
  • 52[✐4] Oops! I forgot to attach the file...
    Jul 30 2024

    [✐4.Allegretto] V-jisho+ のを わすれました forgot to …

    “I forgot to attach the file to the mail.”


    Hello everyone. Let’s forget various things today. We practice “〜suruno wo wasuremashita”.

    Repeat after me


    1. I forgot to take a cold (and flu) remedy /medicine.

    2. I forgot to buy my friend’s birthday present.

    3. I forgot to cook/make my son’s lunch box.

    4. I forgot to contact my clients.

    5. I forgot to charge my smartphone.


    Make a sentence as follow.

    For example,

    lights in the room, not turn off

    → I forgot to turn off the lights in the room.



    1. commuter pass, not bring

    → I forgot to bring my commuter pass.

    (teikiken = commuter pass, season ticket)

    2. the change of the meeting time, not tell the boss

    → I forgot to tell my boss about the change of the meeting time.

    3. perishable items, right away, not put in the fridge

    → I forgot to put the perishables in the fridge right away.

    4. before going to bed, TV, not turn off

    → I forgot to turn off the TV before going to bed.

    5. hotel card key, go out without

    → I forgot to bring my hotel card key with me.

    = I locked myself out of my room

    Dialogue (Plain(1) style)


    Takahashi san is on his way to a concert after finishing his work. He’s forgotten the ticket in the office. He calls the office. Sakamoto san (who is “douki*”) is still in the office.

    *douki = started working at the same time (tend to speak in plain style if they are similar age)




    みなさん、こんにちは。きょうはいろいろなことをわすれましょう。「〜するのを わすれました」をれんしゅうします。

    Repeat after me


    1. かぜぐすりを のむのを わすれました。

    2. ともだちのたんじょうびプレゼントをかうのをわすれました。

    3. むすこのおべんとうを つくるのを わすれました。

    4. クライエントに れんらくするのを わすれました。

    5. スマホを じゅうでんするのを わすれました。





    → へやのでんきをけすのをわすれました。



    1. ていきけん、もってきません

    →ていきけんを もってくるのをわすれました。

    (ていきけん = commuter pass, season ticket)

    2. かいぎのじかんのへんこう、じょうしにいいません


    3. なまもの、すぐに、れいぞうこにいれません

    → なまものをすぐにれいぞうこにいれるのをわすれました。

    (なまもの = raw, perishable items]

    4. ねるまえ、テレビ、けしません


    5. ホテルのカードキー、もってでません

    → ホテルのカードキーをもってでるのをわすれました。

    = I locked myself out of my room.

    Dialogue (Plain(1) style)


    たかはしさんは しごとがおわって、コンサートにいくとちゅうです。オフィスにコンサートのチケットをわすれました。オフィスにでんわします。どうき*のさかもとさんがまだオフィスにいます。

    *どうき = started working at the same time (tend to speak in plain style if they are similar age)

    Support the Show.

    Need more translation & transcript? Become a patron: More episodes with full translation and Japanese transcripts. Members-only podcast feed for your smartphone app. Japanese Swotter on Patreon
    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 51[✐2] Add a hint of gratitude!
    Jul 23 2024

    [✐2. Andante] (ひとが)Vて+くれます、(ひと)にVて+もらいますimplying a sense of gratitude for receiving actions : Actually, Japanese tend to use often these expressions.

    How do you explain the difference between “トムさんが わたしに えいごをおしえます” and “トムさんが わたしに えいごをおしえてくれます“ ? The first one simply tells the fact that Tom san teaches me English, and the latter adds my gratitude to it. I would say it’s almost like, “He is kind enough to teach me English”.

    “Macron san (kindly) bought me a café au lait.”


    Hello everyone. Let’s practice “〜te kuremasu (te form+ kuremasu”.

    Repeat after me


    1. lend > [Vte + kuremasu]

    2. expain

    3. take(someone)

    4. help

    5. pay a bill/treat


    Now, listen to the [Key Words] first, and then repeat the sentence.

