
  • 138. The Crownから学んだエリザベス女王の物語。女王としてのプロ意識がすごい!The Story of Queen Elizabeth Learned from The Crown: Her Incredible Professionalism as a Monarch!
    Jun 30 2024

    今(いま)「The Crown」というドラマにハマっています。エリザベス女王(じょおう)のストーリーを通(とお)して、イギリスの王室制度(おうしつせいど)、結婚観(けっこんかん)、日本(にほん)の皇室制度(こうしつせいど)との違(ちが)いなどなど、学(まな)ぶことがたくさんありました。特(とく)に、恋愛(れんあい)や結婚(けっこん)が大(おお)きく関係(かんけい)してくる王室内(おうしつない)の生活(せいかつ)は、日本(にほん)と比(くら)べて大(おお)きく違(ちが)っていてとても興味深(きょうみぶか)いものでした。私(わたし)が感(かん)じた個人的(こじんてき)なドラマの感想(かんそう)を話(はな)しています。あくまでもドラマについての個人的(こじんてき)な感想(かんそう)であり、実際(じっさい)のイギリス王室(おうしつ)や国王(こくおう)を批判(ひはん)したものではありませんので、ご了承(りょうしょう)ください。笑

    I am currently hooked on the drama "The Crown." Through Queen Elizabeth's story, I have learned a lot about the British monarchy, views on marriage, and the differences from the Japanese imperial system. In particular, the lifestyle within the royal family, where romance and marriage play a significant role, is very different from Japan's, and it is very intriguing. I share my personal impressions of the drama. Please note that these are just my personal opinions about the drama and not criticisms of the actual British royal family or the monarch. Thank you for your understanding. 😅

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/toranomaki-japanese/message
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    34 m
  • 137. 種類豊富な日本のマクドナルド。人気メニューベスト10!Diverse Delights of Japan's McDonald's: Top 10 Popular Menu Items!
    Jun 23 2024


    Have you ever tried the McDonald's menu in Japan? In addition to staple items like the Double Mac, there are unique options not available in the West, such as teriyaki-flavored burgers and a variety of limited-time menus. Desserts, including chocolate pies, are also popular. This time, as usual, we'll introduce the top 10 popular McDonald's menu items in Japan using a ranking format!

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/toranomaki-japanese/message
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    34 m
  • 136. 日本語は世界一難しい言語?どうして3つも文字が存在するのか調べました!Is Japanese the Most Difficult Language in the World? Why Are There Three Different Types of Characters?
    Jun 16 2024


    I believe all learners of Japanese know well that Japanese is truly a difficult language. Especially kanji; even we natives often find many characters unreadable. In other words, mastering kanji completely is impossible even for Japanese people. It’s understandable why Japanese is said to be the most difficult language in the world. In this episode, we discussed why there are three types of characters in Japanese. How did kanji come to Japan? And why were hiragana and katakana created?

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/toranomaki-japanese/message
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • 135. 人気のスポーツを探る!世界や日本で競技人口の多いスポーツトップ5!Exploring Popular Sports! Top 5 Sports with the Highest Participation Rates Worldwide and in Japan!
    Jun 9 2024


    In May and June, ball sports tournaments are usually held in high schools. Unlike the sports day, which includes various events, these tournaments focus solely on ball sports, and the specific events vary from school to school. It seems that at Torakun's school, futsal, dodgeball, and volleyball were held. Therefore, this time we announced the top five sports with the highest number of participants worldwide. Similarly, we also investigated which sports have the highest participation rates in Japan. What sports do you think are the most popular in Japan and the world? Please think about it!!

