• Episode 275: Everything They Never Taught Us in School about Money - Interview Kristen Wonch
    Jul 10 2024
    Episode 275: Everything They Never Taught Us in School about Money - Interview Kristen Wonch

    Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast. I’m your host Lori Lee.

    Last year one of the favorite episodes was my interview with Dr. Amanda the money doctor. Money is a really big part of our lives, so of course people want to learn and de-mistify how to get it, how to grow it, how to remove blocks to it.

    So 2024 delivers as well. Today Kristen Wonch, a wizard with numbers and one of a handful of women to land a highly coveted role of structuring multi million dollar deals as a commodities trader, is here on the show to talk with us about choosing with intention the life we want and then building the numbers around it. Her Money Mastery Method is the world’s first to teach women to master the art of earning efficiently, spending smart and investing intentionally, while rewiring subconscious money beliefs from the ground up. That’s all big stuff. So, stay tuned and get richer.

    Kristien - Welcome to the LYS Podcast

    Join us on the audio to listen to our discussion on topics like:

    1. You went from $100,000 in debt to being a global money coach. Can we start with your story about how you turned that around?
    2. Let’s talk about creating our life on purpose - money is often a big part of that. How do you coach someone through this process?
    3. What about this process where you determine the life you desire and then build the numbers around it?
    4. What is an unbudget?
    5. Let’s talk money blocks. How do you figure out if you have money blocks and what they are?
    6. What do you do with them once you’ve identified them?
    7. What are the top 3 things you advise women to do in their financial lives?

    Find Kristen Wonch at:

    Free Investor Secrets Revealed Workshop:



    1.📈 Book your free Breakthrough Call

    2.💰 Get my Financial Freedom Checklist

    3.🎙 Listen to

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    34 m
  • Episode 274: Quick Chat - Every Problem is a Thought Problem
    Jun 26 2024
    Episode 274: Quick Chat - Every Problem is a Thought Problem

    Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast. I’m your host Lori Lee and today you are here for a Quick Chat - that’s one inspirational idea in 15 minutes or less.

    Today chat is: Every Problem is a thought problem.

    It’s a bold statement. But a true one. And one that sets us free. One that puts us in control, most of the time.

    So stay tuned as we discuss how much power ACTUALLY have, and how to solve the problems.

    Since you are a listener of the Love Your Story podcast I’m going to make the assumption that we are on the same page on the topic of taking responsibility for the pivotal role our thoughts play in shaping our realities. Basically - our thoughts OR stories that we create in our minds create our realities - are we on the same page there? There are 7 Billion realities going on out there…

    Ok. With that said, I want to start out with the quote by Byron Katie. She says, “It’s not the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem.”

    In other words, “Every problem is a thought problem.”

    Let’s put me in the hot seat. 2023 was a rough year for Realtors and lenders. The higher interest rates meant that for a great many of us the clients buying and selling slowed down. I primarily blamed my slow year on this situation, but here’s another angle - a slower year allowed me to travel more. It gave me more time to reach out and renew and develop relationships with my data base - my past clients. Which part do I want to focus on? Was it a problem or an opportunity? Problems don’t have to stay problems, they can become opportunities if we choose to shift our thoughts.

    In the realm of personal development and self reflection this idea invites us to scrutinize the nature of our challenges by recognizing the subjective nature of them. By understanding and claiming that situations and ideas only hold the power we allow them to hold.

    Another example - if I come from a family where being a part of a certain religion is tantamount to being right with God and the world, then if I step away from that religion my social construct - family, friends, and members of that congregation may collapse around me, or cause people pain. On the other hand, if there is an acceptance among those people that everyone find their own way in the world, in a way that each individual feels is best for them, then the suffering ceases to happen.

    Or, if respect is really important to me, as it is to most type A personalities and I am disrespected, I will/can feel a lot of resentment, anger, frustration, maybe even embarrassment about this, whereas someone for whom that is not an important thing may hardly notice it, or may not feel disrespected in a similar situation. In other words - situations are subjective. Problems are subjective.

    My mother used to get really upset when her family parties didn’t unfold as she had expected - her expectations weren’t met and she’d often cry before the night was through - she learned to let go of those expectations and go with the flow as the years went by, but this is a good example of a person creating pain for themselves and then learning how to adjust their thoughts in a way that created less pain for them.

    Now let’s combine this with the idea that “everything happens for me, not to me.” With the combination of these two ideas a powerful shift occurs. A shift that can redefine the way we navigate life’s complexities.

    Katie’s assertion is that our thoughts about our circumstances themselves contribute more to our issues than do the circumstances themselves.

    This is an important thing to realize...

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    14 m
  • Episode 273: The Road to More Confidence - Interview Christina Lecuyer
    Jun 12 2024
    Episode 273: The Road to More Confidence - Interview Christina Lecuyer

    Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast, I’m your host Lori Lee.

