• 017: Two Millennial Moms Slaying Life
    Jul 23 2024

    On this episode of Metamorphosis Unleashed, join Doc G and guests Najah Dail and Lauren Magruder, two accomplished millennial moms and licensed professional counselors, for an enlightening conversation. Najah shares her unexpected path into single motherhood, highlighting the adjustments and boundary-setting needed to balance her demanding career. At the same time, Lauren discusses the transformational power of motherhood and the profound changes it brought to her life. They offer a candid look into their lives, emphasizing the rewards of motherhood amidst their professional responsibilities.

    We explore millennial moms' unique traits and experiences, particularly those born between 1981 and 1996. Characterized by an optimistic outlook and a focus on self-improvement, Najah and Lauren reflect on their problem-solving approaches and competitive dynamic, shaped by their birth orders and professional backgrounds. We reveal the challenges of raising children during a pandemic, with Najah and Lauren’s anecdotes illustrating their kids' unique behaviors and the impact on their social skills development.

    Exploring modern parenting styles, Najah and Lauren discuss gentle parenting methods and the importance of individualized approaches to meet each child's unique needs. They emphasize consistent communication and mutual support between co-parents despite differing parenting styles. The conversation also touches on the evolving nature of motherhood, the balance between professional ambitions and family life, and the pride in teaching cultural heritage.

    Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on the joys, challenges, and nuances of being a modern millennial mom.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • The transformative journey of millennial motherhood with guests Najah Dail and Lauren Magruder
    • Balancing single parenting with professional careers
    • The importance of setting boundaries
    • Unique traits of millennial moms born between 1981 and 1996, emphasizing optimism and self-improvement
    • The impact of the pandemic on children's social skills and development
    • Gentle parenting methods, emotional regulation, and individualized approaches for different children
    • Co-parenting dynamics, maintaining effective communication, and teamwork in parenting
    • Navigating modern motherhood, reflecting on personal growth, balancing career goals, and teaching cultural heritage

    Resources from this Episode

    • Seven Wellness: www.sevenwellness.org
    • Doc G’s website: marquitagarrettphd.com

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    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

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    51 m
  • 016: Multiple Sclerosis, an Autoimmune Disease
    Jul 9 2024

    When Judy Burns was hit with sudden paralysis as a teenager, her world turned upside down. From numerous ER visits and misdiagnoses to finally receiving a multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis at 18, her journey exemplifies resilience and courage.

    On this episode of Metamorphosis Unleashed, Judy's story is a powerful reminder of the unpredictability of MS, often referred to as the “snowflake disease” for its unique impact on each individual. As she sits down with Doc G, Judy recounts the highs and lows of managing her symptoms and the critical role of identifying triggers like extreme heat in her day-to-day life.

    Navigating life with MS requires constant adjustment and sacrifice. Judy opens up about the significant changes she had to make, such as limiting travel due to health risks like blood clots and seizures and transitioning from an active work life to managing tasks primarily from home. Through her story, we explore evolving MS treatments and the ongoing struggle to find medications that do not worsen other health issues. Judy's narrative reveals the emotional and physical toll of living with MS and her ongoing battle to maintain a fulfilling social life despite these challenges.

    Empathy and support are crucial in the face of chronic illness, and Judy’s story brings this into sharp focus. From the logistical hurdles of traveling without flying to needing rest before and after big days, her experiences illustrate the everyday realities of living with MS. Doc G and Judy discuss the importance of exercise, safety, and the support system that bolsters her spirits. Judy shares moments that outline the empathy gained through adversity and the critical role of therapy in managing mental health.

    Tune in to hear how Judy survives and thrives, drawing lessons of resilience and empathy that resonate far beyond her personal journey.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Judy Burns' sudden paralysis as a teenager and journey to a multiple sclerosis diagnosis at 18
    • Managing MS symptoms and identifying triggers, such as extreme heat
    • Adjusting life due to MS: limiting travel, transitioning to home-based tasks
    • The emotional and physical toll of MS
    • Judy’s struggle to find effective medications
    • The importance of empathy and support systems in dealing with chronic illness
    • Exercise, safety, and therapy's role in maintaining mental health
    • Judy's resilience and adaptation while maintaining a fulfilling social life despite challenges

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    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

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    32 m
  • 015: The Beginning is Not Always Indicative of the Ending
    Jun 25 2024

    When Ida “Micki” Hector's sister suffered severe burns due to their parents' neglect and alcoholism, Micki’s life took a dramatic turn as she was thrust into the foster care system.