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/toranomaki-japanese/message
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    33 m
  • 134. 池袋は西と東で全く違う?夜の街、池袋西側での出来事と埼玉でのコンサートの話!Is Ikebukuro Completely Different Between West and East? Stories at the West Side and a Concert in Saitama!
    Jun 2 2024


    In mid-May, we went to Tokyo for a concert in Tokorozawa, Saitama Prefecture. We stayed on the west side of Ikebukuro, and we were surprised by the nightlife there, which we encountered for the first time. This episode focuses on the other face of the west side of Ikebukuro and the difficulty of accessing Tokorozawa, especially the congestion we experienced after the concert. While the concert itself was very good, there are many interesting, surprising, and memorable episodes from our trip to Tokyo. If you're planning a trip to Tokyo, definitely consider this as a reference.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/toranomaki-japanese/message
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    33 m
  • 133. 大阪に旅行したい!!おすすめの大阪観光スポットを紹介します!Want to Visit Osaka? Introducing Recommended Tourist Spots!
    May 26 2024


    Almost half the year has passed already, and one of Tora-kun's goals for this year is to 'travel alone to Osaka.' In light of this, we've explored the charming attractions of Osaka in this episode. From the historic Osaka Castle, where you can touch upon history, to the shopping area of Umeda, and the Dotonbori area, which symbolizes downtown gourmet and Osaka culture, we introduce these exciting spots. For those planning to travel to Japan, we recommend visiting Osaka, following Tokyo and Kyoto.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/toranomaki-japanese/message
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    34 m
  • 132. インドネシアからあの人が帰国。逆カルチャーショックの父と向き合う新生活。HE Returned from Indonesia! Facing a New Life with My Father Experiencing Reverse Culture Shock!!
    May 19 2024

    実(じつ)は4月(しがつ)からとらくんのお父(とう)さん、私(わたし)の旦那(だんな)さんがインドネシアから帰国(きこく)し日本(にほん)で暮(く)らしています。7年間(ななねんかん)別々(べつべつ)に暮(く)らしている間(あいだ)に、すっかり現地(げんち)の人(ひと)になったお父(とう)さんとの生活(せいかつ)は簡単(かんたん)じゃありません。逆(ぎゃく)カルチャーショック状態(じょうたい)で、日本(にほん)になかなか馴染(なじ)めていなかったり、7年(ななねん)の間(あいだ)にすっかり大(おお)きくなったとらくんとの関係(かんけい)がうまくいかなかったり。少(すこ)しずつ良(よ)くはなっていますが、まだまだ完全(かんぜん)ではない私(わたし)たちの新生活(しんせいかつ)について話(はな)しています。話(はなし)は変(か)わりますが、エピソードの初(はじ)めに話(はな)しているように Youtube 編集者(へんしゅうしゃ)も募集(ぼしゅう)しています!

    Since April, Tora's father, my husband, has been living with us in Japan after returning from Indonesia, where he spent the last 7 years. Adapting to his return hasn't been easy, as he fully embraced the local culture there, and now experiences reverse culture shock back in Japan. He's struggling to fit in and reconnect with Tora, who has grown up quite a bit in his absence. Although things are slowly getting better, our new life together is far from settled. On a different note, we're also looking for a YouTube editor to help with our episodes!

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/toranomaki-japanese/message
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    31 m
  • 131. 新潟での思わぬ発見!遊園地でのドキドキ!2人それぞれのゴールデンウィーク!Unexpected Discoveries in Niigata! Thrills at the Amusement Park! Our Two Different Golden Weeks!
    May 12 2024


    Golden Week has ended and we've returned to our regular lives. In this episode, we reported on our respective Golden Week experiences. Tora-kun went to an amusement park, trying to overcome his fear of roller coasters. How did his challenge on a terrifying roller coaster, even with a Guinness record, turn out? On the other hand, I took a solo trip to Niigata Prefecture to meet with students. While I thought Niigata would be uneventful, the village I visited was surprisingly different from what I imagined, full of mysterious and interesting places. Enjoy the contrast between the relaxing Niigata and the thrilling roller coaster, showcasing the completely different Golden Week experiences of the two of us.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/toranomaki-japanese/message
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    34 m