
  • How Shall I Forget My Trauma or Past? Can I?
    Jul 29 2023

    We discuss trauma, childhood, relationships and how we can manage these aspects. Is there a way to forget trauma?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • You Want To Feel "Good"? Sure...
    Jul 28 2023

    You want good in life? Sure. Let’s explore.

    This life is full of paradoxes and one of them which we will explore today sits at the heart of our physical existence and thought.

    The human brain has learnt to define things over the course of its evolution. It has identified many concepts and understood what to do and what not to do for its survival. That the brain’s job and it does that very well. Bravo!

    During this process of translations and definitions, the brain describes an arrival of “something” in their body as a feeling or a sensation. Due to an event or an action or another feeling. The brain calls whatever happens in the brain a “thought”. Our brain has defined its own workings as well. It is defining everything even when you are just looking at something and while doing this, it is also identifying all these thoughts, sensations and feelings as pleasant or not pleasant. Good or not good. Purely based on the data it already has. Memory of what’s good and what not good. Hence the world comes into existence. Our world.

    All events in this world, in a way, happen on a cosmic level. We don’t really know what actually happens when we feel sad or happy. However we define them to understand them based on our memory, conditioning and previous experience. This definition is what creates the paradox which we are investigating.

    For example, a thought, action or sensation may be defined as a “good” happening by one person, but by another the same could be defined as “bad”. We do this on a daily basis as we judge everything and every event. If we lose money because of an event, we define the event as bad. However the money itself is not lost. Someone, somewhere made that money and for them this event which led to this, is good. This is happening all the time in our lives.

    It is that “good” we humans focus on all our lives. We try and find good in everything. At work, in love, in health and in life. Good which was defined by memory and conditioning. We chase good so much, that it ends up becoming a personality which sits as another memory in our brain. All the good gets automatically amalgamated into a person which is our inspiration. We want to be just like them. We want to be always good. The brain carries this all the time. Just observe it yourself. Don’t you have a very clear what is good for you?

    Rest in the episode...

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • How to Manifest Change? Who Creates Reality?
    Jul 27 2023

    When one looks at these big, thick clouds. Perhaps by a waterfall. Or at night on a backdrop of moonlight. When one sees them move. The marvel of these structures. What beauty! Merging with each other. Spreading out. Dancing. 

    One thinks, realises and agrees that all of this is how it looks because of how my mind perceives it. In 21st century, this is basic science. Nothing special. How an image. A movie. All these marvellous clouds are happening inside me. My brain, which is part of this body.  In unity. 

    Then one looks around and sees other things, people, stars, the moon or the sun. You must then also agree that all of these objects exists in your minds. They are imprinted in your minds. Without your mind, you won’t be able to view these images and videos of the world. All what you see. So for you they won’t exists. Nothing will exist. If this is the case for one person or a being, then it must be true for all life. Everything that can view things.

    That means if everyone, and by that I mean everyone and everybeing, had their eyes removed, there would be no seeing. Hence nothing to see. No concept of anything to do with seeing. 

    A creature which doesn’t have eyes, would have no concept of space and hence things and objects. If we remove all senses to explore the nature of reality objectively, there won’t be anything to smell, touch, feel, taste or see. 

    So if there were no eyes (or other senses) and brain to support the eyes viewing, then what? Nothing? Maybe. But that is not what we are establishing here. The fact is that lots of us creatures have eyes and that has bigger implications for all of us.

    Please listen to the episode for the rest...

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • WHAT/WHO ARE YOU? Life, Relationships & Consciousness
    Jul 27 2023

    In his thought-provoking and analytical book and podcast, "What Are You? Sebastian takes readers and listeners on an introspective journey, challenging the very foundations of human existence and understanding of life. 

    Through a captivating storytelling approach, Sebastian explores the profound questions that have perplexed generations of thinkers, artists, and individuals seeking the true purpose of life. Drawing from personal experiences after an awakening and realisation what we are beyond this body and mind, Seb invites readers to dive deep into their own consciousness, uncovering the hidden truths that reside within. By detaching ourselves from the data-driven mind and the limitations of our bodies, we can experience life with unconditioned freedom, discovering peace, harmony, and absolute joy. 