    On this episode of Metamorphosis Unleashed, through Ida's storytelling, we explore the emotional turmoil and psychological battles she faced while adapting to her new reality. This episode looks at the unstable environment she grew up in, the heartbreak of unreliable parental visitations, and the scars left by these early experiences. We’ll examine the role of supportive figures who helped Ida navigate these tumultuous years.

    Shifting to caregiving, we delve into Micki’s life as a caregiver who has dedicated herself to supporting family members through cognitive decline and terminal illness. We’ll cover the emotional challenges of caregiving, the rewards and difficulties it brings, and the personal growth that can emerge from these responsibilities. Micki reflects on transitioning from caring for others to prioritizing self-care, emphasizing the support of a strong community and spiritual backing. We also discuss the importance of finding joy and happiness amidst adversity and celebrating small victories contribute to a positive outlook.

    Join us as we uncover these inspirational stories highlighting resilience and the pursuit of joy.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Micki’s path into the foster care system following a traumatic incident involving her younger sister's severe burns and parental neglect due to alcoholism
    • Her emotional struggles and psychological challenges while adapting to foster care and dealing with unreliable parental visitations
    • The critical role of supportive figures who helped Micki navigate her upbringing
    • The importance of resilience
    • Micki’s life as a dedicated caregiver, supporting family members through cognitive decline and terminal illness
    • How caregiving shaped her identity and spirituality
    • The process of shifting from caregiving to prioritizing self-care
    • The importance of a supportive community
    • Challenges of embracing self-love and independence
    • Finding personal joy and happiness despite challenging circumstances
    • Celebrating small victories that contribute to a positive outlook
    • The role of strong community ties and spiritual backing in Micki’s personal growth
    • Her journey toward self-care and independence

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    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

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    33 m
  • 014: Behind Closed Doors
    Jun 11 2024

    When Michelle Chaney joined Doc G at the mic, it wasn't just another interview but a step into the hidden battles many face in their most personal relationships.

    On this episode of Metamorphosis Unleashed, we shed light on intimate partner violence (IPV), a silent epidemic that slips through the cracks of societal awareness. Michelle's experience from her time at a domestic violence shelter, coupled with her personal connections to IPV, painted a somber picture of its prevalence. The conversation spans the scope of IPV, touching on its impact on youths and the need for early education while also addressing the reality that anyone, regardless of social standing, can find themselves in the grasp of such violence.

    The path to recovery after escaping abuse is not straightforward. The transition from an abusive home to a shelter often trades one form of control for another. Michelle and Doc G discuss the importance of autonomy and survivors' struggle as they reclaim their lives. We recognize each survivor's unique story, their trauma, and how recovery is linked to rebuilding trust—in the world and within themselves. The discussion underscores the importance of fostering healthier relationships and the empowerment that arises from it.

    We explore the emotional aftermath that haunts those who've encountered IPV. Understanding the trauma, including PTSD and its not-so-obvious victims, is crucial to supporting survivors. We touch on the added complexities women who defend themselves face, the legal battles that ensue, and the societal changes needed to support them. Our message is clear: extend support, share knowledge, and contribute to a world that empathizes with the courage it takes to heal from the scars of intimate partner violence.

    Michelle's insights remind us that while the battle against IPV is far from over, each shared story and extended hand is a step toward a future where violence is no longer a shadowed norm.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Differentiating IPV from domestic violence and its ubiquity across demographics and relationships
    • The transition for survivors from abusive environments to structured shelters
    • The challenges of regaining autonomy
    • Emotional and psychological facets of abuse, including manipulation tactics like gaslighting and subtle criticisms
    • The widespread issue of IPV among youths
    • Using early education to combat relationship violence
    • Long-term effects of trauma, such as PTSD, on IPV survivors and the need for community support and understanding
    • Legal challenges and societal attitudes towards women who defend themselves against abusers
    • The empowerment and healing process for survivors
    • The importance of fostering healthier relationships

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    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

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    36 m
  • 013: The Intersection of Neurodivergence, Race, and Gender Identity
    May 28 2024

    Witnessing your child's first steps toward becoming who they are can be as awe-inspiring as it is daunting.

