
  • Marketing Hot Take: Income Claim Messaging
    Jul 29 2024

    Income claim messaging in the online space has gotten out of hand…

    So in today’s episode of The How I Do Content Podcast I want to talk about it.

    Now, I want to preface this by saying I believe that talking about money is NOT a bad thing – I love money and it’s a big driver for me. It’s also super inspiring and shows me what’s possible in business.

    And, from a marketing perspective, I also know using income claim messaging works because it speaks to this desire many people have. Marketing after all is 100% psychology.

    But this is not about whether it works or not…

    This is about how I’m getting bored of the sheer amount of people who’ve made it their ENTIRE message and the ONLY WAY they market their business, themselves, and their offers.

    So let’s talk about it!

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  • The Faceless Marketing Trend: Why Visible is Always Best
    Jul 22 2024

    Today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast is going to be short + sassy.

    Something I want to do more of is share my thoughts on different messaging + marketing trends I see in the online space.

    As someone who consumes a lot of content – I love observing how brands and businesses are marketing themselves online, and also seeing which strategies, tactics, and trends are the “it girl” of the month.

    I LOVE marketing when it’s done well. Even though I have a degree in marketing, and I know as a marketer there’s always an element of strategy in what brands are doing – when they nail their marketing + their messaging…TAKE MY MONEY!

    But, on the flip side, sometimes I really hate the icky marketing strategies, tactics, and trends I observe.

    And this usually contributes to why you don't enjoy your time in the online space or marketing your business, right?!

    But I’m forever on a mission to make messaging + marketing magic again!

    And in today’s episode, I’m ready to break down one of the biggest online marketing trends right now – FACELESS MARKETING. I’m going to tell you what I really think about this trend.

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  • Master Your Mindset to Master Your Business with Kirryn Lee
    Jul 15 2024

    I’ve just finished the launch for my new program, Micro Messaging, and even though I’m five years into business…

    And even though I’ve launched a zillion times before…

    And even though I have a really epic strategy and can create magical content…

    Mindset was still my biggest challenge.

    And here’s the thing about mindset – you’ll never reach a point where you don’t need to work on your mindset.

    And today’s guest on the How I Do Content Podcast is going to share why prioritising your mindset is as important as prioritising your strategy – I’m joined by the magical Kirryn Lee.

    Kirryn is an Energy & Mindset Coach who coaches heart-led entrepreneurs and leaders to go beyond the constraints of their fear so they can make BIG impact, show up with confidence, and thrive in life & business.

    Her coaching stands on the pillars of energetics, emotions, and self-trust. She believes that once we open to our fullest expression of emotions, understand how our limiting beliefs are stored as energy in our field, and learn to confidently listen to the nudges of wisdom the body speaks, we become unstoppable!

    If you’re ready to master your mindset to master your business – you’ll love this episode!

    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of How I Do Content

    • How Kirryn moves through fear and uncertainty in her own business
    • Why Kirryn believes mindset is just as important as strategy as a business owner
    • The sneaky little mindset blocks that often pop up and hold you back especially when it comes time to launch

    Connect with Kirryn Lee

    • Follow Kirryn on Instagram @kirryn_lee/
    • Apply for the Beta Round of Nail Your Launch Energy and Mindset here
    • Listen to It Begins With You on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
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  • 5 Ways Mastering Your Micro Messaging Makes Business Easier
    Jul 8 2024

    Do you want to make business a whole lot easier?

    I’m going to take that as a resounding yes – because OBVIOUSLY you want business to be easier.

    I ask you this question because I’m not sure you completely understand the impact of really great micro-messaging.

    And look, I don’t blame you because there’s a whole lot of business and marketing coaches who tell you “messaging helps you position yourself as an authority” – but what the fuck does that even mean?!

    Or they tell you “messaging will help you make 6-figures in 6 minutes.”

    This messaging quite frankly SUCKS.

    And yes, ultimately messaging DOES help you make more money, BUT let’s talk about other ways knowing how to master your micro-messaging makes business easier. Because making more money is the end result of these elements!

    So, in today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I want to share the top 5 unexpected things your messaging does for you, other than position you as an authority or make you more money.

