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  • At times we are hilarious. Sometimes we are outlandish, others provocative, but always informative. More Content Talk dares to peel back the veneer of proper manners, and bring the news to you straight, no chaser. In order to do that we have to call things how we see it. The world unfolds very much like a true crime saga. Whether you are reading about the abuse of power of current leaders, the intrigue of European monarchs or the religious conquests of Ancient Rome, there is no escaping it: we are surrounded by criminality. We bring you the crime sagas of history that most have merely skimmed.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Time to Eat the Rich
    Aug 23 2022
    Down through history, great leaders of radical social movements have been misquoted and misrepresented in order to promote the idea that wealth is king. Well, that era is coming to an end. The plot by the wealthy classes to create a generation of mindless debt slaves has failed. More and more, people are realizing that the war on the educated poor in this society was planned and orchestrated by a corrupt business class hell bent on eradicating the gains made by poor Americans over the past several decades. Their plan was certainly well-organized, but it was not well thought out. The business elite believed that they could select all those with potential, recruit them into the business class and turn them against poor people. That plan has failed because there were simply too many bright stars such as me who fell through the cracks, who were left out of the world of success. Now that I and many others have been left behind, we are coming for our revenge on the wealthy classes. Make no mistake, this will not be a violent revolution, not on my end anyway. No, this revolution seeks something much more refined than violence. Our revolution, the revolution of the educated debt slaves, shall be a revolution of thought. No longer will you hear words like "hope" and "perseverance" from us. No longer will you hear dumb catchphrases like "rags to riches", "stop hating" and "hard work" from us. We have worked hard and gotten nothing for our efforts. We have hoped and we have been disappointed. We have persevered and received nothing in return. We have had rags and received no riches. We chose not to hate while you hated on us. We are done. We have given you the opportunity to make good on your promises to us, my dear elite class, and you have not delivered. And so, we will reject your gospel of capitalism. We will reject your idiotic optimism. We will reject your dogma of hope, your toxic positivity. All will be exposed as tools of the elite. Did you really think that no one would ever hold you accountable? Did you really think that your corporate propaganda would keep us at bay? You probably did, and now you will pay for your flawed reasoning and lack of empathy. A hoard of leftists is rising up now, and it will topple your fairy tale world dedicated to the flawed rationale of Adam Smith. A quote from the oft misunderstood, maligned and misquoted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will clue you in on the fate that will befall you in a short time. Listen up oh wealthy ones, "At the very same time that America refused to give the Negro any land, through an act of Congress our government was giving away millions of acres of land in the west and the Midwest. But not only did they give the land, they built land grant colleges with government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farm. Not only that, today many of these people are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies not to farm, and they are the very people telling the black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. Now this is what we are faced with. Now when we come to Washington with this campaign, we are coming to get our check." You hear me rich people? We are coming to get our check, only this time it's not just going to be black people. No, no. You see, you fucked up and pissed off the white man, and the Asian man, and the Mexican man, and the white woman, and the Asian woman, and the Mexican woman too. Yes, you did. And I don't care how much money you throw around; you aren't going to be able to buy yourself out of this colossal fuck up of yours this time. You are doomed elitists. The clock is ticking. The bell is tolling, and it tolls for thee, rich man. Buy all the politicians you like. It's all just a waste of money anyway. We are educated, we are bold, and we are coming to get our check!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    22 m
  • The Slow, Sad, Painful Death of American Comedy
    Jun 9 2022
    Everyone says and thinks all the same exact shit in America. But I thought I was different. I thought I was cool. I thought I had a deeper understanding of the world. Yeah, all that shit that you probably think about yourself right now. You’re not just a person who likes to laugh. You’re a kind of comedy connoisseur. Sure, you like to laugh, but it’s not about laughter for you. No, it’s about philosophy and culture and freedom of speech. Yeah, I know. You’re like one those alcoholics who refers to themselves as a sommelier. Yes, yes, we know. You don’t have a binge eating disorder, you have a refined a palate that must be satiated with all the great foods of the world...simultaneously. We know. You’re not a liar. You’re a storyteller or a poet or a screenwriter. You haven't published anything or had anything produced, but you're still an unpublished author, and an unpublished author is an author nonetheless. You’re not some weird creepy stalker who follows rich people around like some kind of deranged hungry stray dog looking to lick up your master's leavings. No, you’re an esteemed member of the fan based community. You don't stalk. You appreciate. You're not creepy. You're curious. Yes, we know. We all know that you love to mince words; we all know that you are better than everyone else and that means that you can never do anything wrong. It's an impossibility! It must be because you say it is. We get it. We all know how refined you are. Anyway, after many years of licking comedian taint just like you, I went crazy. I’m not joking. I really did lose my mind. I don’t blame that on comedians. I blame that on myself. But, while I was crazy, I decided to stop watching entertainment. You see, in the