    Key Words:


    Tumi san, suitcase, lend


    1. Shall we go buy a suitcase together?

    2. Ah, no…Tumi san will (kindly) lend me one (so I don’t have to buy one).


    Key Words:

    Amy san, clean the room, help


    A: Shall I help you clean your room?

    B: No worries, because Amy san will (kindly) help me.


    Key Words:

    Macron san, café au lait, treat/buy


    1. What did Macron san buy(treat) for you?

    2. He (kindly) bought me a café au lait.


    Next comes (someone) ni〜te moraimsu.

    It means you receive an action from someone or you ask someone to do / have someone do something. And here again, it includes a hint of gratitude.


    「マクロンさんが カフェオレを おごってくれました」

    How do you explain the difference between “トムさんが わたしに えいごをおしえます” and “トムさんが わたしに えいごをおしえてくれます“ ? The first one simply tells the fact that Tom san teaches me English, and the latter adds my gratitude to it. I would say it’s almost like, “He is kind enough to teach me English”.

    [00: 08]

    みなさん、こんにちは。では、「〜てくれます(te form+くれます)」をれんしゅうしましょう。

    Repeat after me


    1. かします > かしてくれます[Vte +くれます]

    2. せつめいします>せつめいしてくれます

    3. つれていきます>つれていってくれます

    4. てつだいます>てつだってくれます

    5. おごります>おごってくれます


    では、キーワード[Key Words]をきいてから、ぶんをリピートしてください。

    Key words:




    1. いっしょにスーツケースをかいにいきましょうか。

    2. あ、いいえ…トゥミさんが かして くれますから。


    Key Words:



    1. へやのそうじをてつだいましょうか。

    2. だいじょうぶです。エイミーさんがてつだってくれますから。


    Key Words:



    1. なにを マクロンさんが おごってくれましたか。

    2. カフェオレをおごってくれました。



    It means you receive an action from someone or you ask someone to do / have someone do something. And here again, it includes a hint of gratitude.

    Support the Show.

    Need more translation & transcript? Become a patron: More episodes with full translation and Japanese transcripts. Members-only podcast feed for your smartphone app. Japanese Swotter on Patreon
    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • 50[✐1] count the number, counter suffixes
    Jul 16 2024

    [✐1. Adagio] ひとり、ひとつ、ほん、まい、だい

    “(It’s/I’m) one person (I’m alone/Just me.)”


    Hello everyone.


    You count things up to ten as follows.

    Repeat after me


    1. one

    2. two

    3. three

    4. four

    5. five

    6. six

    7. seven

    8. eight

    9. nine

    10. ten


    Now, answer as follows.

    How many apples are there? / 6

    → There are 6.



    1. How many chairs are there? / 8

    → There are 8.

    2. How many batteries do you buy? / 9

    → I buy 2.

    3. How many rice balls do you eat? / 2

    → I eat 9.

    4. How many glasses do you buy? / 7

    → I buy 7.

    5. How many tennis balls are there? / 12

    → There are 12.


    12 is ichi-daasu = a dozen.

    You can say 1 ko(ikko)、2 ko(niko)、3ko(sanko)、4ko(yonko)… for small things.

    You choose right counter, which are about 500 counters, depending on what you are referring. Today we learn the most basic.


    When it comes to people, “nin” is attached after the number, except for one and two.

    Repeat after me


    1. one person

    2. two persons

    3. three persons

    4. four persons

    5. five persons


    Please answer as follows.


    For example,

    How many people are coming tomorrow? / 2

    → Two people are coming.



    [00: 07]



    You count things up to ten as follows.