    Together, with the audience, Sebastian investigates the true nature of our existence and the workings of the Human Design. Seb calls this Logical Humanism, not spirituality. The book and this podcast invite readers to understand the workings of their brains and bodies, by coming out of it via meditation and other practices. He wants people to finally meet themselves and understand what they are made of. Discussed in this TRAILER/Intro episode: Instead of accepting that two people might simply have different paths in life, our brains crave logic and reasoning. By creating a strong sense of self and hence another, the brain finds it easier to demonise the latter. This sets off a chain reaction of thoughts that support the process of demonization. If we repeatedly feed the same thought to our brains, it becomes our reality.

    Two beautiful beings who loved each other end up despising each other overnight. The contemplation of my relationship led me down that path too. Everything I thought about her became my reality, a fact in my mind. We broke up, and I left her to return to London.

    Our brains have the power to turn thoughts into reality. If we constantly dwell on something, it will eventually manifest as our brains take the necessary actions to make it happen.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • What Actually Is Depression?
    Jul 27 2023
    So if thoughts are simply a representation of the past experience and the environment, then how do we stop compulsive thoughts? If thinking is what the brain does and it keeps on thinking about a particular thing or event. How do we stop it? We are going to discover this together. Let’s unpack this and understand what is actually happening. Compulsive thoughts are thoughts which lead to other thoughts. They are like a thinker of the other thoughts. The thoughts which create agitation, frustration, anger or fear. No one has a choice of stopping these thoughts or any thought or decision for that matter. Thoughts come and go and you can experience the whole movement of them. But no one wants to live in a state of continuous thinking - yet we all do. A brain which is thinking about a good thing for itself is perhaps fine and is in peace with itself. A brain which thinks about a “bad” thought for itself is the problem. When this loop of thoughts start, there is no end to it. The brain is almost always thinking. Perhaps it gets a little break when you sleep. But the thought process continues. All thoughts are just thoughts. A chemical reaction. An energy flow. It’s just that the brain has been fed information about what thoughts are good and what are bad and what they mean. The brain creates this concept of duality when experiencing a thought, hence some thoughts are pleasant and others are not. This idea of preferring one thought over another. This is also highly subjective. A thought for one person is good and the same thought for another is bad. So there is no good or bad thought. It is just a thought. You will also notice that sometimes we get addicted to thoughts. We, as in our brains. The brain gets addicted to it.  Even if they are not pleasant. Why is that then? If the brain knows very well what thought is good and what is bad, why does it go into continuous autopilot of bad thoughts, leading to suffering, sadness and desperation and depression? Let’s discover this together. It is natural for the brain to think. That is its job. It won’t stop doing that. Now, thinking includes all thoughts. A thought arises from some activity in the brain, without warning. No one has any control over thoughts. They come and they go. The reason a thought arises could be attributed to trillions of events which happen inside and outside of the body. The weather, the environment, the stomach, the sleep pattern, the neighbour, culture, history, education… you name it. It is rather very elaborate why a single thought may arise. We won’t go into that now though! Once an unpleasant thought arises, there is instantly another thought which follows. That I, the person, thought that thought or made a decision. My friends, the decision was purely made by the brain based on its knowledge. ~The next thought is perhaps that you made the decision, reinforcing the fact that you as a person exist!There is there another thought about this person who you think you are. You think is the thinker. A thought rooted deep in our culture. A thought of not wanting to think. A thought of always wanting to be ok. A thought of resistance for the other thought - and then the drama of thoughts starts. It’s not the first thought which is the problem. It is the thought, the continuous thought, and the reminder from our society and family that everything should be ok all the time. It is a reminder humans have built themselves by defining and saving a memory of what is good. Who doesn't want to be good all the time? Yes, me and you! But is that possible, no! In a quest to be better, feel better, do better and be a better person, we forget who we actually are. We forget to accept what is. Life around us is a constant reminder to be better. All the time. For the rest, please listen to the podcast

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • How To Find True Love? Simpler Than You Think
    Jul 26 2023

    Love is something which we need to look at without human definition. How do we find true love? How do we find happiness?