    Have you ever met someone that brimmed with confidence? I can tell you that there is an energy behind confidence. There is a way you hold yourself, a mindset of expectation that doors will open for you, a presence that actually opens those doors.

    There are so many powerful concepts - gratitude, love, allowing, accountability - but today we’re talking about confidence. I’m excited about this because we haven’t talked about confidence before, been coached in confidence before and WE DON’T WANT TO SHORT CHANGE THIS INCREDIBLE MINDSET.

    Today I have Chrstina Lecuyer on the show - Voted one of the top Confidence coaches, this former professional golfer and TV host now works with an extensive ist of cientele from around the world. .

    Tune into the audio program for a little coaching.

    What does confidence look like?

    How do we get it if we don’t have it?

    Where do we start and how do we use it?

    Confidence is defined as a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.

    Our guest today - Christina, battled low self-confidence, an eating disorder, and tying her worth to external validation, Christina was able to turn her life around to create her dream life and a multi six figure business. She uses the same tools she used for herself to help hundreds of clients to create their own profit and success. Through her signature “Decision, Faith & Action” framework clients have not only brought their own dream life into reality, but many have gone on to create multi six and seven figure businesses in the process. I guess we can tie confidence in ourselves to success in business, but I think it propeturates success in all areas of our lives.

    Let’s see what Christina says. Join the audio to hear our conversation about:

    1. Christina's story: Who were you when you were battling with this low self-esteem and what caused the eating disorder, and how did you evolve and transition out of that?
    2. Let’s talk about why confidence is important.
    3. Isn’t this a topic almost everyone could use a little coaching in?
    4. If you don’t feel confident in yourself? If you’re one of those who hugs the walls, or doesn’t risk, or prays nothing bad will happen because you may crumble under it….how do you start to step into more confidence? Maybe give us a little coaching here:
    5. What are some of the stories of people you’ve coached, some of the transformations you’ve seen?

    To find Christina:



    1 on 1 Confidence coaching - You're One Decision Away from the Life of your Dreams.

    Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.”

    I share this quote because if you haven’t stopped to consider all the tough stuff you’ve navigated, do. Stop and think about it, and realize that when the tough stuff comes along, you make it through. You’ve done it before, you can do it again. This recognition builds confidence in our resiliency, which helps us live with less fear.

    And one more quote: Dale Carnegie said, “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get...

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    30 m
  • Episode 272: What God Can Do with Loss - Interview Nicole Holgreen
    May 29 2024
    Episode 272: What God Can Do with Loss Interview Nicole Holgreen

    Bridle Up Hope

    Every once in awhile I run across a story with lots of miracles. Stories, where for some reason, God, the Universe, Fate seems to really be backing up a person or a project. Today we are looking at one of those. We’re going to sit around this technological camp fire and listen to a story about how a young girl passing away from depression created a program that’s backed by miracles.

    We’re talking with Nicole Holgreen, the executive director of Bridal Up Hope out of Alpine, Utah, a Rachel Covey Foundation.

    Tune into the audio to hear how this foundation that was created after Rachel Covey’s suicide, to support the mental health of girls and women through equine assisted learning - yes - hanging out with horses - how this program finds itself in “ a tidal wave of miracles.”

    This is a story of depression and support. It’s a story about the bond between a girl and her horse and it’s a story about hope, healing scars, transformation and miracles in a time when we sorely need them.

    Nicole Holgreen is the Executive Director of Bridle Up Hope. She has led an incredible team to expand this organization and its mission to 13 locations worldwide. Nicole oversees the Alpine, Utah Headquarters and the 100 weekly lessons for women and girls here. Nicole is devoted to Bridle Up Hopes's mission to inspire hope, confidence, and resilience through equestrian training and The 7 Habits written by Stephen Covey. Nicole is a Provo, UT. girl and she and her husband Jared have four children and one grandson.

    Nicole - Welcome to the LYS Podcast

    Join us on the audio program to hear our conversation about:

    1. I want stories - when you and I were talking awhile back we filled a couple hours with stories of the miracles that have supported Bridle Up Hope in it’s opening to the world, and even that supported getting you here.
    2. Nicole shares her story - Where were you in life when you started crossing paths with Bridle Up Hope?
    3. Can I get some specific miracle stories - the ones that stand out to you - that have made Bridal Up Hope possible.
    4. Let’s talk about the girls and women that have come here. How many do you serve? Can you share some of your favorite success stories? How have you watched them become empowered?
    5. Let’s talk about Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits. What are they and how do they help the girls and women
    6. What do you see for the future of Bridle Up Hope?

    If someone wants to come to you for service where do they find you OR If someone wants to open a location on their own property - help expand this 1000 barn goal, who do they contact?

