
  • Finding Healing and Light in Divorce with Suzy Schaak
    Jul 17 2024

    Episode Title: Finding Healing and Light in Divorce with Suzy Schaak

    Host: Melissa Wheeler Farag, Attorney-Mediator and Recovering Divorce Litigator

    Introduction: Welcome to the High Vibe Divorce podcast! I'm your host, Melissa Wheeler Farag. Here, we believe that divorce isn't a failure and your life isn't over. In fact, it's just beginning and the divorce process is an incredible vehicle for transformation if you're willing to do the work. So keep an open mind and let me be your guide. This is High Vibe Divorce.

    Guest: Suzy Schaak - Acclaimed Healer, Yogini, Artist, and Author

    Guest Bio: Suzy Schaak is a renowned healer based near the St. Croix River in Minnesota. After a successful career as a fashion stylist, Suzy transitioned to focus on healing, yoga, and spirituality. She founded Pure Yoga in Stillwater, which was celebrated as St. Croix Valley's best yoga studio for a decade. Suzy is known for her clairvoyant healing sessions and her book "Stand in Your Truth: Seven Sacred Truths to Living a Divinely Guided Life." Suzy's work emphasizes the power of vibration and light, aiming to foster love, healing, and transformation.

    Episode Summary: In this episode, I sit down with Suzy Schaak to explore her journey from fashion stylist to spiritual healer. Suzy shares her personal experiences with grief and transformation, which led her to a path of healing and helping others. We discuss her book, "Stand in Your Truth," and the seven sacred truths that guide her teachings. Suzy also shares practical advice for those new to spirituality and how to use these truths to navigate difficult life transitions, such as divorce.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    • Suzy’s background and transition from fashion to healing
    • The founding and impact of Pure Yoga in Stillwater
    • Suzy’s clairvoyant healing sessions and spiritual experiences
    • The inspiration and content of her book "Stand in Your Truth"
    • Practical advice for those going through divorce and other transitions
    • The importance of grounding, self-compassion, and unconditional love
    • Guided grounding and presence exercises led by Suzy


    • "Stand in your truth and you'll find your alignment; when you find your alignment, you'll find your healing." - Suzy Schaak
    • "Offer yourself grace as you're walking through a really bad situation, and if you can find grace for that other person, you've set yourself free." - Suzy Schaak

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Book: "Stand in Your Truth: Seven Sacred Truths to Living a Divinely Guided Life" by Suzy Schaak
    • Suzy’s website: Suzy Schaak Yoga
    • Suzy’s upcoming workbook and online workshop details (check her website for updates)

    Connect with Us:

    • Melissa Wheeler Farag: High Vibe Mediation
    • Instagram: @highvibemediation (professional) and @highvibedivorce

    Call to Action: If you enjoyed today’s episode or found it helpful, please subscribe and leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform. Also, don't hesitate to share this with a friend. Divorce can be stressful and isolating, so keep the conversation going and stay in touch with your divorcing loved ones.

    Closing: Until next time, keep the vibes high and the conflict low.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • Your Nervous System and Divorce with Darby Jackson - Part 2
    Jul 3 2024
    Episode: Your Nervous System and Divorce with Darby Jackson - Part 2

    Host: Melissa Wheeler Farag, Esq.

    Guest: Darby Jackson, somatic practitioner and nervous system expert

    Episode Summary: In this continuation of the interview with Darby Jackson, Melissa and Darby delve into practical tools and techniques for nervous system regulation, especially beneficial during stressful experiences like divorce. Darby provides insights into somatic practices, the importance of co-regulation, and ways to create a sense of safety in the body.

    Key Points:

    1. Starting Nervous System Regulation:

      • Awareness: Recognizing signs of dysregulation in your body (e.g., heart racing, stomach clenching) and anchoring feelings of both activation and relaxation.
      • Practical Techniques: Slow hand movements, deep breathing, orienting by looking around the space, and the VU breath (inhale through the nose, exhale with a VU sound for 6-10 seconds).
    2. Discharging Activation:

      • Healthy Release: Creating a space to release built-up emotions through screaming into a pillow, twisting a towel, or shaking hands and arms.
      • Darby's Online Class: "Body Language" class that combines music and somatic movements to access and release stored emotions.
    3. Regulation Techniques for Stressful Situations:

      • Before and During Stressful Events: Practice regulation techniques like deep breathing, VU breath, and spatial orienting before entering high-stress environments such as courtrooms or mediation sessions.
      • Minimizing Screen Time: Reduce screen time and social media use before stressful events to avoid additional dysregulation.
    4. Parenting and Co-Regulation:

      • Impact on Children: The importance of a parent’s regulation on a child’s nervous system and recognizing signs of dysregulation in children (e.g., extended tantrums, picky eating, frequent illness).
      • Teaching Emotional Awareness: Helping children identify and express their emotions to foster long-term emotional health.
    5. Somatic Therapy Trends:

      • Future Focus: Teaching children to manage big feelings and the importance of developing intuition and self-awareness through somatic practices.

