
  • Where Are Government Customers Actually Hiding These Days?
    Jul 23 2024

    Just like selling into other markets, winning government contracts has changed. Government buyers aren't found where they used to be, the topic of this episode of Myths of Selling to Government hosted by Rick Wimberly. He's joined by Amir Capriles, Chief Revenue Officer for Grancius and former senior government sales executive of companies like Microsoft and Salesforce.

    Amir says, these days, government buyers don't rely as much as they once did on government sales and business development people to figure out and navigate their options; prospects have likely done much of their research into their potential solutions by the time you get to them. Thus, Amir says, you must become a trusted advisor and figure out where the prospect is in the buying journey so you can bring the right information at the right time. Plus, he says, you have to create a point-of-view that's enticing enough to get the buyer's attention.

    Amir says he wants to see his company's sellers conducting "amazing, amazing" research and discovery. Then, he likes to ask them what's the billion dollar problem they can help the government customer solve. He says it changes their way of viewing the opportunity, even if it's for a $10,000 government sales opportunity.

    Join Rick and Amir for this powerful episode of Myths of Selling to Government.

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    6 m
  • Save the Deal by Actually Knowing Your Government Prospect’s Process
    May 22 2024

    This episode of Myths of Selling to Government tackles a critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of government sales success: understanding your prospect's buying process.

    Mastering government procurement isn't just about having strong sales skills. Knowing the specific steps involved in a government purchase can dramatically improve your chances of closing the deal and achieving accurate sales forecasts.

    The episode explores common pitfalls for salespeople who lack this crucial knowledge. It highlights the importance of asking the right questions upfront through a discovery process to avoid surprises like:

    • Unclear Budgets: Learn how to go beyond the basic "what's your budget?" question to uncover true funding sources and timelines.
    • Budget Timing Challenges: Government spending cycles can be complex. This episode equips you to understand when funds are actually available, not just allocated.
    • Competition: Discover strategies for navigating competition, both external and internal solutions proposed by the agency itself.

    By understanding the government buying process, you can build stronger, more trusting relationships with prospects. You'll position yourself as a valuable consultant who respects their procedures, even the intricate ones.

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    7 m
  • Listening to Win: The Key to Effective Government Sales Presentations
    Apr 3 2024

    In this episode of "Myths of Selling to Government," we're diving into what it takes to nail a demo or presentation when you're pitching to government folks. Let's face it, selling to the government means you'll definitely need to show them what you've got, because they're not just going to take your word for it.

    So, what's the deal with making these demos work? Well, here's the thing: salespeople put a ton of effort into perfecting their demos. They rehearse in front of mirrors, get feedback from colleagues, tweak things here and there based on how people react, all to make sure they hit the high notes and really promote all of what they're offering.

    But here's a twist: I had a sales guy pitch to me a few weeks back. He was all prepped and ready, doing the usual "interrupt me anytime" spiel, and then dove into his rehearsed masterpiece, hitting all the expected buzzwords and shiny features. It was smooth; I'll give him that. But when the show was over and we got down to brass tacks, something was off. Despite a solid presentation, it just didn't click for me. No sale.

    Why? Because he missed the mark on what I actually needed. He had his demo down pat but didn't really get what my problem was or how his solution fit into that. I’ll give him an “A” for a smooth presentation, but a “C minus” on his discovery. It's like he was selling features when what I needed was a solution to my specific problem. It's a common mishap: not listening enough and just hoping your standard pitch will somehow land.

    The episode really digs into this idea that you've got to do more than just show up with a rehearsed demo. You’ve got to do discovery before you start pitching. You need to ask questions, listen like you mean it, and be ready to throw the script out the window to address what the buyer really needs. It's about making your demo a conversation, not a monologue. If you can do that, you're not just going through the motions; you're making a connection and solving a problem.

    Big shoutout to our sponsor, Excavase.com, a sales discovery platform, for backing this episode. And, here's to making those government sales pitches count by really tuning in to what your clients need and tailoring your approach to fit.

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    6 m
  • The Discovery Advantage: Leveraging Key Players for Government Sales Success
    Mar 5 2024

    In this milestone episode, we celebrate reaching 12,000 downloads and maintaining a stellar five-star rating, but our focus remains on the critical role of effective discovery in navigating the complex terrain of government sales. We delve into the strategies of top performers in winning government contracts, emphasizing the importance of identifying and understanding key players in the decision-making process. Discover why designating a "coach" within the organization is crucial for your success and how to foster a trusting relationship that unlocks valuable insights.

    We tackle common concerns about engaging with these key players and offer practical advice for aligning your approach with the intricate dynamics of government purchasing. Join us as we unpack the secrets to satisfying client needs, outmaneuvering the competition, and securing government contracts through the power of discovery. Plus, we revisit our last episode, "Digging for Treasure: Uncovering Landmines in Sales Discovery for Selling to Government," for more in-depth insights into the sales discovery process.