    Because I’m not a basic witch and neither are you!

    So let’s dive in.

    Sign up for Micro Messaging
    If you want to make your offer creation, content creation, selling, and just business in general 10 times easier – then you need to sign up for Micro Messaging.

    Doors are just about to close for this special bonus live round and I don’t want you to miss out.

    Because with the online space noisier than ever before (and not getting any quieter, like ever…) – the wizards who know how to leverage their messaging will be the ones who:
    Continue to attract Beyonce-level clients who move fast (and pay faster)
    Have consistently high demand for their offers
    Have an inbox filled with “pinch-me” opportunities

    Micro Messaging is the ultimate biz spell you MUST possess in your Wizards’ toolkit and honestly, who doesn’t want business to be a whole lot easier?! I know I do!

    Head on over to www.thesocialbolt.com.au/micro-messaging to find out all the details and sign up before doors close.

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  • How to Revive Your Messaging & Content Creation After a Hiatus
    Jul 1 2024

    "How do I restart my content and messaging when I’ve been at a standstill for about 3-4 weeks?"

    I was asked this question by one of the wizards on the Micro Messaging Waitlist – and it’s also a question I get asked a lot when I’m teaching messaging and content in my programs.

    So OBVIOUSLY I wanted to share my answer with you too!

    You might find yourself taking a break due to a planned absence (such as holidays or maternity leave), you might find yourself burnt out from trying to keep up with the Instagram machine, or you might get so busy working in your business that you stop marketing altogether.

    So, in today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I’m going to share how you can restart your content and messaging after an online hiatus.

    I’m also going to get honest with you, and let you know why I think you’re making it a bigger deal than it needs to be – yep, I go there!

    Sign up for Micro Messaging
    If you want to arm yourself with the ultimate micro-messing spells to speak directly to your ideal client and activate them to move into being a fast YES to working with you – my new program Micro Messaging is for you.

    EVERYTHING in your business starts and ends with your messaging.

    It’s the ultimate biz spell you MUST possess in your Wizards’ toolkit – it’s the easiest and fastest way to make Sirius money in your business.

    That’s why I ALWAYS prioritise my messaging and support my clients to do the same.

    In Micro Messaging I'll take you through my step-by-step micro-messaging process from start to finish so you have the confidence to talk to your community in a way that gets them to take action and want to work with you again and again.

    Doors are currently open for a limited time only.

    The most magical humans are already signed up and waiting for you to join us.

    Head on over to www.thesocialbolt.com.au/micro-messaging to find out all the juicy details and sign up.

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    12 m
  • How I Created an Irresistible 6-Figure Offer with Micro Messaging
    Jun 24 2024

    Messaging is a word that’s thrown around in the online space more than a Quaffle in a Quidditch Match.

    It’s become the latest buzzword, following in the footsteps of “Quantum Leaps” and “Energetics”.

    And when you hear a word or a phrase on repeat, it starts to lose its meaning – which is funny considering messaging is literally the meaning behind everything you create in your business.

    I don’t want messaging to become something you don’t siriusly consider because (and I can’t say this enough) your messaging really fucking matters.

    It turns lurkers into clients faster than Harry Potter chasing the Golden Snitch.

    It’s how you clearly and confidently position yourself and your offer as the ONLY solution to the problem your dream clients want to solve.

    And it’s the thing that’ll help you cut through the noise, and stamp your unique blend of magic everywhere so it’s clear to your ideal clients why they need YOU in their life – RIGHT NOW!

    So, in today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I’m going to share how messaging changed the game for my business. Specifically, how micro messaging helped me create a multi 6-figure offer in my business.

    Because while every other Ron, Harry and Hermione are talking about messaging the same way – the magic is in the micro. And, in 2024, it’s the micro-messaging shifts that have the biggest impact.

    Now this isn’t an episode filled with basic witch filler – I’m about to drill down into the specifics of micro messaging and how I used it to sell out my most premium offer.

    You ready? Let’s dive in.

    Sign up for Micro Messaging
    I’m so passionate about showing you the ways of micro messaging.

    Because I KNOW it has the potential to change the game for you + your business.