    Affirmation: "I reflect deeply with gentle curiosity and compassion."

    Call to Action:

    • Connect with Darby: Visit Darby's website darbyjackson.com and follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darbyjackson_/
      • Free Nervous System Webinar: https://www.darbyjackson.com/free-guide
      • Register for Body Language Somatics Class: https://www.darbyjackson.com/body-language
    • Listen to More Episodes: If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
    • Share with Friends: Divorce can be stressful and isolating; sharing this podcast can support others going through similar experiences.

    Connect with Melissa:

    • Downloadable Resource: Listeners are invited to download the emotional guidance scale PDF from the High Vibe Mediation website for ongoing reference.
    • Follow HVD on Instagram: High Vibe Divorce can be found on Instagram @highvibedivorce and Melissa can be found on her professional Instagram page @highvibemediation.

    Closing: "Keep the vibes high and the conflict low."

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Your Nervous System and Divorce with Darby Jackson - Part 1
    Jul 3 2024
    Episode: Your Nervous System and Divorce with Darby Jackson - Part 1

    Host: Melissa Wheeler Farag, Esq.

    Guest: Darby Jackson, somatic experience practitioner-in-training, nervous system specialist, Safe and Sound Protocol provider, coach, and Reiki master.

    Episode Summary: In this episode, Melissa interviews Darby Jackson, discussing the importance of nervous system regulation and somatic experiencing, especially during challenging times like divorce. Darby shares her journey from entrepreneur to somatic practitioner and provides valuable insights into managing nervous system dysregulation, trauma, and chronic stress.

    Key Points:

    1. Introduction to Darby Jackson:

      • Background: Darby’s transition from building a multimillion-dollar business to experiencing burnout and discovering somatic experiencing.
      • Expertise: Darby supports adults with nervous system dysregulation, burnout, postpartum issues, chronic stress, trauma, anxiety, chronic illness, and low self-worth.
    2. Understanding the Nervous System:

      • States of the Nervous System: Rest and digest, fight or flight, freeze, and fawn.
      • Neuroception: The subconscious process of assessing safety, danger, or life-threatening situations based on previous experiences and trauma.
      • Importance of Regulation: Moving up and down the nervous system states smoothly is crucial for overall health and well-being.
    3. Somatic Experiencing:

      • Definition: A body-based approach to healing trauma and regulating the nervous system.
      • Practices: Creating safety in the body, feeling and releasing stored trauma, and using somatic tools for self-regulation.
    4. Common Signs of Nervous System Dysregulation:

      • Physical Symptoms: Digestive issues, brain fog, immune system problems, and sleep disruptions.
      • Emotional Symptoms: Anxiety, depression, and difficulty processing emotions.
    5. Practical Tips for Regulation:

      • Daily Practices: Grounding exercises like walking barefoot, managing caffeine intake, eating whole foods, and getting sunlight.
      • Somatic Movements: Self-touch techniques such as rubbing earlobes and crossing arms over the chest to mimic a hug and promote self-regulation.
    6. Challenges in Somatic Work:

      • Facing Trauma: The difficulty of acknowledging and feeling stored trauma.
      • Self-Resource Building: Developing internal resources to manage intense emotions and situations independently.

    Affirmation: "I reflect deeply with gentle curiosity and compassion."

    Call to Action:

    • Listen to Part Two: More practical tips and exercises from Darby Jackson will be shared in the next episode.
    • Connect with Darby:
      • Website at https://www.darbyjackson.com/

      • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darbyjackson_/

      • Free Nervous System Webinar: https://www.darbyjackson.com/free-guide

      • Register for Body Language Somatics Class: https://www.darbyjackson.com/body-language

    Connect with Melissa:

    • Downloadable Resource: Listeners are invited to download the emotional guidance scale PDF from the High Vibe Mediation website for ongoing reference.
    • Follow HVD on Instagram: High Vibe Divorce can be found on Instagram @highvibedivorce and Melissa can be found on her professional Instagram page @highvibemediation.

