
  • Evolution
    Sep 29 2019

    Along this journey of becoming a full-time holistic practitioner, you go through a lot of changes. Before you even start your own practice, you’ve gone through a bunch of changes: From not knowing about this medicine to wanting to heal patients for a living, you’ve come a long way.

    But how do you get from where you are to where you want to be? 

    The answer isn’t working harder or waiting to get lucky–it’s what you’ll hear in this episode. If you’re ready to catapult yourself to the next level and reach your goals as a practitioner faster than ever before, listen now!

    Show highlights include: 

    • Why “feeling good” should never be your goal (and what to strive for instead). (4:46)
    • The one emotional driver that leads you to make high-risk decisions. (13:27)
    • The most important ability you need to cultivate so you can leapfrog to the next level (this has nothing to do with marketing, business or sales). (22:38)
    • Why taking time off can help you get more done and achieve more with less work. (25:11)

    Ready to fill your practice and keep it full?

    To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesystems.com.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Exponential Momentum Multiplier
    Aug 4 2019

    If you haven’t reached your goal with your practice yet, growing it can feel like a slog. You work hard and do everything experts tell you to do. But you’re still not booked out. 

    If that’s the case, you’re missing one thing: Momentum. 

    Momentum multiplies the value you get out of your work and lets you get more results out of the same work. And the best thing about it is: Momentum accelerates. The more of it you get, the more results you see. 

    If you want more momentum in your practice and in your life, listen to this episode. You’ll find out exactly how to gain more momentum and make all your work actually fill your practice. 

    Show highlights include: 

    • The most important decision you’ll make as a holistic practitioner (this alone can fill your practice with patients). (5:05)
    • The no. 1 quality you need to master the “momentum mindset” (you probably have this already. Now shine a light on it). (9:50)
    • How to eliminate your cash flow problems without becoming too expensive for those you serve. (14:30)
    • If you want your practice to go anywhere, you need to create one thing. It’s free and takes nothing but your mind. (21:00)

    Ready to fill your practice and keep it full?

    To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesystems.com.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • How The "STS" Method Will Get You More Patients Fast, Part 2
    Jul 21 2019

    The STS method makes getting, booking and treating patients simple. But if you want to see any results from it, you’ve got to put what you learned into practice. 

    In this episode, you’ll hear exactly what you have to do to get more paying patients in the door using the STS method. 

    If you’re ready to have patients seeking you out instead of writing endless blog articles, you need to listen to this episode. 

    Show highlights include: 

    • Why specializing doesn’t mean you can’t treat other conditions anymore—and how focusing on one thing lets you treat more patients, not less. (1:15)
    • How messaging about “finding more balance” will be ignored every time. (3:35)
    • If you know your real healing power, why don’t you market that? Here’s how you can legally market your treatments for “serious” problems. (5:35)
    • The worst AND most common way practitioners market themselves–and why the easier opposite of that gets you 10x more patients. (12:30)

    Ready to fill your practice and keep it full?

    To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesystems.com.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • How The "STS" Method Will Get You More Patients Fast, Part 1
    Jul 14 2019

    When you first started your practice, you probably thought it would be easy: Do some marketing to get patients every week, treat them and live a happy life full of impact.

    But along the way, things probably started to seem a lot more complicated. And most practitioners find one thing most complicated: Getting Patients. 

    Maybe you’ve also tried method after method to get more patients, jumping from one strategy to the next. If that’s you, there’s a good chance you’ve thought something like “that’s not what I became a practitioner for”. 

    Here’s the good news: With the “STS” method, your marketing becomes so simple that you can focus on serving your patients and making an impact, NOT trying to figure out some high-tech marketing software.

    In this episode, you’ll find out how to put the STS method into action for your practice.

    Show highlights include:

    • Ban all the complicated tactics from your head–here’s what marketing is, summed up in 4 words. (1:10)
    • The biggest marketing mistake practitioners make (and how to fix it with what you already know). (9:35)
    • Which people never to market to (you’ll not only make less money, you’ll also fail your purpose as a healer). (11:25)
    • The biggest fear that holds back holistic practitioners from building a practice that lives up to its potential. (19:45)

    Ready to fill your practice and keep it full?

    To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesystems.com.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Take Your Practice To The Next Level With Amplified Growth Momentum
    Jul 7 2019

    Most holistic practitioners think they’ll take the straight road to success. They believe one thing will lead to the next and they’ll see dozens of smiling patients per day. 