conspiracy world, entertainment is evil. All celebrities become lizard people and everyone is illuminati when you’ve lost your fucking mind. The smallest movement is some secret message. That celebrity is trying to control you and you need to stop it right now. So, I gave it all up. I lived “off the grid” as they say. I wouldn’t even use my cellphone. I was that serious about it. I read a lot of books during those years. No, not just crazy books like the bible or Atlas Shrugged...I mean, I read those too, but all kinds of books really, way more than most people will ever touch, let alone read from start to finish. I read so much that I couldn’t read anymore. So, I went back to comedy and, for awhile, it was just as I remembered it. Then, one day, one of the funniest men to ever live, Michael Richards (Kramer, for those of you who are bad with names) called a man a nigger. I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked. My dad and I both loved Michael Richards and Jerry Seinfeld had way more black people on his show than other shows. How could this be happening? I thought. What was going on? What was even crazier was the huge amount of people who rushed to defend him, many of them were comedians. A few years later, the same comedians who defended Michael Richard’s blatant racism stole the term “cancel culture” from black people to launch a campaign to protect themselves from ever being criticized again. They are still on this free speech crusade to this very day and they have taken black comedians right along with them. But their crusade is not for the common man; it is a selfish crusade. They use it to dehumanize their critics and to present themselves as superior. And now, comedy is dead to me in America. If I want to laugh, I mostly watch stuff from the old days of comedy when comedians told jokes instead of demonizing minorities. I watch a lot of Seinfeld, but I have no desire to see Jerry’s new stuff. I like seeing Michael Richards when his only concern was making me laugh. It reminds me of my dad and it makes me feel like a kid again. Call me old-fashioned or boring or whatever you want. I don’t care. You know, kind of like your favorite comedians don’t care about me...or you.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    33 m
  • Johnny Depp Wins While America Loses
    Jun 3 2022
    Well, we did it. We did it. We finally did it! Oh, come on. You know what I'm talking about. We. Did. It. That's right, we stuck to the man. We totally showed him dude. Johnny Depp is free. He's fucking free man. Alright. Alright! We really fucking did it. Good on us! Stupid pirate hats and cheap rum for everyone for you shall always remember this as the day that you almost caught an incredibly rich celebrity who cares absolutely nothing about you! Well done everyone. Well done. I'm clapping right now for you at this very moment. You did it. You gave Kyle Rittenhouse a reason to sue for defamation of character, and you should be very proud of yourself. Never in my life did I think a person who murdered someone would be able to sue for defamation of character. I underestimated you...or overestimated you...whichever one works. Anyway, the important thing is that you did something. You devoted months, some of you even over a year, to setting a legal precedent that could very well criminalize your right to speak out against abuse, especially when that abuse could or could not have been orchestrated by a person who is rich and famous. I mean, America, just when I think you couldn't possibly get any worse, you always surprise me. There really is no bottom in politics, no place to hide from the spin artists, nowhere to run from the bullshit artistry of the publicity stunt, the three-ring circus, the snake oil salesman. It's always there, waiting for you to slip up so it can shape and mold you as it pleases. But you don't care about legal precedent. I know. Trust me, I know. You care about Crybaby and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Pirates of the Carribean. You care about he Johnny Depp who appears to care about you, even if he really doesn't. And that's fine. I've accepted, over the years, that people want to have their cake and eat it too. You don't just want a flawed human being who struggles with rage just like most people. You want a superhero. You want Captain Jack Sparrow. You want to find neverland. That all makes sense in a very senseless way for that line of thought requires a dulling of the senses, especially those that sense scams. But I'm just talking nonsense of course. There's no way a megastar with millions on the line would ever lie to you. That doesn't happen. No, nothing ever happens in neverland, nothing too bad anyway. Everything is just right in a distorted kind of way. It's difficult to explain, especially if you've never been there. But, guess what? I've found it. That's right! I found neverland, and it had the most peculiar kind of behaviors. At one end of neverland, there is a man who shouts about free speech continuously. "Free Speech!", he shouts. "Free Speech!" But, the crazy thing is, the man yells "free speech" so much that he can barely hear himself talk and he certainly never listens to anyone else. There is also a woman dressed in her pajamas. She munches on candies, and pringles and crunches. She bites of her nails and pulls hair out in bunches. Then she shouts at the TV while she's on her lunches. "Liberal bias!", she shouts. "Conservative bias!", she mouths. No matter what the TV says, she points out a bias, but her bias is so biased she won't even try us. Then, toward the end, there's a man who hates women for hating men. He puffs out his chest and dances like a hen. "I hate all your hatred!", he squawks from his perch. "Damn all your self-love and self-care and self-worth! You're all far too selfish to think of myself first!" Then he nods off while watching Fox News Network. Then, at the end, there are nothing but cops. They mean you no harm until you think a free thought. Then it's off to jail for you to sit and rot. But there'll be no trials or fan mail for you, just a really high bail and no one to screw. And when you ask the cops why you are to blame, they'll tell you, for sure, their names you've defamed. There you will sit wondering how, the anti-woke folks have turned on you now

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    15 m

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