    Subscribe and Review: If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform. Share with friends and keep the conversation going to support those going through divorce.

    Closing: "Keep the vibes high and the conflict low."

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Mini Episode: Loving-Kindness Meditation
    Jul 3 2024
    Episode: Loving-Kindness Meditation

    Episode Summary: In this episode, Melissa Wheeler Farag, Esq. explores the practice of Loving-Kindness Meditation, also known as Metta Bhavana, focusing on cultivating feelings of compassion and love towards oneself and others. She emphasizes its transformative power, especially during challenging times like divorce, to shift from negative emotions to positive, higher vibrations.

    Key Points:

    1. Introduction to Loving-Kindness Meditation:

      • Definition and Origin: A Buddhist mindfulness practice aimed at cultivating compassion and love.
      • Personal Impact: Melissa shares how a simple daily practice of Loving-Kindness Meditation transformed her brain chemistry.
    2. Importance in Modern Society:

      • Radical Practice: In a competitive society, wishing well upon others, especially those who have harmed us, is transformative.
      • Emotional Healing: Helps reduce anger and resentment, promoting joy and spreading it outward.
    3. Guided Practice:

      • Steps: Start with oneself, then extend loving-kindness to loved ones, neutral people, difficult people, and finally all beings.
      • Mantras: "May I be happy, healthy, safe, and live with ease."
      • Visualization and Emotional Focus: Techniques to deepen the sense of warmth and compassion.
    4. Benefits of Loving-Kindness Meditation:

      • Emotional Well-being: Enhances emotional health, resilience, and interpersonal relationships.
      • Transformative Power: Helps individuals in divorce to release negative emotions and cultivate a sense of peace.
    5. Practical Application:

      • Daily Practice: Even brief sessions can shift mood and improve interactions.
      • Impact on Relationships: Demonstrating this practice towards co-parents can positively influence children and foster better relationships.

    Recommended Reading:

    • "Teachings on Love" by Thich Nhat Hanh: A highly-recommended book those interested in this practice.

    Conclusion: Melissa encourages listeners to incorporate Loving-Kindness Meditation into their daily routine, highlighting its potential to create significant positive changes in their emotional and relational well-being.

    Call to Action:

    • Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation: Start with small, manageable sessions and observe the positive changes.
    • Share Your Experience: Engage with the High Vibe Divorce community and share how this practice impacts your life.


    • Mindful Article: "This Loving-Kindness Meditation is a Radical Act of Love" by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
    • Book: Teachings on Love by Thich Nhat Hanh found on Amazon.

    Connect with Us:

    • Website: High Vibe Mediation
    • Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/highvibedivorce/
    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Divorce and The Emotional Guidance Scale
    Jul 3 2024
    Episode Summary: Divorce and The Emotional Guidance Scale

    Hosted by Melissa Wheeler Farag, divorce attorney-mediator of High Vibe Mediation.


    • Host's Welcome: The episode introduces the concept of the emotional guidance scale from Abraham Hicks, a tool beneficial for managing emotions during the divorce process or any challenging time.
    • Resource Mention: A free downloadable PDF of the emotional guidance scale framework is available on the High Vibe Mediation website.

    Key Points:

    1. Understanding Emotions:

      • Separation from Feelings: The scale helps individuals recognize that they are not their feelings but can observe and manage them.
      • Emotional Detachment: Learning to detach from negative feelings is crucial during major life transitions, like divorce.
    2. Impact of Emotions on Decision-Making:

      • Reaction vs. Intention: Reacting impulsively to feelings can lead to poor decisions. The goal is to respond intentionally and maintain a higher vibration.
      • Managing Low Vibration Emotions: Emotions like frustration, jealousy, and anger are common during divorce but can be managed and transformed.
    3. The Emotional Guidance Scale:

      • High to Low Vibrations: The scale ranges from high vibrational emotions (joy, love) to low vibrational ones (fear, despair).
      • Incremental Shifts: Moving up the scale involves recognizing current feelings and taking steps to improve them gradually.
    4. Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction:

      • Background: Abraham Hicks, channeled by Esther Hicks, emphasizes positive emotions and aligning with desires to manifest a fulfilling life.
      • Co-Creation: We are co-creators of our reality, and our thoughts and feelings shape our experiences.
    5. Practical Applications:

      • Daily Practices: Simple practices like deep breathing, focusing on joy, and gratitude journaling can help shift from low to higher vibrations.
      • Awareness and Mindfulness: Being mindful of where we are on the scale and making intentional efforts to move upwards can lead to better emotional health.