    From my upcoming book:

    What are you, not the person you think you are!


    #spiritualawakening #spirituality #spiritual #meditation #love #awakening #healing #spiritualjourney #consciousness #selflove #lawofattraction #mindfulness #spiritualgrowth #lightworker #energy #yoga #peace #motivation #enlightenment #inspiration #wisdom #tarot #soul #positivevibes #quotes #manifestation #universe #higherconsciousness #life #selfcare

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • My Partner is Changing, What Shall I do?
    Jul 26 2023

    You have to ask yourself, who did you fall in love with? The person or something else?

    #love #relationships #mentalhealth #nonduality #spirituality #logicalhumanism

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • You Sad? Listen to This. Human as the Continuous and Perpetual Thinker
    Jul 24 2023
    The perpetual thinking phenomenaSebastian, turned 16 and had a thought. Then Sebastian becomes a person including this new thought. This new Sebastian plus the thought. He then thinks the next thought and so on. These thoughts also lead to action, hence making this new Sebastian different, from the person he was at 11:59. Old Sebastian + thought + action = New Sebastian. This is happening every moment, perpetually. Sebastian is continuously changing and creating thoughts based on previous thoughts. Sebastian lives in the short term, continuously adapting and changing based on his thought, and thinking about the next thought. Sebastian loses the vision and the movement of life. He is just living in thoughts. He thinks he is changing and evolving all the time. He thinks he is the change he is experiencing. He keeps all the experiences, which happen to him because of his thought and thinking, and becomes an amalgamation of thought and memory, continuously changing and making new thoughts and realities based on his own thought, in his own mind. Hence, creating his life and reality in his brain and projecting it out via action. This is the continuous loop and struggles humanity is stuck in. It is a path of endless change, no stillness, no observation and no concept of peace. It is a life of continuous known and unknown suffering. But what is the truth? So we have established that Sebastian is continuously changing by accumulating thoughts, experiences and memory. He is not still and can’t experience a continuous presence. That is the world Sebastian lives in. That is the world humans believe they live in, however, that is not true based on your own experience. So I ask myself, and you should ask yourself too, have I changed? Or have I experienced change? Has my presence and knowing of life; my existence changed? I was here on my 16th birthday and I am still here. You were still here when you started reading this, and you are still here. Your thoughts have changed and you are aware of the change. Like being aware of people passing by. You are not the movement you experience, you are the observing of that movement. It's this movement of life that you are here to see. The change in this person. When I realised that my true presence and being sits outside of the changing nature of Sebastian’s life, I could observe his whole life movement. You experience the flow of the life of this person. You can be aware of this person. You see that it is because of your stillness, this person’s life exists. If you were not still, no movement could be observed. What happens when you realise your own being? What happens when you “awaken?” Magic! Sebastian realises that there is a “watcher”. A presence, an awareness. Sebastian’s brain starts to notice this presence and with time changes its thought process and hence his behaviour. With time the brain also drops the idea of the thinker, Sebastian, hence removing all old habits which were continuously being reinforced in him as we discussed earlier. Now he is being watched by me and he does everything with love, as that is what I am made of. That is indeed what you are made of. Abundance, love, peace, joy - the nature of your being where all life happens to you is pure stillness. Now there is no thinker to generate thoughts based on conditioning. Now Sebastian, the person who is writing this, is free to think based on ever-changing, new, fresh information from my presence and awareness. Once you realise what you are, this person you think you are, automatically changes. Its brain thinks, acts and behaves in line with nature and your existence. In line with you and your presence. Because the only fact you know about yourself, the only truth, is that you exist and are a true representation of life. Once you realise what you are, your brain aligns itself with you and becomes a tool for experience and life. You become free, from yourself.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    10 m