    On today’s episode of Metamorphosis Unleashed, Doc G navigates these waters with Kristen Cooper, who brings personal experience raising her non-binary child, Ash. Kristen's heartfelt stories—from embracing unexpected motherhood to tackling discrimination challenges—reveal the rich tapestry of intersectionality and empathy in understanding our children's unique identities. We discuss the complexities of raising children who don't fit neatly into society's checkboxes, highlighting the pivotal role of support and acceptance in their development.

    Like any journey, parenting comes with its fair share of trials and triumphs. Doc G shares a poignant story of her daughter's encounter with a beloved pet, which is a springboard into the broader issues of discerning a child's actions and intentions. Kristen and Doc G broach the subject of therapy for neurodiverse children and the emotional rollercoaster that can accompany our quest for appropriate care. We uncover the doubt and guilt that often accompany parenting, affirming the need to be patient with ourselves as we learn to nurture our children's needs.

    Doc G and Kristen take a hopeful look at the future as we discuss the transition of a neurodiverse high school student to college. We explore the considerations for choosing an environment that educates and celebrates the individuality of non-binary students.

    Join us for an episode that celebrates diversity as much as it guides you through the intertwining paths of neurodiversity and LGBTQ+ identities.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Kristen Cooper’s experiences raising a non-binary and neurodiverse child, Ash
    • The importance of empathy and understanding in parenting
    • The concept of intersectionality and the compounded discrimination faced by individuals with multiple marginalized identities
    • Recognizing and addressing a child's neurodiverse needs, including the decision-making process and the role of therapy
    • Selecting a supportive college environment for a neurodiverse and non-binary student and the relief of finding a good fit
    • Accepting and supporting a child's LGBTQ+ identity within a family and religious community
    • Creating an inclusive and understanding support system for non-binary and neurodiverse children
    • Kristen's personal growth as a parent and her advice to others navigating similar parenting challenges with neurodiverse and LGBTQ+ children

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    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

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    32 m
  • 012: Through a Different Lens
    May 14 2024

    We've all been there—faced with moments that demand us to either fold or forge ahead stronger than before.

    On this episode of Metamorphosis Unleashed, we unwrap the stories of individuals who chose the latter, showcasing the indomitable human spirit. Niko’s fearless confrontation with HIV, Dr. PaQuita Pullen’s rise from tough roots to triumphant success, and Kim's journey through grief that led to a celebration of love and legacy offer more than inspiration. They provide a map for embracing emotional intelligence during the most trying times. Their tales reveal how self-awareness and empathy can change adversity into growth.

    But transformation doesn't occur in isolation. It's supported by friendship and self-care. We examine what it means to forge healthy, reciprocal bonds. From recognizing the lifelines that true friends offer to understanding the necessity of carving out time for ourselves, Doc G paints a vivid picture of giving to others while honoring our own needs.

    As we navigate motherhood, caregiving, and personal peace, we celebrate the unique ways each of us refills our cups, reminding listeners that self-care is not a one-size-fits-all but a tailor-made suit for the soul.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Niko's HIV journey that defies stigma and reshapes identity
    • Dr. PaQuita Pullen's rise from challenging roots to success that showcases the power of dreams and determination
    • Kim's path through grief using emotional intelligence and laughter, leading to a celebration of love and legacy
    • The role of spirituality and faith as a source of strength and purpose during difficult transitions with insights from Daeryn’s doula calling
    • The importance of healthy, reciprocal friendships that provide emotional support and improve mental well-being
    • Self-care as a personalized practice for maintaining balance amidst motherhood, caregiving, and personal peace
    • Overcoming adversity, including mentorship, rest, therapy, and medication in healing

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    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

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    24 m
  • 011: It CAN Be Done!
    Apr 30 2024

    As a single mother juggling the tightrope of academia, Dr. Ariel Harrison gets it.

