
  • Justin Peyton, Wunderman Thompson & BRAND N3XT
    Oct 14 2022

    Objects: things we covet, collect, display, share and utilise. But what do they mean as ‘stuff’ increasingly integrates with our digital lives, or even morphs into virtual worlds?

    Who better to ask than Justin Peyton from Wunderman Thompson, whose BRAND N3XT platform explores the people and ideas that are working to make Web3 and Metaverse a positive force for people, business and society.

    In Potluck’s latest episode, hear Justin’s thoughts on…

    ·       How he defines the Metaverse amidst all the babble

    ·       Why ‘identity brands’ lead the way in this space, but take note of ‘experience brands’ as the fast-followers

    ·       The increasingly blended interface between the physical and the digital, including concepts like digital twins and tokenised memberships

    ·       Opportunities for elevating both brand experiences and communities

    ·       And how the real experimentation - and application - is only just beginning…

    Check out Justin's BRAND N3XT content via: https://brandn3xt.substack.com/


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    57 m
  • Chris Arning, Creative Semiotics
    Jun 1 2022

    This time, it's Chris Arning who's come to stir the pot with Drago and Scott. Chris runs boutique consultancy Creative Semiotics, teaches an online course titled How to Do Semiotics in Seven Weeks and is the co-founder of Semiofest, and more...

    What did we get up to stirring up:

    - We start off with that perennial question of what is Semiotics.
    - Chris shares some examples from applying Semiotics to work in Asia; Chris is an unashamed Japanophile, so of course he mixes in Japan examples, too
    - Then we talk about the raison d'etre of an online course on Semiotics: Chris shares the trials and triumphs of his journey setting it up and running it; and he offers some generous advice on how one could share their knowledge and experience with others--and turn it into a product
    - Finally, in the run-up to our miniseries on The Meaning of Objects (working title!), Chris helps us wrap our head around how Semiotics approaches 'things' with some examples from his and his colleagues' work.

    Important to note that Chris is wearing a baseball cap throughout the interview. 



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    39 m
  • Pei Ying Loh, Kontinentalist
    Mar 14 2022

    Potluck returns for our 3rd season, and the first episode of 2022.

    Pei Ying Loh is Head & Co-Founder of Kontinentalist, an organisation dedicated to telling data-driven stories about Asia.  As a collective of writers, designers, developers and data-visualisers, they tackle topics connected to Culture, Politics, People and History through various creative approaches.

    Our discussion charts:

    - The parallels between Pei Ying’s background in History and storytelling, and Kontinentalist’s origins

    - Cartography of culture: how maps have played a pivotal role in taking readers on a journey, and building empathy for the issue at hand

    - Bridging the gap between research and the public: with much of the work being cause-driven, we discuss the need to turn heavy data into digestible stories for a wider audience 

    - Asia misunderstood: the motivations that lie behind debunking myths and being sensitive to the region’s data and cultural contexts

    - Data-visualisation: lessons on what makes it effective,  and avoiding the trap of style-over-substance 

    Plus Drago and I share our views on how brands are approaching the War in Ukraine.

    Check-out some of the stories we discuss:






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    56 m
  • The Big Pot 2021: Year-end Potluck Digest
    Dec 7 2021

    Before Scott and Drago hang their aprons and ladles for the year, they sit down to stir the pot one last time in 2021.
    The two hosts discuss their favourite parts of the conversations they've had throughout the year with Katie Dreke, Ambrish Chaudhry, Charlotte Wilkinson, Ajay Jilka, Jocelyn Tse, Simon Chadwick, Vasuki Shastry and Peter Smyth.