    Nicole Holgreen

    Executive Director of Bridle Up Hope

    1141 Watkins Lane

    Alpine, UT. 84004


    Mental health is maybe one of the world’s largest challenges right now. How wonderful that there are highly productive programs that save, that support, that help us navigate this devastating path during this crucial time. This is a story of making a difference, a story of miracles and lives saved.

    If you know any women who may be struggling with mental health issues, or if you want to be involved by opening your own Bridal Up Hope non-profit franchise, I hope you’ll share this episode and reach out.

    Have a wonderful week, and remember to create your best life with full intention. Listen to back episodes for all the best tools and mind training to help you to create your best story. We’ll

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    40 m
  • Episode 271: Quick Chat - Reframing Happiness with Cortney McDermott
    May 15 2024
    Episode 271: Quick Chat - Reframing Happiness with Cortney McDermott

    Welcome to the Love Your Story Podcast. I’m your host Lori Lee and you’re here today for a Quick Chat. That’s one great inspirational idea in 15 minutes or less.

    Today’s show is about reframing happiness. Stay tuned for a quickie discussion with Corney McDermott, Author of Give Yourself Permisson, as we explore the idea of shifting the way you think about happiness so we can more easily find it.

    Join us in the audio program as we discuss:

    In the Wizard of Oz Dorthy goes on an adventure to find her way home. She heads out on this path - the Yellow Brick Road searching, along her path she has the support of the Good Witch Glenda looking out for her, she has companions who are learning along the journey also, and in the end she finds that no one else - no wizard existed who could do it for her…. I think in a way we all take this journey. We are told - no sold - all day long that we need this product, that promotion, this coach, this corner office and then we will be happy, but Cortney points out in her book - “if the something or someone isn’t pointing back to yourself, then it simply won’t work.”

    We talk about:

    1. Where do we find happy? What is this reframing happiness you speak of?
    2. In your book you say, “Aligning your ego to the divine truths in you is like a constant spontaneous enlightenment that doe snot rely on anything or anyone outside of you for its fulfillment.” Can you explain this?
    3. Happiness is an inside work.
    4. We are sold what happiness should be - what if our happiness doesn't align with what we are "supposed" to want?
    5. Most of the time we don't question this - but what happens when you equate happiness with "all the things and all the gold stars" and you still aren't happy.
    6. What if happy to me doesn't look like happy to everyone else?
    7. Externalities don't solve the problems
    8. The work is in your head.
    9. Accept what makes YOU happy. Even if it's different.
    10. You are okay with doing it YOUR way.
    11. Move away from what is distracting you from your own happiness.
    12. Dedicate more time to what your happiness looks like. Start small but build up your devotion to you.
    13. Focus on the self enough so you can experience the most from your relationships.
    14. Don't force things. Ease in and allow things to flow.
    15. Cortney shares a story of her own emotional youth. She shares how important it was to learn to accept her own depth of feeling.
    16. What does YOUR happiness feel like?

    Thanks for being with us today. And thanks to Cortney McDermott, author of Give Yourself Permission for co-hosting the past 3 Quick Chats with me and sharing her powerful insights.

    If you liked this episode - please consider sharing it with a friend. It’s all about doing good in the world and this is an easy way to share inspiration in your sphere. We’ll see you in two weeks for our next episode.

    Contact Cortney or buy her book:

    www.cortney mcdermott.com

    email: cort@cortinc.com

    Book: Give Yourself Permission

    Amazon Link to purchase:

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    16 m
  • Episode 270: How to Stop Self Sabotage - Interview Thais Gibson
    May 1 2024
    Episode 270: How to Stop Self Sabotage - Interview Thais Gibson

    Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast. Have you ever self sabotaged? Are you aware of your own limiting beliefs?

    Today, Thais Gibson, the founder of the Personal Development School and I are going to talk in detail - get schooled on these topics. This is really cool to get to talk with Thais about this because this Ph.D. candidate has a decade of experience helping over 30K clients, and her private practice has a 2 year waiting list, so getting to have this one-on-one class discussion with her is lit.

    Tune into the audio program to start dissecting self sabotage and limiting beliefs with the head teacher from the Personal Development School.

    Thais Gibson - is certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, in Neuro-linguistic programming, in Somatic experiencing (which is a form of therapy aimed at treating trauma and stress related disorders) She has certificates in a bunch of other therapy and self development disciplines as well…13 in total I believe… and she has 38 million views on social media. I started following her on Instagram and it’s fun to watch her great educational clips as she discusses mental health ideas. Thais….Let’s bring that to my audience.

    Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast Thais….