    But when reality kicks in and things outside of their control happen, they fight what’s happening instead of focusing on making a bigger impact and building their dream practice.

    In this episode, you’ll hear all about how to avoid this trap and use whatever is happening to your advantage. 

    You’ll not only grow your practice quicker–you’ll also be happier and more at peace instead of worrying about what happens around you. 

    Show highlights include:

    • How holistic practitioners suffocate their own success right as it begins to happen. (3:20)
    • How to use your way of treatment on your own practice. (6:25)
    • The secret to “healing” your practice and making it the haven you want it to be. (12:40)
    • The worst (yet most common) way of responding to pressure. (15:35)

     Ready to fill your practice and keep it full?

    To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesystems.com.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • The Biggest Self-Limiting Factor Of Them All
    Jun 30 2019

    As a holistic practitioner, you’re probably critical of some of the practices of the allopathic medical community. 

    One of the most common criticisms is the greed of big pharma companies. But when it comes down to it, even many acupuncturists are greedy. Because greed isn’t just a money-addiction. 

    In this episode, you’ll find out how greed sneaks into your thinking and infects your practice. You’ll discover how to spot it, end its damaging presence and replace it with a perspective of service. 

    That way, you not only avoid a practice crippled by greed, but build a practice fueled by love and driven by service. You’ll become the practitioner people seek out—not the one whose patients leave after a single session.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why reflection is the skill every practitioner needs—and how it frees you from bad luck and feeling like a victim. (2:25)
    • The REAL meaning of greed—and how to let go of your desire for more. (9:05)
    • The simple realization that cancels greed and lets you be happy, whether your practice is flush with patients or you’ve never given a single treatment. (16:15)
    • The single book chapter that teaches you everything about eliminating greed. (17:05)

    Ready to fill your practice and keep it full?

    To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesystems.com.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Big Impact Requires Big Decisions. Here's How To Make Them
    Jun 23 2019

    Impact is the no. 1 thing holistic practitioners strive for. It’s watching your patients enter with a frown and leave with a smile that really drives us.

    But most practices don’t create maximum impact. Most practitioners don’t get patients results, get distracted by their emotions instead of being present with their patients and slack off on their marketing once they’ve got patients.

    The reason most practitioners are stuck isn’t that they’re lazy, it’s that they’re afraid to decide. They’re afraid of deciding on a treatment for a patient—and the patient doesn’t see results. They’re afraid of paying money for marketing—so their calendar stays empty. The big impact killer is fear.

    You’ll discover how to make those important decisions in today’s episode.

    Show highlights include:

    • The big secret to getting referrals, growing your practice consistently and do away with the constant ups and downs. (1:45)
    • Here’s what you have to do before you can heal anyone—and it has nothing to do with certificates, degrees or diplomas. (9:15)
    • How to impact people without ever meeting them in person–and improve your own life at the same time. (15:50)
    • The drive you need to remind yourself of to “switch off” your fear of growing your practice and delivering results. (16:20)

    Ready to fill your practice and keep it full?

    To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesystems.com.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Avoid Self-Sabotage By Understanding This Important Principle
    Jun 16 2019

    If you think of success in your practice, what do you think of? You probably imagine some highlight reel. A patient brought to tears after your treatment changed his life, a packed schedule and an income that affords you your dream lifestyle.

    Those magical moments exist. And if you follow the proven path to a successful practice, you will have those touching moments.

    But if you imagine success as a practitioner as a 24/7 highlight reel, even the most committed patients and life-changing results will frustrate and disappoint you.

    REAL success looks different. In this episode, you’ll hear how to think about success as a practitioner so that you’ll reach your goals better and get more satisfaction out of them.

    And that is how you become the loving practitioner you dreamt of when you first got into natural healing.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why NOT chasing the exciting moments of life as a successful practitioner will create more of those moments in your life (seeking out excitement actually dulls the best moments and sucks the life out of your practice). (2:35)
    • The most addictive feeling in the world (unfortunately, it’s NOT love) and how it can either destroy your life or fuel your practice and help you become the practitioner you desire to be. (4:45)
    • The “trigger” that lets you double your practice within a year—this is NOT a complicated marketing system and actually makes your work easier, not harder. (13:05)
    • How “boring” work gets your patients better results and turns your practice into the haven your patients desire. (15:10)

    Ready to fill your practice and keep it full?

    To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesystems.com.

    Más Menos
    22 m