    Repeat after me


    1. ひとつ

    2. ふたつ

    3. みっつ

    4. よっつ

    5. いつつ

    6. むっつ

    7. ななつ

    8. やっつ

    9. ここのつ

    10. とお



    りんごが いくつ ありますか / 6

    [= いくつ りんごが ありますか。]

    → むっつ あります。



    1. いすが いくつ ありますか / 8

    → やっつあります。

    2. でんちを いくつかいますか。/ 9

    → ここのつ かいます。

    3. おにぎりをいくつたべますか。/ 2

    → ふたつ たべます。

    4. いくつ コップをかいますか / 7

    →ななつ かいます。

    5. いくつ テニスボールがありますか / 12

    → 12 (こ)あります。



    You can say 1こ(いっこ)、2こ(にこ)、3こ(さんこ)、4こ(よんこ)… for small things.

    You choose right counter, which are about 500 counters, depending on what you are referring. Today we learn the most basic.


    When it comes to people, にん is attached after the number, except for one and two.

    Repeat after me


    1. ひとり

    2. ふたり

    3. さんにん

    4. よにん (よんにん)

    5. ごにん





    あした ともだちが なんにん きますか / 2



    Support the Show.

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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 49[✐3,4] ending particle : 〜dakke?
    Jul 9 2024

    [✐3-Moderato,4-Allegretto] ask for a reply, intention to confirm (excl. past tense)
    “You don’t like sushi, right?”

    [00 07]

    Hello, everyone.


    Let’s think about the situation. You are invited to a party on Saturday. Well, you think it’s next Saturday, but not sure. So, you’d like to confirm it’s really next Saturday, you’d ask “The party is next Saturday, right?” The nuance of this “right?” can be expressed by "〜dakke?".


    In masu-form, ending particle ”yone” is added to double check something.


    In fact, in casual conversations, “〜dakke” is used quite frequently.

    Note: You know how to construct “ 〜n desu“. Now just add “dakke?” after “n”.


    Anyway, let’s practice.

    For example,

    go? [masu form] > [〜n desu ka]

    You go (you are going), right?



    1. [masu form] > [〜n desu ka] → You buy (it), right?

    2. → You read (it), right?

    3. → You do (it), right?

    4. → You come, right?

    5. → There is, right?

    Repeat after me


    1. You have a friend in Calfornia, right?

    2. I copy this, right?

    3. You don’t have time today, right?

    4. You don’t eat meat, right?

    5. You don’t drink alcohol, right?

    6. You don’t like Sushi, right?


    Now, make a sentence as follows.

    For example,


    Do you have a car?

    → You have a car, right?


    「すしが すきじゃない んだっけ?」

    [00: 07]



    Let’s imagine the following situation. You are invited to a party on Saturday. Well, you think it is Saturday next week, but you are not sure. So, you’d ask: “The party is next Saturday, right?” The nuance of this “right?” can be expressed by 「〜だっけ?」.


    In masu-form, ending particleよね is added to double check something, or to seek for an agreement.


    In fact, in casual conversations, 「〜だっけ?」 is often used.

    Note: You know how to construct “ 〜んです“。Now just add 「だっけ?」, after 「ん」。








    1. かいます>かうんですよね


    2. よみます>よむんですよね


    3. します>するんですよね


    4. きます>くるんですよね


    5. あります>あるんですよね


    Repeat after me


    1. カリフォルニアに ともだちが いるんだっけ?

    2. これを コピーするんだっけ?

    3. きょう じかんがないんだっけ?

    4. にくを たべないんだっけ?

    5. おさけを のまないんだっけ?

    6. すしが すきじゃないんだっけ?





    くるまを もっていますよね

    → くるまを もっているんだっけ?


    Support the Show.

    Need more translation & transcript? Become a patron: More episodes with full translation and Japanese transcripts. Members-only podcast feed for your smartphone app. Japanese Swotter on Patreon
    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • 48[✐2] 〜つもりです intend to, plan to...
    Jul 2 2024

    [✐2. Andante] V-じしょ+つもりです、Vない+つもりです

    “I plan to go on a diet from tomorrow.”


    Hello everyone. “〜suru tsumori desu” means I plan to do something, or I have an intention to do something.

