
  • Surf Your Urge: Ride Your Craving Wave and Regain Impulse Control
    May 25 2024

    Have you ever felt the grip of an alcohol craving, only to feel powerless against it? In this episode, we explore the empowering technique of 'surfing the urge'. This technique is backed by by science. It alters your brain's circuitry to allow greater control over impulses and emotional regulation so that you can hit pause between a craving and knocking back your first glass. This is where freedom lies.

    For anyone on the path to reducing alcohol consumption or maintaining sobriety, this episode offers ten mindful steps to help you navigate a drinking urge.

    Pushing through that 30 minutes of discomfort may seem frightening, but the more you do it, the more you are empowered to continue doing it. It's about taking back your power and minimising alcohol's role in your life. Future you will thank you!


    Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
    Instagram: @glassfulfilled
    Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub


    Isabella Ferguson: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
    Instagram: @alcoholandstresswithisabella
    Alcohol Freedom Small Group Challenge - Register here: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/alcoholfreedomchallenge
    The Alcohol Revolution 6-Week Program (Online or Podcast): https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/thealcoholrevolution

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • William Porter: "Alcohol Explained”
    May 18 2024

    Today, we have the honor of speaking with William Porter, the insightful author of "Alcohol Explained." William spent years in the throes of his own drinking career, unknowingly gathering the research and experiences that would later form the foundation of his life-changing book. In this episode William is generous in his knowledge and wisdom.
    William offers a profound perspective on alcohol that has the power to transform lives. Let's dive into his journey and discover the truths he's uncovered.

    Williams website: https://alcoholexplained.com/the-author/


    Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
    Instagram: @glassfulfilled
    Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub


    Isabella Ferguson: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
    Instagram: @alcoholandstresswithisabella
    Alcohol Freedom Small Group Challenge - Register here: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/alcoholfreedomchallenge
    The Alcohol Revolution 6-Week Program (Online or Podcast): https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/thealcoholrevolution

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Are you drinking too much? 10 Red Flags to Consider
    May 11 2024

    Have you ever woken up at 3am with a pounding heart and a regretful mind, questioning your decision to indulge in those extra drinks? Or found yourself promising to cut back, only to slip back into old habits when stress kicks in? Today Bella talks about her 10 unmistakable red flags that signal it's time to reevaluate your relationship with alcohol. Whether it's the wake-up calls, the failed moderation attempts, or the realisation that you're self-medicating, we're tackling these issues head-on.

    Taking a break from drinking isn't just about giving up something; it's about gaining a whole new perspective on life. Imagine feeling healthier, looking better, and having more energy – that's the transformative power of drinking less. If you're wrestling with moderation, you no longer enjoy activities you used to enjoy or experience anxiety in moments you used to breeze through, we’ll guide you through the benefits of taking a break, seeking professional guidance, from counselling to coaching programs.

    Link to our previous episode on Secret Drinking.

    10 RED FLAGS

    1. 3AM wake up
    2. Self medicating stress, anxiety and depression
    3. Moderation fails
    4. Not enjoying activities that you used to enjoy
    5. Fixated with alcohol vs liberated
    6. Secret Drinking
    7. Panic and claustrophobia
    8. Emotionally burnout: cynicism, detached, demotivated
    9. General risks: youth, family members, trauma
    10. Staying Power


    Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
    Instagram: @glassfulfilled
    Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub


    Isabella Ferguson: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
    Instagram: @alcoholandstresswithisabella
    Alcohol Freedom Small Group Challenge - Register here: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/alcoholfreedomchallenge
    The Alcohol Revolution 6-Week Program (Online or Podcast): https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/thealcoholrevolution

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Blackout Drinking!
    May 4 2024

    I never imagined that so many special memories in my life would be a blur. The harsh reality of alcohol-induced blackouts left a mark on what should have been some of the clearest and happiest days of my life. Tune in as I, Meg, unravel the harrowing connection between these blackouts and anxiety, and the role they've played in my own journey. It's a stark look at the silent battle many face, as the quest to ease social nerves can lead to moments lost in time and the frightening inability to form memories.

