
  • 29: Coming Home Early: Guiding Your Missionary Through Faith Challenges
    Jul 22 2024

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    In this episode of LDS Missionary Moms, Michelle Evans tackles a profoundly challenging and sensitive topic: how to support your missionary if they decide to come home early due to a loss of faith. I provide insights and practical advice on navigating this difficult situation with love, empathy, and understanding. From recognizing the emotional turmoil and identity crisis your missionary might face to offering compassionate communication and practical support, this episode is a comprehensive guide for parents dealing with this unique challenge.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Understanding the Situation:
      • Emotional turmoil and identity crisis your missionary might experience.
      • Impact on family dynamics and community reactions.
    2. Communicating with Compassion:
      • Active listening and validating emotions.
      • Avoiding judgment and expressing unconditional love.
      • Asking open-ended questions and being patient.
    3. Providing Practical Support:
      • Creating a welcoming home environment.
      • Assisting in reintegration into daily life.
      • Seeking professional help and staying informed about faith transitions.
      • Respecting boundaries and encouraging new supportive communities.
    4. Managing Your Own Emotions:
      • Acknowledging and expressing your feelings.
      • Seeking support and practicing self-care.
      • Maintaining your faith and focusing on the positive.

    Share your missionary stories where you agree to allow me to share them:

    Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

    Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

    Follow me on social media:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle_evans.life/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082926154445

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    18 m
  • 28: Coming Home Early for Health Reasons with Damara Simmons
    Jul 15 2024

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    In this episode of LDS Missionary Moms, host Michelle Evans shares a personal update on the visa process for her son, who is preparing to serve in Zimbabwe. Michelle then welcomes her sister, Damara Simmons, to discuss a significant and often challenging topic: when a missionary comes home early. Damara recounts her unique experience with her second son, who returned home early from his mission due to severe health issues.

    Damaris shares:

    • The timeline of events leading up to her son's early return.
    • The emotional and mental journey she experienced as a mother.
    • How she and her family navigated the sudden change and supported her son.
    • The importance of leading with grace, love, and understanding.
    • How they celebrated his return and the impact it had on him.
    • Insights into dealing with judgment and maintaining a supportive environment.

    Michelle and Damara also discuss the broader cultural shift within the church regarding early returns, especially post-COVID, and the importance of dispelling the associated stigma.

    Share your missionary stories where you agree to allow me to share them:

    Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

    Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

    Follow me on social media:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle_evans.life/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082926154445

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    19 m
  • 27: Preparing to Drop Off Your Missionary
    Jul 8 2024

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    • Preparing Emotionally: Acknowledge the mixed emotions you'll feel. It's normal to be both excited and sad. Understand that sending your missionary off for 18 or 24 months can be counterintuitive to your mothering instincts. Allow yourself to feel these emotions and support your missionary through their own feelings of excitement and nervousness.
    • Practical Preparation: Create a checklist of items to pack, including clothing, personal care items, and important documents. Complete last-minute tasks and errands to reduce stress. Being organized can help make the day smoother.
    • MTC Drop-Off: The drop-off process at the MTC is usually quick and efficient. Make the most of your limited time by preparing some final words of encouragement and love. Take a few moments to create lasting memories with photos and recording your thoughts and emotions afterward.
    • Airport Drop-Off: This experience is different but equally emotional. Navigate the check-in process, security, and final goodbye at the gate with preparation and calmness. Remember that your missionary will be without a cell phone, which can feel untethering. Stay positive and offer words of support.
    • Trusting the Journey: Reflect on the importance of trusting God and the positive aspects of the missionary journey. Consider the thoughts your brain serves you and work on replacing unhelpful thoughts with empowering ones. Focus on the growth and experiences your missionary will have.

    Final Thoughts: Prepare for the drop-off both emotionally and practically. Whether you're heading to the MTC or the airport, knowing what to expect can help make the experience smoother. Focus on making the most of your time, offering encouragement, and creating positive memories. Remember that this is a significant moment for both you and your missionary.

    Thank you so much for listening to the LDS Missionary Mom Podcast. If you have any stories or experiences you'd like to share, please email me. I would love to hear from you and share your stories in a future episode. Until next time, keep supporting your missionary with love. Bye-bye!

    Share your missionary stories where you agree to allow me to share them:

    Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

    Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

    Follow me on social media:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle_evans.life/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082926154445

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    13 m
  • 26: Navigating Home Challenges: When to Include Your Missionary
    Jul 2 2024

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    In this episode of LDS Missionary Moms, we discuss a crucial and often challenging topic: dealing with difficult situations at home and deciding when to include your missionary in these challenges. We'll explore the importance of maintaining your missionary’s focus, assessing when to share tough news, and effective ways to communicate such news while providing emotional and spiritual support.

    Content: We start with an introduction, welcoming listeners and setting the stage for our discussion. We acknowledge the common dilemma of sharing difficult news with a missionary. In the first segment, we delve into the importance of shielding your missionary from home difficulties to maintain their focus and protect their emotional and mental well-being. We then assess when to include your missionary in-home challenges, providing examples of appropriate situations and discussing the balance between transparency and protection.

    In the next segment, we offer practical advice on communicating difficult news. We emphasize the benefits of written communication, allowing missionaries to process information at their own pace. Additionally, we discuss the importance of including spiritual support in these messages, sharing comforting scriptures and uplifting quotes.