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    4 m
  • Digging for Treasure, Uncovering Landmines in Sales Discovery for Selling to Government
    Feb 3 2024

    Embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of winning government contracts with Rick Wimberly on "The Myths of Selling to the Government" podcast. In this episode, Rick sits down with Lorin Bristow, co-author of "Seven Myths of Selling to Government," to delve deep into the pivotal skill of sales discovery.

    Celebrating a milestone of 12,000 downloads, Rick emphasizes the importance of questions and active listening in the quest to secure government contracts. Discover why effective sales discovery is the linchpin of winning government contracts, as Rick and Lorin explore its critical role in understanding customer needs and aligning solutions. Learn how top-performing salespeople excel in discovery and follow-up, distinguishing themselves in the competitive landscape of government procurement.

    But the discussion doesn't end there. Lorin introduces Excavase, an innovative online platform tailored to revolutionize the sales discovery process. Dive into the advanced features of Excavase, including standardized questions and AI assessment tools, designed to empower sales teams and maximize their potential for winning government contracts.

    As a special incentive for listeners, Rick and Lorin unveil an exclusive offer for podcast listeners, providing a unique opportunity to enhance your government sales strategy (or any sales strategies, for that matter) and increase your chances of success in securing lucrative contracts.

    Don't miss out on this invaluable insight into mastering sales discovery for winning government contracts. Tune in now to "The Myths of Selling to the Government" podcast and take the first step toward government contract success.

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    12 m
  • Cracking the Code to Selling Local Government
    Jan 10 2024

    In this episode of "Myths of Selling to Government," we delve into the intricate world of selling to local governments. Our guest is an industry veteran with a unique blend of experience working within city administrations, consulting for municipalities and various organizations, and providing solutions tailored to urban landscapes. He's writing a book about cracking city sales.

    He emphasizes the critical importance of comprehending the distinct "language" of government entities—a language that's shaped by constantly evolving needs and priorities. Unlike private enterprises primarily focused on profitability, local governments operate within a dynamic framework where needs and goals frequently shift.

    Tune in as our expert shares invaluable insights into deciphering this complex landscape. This episode offers actionable advice for businesses aiming to sell their products or services to local governments.

    Join us as we uncover the truths, dispel the myths, and provide a roadmap for cracking the code to successful selling in the realm of local government.

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    5 m
  • My Mom’s Wisdom: Mastering Government Sales, One Question at a Time
    Nov 1 2023

    Join us for an extraordinary episode of "Myths of Selling to Government," hosted by Rick Wimberly. In this heartfelt and insightful episode, Rick shares a deeply personal story about the invaluable lessons he learned from his remarkable mother, Nita Wimberly.

    Nita Wimberly was not just a mother; she was a trailblazer in her own right. Working for the Air Force, Nita's accomplishments were awe-inspiring. However, to Rick and his siblings, she was simply "Mom." It was only when a friend from his small Georgia town revealed the legend surrounding his Mom that Rick began to grasp the magnitude of his mother's influence on the world of government sales.

    In the 1980s, as Rick embarked on his career in government sales, he often sought advice from his mother. She had a knack for cutting through the noise and getting to the heart of the matter. When Rick excitedly told her about his first meeting with a General at the Pentagon, she asked the questions that changed his perspective. "What does he do? What's his job? What problem can you solve for him? How's the decision going to be made?" Her advice was simple yet profound: "Just ask, son."

    Tune in to this special episode as Rick Wimberly pays tribute to his extraordinary mother, and explores the invaluable lessons she imparted on mastering government sales—one question at a time.

    If you're in government sales or simply interested in inspirational stories of remarkable individuals, this episode is a must-listen.

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    5 m
  • Unlocking Success for Winning Government Contracts: The Drive to Play the Game
    Oct 4 2023

    In the world of selling, it's not just about hitting quotas and closing deals; it's a thrilling game that salespeople play with passion. Nowhere is this truer than in the realm of government contracts. Join us in this enlightening episode of "Myths of Selling to Government," hosted by Rick Wimberly, as we delve into the unique mindset that sets successful salespeople apart.

    Several years ago, Government Selling Solutions conducted a study to learn more about the traits of top government salespeople. The findings were both surprising and enlightening. One standout trait that emerged from the research was what our analysts termed the "playing the game factor." These adept salespeople relish working with prospects, navigating competitors, and collaborating with partners to achieve their goals.

    But what truly sets them apart is their perspective on complexity. Contrary to common belief, successful government salespeople don't view government contracts as mired in red tape; they see them as opportunities. They find fulfillment in solving the intricate puzzle that government sales often presents, showcasing their expertise, trustworthiness, and innovative solutions.

    Competitiveness is at the heart of their success. Beating the competition is as rewarding as the financial gains from closing deals. However, it's not a solo endeavor. These sales champions thrive on teamwork.

    So, what can we learn from these sales champions who revel in "playing the game"? It's about adopting a mindset that transforms challenges into stepping stones, competitors into motivators, and complexity into a chance to shine.

    If you're eager to discover more traits of successful government salespeople, we invite you to visit the govselling.com website, where you can access the study. Embrace the competition, foster collaboration, and dare to tackle the most complex challenges - keys to winning more government contracts.

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    4 m