    That's why Doc G brought her on to this episode of Metamorphosis Unleashed to share her story and the wisdom she's gained from the frontlines of motherhood and higher education. She takes us through her daily life, offering hope and advice for single parents who dare to dream big. We discuss how critical a well-choreographed routine has been for her, from choosing an online doctoral program to balancing long commutes with precious family time.

    Time waits for no one, which is why Dr. Harrison and Doc G delve into mastering time management and its role in counseling. You’ll hear Doc G’s brush with a missed deadline, an experience that hammered home staying ahead. Dr. Harrison's journey as a professor, gatekeeper, and advocate for her students outlines the balance between empathy and professional educational standards. We also cover the distinct paths of school and mental health counselors, unpacking the academic and professional terrains unique to each.

    Beyond the books and classrooms, Dr. Harrison stresses self-care and a support network, especially for women threading the needle between caregiving and academic pursuits. Get an insider look at her book “10 Tips for Navigating Online Graduate School for Primary Caretakers” and the founding of Ariel Harrison Consulting, which represent her dedication to enriching others through her own growth. As we wrap up, we celebrate her contributions to women's empowerment through her Amazon journals—a tribute to the healing power of self-reflection and writing.

    Join us for an episode that's less about the climb and more about savoring the view at each ledge of this steep ascent we call life.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Dr. Ariel Harrison's personal journey through academia as a single mother
    • The challenges of raising two boys while pursuing a doctorate online
    • The importance of time management for counselors
    • Strategies like staying ahead of coursework and maintaining a balance between empathy and professional standards in education
    • The differences between school counseling and clinical mental health counseling
    • Insights into the career path of becoming a counselor educator with a doctoral degree
    • Self-care and having a support network for women in academia, especially those with caregiving responsibilities
    • An introduction to “10 Tips for Navigating Online Graduate School for Primary Caretakers”
    • The launch of Ariel Harrison Consulting and linking personal growth to professional development
    • Dr. Harrison's contribution to women's empowerment through her Amazon journals, designed for self-reflection and personal journeys like fertility and inner child work

    Resources from this Episode

    • Get Dr. Ariel Harrison’s book: ​​www.amazon.com/Tips-Navigating-Online-Graduate-School/dp/B0BKDXF1Z1

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    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

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    32 m
  • 010: Don’t Concede Defeat - Adapting to Your Spinal Cord Injury
    Apr 16 2024

    When life threw a curveball that changed everything, Dr. Denise Anderson didn't just adapt. She converted adversity into advocacy.

    On this episode of Metamorphosis Unleashed, from battling through the arduous recovery after a spinal cord injury to using her experience to fuel her passion for counseling and education, Dr. Anderson's story highlights the human spirit's resilience. She has an eye-opening discussion with Doc G on the complexities of SCI, revealing how it alters more than just physical abilities but every facet of your existence.

    We discuss the overshadowed mental health challenges that individuals with SCI navigate. Dr. Anderson shares the stark reality of psychological battles such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD that accompany physical challenges. She emphasizes the importance of accessible mental health support and societal empathy. We round off the conversation with life lessons in humility and patience that resonate with anyone facing challenges.

    Dr. Anderson's dedication shines a light on the importance of community and the strength we can draw from shared experiences and understanding.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Dr. Denise Anderson’s experience with SCI after a car accident, her misdiagnoses, and the emergency surgery that led to her paralysis
    • The emotional and physical challenges of SCI recovery
    • The intensive rehabilitation process and Dr. Anderson's journey towards relearning basic movements
    • Mental health challenges, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD common among SCI survivors
    • The need for better mental health resources and societal empathy
    • The importance of humility, patience, and self-compassion in the face of adversity and learning to accept a “new normal”
    • Dr. Anderson's advocacy work and research on SCI, alongside seeing the person behind the injury and providing appropriate support
    • Societal and logistical challenges that compound the struggles of those with SCI, including transportation and financial stability
    • Dr. Anderson's upcoming research that aims to increase awareness and improve the quality of life for those with spinal cord injuries

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    Episode Credits

    If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com Let them know we sent you.

    Más Menos
    30 m