    This episode isn't just a personal reflection—it's a broader discussion on the perilous impact of alcohol misuse on society, from the risks of domestic violence to the tough conversations we must have with our loved ones about safe drinking practices. Through my story, and experiences, we explore the importance of awareness around how and why blackouts occur when it comes to alcohol. If you're grappling with these challenges or know someone who is, this conversation aims to offer a guiding light to those ready to step towards understanding and breaking free from alcohol's grip.


    Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
    Instagram: @glassfulfilled
    Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub


    Isabella Ferguson: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
    Instagram: @alcoholandstresswithisabella
    Alcohol Freedom Small Group Challenge - Register here: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/alcoholfreedomchallenge
    The Alcohol Revolution 6-Week Program (Online or Podcast): https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/thealcoholrevolution

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Maintaining a Sober Practice with Soberful Author, Veronica Valli
    Apr 27 2024

    Veronica Valli, a recovery coach with nearly 24 years of sobriety, and one of the "originals" of the modern alcohol free movement, joins us to share how she maintains her sober practice after all these years. Hint - she's written about how she does it in her insightful book, Soberful, which talks about 5 pillars of a sustainable sobriety, that Veronica believes are essential for a happy sober life. Listen on to hear what these are!

    We cover many topics in this episode, including drinking to "deal with" anxiety, common misconceptions of sobriety and the potential for a life filled with genuine fun and connection without the need for alcohol. So, if your curiosity is piqued and you're seeking motivation, our experiences as sobriety coaches might just be the guiding light you need to take that first step towards an alcohol-free lifestyle.

    Bella's May Alcohol Freedom Small Group Coaching Challenge: Learn more & join here

    Meg's Bookclub:


    Veronica's website: https://soberful.com/

    Veronica's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/veronicajvalli/

    Veronica's Free Facebook group: https://soberful.com/facebook/

    Soberful podcast: https://soberful.com/episodes/


    Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
    Instagram: @glassfulfilled
    Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub


    Isabella Ferguson: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
    Instagram: @alcoholandstresswithisabella
    Alcohol Freedom Small Group Challenge - Register here: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/alcoholfreedomchallenge
    The Alcohol Revolution 6-Week Program (Online or Podcast): https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/thealcoholrevolution

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Margie Coltharp's journey from playing victim to finding self love.
    Apr 20 2024

    Struggling with alcohol can feel like a lonely battle, but Margie Colthorpe's story offers hope and community. In our latest episode, she shares her courageous journey from addiction to recovery. Margie's turning point came with a medical emergency, which prompted her to embrace self-acceptance and embark on a path of enlightenment.

    Her story is a poignant reminder of the complex relationship between alcohol, personal struggles, and the search for self-worth. Margie's transformation underscores the power of self-love in overcoming addiction. Through candid conversations, she reveals how the allure of alcohol fades when one embraces their inherent worthiness.

    We also explore the healing power of facing pain and the importance of setting boundaries aligned with core values. Margie's coaching venture, Brave Space, is dedicated to helping others navigate their own journeys with confidence. Her upcoming masterclass promises to equip individuals with the tools to live authentically and in harmony with their true selves.

    Join us for a heartfelt dialogue that serves as a lifeline for anyone seeking a path out of darkness. Margie's story is not just about sobriety; it's an invitation to experience the freedom that comes with true self-acceptance.

    Margie's website: https://bravespace.coach/

    Unwined Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub

    Bella's alcohol freedom group coaching: https://isabellaferguson.com.au/


    Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
    Instagram: @glassfulfilled
    Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub


    Isabella Ferguson: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
    Instagram: @alcoholandstresswithisabella
    Alcohol Freedom Small Group Challenge - Register here: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/alcoholfreedomchallenge
    The Alcohol Revolution 6-Week Program (Online or Podcast): https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/thealcoholrevolution

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Emma Gilmour: Living AF, Parenting and Finding Calm in Midlife
    Apr 13 2024

    When Emma Gilmour of Hope Rising Coaching joined us, she didn't just bring a big laugh (and that we did many of!) — she brought an open conversation about her recent autism diagnosis, raising neurodivergent children, perimenopause, giving up alcohol and finding calm in a chaotic world! Sigh... Emma is just awesome.