    • Affirmation: "The more I attune my energy with appreciation, the more the universe will deliver."
    • Encouragement: Listeners are encouraged to use the emotional guidance scale to navigate their emotions during difficult times, recognizing that small, incremental changes can lead to significant improvements in their emotional well-being.

    Call to Action:

    • Downloadable Resource: Listeners are invited to download the emotional guidance scale PDF from the High Vibe Mediation website for ongoing reference.
    • Follow HVD on Instagram: High Vibe Divorce can be found on Instagram @highvibedivorce and Melissa can be found on her professional Instagram page @highvibemediation.
    • Further Learning: Additional resources about Abraham Hicks and the emotional guidance scale can be found on Audible, YouTube, and other platforms.

    Final Thoughts:

    • Personal Growth: Embracing the emotional guidance scale can help individuals manage their feelings more effectively and create a more positive and fulfilling life, even amidst challenging circumstances like divorce.
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Introduction to High Vibe Divorce with Melissa Wheeler Farag, Esq
    Jul 1 2024
    High Vibe Divorce Podcast: Introduction to High Vibe Divorce with Melissa Wheeler Farag, Esq.

    Host: Melissa Wheeler Farag

    Episode Title: Introduction to High Vibe Divorce with Melissa Wheeler Farag

    Summary: In the inaugural episode of the High Vibe Divorce Podcast, Melissa Wheeler Farag, a family law mediator and recovering divorce litigator, shares her personal journey and the transformative power of divorce. Melissa introduces the concept of a "high vibe divorce," where the process becomes an opportunity for personal growth, self-awareness, and healing. She opens up about her own experiences with loss, grief, and the discovery of spirituality, which ultimately led her to a new path in mediation and divorce support.

    Key Points:

    1. Introduction:

      • Melissa introduces herself as a family law mediator and former divorce attorney.
      • Emphasizes that divorce isn't a failure but an opportunity for transformation.
    2. Personal Journey:

      • Melissa shares the significant life events that shaped her path, including the loss of her mother, her own divorce, her father's cancer diagnosis, and the death of her partner.
      • Discusses how these experiences led her to explore spirituality and various healing practices.
    3. Spiritual Awakening:

      • Melissa's journey through grief and the role of spirituality in her healing.
      • Exploration of intuitive practices such as mediumship, astrology, tarot, and human design.
      • Emphasis on the impact of these practices on her mental health and overall well-being.
    4. Professional Shift:

      • Melissa's transition from a practicing attorney to a full-time mediator and podcaster.
      • Her motivation to help clients see divorce as a transformative process.
      • Encouragement for clients to explore therapy, yoga, meditation, and other wellness practices.
    5. Concept of High Vibe Divorce:

      • Explanation of what it means to have a "high vibe divorce."
      • The importance of maintaining a positive mindset and focusing on solutions.
      • How one's vibrational frequency can impact the divorce experience and outcomes.
    6. Affirmation and Mindset:

      • Introduction of daily affirmations as a tool for maintaining a positive mindset.
      • Today's affirmation: "I choose to vibrate in my personal peace."
      • Explanation of how affirmations can rewire the brain to focus on positive outcomes.
    7. Invitation to Listeners:

      • Encouragement for listeners to engage with the podcast and share their experiences.
      • Invitation to reach out via Instagram and the podcast website with questions and topic suggestions.

    Quote of the Day: "Everything is energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another." - Albert Einstein

    Call to Action:

    • Subscribe to the High Vibe Divorce Podcast on your favorite platform.
    • Leave a review and share the podcast with friends who may benefit from a positive approach to divorce.
    • Follow Melissa on Instagram at @highvibemediation and visit the website at highvibemediation.com.

    Closing Message: Thank you for joining the first episode of High Vibe Divorce. Melissa acknowledges the effort of listeners to approach their divorce mindfully and aims to provide tools and insights to make the process more positive and transformative.

    Connect with Melissa:

    • Website: High Vibe Mediation
    • Instagram: @highvibemediation

    Music: MARiAN - Summery

    Next Episode Teaser: Join us in the next episode where Melissa will delve deeper into the concept of high vibrational living and how it can impact every aspect of your life, especially during challenging times like divorce.

    Más Menos
    25 m