    Among other things, they're discussing...
    - If Asia's not overhyped, then what is it? ...and some words of caution about the future of Asia in a digest of what people see when they Lift the Lid on Asia..
    - A summary of our guests' strategies to learn about people and cultures in the region: the top Human Hacks
    - ..and finally, the top peeves that people shared - in a summary of Brand Burns


    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • The Full Feast with Peter Smyth, Parts 1-3
    Sep 3 2021

    Hear the full feast of our conversation with Peter Smyth, a man of many talents, analogies and stories! We follow his cycle from Toronto to Hong Kong, onwards to Tokyo – and now back. Where his career has spanned both big agency life (BBDO) and the world of luxury marketing with Louis Vuitton and latterly Van Cleef & Arpels.

    We lift the lid on Asia and particularly Japan via his deft tips for navigating Japanese culture (it’s all about finding your role in the play), the Darwinian approach to biz and marketing strategy and a comparison between Western and Japanese strategic thinking.

    With the pot fully boiling, part 2 sees us uncover Peter’s modus operandi for understanding people and culture, whether it be ‘thinking in bets’, the role of insight to illuminate (vs validate) and balancing gut instinct with ‘what the data is saying’.

    Before we finish with an eclectic flurry – from Honda motorbikes and the bullshit of ‘linear’ strategic thinking, to the quirks of young ad executive life.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Brand Burns, with Peter Smyth - Part 3
    Aug 27 2021

    In the third and final part of our conversation with Peter Smyth, we have the usual conversation for this segment around three main areas:

    Flavour of the Month, where we travel back in time to Honda motorbike's entry into the US in 1962.

    In Brand Bullshit, Pete takes on the linearity of decision making in business and marketing strategy.

    Fortunate Failures draws the curtain on Pete's experience as a young account exec carrying boards for the BBDO creatives in Toronto and how that experience had taught him to embrace randomness.

    Another title Pete mentions:
    Call Sign Chaos, by Jim Mattis


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    26 m
  • Hacking Humans, with Peter Smyth - Part 2
    Aug 25 2021

    In Part 2 - ‘Hacking Humans’, we fold in the next layer of our conversation with Peter Smyth.

    This time, Drago and I enjoy hearing his modus operandi for understanding people and culture…

    ·       ‘Thinking in bets’, and how life is far more poker than chess

    ·       How great insight boils down to great people illuminating the opportunity ahead…

    ·       Balancing gut instinct vs. ‘what the data is saying’, both-ism and the art of integrated thinking (why the separation between art and science?)

    ·       Case-study writing: how the reality of the work isn’t captured by a template for linear thinking

    ·       Managing people: applying parenting principles, the importance of encouraging ‘self-agency’ and instilling not only motivation – but creating opportunities to initiate change

     Plus a selection of thought-provoking books, namely:

    ·       Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts,  Annie Duke

    ·       Cognitive Surplus, Clay Shirky

    ·       The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell


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    28 m
  • Lifting the Lid on Asia, with Peter Smyth - Part 1
    Aug 23 2021

    Drago and Scott are stirring the pot - with Peter Smyth, Head of Marketing & Comms at Van Cleef & Arpels Japan.

    A strategy legend in Japan, Peter is with BBDO for 16 years - in Toronto, HK and Tokyo.  He then moves to client side to become VP of Comms and Marketing at Louis Vuitton Japan before joining Van Cleef. Peter has been in Japan for 16 years until his recent move to Toronto with his family.

    In part 1 Lifting the Lid on Asia you can hear: 
    - How far Pete can take a dish analogy - being Canadian and all
    - His shorthands for navigating Japanese culture and learning the script of the Japanese 'play'
    - The Darwinian approach of Japanese business and marketing strategy
    - The Japanese concept of choice: is it a good or a bad thing?
    - Differences and similarities between Japanese, French and American approach to strategy
    - What the responsibility of the marketer is in telling the brand story (Pete doesn't mean to sound grand!)
    ...and more

    A few books mentioned: 
    Annie Duke's Thinking in Small Bets
    Maria Konnikova's The Biggest Bluff
    Barry Schwartz's The Paradox of Choice

    Tune in for part 2 Hacking Humans where we hack into Pete's brain to learn about learning.


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    32 m