    Shall we begin?

    Repeat after me


    1. I‘m on a diet.

    2. I intend to go on a diet.

    3. From tomorrow, I intend to go on a diet.

    4. I intend to go on a diet from tomorrow.

    (Daietto wa ashita kara suru tsumori desu.)

    Note: Here, diet is introduced as a topic(or being emphasized), thus topic-particle は(wa) is used. = > literally; “In terms of a diet, I’m planning to (do/start) from tomorrow.”).


    Now, answer the followings with “I plan to do 〜 tomorrow.”


    For example,

    (how about) study?

    → I plan to study tomorrow.

    Let’s start.


    1. clean the room?

    → I plan to clean the room tomorrow.

    2. clean the window?

    → I plan to clean the window tomorrow.

    3. the laundry?

    → I plan to do the laundry tomorrow.

    4. Put out the garbage?

    →I plan to put out the garbage tomorrow.

    5. dog walk?

    → I plan to walk my dog tomorrow.


    …. No,no.. walk the dog every day, right?


    Repeat after me

    1. On my mother’s birthday, I plan to give her a scarf.

    2. On the weekend, I plan to go to a department store to do shopping.

    3. From now on, I’m going to call a client.

    4. I plan to book a trip online.

    5. From(at) Shinjuku station, I’m going to take an airport bus.


    Next, you make a sentence with a past tense. It is “〜suru tsumori deshita”.


    「あしたから ダイエットを するつもりです。」

    [00: 08]

    みなさん、こんにちは。「〜するつもりです」means I plan to do, or I have an intention to do something. ですね。では、はじめましょう。

    Repeat after me


    1. ダイエットを します。

    2. ダイエットを するつもりです。

    3. あしたから、ダイエットを するつもりです。

    4. ダイエットは あしたから するつもりです。

    Note: Here, diet is introduced as a topic(or being emphasized), thus topic-particle は(wa) is used. = > literally; “In terms of a diet, I’m planning to (do/start) from tomorrow.”).






    →べんきょうは あした するつもりです。



    1. へやのそうじは?

    →へやのそうじは あした する つもりです。

    2. まどふきは?

    →まどふきは あしたする つもりです。

    3. せんたくは?

    → せんたくは あしたする つもりです。

    4. ごみだしは?

    →ごみだしは あしたする つもりです。

    5. いぬのさんぽは?

    → いぬのさんぽは あしたする つもりです。


    … だめだめ、いぬのさんぽはまいにち、ですね。


    Repeat after me

    1. ははのたんじょうびに、スカーフを あげるつもりです。

    2. しゅうまつ、デパートに かいものに いくつもりです。

    3. これから、クライエントに でんわを かけるつもりです。

    4. ネット(=インターネット)で りょこうのよやくを する つもりです。

    5. しんじゅくえきから、エアポートバスにのるつもりです。


    つぎは、かこけい(past tense)で ぶんを つくります。「〜するつもりでした」ですね。

    Support the Show.