    Join us on the audio to hear our conversation about:

    1. How did you get into this work? - What’s your story?
    2. Can we talk about self sabotage? What does that look like? What do you know about it?
    3. What do we need to know to keep ourselves from doing it?
    4. Do you have success stories that show us how to overcome this?
    5. I’ve been trying to recognize my own limiting beliefs. How do we discover what our limiting beliefs are?
    6. What do we do with them once we recognize them? Those are hard things to change, usually really ironed in strong with our subconscious.
    7. Let’s talk about the subconscious…how do we reprogram deeply help beliefs that are holding us back? Do you have success stories about this?
    8. Tell us about the school and what you do there?

    Thanks for being her with us today. I hope you’ve found just one ah-ha or idea that helps you on your journey, or inspires you to reach out to Thais, or follow her on Instagram so you can keep learning to navigate your mental health.

    How to contact Thais Gibson:

    She's big on Instagram: @thepersonaldevelopmentschool

    You Tube: @thepersonaldevelopmentschool

    Facebook: @thepersonaldevelopmentschool

    Have fun building your best life story on purpose!

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    33 m
  • Episode 269: Quick Chat - Consciously Creating a Meaningful Life with Cortney McDermott
    Apr 17 2024
    Episode 269: Quick Chat - Consciously Creating a Meaningful Life with Cortney McDermott

    Welcome to the Love Your Story Podcast. I’m your host Lori Lee and you’re here today for a Quick Chat. That’s one great inspirational idea in 15 minutes or less.

    Today’s show is about this thing Corney calls Dimensions of Design. In a nutshell. Today’s quick chat is on manifesting. Stay tuned for our quickie discussion with Corney McDermott, Author of Give Yourself Permisson, as we explore the ideas behind manifesting.

    Do you know how to manifest? Are you really good at it? I’m trying to understand it better, so if you’re with me, tune in.

    Cortney and I look at:

    1. What Cortney has noticed about people not knowing what they want.
    2. This is to help people ask the right questions about what they want.
    3. Model includes distraction, delusion, demand, and design.
    4. Focus on the things you know are important to you, but that you don't have to do right now. When you focus on those things it clears out all the things that don't matter.
    5. Ask yourself this question: What are you putting off that you know you need to do?
    6. Focus on the really important things, let the less important things go and lots of time gets freed up.
    7. Designing your life by prioritizing this dimension makes time expand.
    8. We mold our lives from the inside with the decisions we make about our time.
    9. We talk about manifesting and how our attention is key to what we manifest.
    10. Allowing our attention to be fragmented slows down what we manifest.
    11. How much attention are you giving to guiding your thoughts and surroundings toward that vision?

    Want to get in touch with Cortney?

    Contact Cortney or buy her book:

    www.cortney mcdermott.com

    email: cort@cortinc.com

    Book: Give Yourself Permission

    Amazon Link to purchase:


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    17 m
  • Episode 268: What is Success? Interview John Ply
    Apr 3 2024
    Episode 268: What is Success? Interview John Ply

    Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast. John Ply is a successful business man who started his own company - twice - and made millions. His father - Ziggy - was a Polish immigrant who was captured by the Germans in WWII and survived the horrors of a POW camp and then moved to America with nothing but the clothes on his back.

    Both men personify different types of success, and on today’s show John Ply joins me to share stories and lessons learned from both lives.

    Stay tuned as we talk about stories of his father turning in a lost $20 bill when it would have paid his mortgage for a month, or when he refused to shoot a woman the Germans in the POW camp demanded he kill or be killed.

    John Ply has taken the stories of his father and the things he learned from him and written a book about both of their lives. The book is called YOU CAN BE THE BEST.

    Today John is here with me and we are going to share stories and some beautiful ideas for successful living.

    Tune into the audio to hear our conversation with topics like:

    A. Tell us all about you - your story - Let me give you a jumping off point: In one of the first chapters of the book you have a section entitled “You never know where becoming the best is going to take you.”

    I love this idea of doing the best you can do at anything you try and stirring that in with the magic of the unknown - how that translates into opportunity. So lets start in the summer after 8th grade….

    B. Let’s talk about “Being the Best You.”

    I loved how you said, “Be the best “you” and everything else tends to take care of itself.”

    C. There are so many culturally dictated ideas of success. Let’s talk about a couple different things here:

    1. Our own individual definitions of success

    2. What your definition of success is.

    3. What did you learn about success from Ziggy?

    D. Ziggy - Your favorite stories about him and what he taught you.

    E. You have a concept called “The Clubs of Success” Will you run through those for us?

    To find John or get his book:

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-ply-author-332449270/
    • Amazon: https://geni.us/youcanbethebest

    In his book John says, “ America has been called the land of opportunity, but the thing about opportunity is that it comes down to choices. My father eded up having an incredible life in America because he built that life.”

    There are so many powerful concepts in the book, and I’ll just end with this one: Ziggy came with nothing but a lot of trauma, a great work ethic, and a sense of morals and ethics. Despite having come from undoubtedly experiencing horrors in that war and POW camp he made choice after choice to keep a good attitude, to work hard, to take...

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    42 m