    We talk about parenting children who experience the world differently, how Emma's journey to sobriety unearthed her authentic introverted self, and the ways in which society's extroverted ideals can obscure our true natures.

    This heart-to-heart also spotlights the elephant in the room: the PTSD-like stress parenting can impose, and why acknowledging this reality is vital for our emotional health. Emma's insights into the often misunderstood manifestations of autism in women, and the relief that comes with understanding and resources, form a lighthouse for those on similar paths.

    In fact, Emma runs a 'Be the Lighthouse', a group coaching program offering support for those seeking an alcohol-free life. We leave you with the understanding that whether you're a parent to a neurodivergent child, re-evaluating your relationship with alcohol, or in pursuit of deeper self-care, this episode stands as a testament to the transformative journeys we're capable of embarking upon.


    Emma's website www.hoperisingcoaching.com

    Emma's podcast Midlife AF https://www.hoperisingcoaching.com/podcast















    Heidi Mavir - Your Child Is Not Broken

    Chloe Hayden - Different not less

    Eliza Fricker - Can't Not Won't

    Megan Ashburn - I will die on this hill

    Kate Laine-Toner - Where do I start - How to Navigate the Emotional Journey of Autism Parenting

    Dr Ross Greene - The Explosive Child

    Yellow LadyBugs - Supporting Autistic Girls & Gender Diverse Youth


    Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
    Instagram: @glassfulfilled
    Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub


    Isabella Ferguson: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
    Instagram: @alcoholandstresswithisabella
    Alcohol Freedom Small Group Challenge - Register here: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/alcoholfreedomchallenge
    The Alcohol Revolution 6-Week Program (Online or Podcast): https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/thealcoholrevolution

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Susan Larkin and her journey to finding her authentic self!
    Apr 6 2024

    Have you ever felt the weight of a wine glass tug not just at your hand but your entire life? Susan, our incredible guest and This Naked Mind certified coach, bravely opens up about her transition from stress-induced drinking to a vibrant alcohol-free existence, offering an intimate look at the liberation that comes with breaking free from the bottle. Through her narrative, Susan paints a vivid picture of her past - from her acting days to touring Australia - and how she came to the profound realization that even moderate drinking was dimming her sparkle.

    Our conversation traverses the challenging terrain of maintaining sobriety amidst the demands of a high-achieving life. Susan candidly discusses her own struggles with alcohol as she juggled a career, academic pursuits, and family responsibilities, revealing how she confronted the illusion of alcohol as a support system. Her journey, dotted with setbacks and self-imposed rules, ultimately led her to embrace programs like Sober Sis, marking a courageous step towards change and highlighting the importance of self-awareness and a strong support network in overcoming the reliance on alcohol.

    In this episode, listeners will be inspired by the joys and empowerment that an alcohol-free life can bring, as demonstrated by Susan's own surge of energy, creativity, and authenticity. She debunks the myth that alcohol serves as a muse for creativity and shares how pausing from alcohol can lead to 'want power' rather than willpower, crafting a compelling future vision minus the crutch of alcohol. Join us for a heartfelt and empowering discussion that not only sheds light on the alcohol-free journey but also extends a hand to those curious about embarking on this transformative path.

    Susan's website: https://www.susanlarkincoaching.com/
    Podcast: Feel Lit Alcohol Free


    Megan Webb: https://glassfulfilled.com.au
    Instagram: @glassfulfilled
    Bookclub: https://www.alcoholfreedom.com.au/unwinedbookclub


    Isabella Ferguson: https://isabellaferguson.com.au
    Instagram: @alcoholandstresswithisabella
    Alcohol Freedom Small Group Challenge - Register here: https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/alcoholfreedomchallenge
    The Alcohol Revolution 6-Week Program (Online or Podcast): https://resources.isabellaferguson.com.au/thealcoholrevolution

    Más Menos
    44 m