    Need more translation & transcript? Become a patron: More episodes with full translation and Japanese transcripts. Members-only podcast feed for your smartphone app. Japanese Swotter on Patreon
    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • 47[✐4] Try to think positively[habitual]
    Jun 18 2024
    [✐4. Allegretto] make an effort to, try to [habitually]: [V-jisho, V-naiようにします]"I try to think positively [habitually].”[00:07]Hello everyone. What do you do every day? And what do you try to do every day (habitually)?[00:22]I try to have a proper breakfast every day, but sometimes I only drink coffee because I have no time.Repeat after me[00:33]1. I drink vegetable juice every day.→ I try to drink vegetable juice every day.[habitually]2. I jog every day.→ I try to jog every day.[habitually]3. I walk a lot every day.→ I try to walk a lot every day.[habitually]4. I don’t drink alcohol every day.→ I try not to drink alcohol every day.[habitually][02:08]Now, make a sentence as follows.For example,Whenever possible, sweet, not eat→ Whenever possible, I try not to eat sweets.Ready?[02:25]1. whenever possible, Japanese, think→Whenever possible, I try to think in Japanese.2. whenever possible, not smoke→ Whenever possible, I try not to smoke.3. whenever possible, early, go to bed→ Whenever possible, I try to go to bed early.4. as best I can, not catch a cold→ As best I can, I try not to catch a cold.5. as much as possible, at home, cook→ As much as possible, I try to cook at home.6. as much as possible, stairs, use→ As much as possible, I try to use the stairs.[04:55]Please reply the following sentence with, ““That’s better.” Here intonation is important. “Yeah, that’s better!” , OK?[05:05]For example,“I try to cook with my kids whenever possible.”→ “That’s good!”Ready?=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 「ポジティブシンキングをするようにしています。」[00: 07]みなさん、こんにちは。みなさんが、まいにちすることはなんですか。 それから、まいにちするようにしていることはなんですか?What do you try to do every day habitually?[00:22]わたしは まいあさ、きちんと あさごはんを たべるようにしていますが、ときどき、じかんがなくてコーヒーだけです。Repeat after me[00:33]1. まいあさ、やさいジュースをのみます。→ まいあさ、やさいジュースをのむようにしています。[habitually]2. まいあさ、ジョギングをします。→ まいあさ、ジョギングをするようにしています。[habitually]3. まいにち、たくさんあるきます。→まいにち、たくさんあるくようにしています。[habitually]4. まいにち、おさけをのみません。→まいにち、おさけをのまないようにしています。[habitually][02:08]では、つぎのようにぶんをつくってください。たとえば、なるべく、あまいもの、たべない→なるべく、あまいものは たべないように しています。いいですか。[02:25]1. なるべく、にほんご、かんがえる→なるべく、にほんごで かんがえるように しています。2. なるべく、たばこをすわない→なるべく、たばこを すわないように しています。3. なるべく、はやく、ねる→なるべく、はやく ねるように しています。4. できるだけ、かぜ、ひかない→できるだけ、かぜをひかないようにしています。5. できるだけ、うちで、りょうりする→できるだけ、うちでりょうりするようにしています。6. できるだけ、かいだん、つかう→できるだけ、かいだんをつかうようにしています。[04:55]では、つぎのぶんをきいて、「そのほうがいいですね。」でこたえましょう。イントネーションがだいじですよ。「そのほうがいいですね」ですよ![05:05]たとえば、「なるべく こどもと いっしょに りょうりをするようにしているんです。」→ そのほうがいいですねぇ。いいですか。Support the Show.=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=Need more translation & transcript? Become a patron: More episodes with full translation and Japanese transcripts. Members-only podcast feed for your smartphone app. Japanese Swotter on PatreonNote: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.
    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 46[✐1] Wont' you....? Let's.....
    Jun 18 2024

    [✐1.Adagio] Won’t you? 〜ませんか / Let’s 〜ましょう
    “Won’t you do together?”


    Hello everyone. Won’t you do something with me?

    Repeat after me


    1. Why don’t you go together?

    2. Why don’t you eat together?

    3. Why don’t you watch/see/look together?

    4. Why don’t you go back (home) together?

    5. Why don’t you learn Japanese together?

    Note: together = with me


    Well then, this time more positively, you ask your friend to do something together. Let’s ask!

    Repeat after me


    1. Let’s go together.

    2. Let’s eat together.

    3. Let’s watch/see/look together.

    4. Let’s go back (home) together.

    5. Let’s learn Japanese together.

    Note: together = with me



    Teacher: Then, everyone, let’s open page 258.

    Student: Which page is it? (Say)Slowly, please.

    Teacher: yep, yep… P. 258.

    Student: Thank you. The numbers are difficult.


    Now, make a sentence as follows.

    For example,


    · tomorrow, shopping, go / Won’t you?

    → Won’t you go shopping tomorrow?


