
  • Ep. 325 El gran reto en Vaca Muerta: La Gestión del Agua y los Hidrocarburos
    Jul 17 2024

    En este episodio mi invitada es Laura Forni, Directora del Departamento del Agua - en el Stockholm Environment Institute - Sede Estados Unidos.

    En esta oportunidad analizamos un interesante reporte de su autoria y otros colaboradores titulados "Implicaciones de la producción de shale oil & gas en las áreas de las cuencas hidrográficas de Vaca Muerta, Argentina"

    Entre otros puntos Laura Forni destaca la importancia de los stakeholders, el riesgo en la gestión del agua y un tema crítico en el yacimiento de Vaca Muerta las aguas residuales.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Ep. 324 The Profiteers and Their Hidden Social and Environmental Costs
    Jun 27 2024

    Business leaders and corporations profess their dedication to sustainability and ESG metrics, but the question is: do they do it?

    Christopher Marquis is the author of The Profiteers: How Business Privatizes Profits and Socializes Costs.

    Christopher Marquis is the Sinyi Professor of Chinese Management at the University of Cambridge in the UK. This episode highlights interesting points from his books, such as Corporate Gaslighting, ESG as a toxic term, externalities, and more.

    I highly recommend his book.

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Ep. 323 Palm Oil Unveiled: Biodiversity, Corporations, and Sustainability
    May 31 2024

    Welcome, some Business Perspectives, I am Juan Carlos Giraldo from Boston, United States. Palm oil is used in almost everything that is used in our homes, such as frying oil, margarine, butter, cookies, snacks, ice cream, soap, etc.

    According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the palm oil industry is a strategic product that contributes to society's economic and social growth.

    However, companies have a lot of work to do in their relationship with biodiversity and palm oil, as clearing land for plantations is a significant driver of deforestation.

    Today, in this episode, my guest is Michelle Desilets. Michelle is the executive director of the Orangutan Land Trust, which aims to find sustainable solutions for the long-term survival of the orangutan in the wild and raise consumer awareness to demand sustainable palm oil. We talked about biodiversity, corporations, sustainability, and palm oil.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Ep. 322 Analizando el libro : Purpose + Profit: "How Business Can Lift Up The World"
    Apr 30 2024

    En este nuevo episodio estaré analizando y compartiendo mis puntos de vista de un libro que terminé de leer. Este libro esta escrito por George Serafeim, titulado Purpose + Profit : How Business Can lift Up The World. Es un buen libro y no es muy denso, fácil de leer y te permite engancharse rápidamente con la temática ESG.

    George Serafeim, es profesor de Administración de Empresas en Harvard Business School.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Ep. 321 Complex Challenge: ESG in the Political Arena
    Mar 19 2024

    There is currently political polarization in the United States regarding Sustainable Investing and the environmental, social, and governance metrics, also well-known as ESG.

    My guest for this episode is Urban Larson.

    Urban is a Sustainable Finance Advisor at White Pine Advisory and a professor of Sustainable Investing at Duke University.

    Visit: www.whitepineadvisory.com

    We discuss why ESG metrics have become politicized these days and the critical aspects of his interesting article: “ESG Backlash: Why Politicians Attack Sustainable Investing?” https://www.whitepineadvisory.com/investment-insights/esg-backlash

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Ep. 320 Life Cycle Assessment: Un Método Esencial En Las Empresas
    Feb 20 2024

    Un pilar fundamental que puede ayudar a las empresas a tomar decisiones más informadas y diseñar estrategias adecuadas para avanzar en su camino a la sostenibilidad es el Life Cycle Assessment o LCA.

    El LCA nos va a ayudar a identificar el impacto ambiental en todo el proceso de vida de un producto.

    En este episodio me acompaña desde Londres, el Reino Unido, Adrian Garyacochea, un analista que conoce muy bien el Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) con el cual conversamos acerca del concepto, beneficios, retos y etapas y mas acerca del LCA.

    Contacta con Adrian Garaycochea su perfil de LinkedIn


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    23 m
  • Ep. 319 ESG, Risks and the Path to Responsible Mining
    Jan 18 2024

    The energy transition faces many challenges, and mining companies play an essential role in this energy transition with the need for critical minerals. Mining companies have an excellent opportunity to contribute to the energy transition by providing many raw materials.

    Implementing best practices in ESG (environmental, social, and governance) is crucial in this essential industry. The goal of having responsible mining also represents risks and challenges, but, at the same time, many opportunities today and in the years to come.

    To discuss these topics, my guest in this episode is Melissa Barbanell.

    Melissa Barbanell, is the Director of International Engagement US for the World Resources Institute, has over 20 years of experience in environmental policy, government affairs, climate advocacy, and responsible mining.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Ep. 318 Sustainability and Consumers: Does Our Sustainable Behavior Change According to Our Pocketbook?
    Nov 26 2023

    I read an interesting article published by Deloitte titled "Economic Uncertainty Puts Pressure on Sustainable Behavior Change." Discussing this article with some of my colleagues would be a great opportunity.

    In this episode, my guests are from Denmark. Josephine Piplits is the founder and CEO of TripDoodler. Tripodoodler is a company with one purpose: to make it easier for travelers to make more sustainable choices through sustainability information for their travel choices.

    My other guest is Douglas Marett, director of GH Sustainability. GH Sustainability provides companies worldwide with innovative results in sustainable solutions, climate change, energy, and the environment.

    As a co-host, I have Giorgos Papagianakis from Athens, Greece. Giorgos is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Peloponnese in Greece. He is interested in Corporate Sustainability and Innovation and studies why and how organizations incorporate socio-environmental perspectives into their decisions and strategies.

    For this episode, we will analyze parts of the Deloitte article and provide our perspective on consumer behavior and interest, as well as how the economic aspect could be a factor in changing behavior toward the consumption of sustainable products.

    As a previous note, this episode's participants, including myself, have no business relationship with Deloitte, and our opinions are based on our analysis of the article.





    Más Menos
    32 m