toxic person ? What has helped you make progress? What works best for you in your experience? Resources: Here are some different examples of a Relationship Circle Tool https://www.kirstyocallaghan.com/index.php/seven-circles-relationships https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=aW2xq8Wakzg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYwzF4K8Pog
    Más Menos
    29 m