    · tomorrow, shopping, go / Let’s!

    → Let’s go shopping tomorrow.



    1. from now, go drinking / Won’t you?

    → Won’t you go drinking from now?

    2. next time, together, drink / Let’s

    → Let’s drink together next time.

    3. a bit, take a break / Won’t you

    → Won’t you(we) take a break a bit?

    4. from tomorrow, go jogging / Let’s

    → Let’s go jogging from tomorrow.

    5. together, lunch, eat / Won’t you

    → Won’t you eat lunch together?


    いっしょに しませんか」



    Won’t you do something with me?

    Repeat after me


    1. いっしょに いきませんか。

    2. いっしょに たべませんか。

    3. いっしょに みませんか。

    4. いっしょに かえりませんか。

    5. いっしょに にほんごをならいませんか。

    Note: together = with me


    Well then, this time more positively, you ask your friend to do something together. Let’s ask!

    Repeat after me


    1. いっしょに いきましょう。

    2. いっしょに たべましょう。

    3. いっしょに みましょう。

    4. いっしょに かえりましょう。

    5. いっしょに にほんごをならいましょう。

    Note: together = with me



    せんせい: では、みなさん、258ページをひらきましょう。

    せいと : せんせい、なんページですか。ゆっくり おねがいします。

    せんせい: はいはい、258ページです。

    せいと : どうも。すうじは むずかしいです。





    · あした、かいものに いきます / Won’t you?

    → あした かいものに いきませんか。


    · あした、かいものに いきます / Let’s!

    → あした かいものに いきましょう。



    1. これから、のみにいきます / Won’t you?

    → これからのみにいきませんか。

    2. こんど、いっしょに、のみます / Let’s!

    → こんどいっしょにのみましょう。

    3. ちょっと、やすみます / Won’t you

    → ちょっとやすみませんか。

    4. あしたから、 ジョギングをします / Let’s!

    → あしたら ジョギングをしましょう。

    5. いっしょに、ランチをたべます/ Won’t you?

    → いっしょに ランチをたべませんか。

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    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • 45[✐2]Plain style: Speak casually + no, yo, ne
    Jun 11 2024

    Plain style: Speak casually + のno, よyo, ねne

    “(That film?) I watched it! It was good!”

    Hello everyone. We practice Plain Style today. Plain style is used when you talk to your family or friends, as you know. Plain style is very diverse and not easy to master, but today we’ll look at the part of it to get a feel for Plain Style.

    First, learn the pattern of plain style with basic verbs. Jisho-form, nai-form, ta-form, nakatta-form are used in Plain Style.

    Repeat after me



    masu-form > jisho-form

    1. go

    2. eat

    3. do

    4. come

    5. be (for inanimate objects)

    6. be (for animate objects)



    masu-form > nai-form

    1. go

    2. eat

    3. do

    4. come

    5. be (for inanimate objects)

    6. be (for animate objects)



    masu-form > ta-form

    1. go

    2. eat

    3. do

    4. come

    5. be (for inanimate objects)

    6. be (for animate objects)



    masu-form > nakatta-form

    1. go

    2. eat

    3. do

    4. come

    5. be (for inanimate objects)

    6. be (for animate objects)


    Repeat after me

    1. Do you drink alcohol?

    2. Are you going to the tomorrow’s concert?

    3. Yesterday, Suga san has come!

    4. Dad has already gone out.

    5. I didn’t swim in the sea this year.

    6. Have you been to Okinawa?

    7. Was Clooney san in the movie theatre?


    Actually, we tend to add ending particle at the end of the sentence to emphasise, seek confirmation or soften the message, and so on. Without ending particles, it may sound a bit blunt or unfriendly, depending on the tone of your voice.

    Support the Show.

    Need more translation & transcript? Become a patron: More episodes with full translation and Japanese transcripts. Members-only podcast feed for your smartphone app. Japanese Swotter on Patreon
    Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.

    Más Menos
    11 m