
  • Show #26 - Push Back (Encore)
    May 1 2023

    Have you ever tried to set a personal boundary and have it backfire so badly that you never want to do it again? You did everything right, but it still went wrong, and you're thinking, what the hell just happened?  On this week's show, we're going to tell you how to prepare for the inevitable push back.

    Let's see if this sounds familiar:

    You feel like you need to set a personal boundary with someone in your life.

    There's that part of you that thinks they'll agree with your point of view, and it's keeping you from preparing for a confrontation.

    And you want to know…is it me?

    In this podcast, you'll learn why it's so hard to set boundaries and how to be prepared for the other person's pushback, including:

    • Why setting a boundary is so difficult
    • Why preparing what you want to say isn't enough
    • How to check your motives for why you want to set a boundary
    • How to prepare yourself for the other person's pushback and still stand your ground

    Are you ready?

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Show #25 - Life Balance (Encore)
    Apr 24 2023

    We read a lot about finding "life balance," but do you really know what that FEELS like?  It's not about being everything to everybody.  It's more about giving a little here and a little there and still being okay. 

    Let's see if this sounds familiar:

    You feel like your life should be fairly balanced, but something is out of whack.

    There's that part of you that feels like you have to take care of everyone else first, and it's keeping you from taking care of yourself.

    And you want to know…is it me?

    In this podcast, you'll learn why you're so stressed out, and what you can finally do to feel better, including:

    • How to slow down and reevaluate where you spend your time and energy
    • How to prioritize your life so it feels like you're doing things you want to do
    • How to stop doing things that no longer serve you
    • How to deal head-on with neglected parts of your life, including taking care of yourself

    Are you ready?

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Show #24 - Guilt (Encore)
    Apr 17 2023

    Is it really your problem or are you just trying to avoid feeling guilty?  On this week's show we're talking about what motivates us to fix everyone else's problems and how to stop picking up the slack.

    Let's see if this sounds familiar:

    Your friend is making you feel guilty about something that isn't even your fault.

    There's that part of you that feels like the lesser person in this friendship, and it's keeping you from seeing that you're being manipulated.

    And you want to know…is it me?

    In this podcast, you'll learn why you're always taking on other people's guilt and what you can finally do to stop, including:

    • Why someone is trying to pass their guilt onto you
    • Why we feel so overwhelmed in these situations
    • How to trust your gut and ask the right questions
    • How to say no to taking on someone else's responsibility

    Are you ready?

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Show #23 - Tradition (Encore)
    Apr 10 2023

    What happens when you decide to break a long-standing family tradition?  On this week's show, we're talking about how to get the family on board and stay in the will.

    Let's see if this sounds familiar:

    Everyone expects you to carry on the family tradition, but it's too much work and nobody is enjoying it anymore.  You think you might want to stop doing it, but you're afraid that all hell will break loose.

    There's that part of you that constantly feels like you should just leave it alone so no one's feelings get hurt, but it's making you dread the holidays.

    And you want to know…is it me?

    In this podcast, you'll learn how to break a long-standing family tradition and still keep the peace, including:

    • How to assess the importance of the tradition
    • How to tell your relatives that you're making a change
    • What to do when others threaten to boycott the family get-together
    • How to start new traditions that everyone enjoys

    Are you ready?

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Show #22 - Jealousy & Envy (Encore)
    Apr 3 2023

    Ever wonder why you don't have the perfect life?  Enough money, the perfect marriage, kids that adore you.  On this week's show we're going to talk about how jealousy and envy can suck the happiness right out of you.

    Let's see if this sounds familiar:

    You feel like you're not good enough to have the marriage, the friendships, the job that you have.

    There's that part of you that constantly feels angry and jealous, and it's keeping you from seeing that you have everything you need to be happy.

    And you want to know…is it me?

    In this podcast, you'll learn why jealousy makes you feel insecure, and how you can finally get what you need, including:

    • How jealousy and envy are normal human emotions
    • How insecurity can drive your jealousy and leave you feeling out of control
    • How to separate desire from need
    • Why you're not missing anything you need to be happy right now

    Are you ready?

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Show #21 - Rejection (Encore)
    Mar 27 2023

    How can you mend a broken heart?  We tend to blame ourselves when a relationship ends, but it's not always your fault.  On this week's show, we're learning how to reframe rejection as a lesson learned and how to move forward towards something better.

    Let's see if this sounds familiar:

    You feel like something must be wrong with us for someone to reject us.

    There's that part of you that blames yourself for what happened, and it's keeping you from accepting the truth about what happened and move on with your life.

    And you want to know…is it me?

    In this podcast, you'll learn why it's not all your fault when you've been rejected, and what you can finally do to feel better, including:

    • Why rejection is so painful
    • Why rejection doesn't mean that something is wrong with you
    • Why blaming yourself when you've been rejected doesn't make anything better
    • How to change the story you're telling yourself about why the relationship ended

    Are you ready?

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Show #20 - Betrayal (Encore)
    Mar 20 2023

    Betrayal is devastating because it can only be done by someone you trusted.  It's hard to recover from that pain, and what's worse is you're now constantly guarding your heart. On this week's show, we're talking about why it's so important to let go of the anger caused by betrayal and begin making our way towards forgiveness.  

    Let's see if this sounds familiar:

    You feel like it's ridiculous to trust anyone because eventually they'll break your heart.

    There's that part of you that's constantly on guard against emotional pain, and it's keeping you from having a healthy relationship with anyone new.

    And you want to know…is it me?

    In this podcast, you'll learn how to heal old emotional wounds and learn to trust others again, including:

    • Why it's so hard to forgive someone else's betrayal
    • How to take back responsibility for our own emotions
    • Why it's so important to learn how to trust again
    • How to decide if we want the person who betrayed us back into our lives

    Are you ready?

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Show #19 - Complainers (Encore)
    Mar 13 2023

    Oh, no.  Here they come.  Whether it's a friend, relative, neighbor, or coworker, we've all been the victim of a chronic complainer.  You want to be sympathetic, but you're losing time and patience with someone who seems completely uninterested in solving their problem.  On this week's show, we'll discuss why a chronic complainer is so exhauting and how to get your life back.

    Let's see if this sounds familiar:

    You feel like your friend calls you constantly to complain about everything.

    There's that part of you that wants to be there for them, but their problems are keeping you from dealing with your own.  And now you're mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted.

    And you want to know…is it me?

    In this podcast, you'll learn why a chronic complaniner is so exhausting and how to get your life back, including:

    • What a chronic complainer really wants and why trying to help them never works
    • Why you feel so physically, mentally and emotionally drained after you talk to them
    • How to limit your interactions with them without being rude or unkind
    • How to tell the difference between a chronic complainer and a friend who's truly in need

    Are you ready?

    Más Menos
    37 m