    We conclude the episode with a summary of the key points: the necessity of shielding missionaries from unnecessary stress, carefully assessing situations before sharing, and thoughtful communication strategies. We offer encouragement and support for missionary moms, emphasizing that they are not alone in this journey. We also provide a teaser for the next episode, inviting listeners to tune in.

    Takeaways: Listeners will learn the importance of shielding their missionaries from stress, assessing when to inform their missionaries about home difficulties, and effective communication strategies that include spiritual support.

    Share your missionary stories where you agree to allow me to share them:

    Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

    Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

    Follow me on social media:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle_evans.life/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082926154445

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    9 m
  • 25: Homesickness
    Jun 17 2024

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    In this heartfelt episode, we tackle one of the most challenging aspects of having a missionary child in the field: homesickness. We explore homesickness and why it happens and provide practical strategies to support your missionary and yourself through this emotional rollercoaster. Tune in for personal stories, expert advice, and comforting insights to help you and your missionary navigate this common experience.

    Share your missionary stories where you agree to allow me to share them:

    Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

    Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

    Follow me on social media:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle_evans.life/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082926154445

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    13 m
  • 24: When 'Congratulations' Feels Off
    Jun 10 2024

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    This episode delves into the complex emotions that LDS missionary moms experience when their child receives a mission call. Michelle discusses the importance of choosing the right words to support these moms, highlighting how empathetic language can validate their feelings and provide comfort. With real-life stories, practical tips, and expert insights, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to offer meaningful support to missionary families.

    Key Points:

    • Understanding Mixed Emotions: The pride, joy, anxiety, and sadness that come with a mission call.
    • The Impact of Common Phrases: Why well-meaning phrases like "congratulations" can sometimes feel off.
    • The Importance of Empathy: How empathetic language can validate a mom's feelings and offer true support.
    • Practical Language Tips: Alternative phrases to use that acknowledge both the positive and challenging aspects of a mission call.

    Link to general conference talk by Elder Rasband "Words Matter" https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2024/04/41rasband?lang=eng

    Share your missionary stories where you agree to allow me to share them:

    Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

    Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

    Follow me on social media:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle_evans.life/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082926154445

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    12 m
  • 23: Morning Routines Help Connect With Your Missionary
    Jun 3 2024

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    Episode Summary: Imagine starting your day with purpose, feeling spiritually energized, and creating a daily connection to your missionary. While your missionary follows a strict morning routine, implementing your own can be a game changer. In this episode, we dive deep into how a structured morning routine can transform your daily life and bring you closer to your missionary, no matter where they are in the world.

    Welcome to the Podcast! Today, we’re talking about the benefits of a morning routine, the spiritual advantages, and how it supports your missionary. We’ll cover how to decide what to include in your routine, what my morning routine looks like, how I created its structure, and the common challenges of starting and maintaining an ongoing routine.

    Episode Highlights:

    1. Benefits of a Morning Routine:
      • Improved Mental Health: Studies show consistent routines reduce stress and anxiety.
      • Enhanced Mood: Positive morning activities boost mood and overall well-being.
      • Increased Productivity: Better focus and time management.
      • Physical Health: Incorporating exercise and a nutritious breakfast.
      • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Activities like reading and meditation improve memory and decision-making.
      • Better Sleep Quality: Consistent wake-up times and good evening preparation.
    2. Spiritual Benefits of a Morning Routine:
      • Enhanced Connection with God: Daily prayer and scripture study.
      • Increased Spiritual Awareness: Mindfulness, meditation, and reflection.
      • Strengthened Faith and Resilience: Positive affirmations and setting spiritual intentions.
      • Peace and Clarity: Quiet time for meditation and reflection.
      • Improved Relationships: Family prayer and study.
      • Increased Spiritual Discipline: Building consistent spiritual habits.
    3. Supporting Your Missionary:
      • Emotional Stability: A calm and centered start helps provide steady support to your missionary.
      • Spiritual Connection: Specific prayers for your missionary’s safety and success.
      • Effective Communication: Designated time for thoughtful letters and emails.
      • Positive Role Modeling: Setting an example for your other children and inspiring your missionary.
    4. Deciding What to Include in Your Routine:
      • Start small with one or two activities.
      • Make a list of important components and select easy-to-start tasks.
      • Start with short durations, gradually adding more as habits form.
    5. My Mor

    Share your missionary stories where you agree to allow me to share them:

    Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

    Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

    Follow me on social media:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle_evans.life/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082926154445

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    22 m
  • 22: Supporting, Not Saving
    May 28 2024

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    In this episode, we explore the profound realization that as parents, we are not our children's saviors—they already have one. Through personal reflections, insights from Kurt Francom's book "Is God Disappointed in Me?", and scriptural references, we delve into the importance of allowing our children to experience discomfort as a part of their growth. We discuss practical strategies for supporting our kids without overstepping and trusting in their personal journeys.

    Share your missionary stories where you agree to allow me to share them:

    Missionary Mom Journal: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Mom-Chronicles-Michelle-Evans/dp/B0CFZ9GZS8/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2FMSPY3SBZMDG&keywords=missionary+mom+journal&qid=1704483351&sprefix=missionary+mom+journa%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4

    Trying to decide if working with me would be a good idea? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation: https://calendly.com/michellesevans-coach/missionary-mom

    Follow me on social media:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/michelle_evans.life/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082926154445

    Más Menos
    11 m