    It’s not your basic witch spell, it’s only for powerful wizards who are ready to take things up a level (or two) and become seen, heard, respected AND paid by Beyonce-level clients.

    So if this is you – I’d love to invite you to join my new program, appropriately named Micro Messaging.

    Micro Messaging is EVERYTHING you need to master your unique micro-messaging and turn those lurkers into clients.

    I’m so excited to finally bring this program to life, and I’d love to have you in there with me.

    You can head to www.thesocialbolt.com.au/micro-messaging to find out all the juicy details and sign up.

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    16 m
  • 3 Ways Your Marketing Messaging is Sabotaging Sales in 2024
    Jun 17 2024

    Messaging is the one thing that connects absolutely everything you do in your business.

    At every stage of business…
    For every offer you create…
    For your marketing strategy…
    For your sales strategy…

    Your messaging plays a pivotal role in all these different elements – it’s the glue that holds your business together.

    So when you’re not making as many sales as you’d like in your business – I’ll ALWAYS recommend you look at your messaging first and foremost.

    One of the biggest problems I’m hearing from business owners (like you) is sales are slow – and your messaging is usually to blame!

    So, in today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast, I’m going to share 3 reasons why your messaging is stopping you from making sales right now.

    Before you slash your prices or create a completely new offer – let’s fix your messaging!

    Sign up for my FREE masterclass, ‘How to Tell + Sell’
    I’ll take you through the specific marketing + sales messaging you need to create differentiation and attract those premium clients.

    Messaging is such a key piece when it comes to making sales in your business – so if your sales have slowed or ground to a halt, you need to sign up and join us on Wednesday 19th June.

    As with all my masterclasses, there will be a replay available if you can’t make it live or you want to watch it at 2x speed.

    You can sign up here for FREE!

    Want more?

    • Download the 6-figure Marketing Audit for FREE at http://www.thesocialbolt.com.au/marketing-audit
    • Get the exact plug-and-play templates I use in my business to nail my messaging and attract Beyonce-level clients at https://thesocialbolt.com.au/messaging-templates/
    • Follow Tahryn, Ned & Magic on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/thesocialbolt
    • Find out more at https://www.thesocialbolt.com.au
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  • Messaging on the Mic: My Most Magical Messaging & Marketing Tips for Business Wizards
    Jun 10 2024

    This is the 4th and final instalment of this mini-series inside the How I Do Content Podcast. Well, for now at least.

    To recap the previous Messaging on the Mic episodes from this mini-series:

    • In Volume 1 I reviewed the messaging of an Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant
    • In Volume 2 I reviewed the messaging of a Fertility Awareness Teacher
    • And, in Volume 3, I reviewed the messaging of a Social Media Manager

    So, if you haven’t already listened to those episodes – feel free to hit pause and go check them out right now.

    Now for today’s episode, I’m going to do something a little different.

    I received more applications than I have episodes to review your messaging – so I decided to have a look at all the applications for this year, and then pick some common themes across the board.

    A ‘best of Messaging on the Mic 2024’ if you will.

    And I think this will be super helpful to hear for ALL business owners because there are common challenges and areas for improvement when it comes to your messaging.

    So, without further ado, let’s get into it…

    Sign up for my FREE masterclass, 'How to Tell + Sell'
    I’ve proclaimed 2024 as the year of Micro Messaging – so I’m going to take you through the specific marketing + sales messaging you need to stand out and win dream clients on repeat.

    I know being specific and more concise in your messaging + marketing is a big challenge for the wizards in my community, so my aim is for you to walk away from the masterclass clear on the micro shifts you need to make in your marketing and sales messaging.

    The masterclass is on Wednesday 19th June at 10am Perth time and YES, a recording will be available if you can’t make it live or prefer to watch it at 2x speed like me.

    You can sign up here for FREE!

    Want more?

    • Download the 6-figure Marketing Audit for FREE at http://www.thesocialbolt.com.au/marketing-audit
    • Get the exact plug-and-play templates I use in my business to nail my messaging and attract Beyonce-level clients at https://thesocialbolt.com.au/messaging-templates/
    • Follow Tahryn, Ned & Magic on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/thesocialbolt
    • Find out more at https://www.thesocialbolt.com.au
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